UbuntuIRC / 2014 /07 /10 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[02:02] <AnyeloColombian> hi people
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away
[05:15] <sorbolene> hey guys, just wondering if anyone has had issues with a TP-Link WN822N on lubuntu 14.04?
[05:15] <sorbolene> mine seems to cut out after a few minutes. i've been probing countless forum posts but no joy
[06:59] <trijntje> Hi all, what is the name of the network manager lubuntu uses? I installed lubuntu-core only, which doesn't include the network manager so I have to install it manually
[06:59] <Unit193> network-manager and network-manager-applet for the applet.
[07:00] <trijntje> Unit193: thanks a lot!
[07:00] <Unit193> Yep.
=== Eisbrecher_xnox is now known as xnox
[11:09] <ngirard> Hi folks. I've successfully installed Lubuntu's latest version. Problem is, nm-applet won't let me connect to any wireless network (the connect button is greyed out). Any thoughts ?
[11:19] <JohnDoe_71Rus> ngirard: first, right mouse click on nm-applet icon. check point wireless. if not success see logs, may be need firmware for wireless
[11:21] <ngirard> Hi JohnDoe_71Rus. Thanks for your feedback. What do you mean by "check point wireless" ?
[11:22] <JohnDoe_71Rus> http://i.stack.imgur.com/bNwS5.png Enabled wireless
[11:23] <JohnDoe_71Rus> http://blog-pics.chewearn.com/2009-01/ics-wired02.jpg
[11:25] <ngirard> JohnDoe_71Rus: Aha. Got it, thanks. Well the driver is imho working just fine, the wireless is enabled, I can see various access points around me, including the one I want to connect to. A dialog box asking for a private key pops up, but its "connect" button is greyed out
[11:26] <ngirard> For a given access point "ap", I can see that a related /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ap file was created
[11:27] <ngirard> its contents looks fine, except for the absent private key
[11:29] <ngirard> I tried to manually edit the file and add the missing "psk=xxxxxxxxx" line, then restarted networking and network-manager
[11:30] <ngirard> unfortunately nm-applet kept asking for the private key with that goddamn dialog box with greyed out connect button
[11:30] <melodie> hi
[11:30] <ngirard> melodie: hi
[11:31] <melodie> ngirard install wicd, wicd-gtk, wicd-daemon, stop all network-manager services, killall nm-applet and restart your system
[11:31] <melodie> then you could get a better result
[11:31] <melodie> or better:
[11:32] <melodie> install the three wicd packages, reinstall network-manager-gnome and network-manager, update your system, then unininstall the network-manager and network-manager-gnome (but have the packages in the cache of apt) then restart
[11:33] <melodie> if you still have the packages in the cache, you may reinstall them easily, (let's suppose wicd-gtk would fail you).
[11:34] <melodie> and you might also need to check if in your home, there aren't any left files from nm-applet (not sure now if there are any, I never checked)
[11:34] <melodie> ngirard you can have a wired connection, right?
[11:47] <ngirard> melodie: thanks for the solution & the detailed steps ! I might very well end up doing this ; but I'm a bit concerned about wicd. I tried it in the past, but finally switched back to network-manager, for reasons I admittedly completely forgot. But the laptop i'm setting up is destined to africa, so i wish to make sure its config is rock solid before shipping it
[11:48] <ngirard> melodie: yes, i have a wired connection, alghough i'm currently not in front of the laptop currently. Its 2 pm here in france, and i'll get back to it aroung 8pm
[11:51] <ngirard> This "greyed out" problem, I had the feeling that it was related to the fact that both ifupdown and network-manager coexist within the same system, while not being compatible. So i was confident it could be solved easily. For instance I edited /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and changed
[11:51] <ngirard> managed=false
[11:51] <ngirard> to
[11:51] <ngirard> managed=true
[11:52] <ngirard> in the ifupdown section, but it didn't seem to have any effect
[11:52] <ngirard> (much to my surprise)
[11:56] <ngirard> melodie: would you recommend wicd over network-manager in any manner ? Or just as a last chance, in case of trouble with nm ?
[12:39] <melodie> ngirard lately it has worked better for me (for one time for test) in a Trusty box than network-manager did, so you can give it a try
[12:40] <melodie> wicd-gtk was not appearing in the systray by default, and if I was adding it to my autostart file, it was appearing but also the large window box appeared at same time, this is really a detail. else than that it was working perfectly, even with changing wired to wireless and vice versa on the fly
[12:41] <melodie> ngirard therefore I recommand you use the one that fits better your needs
[12:41] <melodie> recommend*
[13:50] <user123321> how to change the notebook brightness in lubuntu? In Ubuntu, there's a screen brightness option, but is it available in lubuntu?
[13:51] <user123321> after googling, I found http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/xrandr.1.html
[13:51] <user123321> any advice?
[14:00] <phillw> mine works fine using Fn + ScreenBrighten / ScreenDim. It is pretty laptop specific, I've always been lucky as all of my laptops have worked with no tweaking.
[14:02] <user123321> phillw, yep, that way works. wondering if there's a software-based way, as in Ubuntu.
[14:08] <phillw> user123321: what is the graphics chipset for your laptop?
