UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /27 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest30137
=== anthony is now known as Guest74828
[07:28] <lordievader> Good morning.
[07:31] <opiwan> hello. I install a fresh kubuntu 14.04. want to use "physical volume for encryption" but get an error message. is this kind of encryption possible with kubuntu? (dont get this error in ubuntu)
[07:33] <lordievader> opiwan: Are you talking about LUKS? By the by, Kubuntu and Ubuntu share the same core, what works on Ubuntu should work on Kubuntu too (if it has nothing to do with the DE).
[07:34] <opiwan> yes... luks... but this doesnt work under kubuntu, only under ubunty (unity). want to do this from the installer
[07:35] <opiwan> I get an error message (in german) that there was an error while "creation of keyfile" (translated from german)
[07:35] <lordievader> opiwan: Hmm, Luks works. I'm running it at this moment. However I set it up manually.
[07:35] <opiwan> yes, this can be... I am talking about the kubuntu-installer (grafical)
[07:36] <opiwan> think its a problem of the installer. but I did not think that there would be such a bug because many people use the "standard" Kubuntu-ISO for installing..
[07:37] <lordievader> opiwan: Please report this bug.
[07:38] <opiwan> I try it.. I didnt report any bug in the past.. only was a user... but I try to do this...
[07:39] <opiwan> how is the "program" called that does the installation? Is it also "ubiquity" ?
[07:40] <lordievader> opiwan: Yes, open a terminal and run 'ubuntu-bug ubiquity'.
[07:40] <lordievader> Users should report bugs too, if they find them ;)
[07:40] <opiwan> in live-system from kubuntu-iso, right?
[07:41] <opiwan> :-) I know.. dont know why.. I never was really involved in such things.. but you are right.. I think I should do more in this direction
[07:42] <lordievader> opiwan: Doesn't matter.
[07:43] <opiwan> oh, I did not know if it would be so simple like typing the command "ubuntu-bug xxxxx"
[07:44] <lordievader> opiwan: Ubuntu has made it quite easy, indeed.
[07:44] <opiwan> ok... thank you.. until it is solved... I try the alternate cd... but like I said.. it would be great if this could be solved.. because in these times (NAS, windowsxp-end).. many windows-users "convert" to Ubuntu.. they find Kubuntu (because of its look like windows 7)... and here the encryption should work I think... thank you lordievader
[07:45] <opiwan> ment NSA not NAS :-)
[07:45] <lordievader> I don't think many home users care about full disk encryption.
[07:46] <lordievader> opiwan: The alterate cd has been discontinued, you could use the mini-iso. (That's what I used ;) )
[07:46] <opiwan> Mmm.. Ive been asked a few times.. and if it would work like on ubuntu-installer: it is more easy like on e.g. windows... you just have to do a "click" for full disk encryption..
[07:46] <opiwan> oh? did not know this (about alternate cd)
[07:47] <opiwan> ok, then I will use mini-iso..
[07:47] <opiwan> n.p.
[07:47] <hateball> It's a problem if it does not work in the standard installer tho, so it's good if the bug is reported
[07:48] <opiwan> I will report it..
[07:49] <opiwan> @lordievader: I never used the mini-iso. what package do I have do install? "kubuntu-desktop" ?
[07:49] <lordievader> opiwan: That's the one ;)
[07:49] <opiwan> ;-) Thank you
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[09:38] <pino> !list
[09:38] <ubottu> pino: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».
[09:40] <pino> irc://irc.explosionirc.net/Foolish.cr3w
[10:11] <BluesKaj> 'Morning all
[11:02] <tabu> is it possible to clone a panel?
[11:03] <tabu> i use two monitors and i'd like to clone my main panel and move it to the other monitor as well
[11:03] <tabu> or if not possible, is it possible to overwrite the default panel so i can at least do it that way
=== soee_ is now known as soee
[12:17] <alvin> Is Google Talk no longer working in TelepathyM
[12:21] <dmkst> Hi, I'm getting a few different kinds of errors after installing the ubuntu-desktop package on Kubuntu 14.04, is anyone able to help?
[12:23] <dmkst> Specifically appears to be authentication. Also this is a fresh install, I have done basically nothing on it other than install Kubuntu and then install the ubuntu-desktop and xfce4 packages, and I've also done a format and another fresh install and get the same thing again. I will list specific error messages
[12:28] <alvin> ICQ has disappeared too? It should be in the package telepathy-haze, but that is installed.
[12:29] <alvin> dmkst: ubuntu-desktop? Do you want to switch between Unity and KDE?
[12:30] <dmkst> Thanks for the response alvin
[12:30] <dmkst> Yeah basically want to switch between the two
[12:33] <dmkst> First thing I'm noticing is ksplashx gives me an error on log in, but nothing specific as it gives me the "sorry, ubuntu 14.04 has experienced an internal error" thingo
[12:34] <dmkst> Second thing I've noticed is that Telepathy doesn't work with my saved Google Talk account, giving me "Applications can no longer access your <accountname>..."
[12:34] <dmkst> Oh, the ksplashx error is a sigsegv
[12:35] <alvin> Well, Telepathy is the thing I'm trying to configure now. New laptop. It's strange. On my old machine, which was upgraded to 14.04, everything works
[12:35] <alvin> So, maybe there are essential packages missing on a fresh install.
