UbuntuIRC / 2014 /07 /20 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== lilliejj is now known as John_Lillie_LT
=== fenris is now known as Guest64306
=== daniel is now known as Guest19473
=== Guest19473 is now known as daniel__
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=== notzopsi is now known as zopsi
=== kubuntu is now known as pcvonz
[04:03] <pcvonz> hi everyone
[04:03] <pcvonz> I am in need of help,
[04:03] <pcvonz> I have a hard drive that I can't access (it's probably at the end of it's life).
[04:03] <pcvonz> Whenever I try to mount it: http://pastebin.com/LB1mDXWU
[04:03] <pcvonz> Anyone have any ideas on how to access it? I have work I need to finish on it :(
[04:07] <pcvonz> First freelance job and my hard drive kicks the bucket.
[04:07] <pcvonz> man
[04:07] <pcvonz> Oh wait
[04:07] <pcvonz> Random forum post has saved the day! Yay Linux!
[06:59] <alvin> Heh. Good luck with the freelance job
[07:27] <brokenaudio> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1321421 I've tried the fix but it does not work, any ideas why?
[07:27] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 1321421 in linux (Ubuntu) "8086:8ca0 Sound output distorted/unusable with Intel Z97/H97" [Medium,Fix released]
=== Toast__ is now known as Toast
[09:09] <lordievader> Good morning.
[09:11] <SierraAR> Howdy howdy
[09:17] <jemandus> Good morning, I use K3B for at least 5 years now. Now I use a Lenovo W510 and K3B runs fine BUT doesn't write anything to the CD or DVD. K3B exits with "SUCCESS". Any clues?
[09:18] <lordievader> Hey SierraAR, how are you?
[09:18] <SierraAR> Tired. Why am I alive right now
[09:18] <SierraAR> I mean awake
[09:19] <SierraAR> jemandus: You've probably already checked this, but just to make sure... Is it a drive capable of writing to the disk?
[09:21] <jemandus> SierraAR: CD-RW DVD-Multirecorder
[09:21] <SierraAR> I have no idea what DVD-Multirecorder means
[09:22] <jemandus> HL-DT-STDVDRAM GT33N
[09:24] <jemandus> HITACHI
[09:48] <smoof> anyone here please?
[09:49] <lordievader> smoof: Just ask your question.
[09:49] <smoof> ok well you know Im in ubuntu 14.04 right
[09:49] <smoof> i just reinstalled it lolo! for like the 10th time...
[09:50] <smoof> i was trying to arrange the icons. You know theres that semi transparent box on the desktop, if you put links in there you can arrange the icons, but if you put icons directly on the desktop you can't arrange them.
[09:50] <smoof> so i arrange my icons but i acccidentally make the transparent box go away... now all my wonky out of alignment icons are cluttering my desktop.
[09:51] <smoof> what is that box called and how to I get it back...? it usually / initially shows documents and stuff...
[09:51] <smoof> (and yes I am creating a perfect work environment which I will clone with filezilla, no more 10 x installing after my php bungles...
[09:51] <smoof> anyone know what the hell that semi transparent area is? coz if you right click on it you have the option to arrange icons, but directly in the desktop you don't.
[09:52] <lordievader> smoof: You are probably talking about the folder widget.
[09:52] <smoof> ah ok
[09:52] <smoof> let me see if that's what it is...
[09:53] <smoof> ok so how do I get it back on there?
[09:54] <lordievader> Right click desktop -> add widgets -> search for folder -> double click.
[09:55] <smoof> awesome got it!
[09:55] <smoof> haha folder widget
[09:55] <smoof> omfg
[09:55] <smoof> thnx...
[09:55] <smoof> lol
[09:55] <smoof> I will finally has the perrfect linux work environment :)
[09:55] <smoof> how can I make the icons on there though be secured so if i accidentally kill it they dont disappear when i reactivate it? lock widget?
[09:56] <lordievader> Yes, lock the widgets.
[09:58] <smoof> wait lol
[09:58] <smoof> so the folder widget shows the dirs right, but it also shows a desktop folder and in the desktop, voila, is all my icons
[09:58] <smoof> but i want them displayed , not hidden in that folder...
[09:59] <lordievader> smoof: Reconfigure the widget.
[09:59] <smoof> haha
[09:59] <smoof> lol
[10:00] <smoof> easier said than done
[10:01] <smoof> now that previous folder widget is just an icon in another widget, hiding all my damn icons. How annoying
[10:02] <smoof> just cut and pasted them :) thanks
[10:02] <smoof> so if I delete a folder on the desktop does that destroy the icon or the whole dir?
