UbuntuIRC / 2014 /07 /11 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== ikonia is now known as Guest70019
=== claydoh is now known as Guest63829
[05:17] <soee> Riddell: the blue breeze window decoration is gone after latest updates, this is intended?
[07:57] <Riddell> soee: I think sgclark repackaged it so it'll now be in a separate package
[08:00] <soee> Riddell: ok, this package is not uploaded yet right ?
[08:00] <Riddell> dunno, I can see a kde-style-breeze
[08:00] <Riddell> soee: install that ↑
[08:21] <soee> Riddell: nope, this one does not brink this decoration back :)
[09:27] <Riddell> soee: ah hah, try kwin-style-theme
[09:27] <Riddell> that name should be fixed
[09:27] <soee> let me check :) so many changes -.-
[09:29] <soee> Riddell: also doesn't help :D
[09:41] <Riddell> soee: uploaded ~ppa2 with kwin style renamed to kwin-style-breeze
[09:41] <Riddell> but same contents, can you not select it in window manager settings -> window decorations ?
[09:41] <shadeslayer> I hate tests
[09:41] <shadeslayer> I hate them
[09:42] <soee> Riddell: i dont have it on the list, i have only oxygen and plastik
[09:42] <Riddell> soee: do you have /usr/share/kwin/decorations/kwin4_decoration_qml_breeze/metadata.desktop ?
[09:43] <soee> Riddell: yes
[09:45] <Riddell> and run kbuildcoca5 for good effect? :)
[09:45] <Riddell> soee: ah, do you have /usr/share/kservices5/kwin/kwin4_decoration_qml_breeze.desktop ?
[09:46] <soee> Riddell: nope, this one is missing
[09:46] <Riddell> there's our problem
[09:46] <soee> have only kwin4_decoration_qml_plastik.desktop
[09:47] <Riddell> mgraesslin: random question, why the 4 in "kwin4_decoration_qml_breeze" ?
[09:48] <mgraesslin> Riddell: no idea, they used to be called kwin3 in the kwin4 world
[09:49] <mgraesslin> I don't think we test the name any more - I removed that restriction
[09:49] <Riddell> off by one error
[09:49] <Riddell> soee: install this see if it helps starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kwin-style-breeze_5.0.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa2_amd64.deb
[09:49] <mgraesslin> Riddell: well no, technically kwin5 is the 4th version
[09:49] <mgraesslin> in KDE 1 there was no KWin
[09:50] <apachelogger> technically kdelibs4 was kdelibs5, didn't stop anyone from calling it kdelibs4 all the same ^^
[09:50] <mgraesslin> no that was only downstream, upstream it was 4
[09:50] <Riddell> I'm sure I remember a window manager in KDE 1
[09:50] <mgraesslin> it was called KWM
[09:51] <Riddell> ah, a classic
[09:52] <soee> Riddell: force overwrite http://paste.ubuntu.com/7779445/ ?
[09:52] <Riddell> soee: yeah go ahead
[09:52] <apachelogger> mgraesslin: no, if you look at the version of the lib you'll see a 5 and not a 4 :P
[09:53] <mgraesslin> apachelogger: upstream? I thought that was all downstream due to BC changes very down in the stack
[09:53] <soee> Riddell: got the decoration back on the list :)
[09:53] <Riddell> yay, thanks for your testing efforts
[09:54] <Riddell> soee: although as martin keeps saying, it's buggy and you may not want to use it
[09:54] <soee> Riddell: thanks for the fix :)
[09:54] <soee> buggy ? :o
[09:54] <Riddell> tsdgeos: how are version numbers added to bugzilla for SC releases? is there a nice automated way?
[09:54] <mgraesslin> buggy is an understatement
[09:54] <soee> iv seen small artfacts left after window resize etc, but didn't think this might be related to window decoration
[09:55] <mgraesslin> I told people since January that we cannot have an Aurorae window decoration in the release
[09:55] <mgraesslin> but everybody ignored me :-(
[09:56] <soee> :)
[09:56] <soee> btw. thie forst release wont have decoration, qtcurve nor the icons right ?
