UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /28 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
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[00:39] <kingbeowolf> anyone know of a piece of software that syncs owncloud calender and kde calender?
[02:25] <Omega9> hi what program can I use to see what services starts up on boot?
[05:15] <adi__> hi
=== path is now known as Perzeus
[08:21] <lordievader> Good morning.
=== francisco is now known as Guest92552
[09:01] <ik_> hi my friends
[09:01] <lordievader> o/
[09:01] <ik_> really ?
[09:01] <lordievader> What really?
[09:02] <lordievader> Are you not happy that someone waves to you?
[09:02] <ik_> this S.O. is cool ¡¡¡
[09:03] <ik_> I was ubuntu's user but now ...
[09:04] <ik_> adicted to KDE
[09:05] <lordievader> :)
[09:06] <ik_> are problems now in Kubuntu last version ?
[09:07] <lordievader> Not to my knowledge.
[09:08] <ik_> only a problem .... in my Acer Aspire One the sond makes jumps ...
[09:09] <ik_> maybe my computer is too old ...
[09:13] <ik_> when i removed pulseaudio all my problems kaput ¡
[09:14] <ik_> do you know aplications to make horoscops ?
[09:16] <ik_> well,I must to leave , very hapiness to you ¡
=== cups is now known as doge
[10:39] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[10:47] <Raj_> Hi
[10:47] <Raj_> Can anyone help me out in adding existing users to Groups
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[11:27] <alvin> I'm trying to be difficult. Is there an alternate installer? I want LUKS + LVM on EFI, but the installer crashes when I'm trying to do it manually.
[11:28] <lordievader> alvin: There is the mini iso, I've done a similar thing with that.
[11:30] <alvin> Thanks, but it looks like I can work around the bug. It only occurs if I want to format with XFS. If I just say 'XFS' and format from the command line. Let's see...
[11:32] <alvin> It's installing. In a few minutes, I'll know if that setup is bootable too :-)
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest60134
[11:38] <alvin> - Installer crashed -
=== path is now known as Perzeus
[11:43] <lordievader> alvin: Install the Gentoo way using debootstrap :D
[11:43] <alvin> lordievader: I might. Can you point me towards some documentation?
=== path is now known as Perzeus
[11:43] <alvin> I know how to partition, mount everything on /target or something, and then chroot. But then what?
[11:44] <lordievader> alvin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot and http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml
[11:45] <alvin> Aha. Sounds like fun
[11:48] <lordievader> alvin: It is :)
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[13:02] <aguitel> anyway to turn off or disable kde crash handler ?
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest90037
[13:11] <BluesKaj> aguitel, system settings>system notifications>other notifications, uncheck system crashes
[13:21] <aguitel> BluesKaj: thanks
[14:13] <backharlow_> in 14.14, the KDE IM log viewer, I've unticked "show menu", and now there is no graphical way to get it back.
[14:31] <backharlow_> fixed my own problem
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest43783
[15:41] <MrS1lentcz> Hello, what is name of KDE IM contacts, please? I need kill this application, but I cannot find it in ps aux :/
[15:41] <MrS1lentcz> *name of process
[15:46] <BluesKaj> MrS1lentcz, look for telepathy
[15:48] <MrS1lentcz> BluesKaj: thanks "0
[15:48] <MrS1lentcz> :)
[15:48] <BluesKaj> MrS1lentcz, yw
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest25383
[17:12] <grubmbpr> Hi, help please? KU 14.04 install onto Apple macbook pro retina 2013 model fails with a GRUB error: "Unable to install GRUB in /dev/sda5. Executing 'grub install /dev/sda5' failed. This is a fatal error". Mac has SSD, & no cdrom, so doing USB install. Using rEFIt(?). Suggestions?
=== steph_ is now known as stephane
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[17:46] <grubmbpr> Hi, help please? KU 14.04 install onto Apple macbook pro retina 2013 model fails with a GRUB error: "Unable to install GRUB in /dev/sda5. Executing 'grub install /dev/sda5' failed. This is a fatal error". Mac has SSD, & no cdrom, so doing USB install. Using rEFIt(?). Suggestions?
[17:53] <alvin> grubmbpr: Asking once is enough. Why do you try to install grub in /dev/sda5?