[10:02] <smoof> sigh ill have to check
[10:02] <smoof> omg I <3 linux!
[10:02] <smoof> haha
[10:07] <smoof> can I save my folder widget so that it doesn't get puckered up?
[10:12] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[10:31] <leo__> hi everybody, it's the first time for me...
[10:31] <smoof> hi, leo_
[10:31] <smoof> I mean, leo__
[10:31] <jemandus> Hi again! Who is running a VPN? Mine isn't working since I reinstalled Kubuntu 14.04.
[10:31] <smoof> u in china?
[10:31] <jemandus> no
[10:31] <leo__> sorry i'm in france
[10:40] <BluesKaj> jemandus, which vpn type ?
[10:43] <jemandus> openVPN
[10:44] <jemandus> BluesKaj: OpenVPN
[10:46] <BluesKaj> ok jemandus does your server have a tutorial or installer for openvpn-network manager, and is it a free or commercial server?
[10:51] <jemandus> it's VyprVPN : https://www.goldenfrog.com/DE/support/vyprvpn/vpn-setup/linux/openvpn
[10:57] <jemandus> BluesKaj: the VPN worked ok under an upgraded 14.04 - it does not work under fresh installed 14.04
[10:58] <BluesKaj> jemandus, you need to reinstall it after an OS reinstall
[11:02] <smoof_> disaster struck
[11:03] <smoof_> well i managed to format my usb to fat32
[11:03] <jemandus> BluesKaj: you bet - I shure did that - what's missing?
[11:03] <smoof_> and then copied clonezilla yonder
[11:04] <BluesKaj> jemandus, make sure network-manager-openvpn is installed
[11:04] <jemandus> it is!
[11:07] <jemandus> it's network-manager-openvpn (
[11:08] <BluesKaj> jemandus, have you set the username and passwd in the network manager connection editor, the wrench in the upper right of the popup
[11:18] <jemandus> BluesKaj : I removed and reinstalled - everything is fine! It works. THX
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[12:18] <rick7568> does anyone know a way to rid my system of a joystick i no longer use?
[12:26] <BluesKaj> rick7568, unplug it, then reboot
[12:41] <rick7568> BluesKaj tried that, it still shows up
[12:42] <rick7568> as /dev/input/js0
[12:48] <BluesKaj> rick7568, do an lsmod , find the driver and black list it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
[12:52] <rick7568> BluesKaj it should show up in joydev, right?
[12:53] <BluesKaj> rick7568, not sure, never used a joystick
[12:56] <rick7568> BluesKaj theres 3 blacklists in that file for xpad alredy
[12:56] <rick7568> already
[12:58] <BluesKaj> rick7568, sorry i don't know how else to help...to me it's a situation that one just ignores if it doesn't affect thje rest of your system ,,,and are you sure xpad = joystick driver?
[12:58] <rick7568> BluesKaj no im not sure
[12:59] <rick7568> BluesKaj still trying to learn my way around linux
[13:00] <rick7568> BluesKaj its causing conflicts, thats why im trying to rid my system of it
[13:00] <BluesKaj> what conflict?
[13:01] <rick7568> im trying to set input for tuxracer, and i think its selecting itself as a driving direction
[13:01] <rick7568> before i can select
[13:02] <rick7568> its just bizzare that after i unplugged it, its still showing up
[13:02] <rick7568> and rebooted
[13:03] <rick7568> lesson learned : dont use ms harware on linux
[13:03] <rick7568> hardware
[13:13] <rick7568> BluesKaj found and trying to blacklist
[13:14] <rick7568> the name
[14:06] <adi__> hi. what do you guys use to encrypt a folder or a file.
[14:06] <adi__> what is the best app for encryption. thanks
[14:10] <yossarianuk> adi__: you may want to add more detail - i.e encrypt a file or partition, etc
[14:38] <rick7568> BluesKaj if you're still here, thank you for the help
=== sergio is now known as Guest48384
[18:00] <omer> hi
[18:01] <omer> hello
[18:02] <omer> hello
=== soee_ is now known as soee
[19:11] <kappos> /msg NickServ kappos 0166-10141409
[20:21] <akakami> join kubuntu-offtopic
=== notzopsi is now known as zopsi
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=== notzopsi is now known as zopsi
=== zopsi is now known as notzopsi
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[22:21] <skinux> How specifically does KTimeTracker's auto-detect functionality work? Is it actually detecting which application(s) is/are running, which has focus, and how long each focus lasts??
=== SporkWitch|Lapto is now known as SporkWitch
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=== notzopsi is now known as zopsi