UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /27 /#ubuntu-arm.txt
Initial commit
=== cmagina_ is now known as cmagina
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
=== Guest41001 is now known as lag
[09:53] <rooted> hello, anyone alive ?
[09:53] <rooted> orga_ ?
[10:02] <rooted> anyone ?
[10:04] <hrw> this channel is not dead. it is resting
[10:08] <rooted> hmm
[10:08] <rooted> i have a problem in Lubuntu arm version , cant find a printer control model.
[10:09] <ogra_> yeah, all the action is in #ubuntu-touch nowadays
[10:09] <ogra_> (and if you dont misspell my nick i actually recieve pings :P )
[10:09] <rooted> lol, you all ways comments at the end of discusstions lol
[10:09] <rooted> hahaha
[10:16] <rooted> <Elleo> rooted: I think you might have better luck asking in either #ubuntu or #ubuntu-arm; this channel focuses on ubuntu touch, which is for mobile phones and is rather different from desktop ubuntu on arm
[10:16] * rooted confused.
[10:19] <hrw> ;DD
[10:20] <hrw> rooted: answer for generic question is: does it work on x86 ubuntu?
[10:21] <hrw> maybe you just lack some package
[10:24] <rooted> hrw, am just a simple guy , seeking a printer solution , for arm version of ubuntu.
[10:25] <rooted> lusb , sees my printer , but abiword dont.
[10:25] <hrw> rooted: ok. other way: which printer it is? how connected? etc?
[10:25] <rooted> its an HP printer , connected via usb.
[10:25] <hrw> cause it looks like you have usb printer connected but not configured at all
[10:26] <rooted> it works with ubuntux86 , but in arm version only sees it
[10:26] <rooted> thats why am seeking a printer control model
[10:26] <rooted> witch i cant see , in the system tools
[10:26] <hrw> tried http://localhost:631/ already?
[10:26] <hrw> direct cups interface
[10:27] <rooted> no i will now :))
[10:28] <rooted> will , cant add a printerr because i dont have the root pass
[10:30] <rooted> its says forbidden to add printer
=== cmagina_ is now known as cmagina
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
=== funnel_ is now known as funnel
=== cmagina_ is now known as cmagina