UbuntuIRC / 2014 /07 /10 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[07:01] <dholbach> good morning
[07:43] <czajkowski> yawns ello folks
[07:43] <elfy> morning czajkowski :)
[08:02] <popey> yo
[08:04] <elfy> ho ahoy
[09:36] <popey> dpm: do you know where the source for the scopes pre-installed lives?
[09:38] <dpm> popey, I don't sorry. Try with mhr3 on #ubuntu-unity, or pstolowski, they should know
[09:46] <popey> kk
[10:33] <popey> dpm: how often does http://projects.davidplanella.org/stats/utopic update?
[10:33] <popey> at daily
[10:47] <dpm> popey, kind of. In principle daily, but I had an issue with SSH keys and cronjobs, so I'm doing it manually until I find the time to sort it out. That's why there are stats for some particular days missing
[10:48] <popey> ah
[10:48] <popey> can you run it sometime soon and see if en_GB went above position 30 ☻
[10:48] <dpm> just re-started the update job for today :)
[10:48] <dpm> will be updated in 1-2 mins
[10:49] <popey> ta
[10:51] <popey> \o/ we rose to #23
[10:51] <popey> excellent
[10:53] <dpm> popey, awesome, look at that titanic-like dip at the end! http://projects.davidplanella.org/stats/utopic/en_GB
[10:53] <popey> muhaha
[11:01] * popey hugs czajkowski for doing translations.
[11:09] <czajkowski> :)
[11:09] <czajkowski> should get some more free time time
[11:09] <czajkowski> aka being on a clal
[11:09] <czajkowski> *call
[11:13] <czajkowski> random question
[11:13] <czajkowski> is there a way to take a screen shot of a page that has a scrolling text outside of the main capture area
[11:14] <czajkowski> if I take a current screne grab I'm still missing stuff outside of it so need to do a 2nd screen grab
[11:18] <czajkowski> plan B zoom out :)
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[12:22] <popey> czajkowski: yes, webpagescreenshot addon
[12:22] <popey> press button, it takes grab of entire page, scrolling as it goes
[12:22] <czajkowski> popey: oh never knew about that
[12:22] <czajkowski> thank you
[12:23] <czajkowski> popey: still got planes flying over head today ?
[12:24] <popey> ya
[12:24] <popey> waiting for the A380 to come in
[12:25] <czajkowski> popey: is it very loud passing over you?
[12:27] <popey> yeah, goes right over the house
[12:27] <popey> as it turns south to line up
[12:27] <popey> so i generally see the underside of the plane as it goes over
[12:33] <czajkowski> wow
[12:33] <popey> quite low too
[12:33] <popey> I'll take a decent pic when it comes in
[12:41] <czajkowski> popey: if it gets too loud feel free to come and work over here
[12:41] <czajkowski> parking and a dog and hens :)
[12:41] <czajkowski> so free eggs :)
[12:46] <popey> thank you!
[12:46] <popey> its okay this week
[12:46] <popey> next week is worse
[12:46] <czajkowski> popey: am here all week next week except wednesday
[12:46] <czajkowski> so any time not a problem
[12:46] <popey> noted ☻
[12:47] <czajkowski> have monty python next tuesday :)
[12:47] <popey> would also be good to get away from the kids ☻
[12:47] <popey> the darlings
[12:47] <czajkowski> swap for a bonkers puppy
[12:52] <popey> hah
[13:06] <belkinsa> mhall119, I know this very early, but I'm willing to be a Community Track lead again.
[13:07] <belkinsa> Oh, speaking of which, has the survey for feedback from the last one came out yet?
[13:15] <dholbach> dpm, so ondrej, popey and I are going to go to the devcon thing
[13:15] <dholbach> dpm, and they are going to have a special discount for the hotel where the actual conference is, so that might be most convenient
[13:15] <dpm> :)
[13:16] <popey> dholbach: oh, awesome, I'll look it up and book it
[13:16] <dholbach> for ondrej and Alan it's just going to be a train ride away
[13:16] <dpm> coolio
[13:16] <dholbach> popey, erm... let me talk to Michelle about the booking first - I can CC you if gou like
[13:16] <popey> yeah, train is easiest for me.