[09:56] <soee> *the first
[09:56] <tsdgeos> Riddell: no idea
[09:57] <mgraesslin> I'm a little bit pissed about it as I will have to handle the bug reports
[09:58] <Riddell> soee: the only artwork that's changed by default is the wallpaper, everything else is oxygen I think
[09:58] <Riddell> oh and the font
[09:58] <apachelogger> mgraesslin: yeah that was upstream, way back when commit messages were in german I think ^^
[09:58] <Riddell> (which is oxygen, but wasn't default before)
[09:58] <soee> Riddell: nice, thank you
[09:59] <Riddell> soee: and the plasma widget theme is updated
[10:00] <soee> i think the performance is bit better when using oxygen decoration than with breeze
[10:00] <mgraesslin> a bit is an understatement
[10:00] <mgraesslin> that's actually the main issue
[10:01] <soee> :)
[10:01] <Riddell> probably depends on your graphics setup, it's slow as molasses for me
[10:02] <mgraesslin> well it has to read memory back
[10:02] <soee> im on propriety drivers here
[10:02] <mgraesslin> which sucks badly
[10:02] <mgraesslin> and that's kind of unfixable
[10:02] <mgraesslin> but I'm working on a new breeze deco in C++
[10:02] <mgraesslin> http://paste.opensuse.org/75160382
[10:03] <Riddell> :)
[10:03] <Riddell> now that's awesome
[10:03] <mgraesslin> of course it is, it's the magical unicorn Jos asked for
[10:03] <mgraesslin> only the "donate now" sign is missing
[10:04] <Riddell> :)
[10:05] <mgraesslin> but I also have John's dollar button: http://paste.opensuse.org/83183328
[10:06] <Riddell> genius
[10:23] <soee> hmm, when using white theme, the loading screen or the screen locked theme is dark, and when using dark theme the both mentioned are white :)
[10:23] <soee> this is how it should be ? :)
[10:30] <Riddell> soee: white theme of what?
[10:31] <soee> Riddell: plasma theme
[10:31] <soee> we have breeze white and dark
[10:32] <soee> when breeze white is set, try to lock your screen, than you will have dark theme used on that screen
[10:33] <Riddell> oh aye
[10:33] <Riddell> soee: I think that's how it is supposed to be, on lock screen the widgets are dark on dark theme (background stripe is lighter)
[10:35] <soee> so the same will be with lightdm/sddm ? dark login screen and white plasma theme ? :)
[10:36] <Riddell> dunno, up to the artists
[10:47] <shadeslayer> sigh
[10:47] <shadeslayer> I hate copyright files
[10:48] <shadeslayer> not sure if I've said that before
[10:48] <apachelogger> only every other week
[10:48] <shadeslayer> I should hire someone via amazon mechanical turk
[10:48] <shadeslayer> to do this
[10:49] <shadeslayer> I'd even go as far as saying that populating debian/copyright is better than alcohol at killing brain cells
[10:49] <Riddell> oh that's an excellent idea for updating the bugzilla verion numbers for Plasma 5
[10:49] <shadeslayer> Riddell: well, not really
[10:49] <shadeslayer> because they'd have to have admin privilliges
[10:49] <shadeslayer> could screw up bugzilla for all you know
[10:50] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: want to kill some brain cells?
[10:50] <apachelogger> (they need limited admin privs)
[10:50] <Riddell> well that's easy to automate, heck I can just give them my password
[10:50] <Riddell> seems to be hard to automate adding a line to a database for the version number
[10:51] <apachelogger> no?
[10:51] <apachelogger> the page I linked to you even has example code
[10:53] <Riddell> right but that's on a server which I have no access to
[10:53] <Riddell> and it's in perl
[10:54] <Riddell> which I learnt once and then I learnt cobol and then I got over my youthful sillyness
[10:54] <apachelogger> not hard then
[10:55] <apachelogger> oh, ktux is still running
[10:55] <apachelogger> I totally don't get this app
[10:56] <apachelogger> mgraesslin: someone should axe everything in the kdetoys module I am reasonable certain nothing is maintained there and nothing is worth maintaining either
[10:56] <mgraesslin> but I want a little tux walking over my panel
[10:56] <apachelogger> yeah, but, that's not what it does
[10:56] * mgraesslin is not sure whether it was a good idea to say that, I don't want to become the maintainer
[10:56] <yofel> but, but, kteatime!