[14:09] <user123321> phillw, ATI
[14:09] <user123321> 1 GB
[14:09] <user123321> 5xxx
[14:10] <phillw> try the 2nd answer at http://askubuntu.com/questions/492251/brightness-control-command-on-startup-applications-is-not-working (he has two different suggestions).
[14:43] <ngirard> melodie: thanks again for your feedback ! I'll try & work this out tonight. Cheers !
[15:10] <user123321> phillw, cool, thanks.
[15:59] <hsufrd> would you tell me please ? how much disk space/ram lubuntu requires to work properly , i want to install it dual boot with windows .
[16:02] <hsufrd> ????
[20:10] <raalex> I just solved a problem with my lubuntu installation
[20:11] <raalex> and now everything is fine again; life is awesome
[20:12] <phillw> it's a good feeling when things come together :)
[20:13] <raalex> I love being able to figure out what's wrong
[20:13] <raalex> and fixing it, without just reinstalling the whole damn thing
[20:13] <raalex> but I am also big into solving problems
=== dede is now known as chspnk
[21:16] <chspnk> hey there :)
[21:19] <chspnk> nobody chatting here?
[21:20] <phillw> chspnk: this area is for support, #lubuntu-offtopic is for general chat :)
[21:21] <chspnk> okay :D los support level in here
[21:21] <chspnk> no problems with lubuntu. very fine :)
[21:22] <chspnk> so can i ask sth about my system in here? :)
[21:26] <phillw> chspnk: yes, lubuntu questions are asked in here.
[21:27] <chspnk> im running lubuntu on my thinkpad and as i wanted to try another debian based linux distro i tried mint
[21:27] <phillw> I've never used it
[21:27] <chspnk> unfortunately on my old notebook
[21:28] <chspnk> well i think its too heavy for this old bucket
[21:28] <chspnk> i just wanted to know whether lubuntu will be the right one for it
[21:29] <chspnk> an old amd x2 (turion i guess?) w 2gb of ram
[21:29] <chspnk> ill have to use it for a few days/weeks as my thinkpad needs to be repaired :/
[21:29] <phillw> lubuntu should be fine on it. use the i686 version, it is a little less hungry on CPU time.
[21:31] <chspnk> great. can you tell me the main difference between lubuntu and xubuntu
[21:31] <chspnk> cant tell why, but i never liked xubuntu...
[21:31] <chspnk> whereas lubuntu instant got me :D
[21:35] <phillw> chspnk: we share the same core. xubuntu is based on xcfe and choose a slightly different set of default applications. Lubuntu uses lxde. I have tested xubuntu during the QA testing cycles, I find it okay. Just that I prefer lubuntu.
[21:36] <chspnk> i know about the xfce/lxde difference and software is no thing to worry about to me
[21:36] <chspnk> as it is replaced within minutes
[21:36] <chspnk> such as browser etc
[21:37] <chspnk> nevertheless i like lubuntu ..i love lubuntu
[21:37] <chspnk> just a few things that i dont understand why its not working
[21:37] <phillw> what is not working?
[21:38] <chspnk> for example my volume and mute buttons
[21:38] <chspnk> of my thinkpad
[21:38] <phillw> give me a couple of minutes
[21:38] <chspnk> ooookay :D
[21:39] <chspnk> didnt want to make you work ;D just a little smalltalk^^
[21:40] <chspnk> i have to correct: it is working, but definitely not as it should do
[21:41] <phillw> chspnk: have a read of http://askubuntu.com/questions/461093/volume-buttons-not-working-in-14-04
[21:42] <phillw> that may not work for lubuntu, as it seems gnome.. but ubuntu now uses unity... So, give it a try.
[21:44] <chspnk> well i was look for a solution on this problem for long
[21:45] <phillw> laptops are a never ending source of little annoying bugs.....
[21:45] <chspnk> the last i did was writing a little script doing that work for me in the right way and put it into the lubuntu-rc.xml
[21:46] <chspnk> dont know if this is a good solution but it worked, the only annoying thing is that the osd didnt work
[21:46] <chspnk> and i was too stupid to do it within the script
[21:46] <chspnk> :D
[21:47] <chspnk> bash on the first look is like wow, this is so easy. and on the second its just like... chinese i guess.. :D
[22:02] <phillw> I used to be a good script kid, but took ten years out and have not devoted the time to getting back into it. I'm not too bad at reading it, but too rusty at writing.
[22:05] <phillw> chspnk: you may also want to have a read of http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_get_special_keys_to_work#Xorg_problems from the think-pad group.
[22:16] <chspnk> thank you for your time :)
[22:16] <chspnk> phillw: ill give it a try with lubuntu
[22:16] <chspnk> maybe ill come back later
[22:16] <chspnk> cu ;)
[22:17] <phillw> chspnk: just been told, wxl also has thinkpad, he was away, but is often on here if my suggestions do not work.