[13:16] <popey> please do
[13:16] <dholbach> not sure if they were going to book it centrally
[13:17] <dholbach> dpm, mhall119: just had a chat with Dave and James about reviewing the other packages in myapps and it looks like we can likely speed up the reviews a bit
[13:18] <dpm> ok, cool. How long is the queue right now?
[13:18] * dpm wonders if he really wants to know
[13:18] <dholbach> dpm, I think it's still quite long
[13:19] <dpm> ok
[13:19] <dpm> so dholbach, popey, is there a schedule? do you have in mind what you'll be presenting over at xda:devcon?
[13:19] <dholbach> funnily enough we might be able to steal some of the work we did for the arb-lint some aeons ago
[13:19] <dpm> oh, WOW
[13:19] <popey> yes, we have talks
[13:19] <dholbach> dpm, yes, we had a call about what we'd like to present yesterday
[13:19] <popey> well, we have talk titles :D
[13:19] <dholbach> popey, we have it all figured out!
[13:19] <dholbach> :-P
[13:19] <popey> which is like 90% of the work
[13:19] <dpm> hahaha
[13:19] <dpm> I've been there too
[13:20] <dholbach> dpm, the schedule will be up here: http://xda-devcon.com/#SCHEDULE
[13:20] <dpm> having the title is quite a milestone already :)
[13:20] <popey> yeah!
[13:20] <popey> dholbach: we there all 3 days?
[13:20] <popey> oh, starts afternoon on friday. neat
[13:21] <dpm> so you guys are running one talk each, or what are the plans?
[13:21] <dholbach> popey, I could imagine that we pack all our content into Saturday (so 2 talks in the morning, the workshop in the afternoon) and call it "Ubuntu Day" or something and the rest of the time just hang out and spend time at the booth or in conversations with others
[13:21] <popey> +1
[13:22] <dholbach> dpm, one general talk, one about hardware bring-up (Ondrej) and the App Dev Workshop
[13:22] <dholbach> awesome
[13:22] <dpm> nice
[13:22] <dholbach> see - all figured out :-P
[13:22] <dpm> ha
[13:36] <mhall119> belkinsa: thanks about being a track leads. For the survey, it turns out that jono had already stopped sending them so there isn't one going out, we'll have the discussion via the mailinlist instead
[13:37] <belkinsa> Which list is this?
[13:37] <mhall119> ubuntu-devel-discuss
[13:37] <belkinsa> Thanks.
[13:38] <czajkowski> that's a really good price to attend the XDA event
[13:39] <czajkowski> folks have you seen https://lists.fosdem.org/pipermail/fosdem/2014-July/002010.html
[13:46] <popey> yeah, dunno how many people are going but we usually send someone
[13:46] <czajkowski> nods
[13:46] <czajkowski> last year there were a few spotted at different talks
[14:34] <czajkowski> other than the LTP are there any other community portals out there ?
[14:34] <czajkowski> from other groups
[14:34] <czajkowski> that people would recommend
[14:34] <czajkowski> should stop hitting enter soo soon and have more on one line :)
[14:46] <popey> jose: mhall119 https://plus.google.com/u/0/116597364982833470829/posts/GMeNXRayfN6
[14:47] <mhall119> popey: I just tagged jose in it :)
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[17:03] <jose> popey, mhall119: \o/ new logo!
[17:15] <popey> yeah!
[17:15] <popey> Sam is great
[17:16] <jose> I'll have to update the branding as soon as I've got some time
[17:17] <jose> final exams are coming next week and they weigh 40% of all my grades
[17:19] <mhall119> worry about exams first :)
[17:55] <dholbach> all right my friends - have a great rest of your day - I'm away for a few days of vacation now! see you soon again! :-D
[17:58] <mhall119> dholbach: enjoy the time off
[17:59] <mhall119> and the entirely coincidental world cup finals
[17:59] <belkinsa> See ya dholbach!
[18:00] <dholbach> mhall119, they are coincidental - I don't think I'll need to take time off of work to recover from watching a soccer match :)
[18:01] <mhall119> depends on if Germany wins or not :)
[18:02] <dholbach> I don't think so :)
[18:02] <dholbach> all right my friends - see you!
[18:02] <dholbach> big hugs!
[18:02] <mhall119> bye :)
[18:03] * belkinsa hugs the leaving man