[10:56] <apachelogger> it's a screensaver in a window, a very cheap screensaver I might add -.-
[10:57] <mgraesslin> there's also kamor or something like that
[10:57] <yofel> it's amor
[10:57] <mgraesslin> yes and kteatime is important
[10:57] <apachelogger> teamtime can be kdeutils
[10:58] <mgraesslin> or just a plasmoid
[10:58] <apachelogger> that plasmoid still could live in kdeutils though :P
[10:59] <mgraesslin> or in plasma-workspace
[10:59] <apachelogger> anywhere but kdetoys
[10:59] <apachelogger> it could do it like oxygen-font and live in kdereview for half a year xD
[11:01] <shadeslayer> Riddell: Conflicting tags:
[11:01] <shadeslayer> 5.0.0-0ubuntu1
[11:02] <shadeslayer> so yeah, bzr can't delete tags
[11:02] <shadeslayer> oh
[11:02] <Riddell> http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/beta/en/user-reference/tag-help.html "
[11:03] <Riddell> Create, remove or modify a tag naming a revision."
[11:03] <Riddell> can too
[11:03] <apachelogger> everything can delete tags
[11:03] <apachelogger> even svn
[11:03] <apachelogger> for in svn tags are copies
[11:03] <apachelogger> xD
[11:06] <soee> Riddell: some parts of kde 4.14 are going to be included in unicorn ?
[11:06] <Riddell> soee: all of it
[11:06] <Riddell> assuming someone gets round to packaging it
[11:09] <shadeslayer> Riddell: can you check kcoreaddons
[11:09] <Riddell> shadeslayer: where?
[11:10] <shadeslayer> Riddell: just uploaded it to the archive
[11:23] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
=== Guest70019 is now known as ikonia
[11:51] <allee> installed utopic, added ppa next-utopic, now lightdm an startkde complain: Could not start D-bus. Can you call qdbus? and greeter is apprear again.
[11:52] <allee> Which log to check to find the bug?
[11:53] <soee> allee: install qt5-default
[11:55] * BluesKaj wonders why qt5-default isn't installed by default ... makes no sense
[11:55] <Riddell> because it should be fixed properly
[11:55] <Riddell> qt5-default is a developer tool
[11:55] <allee> soee: thx. So question is where is the qt5-defaults dependency missing?
[11:55] <Riddell> allee: it's not missing, it needs whatever calls qdbus to call /usr/lib/foo/qt5/qdbus directly
[11:55] <Riddell> maybe startkde
[11:56] <allee> Riddell: as lightdm's greeter also complains is must be somewhere deep in kde libs :-(
[11:57] <allee> Riddell: maybe prepend /usr/lib/foo/qt5 to the PATH of the greeter process?
[11:58] * allee search xsession scripts ...
[11:58] <mgraesslin> the message sounds like startkde
[11:58] <shadeslayer> whaa
[11:58] <shadeslayer> no
[11:58] <shadeslayer> no
[11:59] <shadeslayer> that would be all wrong
[11:59] <shadeslayer> would cause all sorts of madness
[11:59] <shadeslayer> what needs to be done is startkde needs fixing
[11:59] <shadeslayer> to use QT_SELECT=5
[11:59] <shadeslayer> actually
[11:59] <shadeslayer> there should be some check to see which qdbus is installed
[12:00] <shadeslayer> and use appropriate QT_SELECT
[12:00] <yofel> that should be fixed in qtchoose really
[12:00] <yofel> +r
[12:00] <shadeslayer> until that happens ... QT_SELECT :P
[12:00] <yofel> right
[12:00] <shadeslayer> I found out that lconvert has the same isse
[12:00] <Riddell> qt should just add a version number to their binaries really
[12:00] <Riddell> qtchooser is overengineering it
[12:01] <shadeslayer> well, qtchooser isn't supported by Qt
[12:01] <shadeslayer> or that's what I recall someone saying
[12:02] <allee> startkde used QT_SELECT + shell alias, maybe the same for the whatever start plasma5 desktop?
[12:05] <sgclark> Riddell: good morning, so you were right, those files are there, drkonqi is a new package in plasma-workspace?
[12:23] <apachelogger> maybe qtchooser should be fixed
[12:37] <allee> how unity handling it? AFAIR v8 is qt5 and before qt4 so they have the same problem
[12:45] <allee> shadeslayer: How about in plasma.desktop Exec=env QT_SELECT="qt5 qdbus" /usr/bin/startkde and qt4 in kde-plama.desktop
=== ovidiu-florin_ is now known as ovidiu-florin
[12:45] <apachelogger> that does not fix the bug
[12:46] * allee checks what qt5-default does to understand what the 'bug' is
[13:12] * BluesKaj thinks his move to install qt5-plasma etc is a mistake...too many basic operations aren't working, like copy and paste using the mouse and associated dialogs...at least ctrl+c and ctrl+v work ...new themes fail to download etc, but I guess it's early days
[13:13] <soee> BluesKaj: :O
[13:13] <soee> copy/paste works for me
[13:14] <soee> what new themes >
[13:14] <soee> BluesKaj: do you have the old Dolphin ?