[22:18] <wxl> chspnk: i didn't read the back log though so you'll have to fill me in :)
[22:19] <chspnk> wxl: i have problems with volume and mute buttons on my thinkpad x230t
[22:20] <chspnk> especially with the mute button
[22:20] <chspnk> but i dont know if its a problem with lubuntu or with lubuntu working in the right way with the hardware
[22:20] <wxl> chspnk: well i have a r60 and didn't even need to mess with it to get it to behave
[22:21] <wxl> i wonder what keycode they give
[22:22] <wxl> i could fire up the thinkpad later tonight and see what i egt
[22:22] <wxl> then we could compare
[22:22] <wxl> you can figure it out with `xev`
[22:22] <wxl> cuz if we have the same keycodes, it should work the same
[22:22] <chspnk> thats right
[22:23] <wxl> why don't you drop a line to the mailing list and that will remind me to look when i get home
[22:23] <chspnk> oh just dont stress ;)
[22:23] <wxl> k
[22:24] <chspnk> didnt want to make anyone work for me in here ;)
[22:24] <chspnk> so youre working right now?
[22:24] <chspnk> lets say at work..^^
[22:25] <wxl> yes i'm at work
[22:25] <wxl> but no worries i like helping
[22:25] <wxl> i already work for lubuntu anyways
=== dede is now known as chspnk_tp
[22:26] <chspnk_tp> this is me on my tp
[22:26] <chspnk> ill just quit here
[22:26] <wxl> heheh
[22:26] <wxl> i'm on *gasp* kubuntu right now
=== chspnk_tp is now known as chspnk
[22:27] <chspnk> :D
[22:27] <chspnk> kubuntu.... i tried it one time and never came back to it ;)
[22:27] <wxl> we use it at work
[22:27] <wxl> which is unfortunate
[22:27] <wxl> i would have much rather used lubuntu
[22:27] <chspnk> ah okay, much better than windows anyway..=?
[22:27] <wxl> kubuntu makes system administration more difficult than it needs to be
[22:29] <chspnk> i'll be using windows at work
[22:29] <wxl> ew
[22:29] <chspnk> ;D
[22:29] <wxl> hopefully not xp :)
[22:30] <chspnk> windows 7 i guess
[22:30] <chspnk> maybe 8.1
[22:30] <wxl> better than 8
[22:30] <chspnk> we'll see
[22:30] <chspnk> i'll start at september
[22:31] * chspnk -> just another student that failed
[22:31] <chspnk> as you are working you live in the us?
[23:33] <chspnk> yayy just installed lubuntu on my old notebook
[23:36] <chspnk> and it doesn't work -.-
[23:36] <wxl> what doesn't work chspnk ?
[23:37] <chspnk> after selecting it in grub i get into a initramfs prompt
[23:38] <chspnk> right after a busybox message
[23:38] <wxl> that, to me, sounds like it might be an error with the installation media
[23:38] <chspnk> oh nooo -.-
[23:38] <wxl> did you md5 the iso and the media itself? or run the check media tool?
[23:39] <chspnk> of course i didn't x)
[23:40] <chspnk> md5sums match..
[23:42] <chspnk> oh come on.. what's that.. lubuntu just can't do that to me..
[23:42] <chspnk> :D
[23:42] <wxl> chspnk: of the installation media itself, too? and did you run the check in the initial menu?
[23:43] <chspnk> what do you mean initial menu?
[23:43] <chspnk> sorry about asking that stupid - how can i check the media?
[23:43] <wxl> chspnk: where it asks if you want to install, try out lubuntu, etc.
[23:43] <wxl> !md5 | chspnk
[23:43] <ubottu> chspnk: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows
[23:52] <chspnk> if i'm doing it right with dd if=/dev/sdb1 bs=2048 count=xxxxxxx width /dev/sdb1 being my device it does definitely not match
[23:53] <wxl> chspnk: well there you go. so you're using usb. what tool did you use to install?
[23:53] <chspnk> unetbootin
[23:53] <wxl> i assume you know what device you have?
[23:54] <wxl> (sudo fdisk -l if not)
[23:54] <chspnk> yes i do
[23:54] <chspnk> /dev/sdb is my usb
[23:54] <chspnk> 1 the partition
[23:55] <chspnk> is there a better way than using unetbootin
[23:55] <wxl> just do it against /dev/sdb not /devsdb1
[23:55] <wxl> you can use dd to do it
[23:55] <wxl> i would say unetbootin is 99% reliable
[23:56] <chspnk> the other partitions won't disturb this?
[23:56] <wxl> chspnk: you have other partitions on there?
[23:56] <chspnk> yep
[23:56] <wxl> chspnk: well that kind of messes everything up XD
[23:57] <chspnk> i always had a live system on my usb and a ntfs partition for transferring data
[23:57] <wxl> chspnk: i doubt you would have problems if you just had the installation media on there
[23:57] <wxl> you might want to try to have the installer check itself to be sure
[23:58] <chspnk> ok, wait i'll have a look for another usb ^^
[23:58] <chspnk> ;D
[23:58] <wxl> chspnk: ddid you use that same usb to install on your thinkpad?
[23:59] <chspnk> eh.. don't know
[23:59] <chspnk> i guess no, this is my newest and biggest one
[23:59] <chspnk> i bought it after i had my tp
[23:59] <wxl> have you ever had the install work with those parittions?