[18:25] <TBotNik> All: Where is good place to get PHP OOP help? Can't get debug to work and think it is a php.ini setting but not sure
[18:30] <bluestrain> hello
[18:31] <Dragnslicer> TBotNik- http://www.php.net/support.php
[18:32] <lordievader> bluestrain: o/
[18:33] <bluestrain> I am attempting to set up an Nvidia card up for dual display in Kubuntu 14.04 . I have installed the nVidia drivers, and I now have an Nvidia X server settings utility, but the utility only has two selections. "Application Profiles" and "nvida-settings-configuration". I am seeing many more settings displayed on the Nvidia screenshots on the web. How can I troubleshoot this problem and get the second monitor activated?
[18:36] <lordievader> bluestrain: Is the driver loaded?
[18:36] <bluestrain> +
[18:36] <bluestrain> lordievader: I think so, how could I verify?
[18:36] <lordievader> bluestrain: From a terminal: lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA
[18:39] <bluestrain> lordievader, yes. It sees my controller as GEForce 9500 FT
[18:39] <bluestrain> oops GT
[18:40] <lordievader> bluestrain: More important is the driver is has loaded for it, could you pastebin it?
[18:40] <lordievader> !paste
[18:40] <ubottu> For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[18:40] <bluestrain> yes, please stand by opening a terminal from this PC so I can cut and past more easily
[18:42] <bluestrain> lordievader, connecting from the other machine. back shortly
[18:43] <lordievader> dthacker: Welcome back ;)
[18:43] <dthacker> thanks
[18:46] <dthacker> http://pastebin.com/WeXUMcBN
[18:47] <dthacker> lordievader, that pastebin was for you. apparently have old nick on other machine. This is regarding Nvida card
[18:48] <lordievader> As I though, dthacker. The driver is not loaded.
[18:49] <TBotNik> Dragnslicer: Thanks but I need help now, not in 2-3 weeks
[18:49] <dthacker> lordievader: how could I load the driver
[18:49] <lordievader> dthacker: The system should do so automatically, how did you install the driver?
[18:50] <dthacker> I installed nvidia-latest via apt-get
[18:51] <dthacker> nvidia-current, that is...
[18:52] <lordievader> !info nvidia-current
[18:52] <ubottu> nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.117-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 35 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)
[18:54] <interv> !info amd-current
[18:54] <ubottu> Package amd-current does not exist in trusty
[18:57] <lordievader> dthacker: The latest nvidia driver is actually 319.
[18:58] <lordievader> !info nvidia-319-updates
[18:58] <ubottu> nvidia-319-updates (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates): Transitional package for nvidia-319-updates. In component restricted, is optional. Version 331.38-0ubuntu7 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 36 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)
[19:03] <dthacker> lordievader, list of current nvidia packages installed via dpkg --get-selection http://pastebin.com/Ewv9Z2py
[19:10] <dthacker> rebooting, back soon
[19:16] <dthacker> well that backfired
[19:16] <dthacker> resolution got set way down
[19:20] <lordievader> dthacker: That could very well be a sign of the nvidia driver loading.
[19:20] <lordievader> Could you pastebin the output of 'lscpi -k|grep -A2 VGA' again?
[19:24] <dthacker> lordievader http://pastebin.com/M8AxeJsy
[19:24] <dthacker> I don't think it loaded
[19:25] <dthacker> I tried using sudo nvidia-xconfig to gen a new xorg.conf and it went horritbly wrong.
[19:26] <dthacker> I also tried to use sudo software-properties-kde but could not fine an additional-drivers tab on that utility to change the display drivers
[19:31] <dthacker> X log says kernel module not loading. trying via modprobe
[19:33] <grub_mbpr> Hi, help please? KU 14.04 install onto Apple macbook pro retina 2013 model fails with a GRUB error: "Unable to install GRUB in /dev/sda5. Executing 'grub install /dev/sda5' failed. This is a fatal error". Mac has SSD, & no cdrom, so doing USB install. Using rEFIt(?). Suggestions?
[19:34] <lordievader> dthacker: Nope driver still ain't loaded.
[19:37] <grub_mbpr> Whats good "apple mac & ubuntu" channel on freenode? thanks.