[13:16] <allee> BluesKaj: I try qt5-plasma to find and help fix the packaging problems/bugs
[13:18] <BluesKaj> yes I have the old dolphin allee
[13:18] <BluesKaj> yeah , I just checked in kdelool , there no new themes :)
[13:18] <BluesKaj> kdelook
[13:19] <BluesKaj> there's
[13:26] <Riddell> sgclark: I wouldn't make it a separate package
[13:27] <Riddell> just keep it in plasma-workspace
[13:27] <shadeslayer> allee: that would still screw up everything that executes under plasmashell
[13:29] <allee> shadeslayer: ? Why? Now I have the feeling I still dont I understand the problem :-(
[13:30] <shadeslayer> allee: because then everything in plasmashell would be using Qt5 , and if you wanted to compile a Qt4 app, you'd be screwed
[13:31] <shadeslayer> not much different than qt5-default
[13:31] <BluesKaj> soee, I tried setting up the dropbox startup script in system settings, but pasting the path fails , the dialog is totally greyed out
[13:33] <soee> BluesKaj: oh im not using dropbox, i have my own owncloud server
[13:34] <BluesKaj> nice
[13:38] <allee> shadeslayer: well, env var are per process (+children), qt5-default is system wide and for all proc (also already running). So env var QT_SELECT in session desktop affect only the started session, so KDE4 and plasma5 in parallel are possible.
[13:39] <allee> if QT has such a stupid devel environment we just have to life with it, that during compile one has to explicitely choose with qt 4/5 one wants :-(
[13:40] * allee nevertheless considers ENV var as fragile and they should never be the final solution
[13:56] <apachelogger> allee: the problem is that qtchooser doesn't have appropriate fallback tech and that priority is all screwed because the default is always qt4 unless qt5-default is installed at which point default.conf becomes available
[14:05] <allee> apachelogger: isn't the first goal to find a way run a KDE SC 4 seesion and a plasma5 session on the same system? Build environment can always be controled in debian/rules.
[14:06] <allee> it's a dirty quickfix but at least a fix until upstream can be convinced to implement something sane.
[14:09] <apachelogger> there is a workaround which is exactly the same I made for 4.x
[14:22] <Riddell> can someasdfssdfasdfjklsdrgjkl
[14:22] <Riddell> bh
[14:22] <Riddell> can someone with the login issue test this patch to startkde? http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/DIFF
[14:25] <shadeslayer> looks wrong
[14:32] <sgclark> Riddell: libmm-qt is in bzr ready for your review
[14:33] <Riddell> awooga
[14:34] <sgclark> Riddell: so I see there are some new tars, did you already replace the uploaded?
[14:34] <Peace-> Riddell: btw why on neon 5 latest dolphin have not shell integrated ?
[14:34] <Peace-> has*
[14:35] <Peace-> => http://i.imgur.com/o1wV8NP.png
[14:52] <Riddell> sgclark: nope I've not replaced any which are new today
[14:53] <sgclark> Riddell: ok I will get that out of the way
[14:53] <Riddell> Peace-: dunno I don't make neon 5 but I saw in the announcement they went back to using kdelibs4 kde-baseapps (dolphin)
[14:54] <Peace-> ah
[14:54] <Peace-> tx for info Riddell
[14:58] <Riddell> meh, barcelona internet is being flakey
[15:05] <Riddell> sgclark: but hold off on baloo, that tar is broken
[15:05] <sgclark> Riddell: ahh ok
[15:08] <ScottK> agateau: ping. I have kapidox issues/questions.
[15:09] <ScottK> shadeslayer: ^^^ working on it.
[15:09] <agateau> ScottK: pong
[15:09] <allee> Riddell: I've applied your patch, deinstalled qt5-default and rebooted. Autologin was successful
[15:09] <Riddell> awooga
[15:09] <Riddell> however it's specific to amd64
[15:09] <allee> Riddell: yes :-)
[15:10] <Riddell> I wonder how to get that path for any platform
[15:10] <allee> how about qtpaths -qt 5... instead of full path?
