UbuntuIRC / 2014 /07 /12 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:19] <elopio> ok, this won't work for 24 hours on jenkins :(
[00:19] <elopio> tomorrow, I think it will pass.
[00:54] <daker> balloons: https://twitter.com/UbuntuTesting/status/487760664325156864
[00:56] <balloons> daker, thanks.. weird
[01:21] <balloons> elopio, I'll take your word for it
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[13:27] <gerlowskija> elopio: ping
[14:07] <nik90_> mzanetti: ping
[14:12] <mzanetti> nik90_: hey
[14:13] <nik90_> mzanetti: hey would it be possible to have a hangout for about 20-30 minutes to pick your brain on a qml c++ plugin?
[14:13] <nik90_> mzanetti: doesn't have to be today
[14:13] <nik90_> mzanetti: anytime you are free would be nice
[14:13] <mzanetti> nik90_: sure
[14:14] <nik90_> mzanetti: when would you like to have it?
[14:14] <mzanetti> hmm, maybe a bit later today...
[14:15] <mzanetti> nik90_: a bit busy atm, can I ping you later about it?
[14:15] <nik90_> mzanetti: alrite, ping me when you are free later
[14:15] <mzanetti> ok
[14:15] <nik90_> yeah
[16:07] <bzoltan> nik90_: thank you for helping out the folks with the menu probelm :) I was out of network reach.
[16:27] <nik90_> bzoltan: no worries :)
[16:51] <bzoltan> nik90_: so it seems that the new 3.1.1 release did not mess up anything :)
[16:51] <nik90_> bzoltan: yup :)
[16:52] <bzoltan> nik90_: it is a huge luck that we got the qtc 3.1.1 backported to qt52 ... when it was released with the 5.3 I wonder how long our luck will last. At some point QtC will not be backportable to the LTS
[16:53] <nik90_> bzoltan: I can imagine..I have been coding in a 14.10 VM for the past few weeks. I suppose we must update the instructions on developer.ubuntu.com to use a 14.10 VM or release instead of 14.04
[16:54] <nik90_> bzoltan: Or even better, provide a downloadable VM that people can use just for development purposes with all the necessary tools ready
[16:56] <nik90_> bzoltan: In the future when Unity 8 becomes default, would it be possible to provide QtC+Qt 5.x in a click package that people can install without having to upgrade their OS? That would make it super convenient to stick with one OS version and keep updating the SDK.
[16:57] <bzoltan> nik90_: Yes, in the confined click world this issue will be different.
[16:58] <bzoltan> nik90_: SDK in VM is a trivial solution but to be honest I find it rather unprofessional as a primary method of distribution.
[16:59] <nik90_> bzoltan: I agree, but requesting developers to download a development release of Ubuntu which cannot be found so easily is helpful either.
[16:59] <nik90_> isn't helpful either*
[16:59] <bzoltan> nik90_: I think either the co-installation of minor Qt releases should be resolved, or we need to install the Qt to the user space.
[17:00] <bzoltan> nik90_: LTS is LTS, so we will never suggest developers to upgrade from LTS to use the SDK
[17:00] <nik90_> bzoltan: at the moment, for an external 3rd party app dev, it is confusing to install 14.04 and then realise that he won't get the new headers and other cool sdk features
[17:19] <bzoltan> nik90_: why would not he get? It is all in the emulator and in the chroot... When a developer installs the Android SDK on OSX is it expected to see all the android APIs on the OSX?
[17:20] <bzoltan> nik90_: I know it will take time to educate some folks that the development environment and the target environment are two different place
[17:20] <nik90_> bzoltan: true that would work
[17:22] <bzoltan> nik90_: the problem right now is that we should support not only the phone app development but the desktop app/scope development. Right now we have good target emulator of the phone, but not for the desktop. But it is being worked out :)
[17:23] <nik90_> bzoltan: yeah I am waiting for rsalvetti to add support for updating the emulator images on the fly. Currently we have to recreate the emulator to get the latest image
[17:24] <nik90_> bzoltan: although I guess this shouldn't be too much of an issue for people targetting the stable images in the future
[17:29] <bzoltan> nik90_: yes, it should not be much. The emulator update would be fun.