[19:37] <dthacker> uninstalling, adding kernel-headers package and re-installing........
[19:38] <dthacker>
[19:41] <bprompt> grub_mbpr: what's /dev/sda5?
[19:42] <lordievader> dthacker: Add dkms too ;)
[19:43] <dthacker> got it. will do
[19:49] <dthacker> rebooting again.
[19:49] <dthacker> back soon, save my chair
[19:59] <dthacker> no joy,
[20:00] <grub_mbpr> Whats good "apple mac & ubuntu" channel on freenode? thanks.
[20:00] <dthacker> modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'nvidia_304': No such device
[20:01] <lordievader> Lovely, what nvidia packages are currently installed?
[20:01] <lordievader> dthacker: ^
[20:04] <dthacker> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7718004/ for installed nvidia
[20:05] <lordievader> And your purged and reinstalled the -304 after you've installed the headers+dkms?
[20:07] <dthacker> I purged and re-installed nvidia-current. Maybe do that for the specific package? Also the "no such device" makes me wonder.....
[20:07] <lordievader> !info nvidia-current
[20:07] <ubottu> nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.117-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 35 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)
[20:08] <lordievader> dthacker: Yes, nvidia-current is a meta package.
[20:09] <dthacker> ok, I'm going to purge and re-install nvidia-304.
[20:10] <grub_mbpr> What's a good "apple mac & ubuntu" channel on freenode? thanks.
[20:11] <lordievader> !patience | grub_mbpr
[20:11] <ubottu> grub_mbpr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.
[20:13] <dthacker> and it's reboot time again, kids. Leave my cookies alone while I'm gone
[20:14] * lordievader omnomnom
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[20:17] <SexYsuchI> bojour
[20:18] <SexYsuchI> raté , je recommence : bonsoir
[20:19] <lordievader> !fr | SexYsuchI
[20:19] <ubottu> SexYsuchI: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.
[20:24] <dthacker> I need to blacklist the noveau drivers
[20:26] <lordievader> dthacker: Installing the nvidia driver should already blacklist the nouveau driver.
[20:33] <dthacker> lordievader, if the install did the blacklist, would it be in blacklist.conf or somewhere else?
[20:34] <dthacker> trying cold boot instead of warm. yes, it's a possibly futile gesture
[20:35] <elisabeth> hi there
[20:36] <elisabeth> is the kde stuff in the ubuntu repos or in own one ?
[20:40] <lordievader> elisabeth: All of the Kubuntu software is in the main Ubuntu repos.
[20:41] <elisabeth> thx
[20:53] <dthacker> still not installing. not sure what to try now.
[20:53] <dthacker> what is jocky-kde?
[20:55] <lordievader> dthacker: Jockey is the additional drivers utility.
[20:57] <dthacker> shouldn't I have that loaded? I can't find it on my computer
[20:57] <lordievader> Meh it will call apt in the end anyways, you just cut out the middle man.
[20:58] <dthacker> will my last try is apt-get install nvidia-corrent-updates which seems to have found some things to update.
[21:08] <dthacker> well, I got decent resolution back
[21:10] <lordievader> dthacker: Just curious, what driver do you have now?
[21:11] <dthacker> not nvidia
[21:12] <dthacker> lspci just shows devices, not drivers. How can I see drivers?
[21:12] <lordievader> dthacker: Use the -k flag.
[21:13] <dthacker> Subsystem: eVga.com. Corp. Device c954
[21:14] <dthacker> kern.log says bios could be mis-identifying my card. Bios is pretty old, Will update that next, but not today. Thanks for your help lordievader
[21:15] <lordievader> dthacker: I don't think that's it.
[21:15] * lordievader goes to bed.
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[22:45] <Voyage> where is trash files actually present? I can see the trash files if I type "Trash:/" in dolphin
[23:33] <ophkilter> anyone alive in here
[23:49] <bennypr0fane> Hi, I have a problem installing the owncloud sync client in Kubuntu 14.04. Here's the output of apt-get install: http://pastie.org/9336369
[23:49] <bennypr0fane> short translation, it says it depends on two packages that must/should not be installed, and I have broken packages. Can you help me figure out what that means? apt-get -f install only suggests stuff to auto-remove
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