[15:10] <ScottK> agateau: It looks like gv is not available for python3 (at least not in Debian/Ubuntu), so one can't do all of kapidox with python, but you use urllib.parse in src/kapidox/generator.p
[15:11] <ScottK> err .py
[15:11] <ScottK> urllib.parse is python3 only
[15:11] <agateau> mmm
[15:11] <allee> err does nnot work
[15:11] <ScottK> It's urlparse in python2.7.
[15:12] <agateau> ScottK: there is a try for the import
[15:12] <agateau> try:
[15:12] <agateau> from urllib.parse import urljoin
[15:12] <agateau> except ImportError:
[15:12] <agateau> from urlparse import urljoin
[15:12] <ScottK> Ah.
[15:12] <ScottK> Better I read the code and not just grep.
[15:12] <agateau> :)
[15:12] <allee> Riddell: qtpaths -qt=5 --binaries-dir
[15:13] <ScottK> agateau: The python is all just backed to the /usr/bin tools, so it doesn't matter for users if it's python or python3, right?
[15:14] <agateau> ScottK: yes, it's an "app", not a module for other Python programs
[15:14] <ScottK> OK.
[15:14] <ScottK> I'll go ahead and do this as python, not python3, so we can include the gv support.
[15:14] <ScottK> THanks.
[15:15] <shadeslayer> ScottK: yay
[15:15] <shadeslayer> ScottK: thanks
[15:16] <allee> Riddell: but qtpaths give this way the same result for KDE4 session and plasma5 session. Is that wanted?
[15:16] <ScottK> agateau: For a future release, the pythonic way to indicate modules are only intended for private use is to lead the name with an underscore, i.e. kapidox/_argparserutils.py or something like that.
[15:16] <Riddell> allee: if you have Plasma 5 installed you have no KDE 4 session
[15:17] <agateau> ScottK: really? I have never seen this before
[15:17] <agateau> or maybe, never noticed it
[15:17] <allee> Riddell: having both available is not a goal?
[15:17] <Riddell> no
[15:18] <ScottK> agateau: Yes. To pick one example that's related, the graphviz bindings have gv.py and _gv.so. The gv.py is the public wrapper to the "private" C extension.
[15:18] <allee> so only qt4 and qt5 environment on same system but only plasma desktop or plasma5 desktop
[15:18] <ScottK> The csv module does the same trick.
[15:18] <agateau> ScottK: I thought the _* notation was only for .so files
[15:19] <ScottK> Some people even use it in individual function names within a module.
[15:19] <agateau> I sometimes do prefix individual functions in a module
[15:19] <agateau> but only if the module is supposed to be "public"
[15:21] <ScottK> I could stash the kapidox module in a private space, but then I'd have to do something special for the /usr/bin scripts to find it.
[15:21] <ScottK> So, so kapidox is a public module, despite it's intended use.
[15:21] <ScottK> Just something to think about.
[15:24] <agateau> ScottK: indeed. But one would have to do a "from kapidox import something" to access it, so it's not polluting the public namespace, right?
[15:25] <ScottK> Not beyond taking the namespace kapidox
[15:25] <ScottK> You certainly wouldn't get anything accidentally.
[15:25] <agateau> ScottK: I have always wondered what was the best way to distribute a Python app made of multiple .py files
[15:26] <ScottK> Me too.
[15:26] <agateau> the Python doc is all about installing modules, there is very little about applications
[15:26] <agateau> Which is why I decided to go with installing my app as a module, with a script to start it
[15:47] <ScottK> agateau: it's a reasonable way to proceed.
[15:48] <ScottK> Riddell: Your changelog entry for kapidox says something about a lintian override being added, but it's not there. Did you forget to bzr add?
[15:49] <lordievader> Good afternoon.
[15:55] <Riddell> ScottK: dunno so, if I did it's gone
[15:55] <ScottK> Riddell: OK. I'll take care of it.
[16:01] <Riddell> sgclark: new baloo
[16:01] <Riddell> baloo;frameworks;2c4042b3cb98e2e0d68a57164faa81ad805fff38;baloo-5.0.0.tar.xz;1f2f0049e70cc207de581de7ee4b99d86d4ad8417901d558722905cf0b0c9594
[16:01] <Riddell> http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/plasma-5.0.0/baloo-5.0.0.tar.xz
[16:02] <sgclark> Riddell: ok thanks
[16:11] <shadeslayer> Riddell: warning: cannot find binary, udeb or source package -pedantic in lab (skipping)
[16:11] <shadeslayer> Riddell: lintian -pedantic ~/Downloads/libkf5itemviews5_5.0.0-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb
[16:12] <Riddell> shadeslayer: only libkf5itemmodels5_5.0.0-0ubuntu1_arm64.deb libkf5itemmodels5_5.0.0-0ubuntu1_powerpc.deb libkf5itemmodels5_5.0.0-0ubuntu1_ppc64el.deb
[16:17] <Riddell> sgclark, shadeslayer: tier 1 is in the archive!
[16:19] <shadeslayer> \o/
[16:20] <ScottK> agateau: Could we have man pages for depdiagram-generate-all, kgenframeworksapidox, depdiagram-generate, kgenapidox, and depdiagram-prepare in the next release?
[16:21] <agateau> ScottK: mmm, I never wrote a manpage, I guess I could use help2man or something
[16:21] <ScottK> There are plenty of ...2man tools, so whatever works for you.
[16:22] <ScottK> agateau: You can look at my pypolicyd-spf package to see an example of how to install man pages using setup.py too.
[16:22] <agateau> ScottK: ok
[16:22] <sgclark> Riddell: mmm locales were removed from baloo?
[16:22] <Riddell> meh
[16:23] <Riddell> well spotted
[16:33] <Riddell> sgclark: http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/plasma-5.0.0/baloo-5.0.0.tar.xz
[16:33] <Riddell> baloo;frameworks;2c4042b3cb98e2e0d68a57164faa81ad805fff38;baloo-5.0.0.tar.xz;92b5de11db66fe6037606ef34687f78ca626afbee1dea27c3ceb842782dc3af8
[16:34] <Riddell> ok I'm making too many mistakes, time to leave the computer
[16:34] <Riddell> ciao
[16:34] <Corodius> I know that feeling well ^_^ Have a good break Riddell :)
[16:48] <ScottK> agateau: one last thing ... kapidox: privacy-breach-generic usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/kapidox/data/templates/base.html www.kde.org/labels.rdf - See http://lintian.debian.org/tags/privacy-breach-generic.html for an explanation. It might be nice to consider this for a future release (not that I worry about kde.org too much).
[16:49] <agateau> ScottK: not sure what I can do there
[16:50] <ScottK> As a packager the thing I'd do is wget the labels.rdf file and then patch base.html to use it.
[16:51] <ScottK> I wasn't sure that made any sense in this case, so I decided just to mention it and leave it to you.
[16:55] <ScottK> shadeslayer, sgclark, agateau: kapidox is uploaded to the archive now.
[16:55] <shadeslayer> \o/
[16:59] <ScottK> shadeslayer: Probably worth looking at my changes to see how packaging a python app is different.
[16:59] <shadeslayer> when my brain is not all burnt out, sure :P
[17:01] <ScottK> What year does that happen in?
[17:11] <sgclark> Riddell: when your done resting plasma-workspace-wallpapers is in bzr ready for your review. I have to step out for a bit, will be back.
[17:12] <ScottK> sgclark: If you want to learn about python packaging, please have a look at what I did to kapidox. I'll be glad to answer questions.
[17:12] <sgclark> ScottK: yep! I will take a look when I get back, thanks :)
[17:12] <ScottK> Great.
=== SierraRazgriz is now known as SierraAR
=== ovidiu-florin_ is now known as ovidiu-florin
[18:34] <soee> some updates and libkf5dbusaddons-data kept back
[18:37] <ScottK> sgclark: Do you mind if I make /debian stuff in kapidox BSD two clause to match the rest of the package?
[18:58] <sgclark> ScottK: nope, not at all
[18:58] <ScottK> Thanks.
[19:16] <Riddell> ScottK, sgclark: debian have requested we make the packaging licencing match the upstream licencing for packages, so I guess it would be polite if we changed them all to match the code in the .tar
[19:16] <ScottK> Yes. I'm doing that for kapidox
[19:17] <Riddell> gosh 4.13.3 as well as 4.14 beta as well as plasma 5
[19:17] <sgclark> Riddell: ok no problem, I can do that while I remove the -data packages
[19:18] <Riddell> sgclark: magnifico :)
[19:18] * Riddell looks at plasma-workspace-wallpapers
[19:18] <sgclark> Riddell: so I go with Copying file or ?
[19:18] <Riddell> sgclark: how do you mean?
[19:19] <sgclark> Riddell: many have many licenses, how do I determine correct one?
[19:19] <Riddell> oh go for the most liberal
[19:19] <Riddell> usually LGPL2+
[19:19] <sgclark> ok
[19:19] <Riddell> (I think it's unnecessary but I like to keep Debian happy so they can use our packaging)
[19:20] <sgclark> right, that is what I wan too
[19:20] <sgclark> s/wan/want/
[19:20] <kubotu> sgclark meant: "right, that is what I want too"
[19:22] <Riddell> hmm, seems upstream (me) is quite inconsistent with plasma-workspace-wallpapers licencing
[19:22] <sgclark> Riddell: shadeslayer: with frameworks in archive, is there anything I do differently? I still use same bzr ?
[19:22] <Riddell> I'll have to send myself a polite e-mail to ask me to fix it
[19:22] <sgclark> lol
[19:22] <Riddell> sgclark: still use knextbzr for now I think
[19:22] <sgclark> ok ty
[19:25] <sgclark> Riddell: I thought I was suppose to get an email address with membership :(
[19:29] <ScottK> Riddell: I think the Debian request is reasonable because it avoids unfortunate questions like "what's the license of this patch".
[19:30] <Riddell> sgclark: should just work I think
[19:30] <Riddell> launchpadusername @ ubuntu.com and @kubuntu.org
[19:31] <Riddell> assuming you have a primary e-mail set in launchpad
[19:32] <sgclark> Riddell: hah! it works, thank you
[19:32] * sgclark changes her email everywhere
[19:32] <Riddell> sgclark: plasma-workspace-wallpapers all good except.. we're on 5.0.0 now, use the 4: epoch we're using in all packages for consistency, no need for debian/install file
[19:32] <Riddell> and I'll try to sort out the licencing and copyright holders upstream
[19:32] <Riddell> sgclark: don't change your primary e-mail in launchpad, bad things happen then I expect :)
[19:33] <sgclark> Riddell: lol yeah, meant in all the packaging stuff. Also, what about the IRC ghost? thought that was in the package too
[19:40] <sgclark> Riddell: is LiMux something I want to try for?
[19:43] <Riddell> sgclark: I suspect that a two day sprint isn't practical to come across the atlantic for
[19:43] <sgclark> ok
[19:43] <Riddell> as a far out idea if might be an idea to organise a US based sprint, depends who would be interested in it
[19:57] <Riddell> or re-launch camp KDE
[19:57] <Riddell> that would be cool
[19:57] <Riddell> trouble with camp KDE is I guess most of the people who were keen enough to organise it already went to akademy anyway, and without a team focus it died a bit
[20:07] <sgclark> I am not a "social butterfly" :( don't think I would be very good at organizing events lol
[20:08] <sgclark> I am trying to start going though, I will be helping LibreOffice at OSCON in a weekish
[20:10] <Riddell> oh cool
[20:14] * Riddell snoozes
[20:20] <MintyNinja41> Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew exactly when KDE Plasma 5 would be available for Kubuntu 14.04 (besides from experimental PPA or similar)?
[20:20] <ScottK> MintyNinja41: Never.
[20:21] <ScottK> The first non-PPA release for us will be fore 15.04.
[20:22] <MintyNinja41> Oh- because 14.04 is LTS?
[20:27] <MintyNinja41> Right, I've finished downloading the Neon image, I'd like to test it. Thanks ScottK.
[20:32] <ScottK> Because 14.04 is already released and we don't do major updates like that post-release. 14.10 won't have it officially either.
[20:33] <ScottK> It's not co-installable with KDE4 plasma.
[20:56] <mcstr> is bugs.kde.org down?
[21:02] <lordievader> mcstr: Chromium tells me my connection is rejected.
[21:03] <mcstr> hmm yeh firefox fails to load it here, but kde.org works
[21:03] <mcstr> also cant ping bugs.kde.org it says unknown host
[21:06] <lordievader> mcstr: Port 80 (and 443) is closed on bugs.kde.org
[21:27] <soee> the dark breeze decoration looks nice :)
[21:29] <yofel> mcstr, lordievader: b.k.o is down for a server move
[21:30] <mcstr> ahh thx 4 the info yofel
[21:30] <lordievader> yofel: Check. Good to know.
[22:41] <kubotu> feed branches-next had 8 updates, showing the latest 6