[12:36] <alvin> and I DO have authentication trouble. When an application asks for kwallet in plasma-netbook mode, that wallet is not visible. Nowhere to be seen. So, I have to switch to desktop mode in order to connect my wifi.
[12:39] <dmkst> Interesting alvin, I'm also on a netbook, and first thing I did was switch to desktop mode anyway
[12:40] <hateball> alvin: I'm not sure if xmpp federation works since google talk turned into hangouts
[12:40] <hateball> alvin: that said I havent tested lately, since I use... hangouts
[12:40] <BluesKaj> seems netbook mode is being ignored or no longer developed, I've heard other complaints
[12:40] <alvin> Does hangouts work with telepathy?
[12:41] <alvin> BluesKaj: No, I've heard it will become a part of plasma-next. It does work now. Sort of. But there are little annoyances
[12:41] <dmkst> I find the whole concept an annoyance to be honest, but each to their own
[12:42] <alvin> I wonder if the wifi-autoconnect-not-working has some influence on Bluetooth. My mouse doesn't autoconnect too.
[12:42] <alvin> On a small screen, the plasma-netbook layout is nice.
[12:42] <alvin> It shows promise. Doesn't feel finished
[12:43] <dmkst> First install on this machine I also had trouble with Muon, by the way
[12:43] <hateball> alvin: There is an API for hangouts but I don't know if it is included in any IM apps outside googles own stuff
[12:43] <alvin> Ah, that's something I never use. I have never found the need for a GUI package manager. aptitude still does a terrific job.
[12:43] <dmkst> Well, sort of. I had trouble with anything requesting root permissions in the GUI
[12:44] <alvin> hateball: Bah. It seems like all chat services are growing away from standards again. There was a time when most supported XMPP
[12:44] <dmkst> I never use Muon either, I just update with apt-get normally, but I just noticed Muon not working, as well as anything else requesting privilege elevation, whatever the KDE term for it is
[12:44] <alvin> Skype, Steam, ...
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[12:44] <dmkst> Steam supported XMPP? Nice...
[12:44] <dmkst> Well, was nice
[12:44] <hateball> alvin: Yes, so it goes. Vendor lockin is the future -_-
[12:44] <alvin> Well, Steam should work in telepathy actually
[12:45] <alvin> I did compile some stuff once. It worked.
[12:45] <alvin> I don't think there are packages in the repository for it. And Skyp integration always needed Skype itself. Which sucks
[12:45] <BluesKaj> package managers are great referencing packages, I always keep muon around
[12:46] <alvin> The ICQ missing is just weird? Do you guys have ICQ in the Telepathy listing?
[12:46] <dmkst> No but who uses ICQ in 2014
[12:46] <alvin> Some people who used it in 2000
[12:46] <dmkst> Though I suppose the same could be said of IRC...
[12:46] <alvin> lol, true
[12:47] <dmkst> Wait I take that back, ICQ shows up if I hit more
[12:47] <alvin> See? Not here.
[12:47] <dmkst> I hate computers.
[12:47] <alvin> I suppose I miss a package, but I have no idea which one.
[12:48] <dmkst> Yeah the first time I had this I Googled a bit and heaps of posts were saying install some package, I saw suggestions for two packages, I tried to install them and found one doesn't exist and the other is already installed
[12:49] <alvin> telepathy-haze, yes. It's installed by default and the description says it contains ICQ support
[12:49] <alvin> It also says it supports Yahoo!, Gadu-Gadu,... I'm also missing those in the list
[12:50] <hateball> alvin: try reinstalling the package perhaps
[12:51] <BluesKaj> telepathy ever did much for me, I found it clunky
[12:51] <dmkst> I just wanted both KDE and Unity because I feel I should perhaps give Unity another chance, after all I hated Windows 8 at first but I like it now
[12:52] * dmkst ducks
[12:52] <BluesKaj> yeah I keep trying to give unity a chance, but it's like W8 , not my kind of desktop
[12:54] <alvin> I can handle Windows 8, but I wouldn't use it for actual work
[12:54] <dmkst> The thing I find about Windows 8 though is that it really hasn't changed much. Like there is one menu missing that nobody ever used once they got their system set up the way they like it
[12:55] <alvin> Great, now KDE says my mouse is configured and working (bluetooth), and even goes so far as saying it's connected. Do I see a mouse pointer moving? No.
[12:56] <alvin> I wish that could autostart. Should't that just keep working? BLuetooth mouses. I have to reconnect every time I boot.
[12:56] <dmkst> I just thought I'd see if anyone had any bright ideas or quick solutions... I'll probably just format again and avoid installing >1 DE
[12:57] <alvin> Not after sleep. In that case the kernel freaks out and can't load the Bluetooth firmware anymore.
[12:57] <alvin> I see a lot of bug filing in the near future.
[12:58] <dmkst> Bluetooth sucks in general... I wish it didn't because it could be so great. I get BT problems with every version of every OS I've ever used and the guys at work with Macs have BT issues as well
[12:58] <alvin> It worked far better on my previous laptop. Bluetooth headset. Turn it on, KDE detects it. Worked great. I thought a mouse would be similar.
[12:59] <dmkst> I've used BT mouses for years on all my laptops for the obvious huge benefit of not having a stupid little receiver
[12:59] <dmkst> Works 100% reliable
[12:59] <dmkst> 95% of the time
[12:59] <alvin> Well, that was the idea. But connecting a receiver is less work than this. Timeout, timeout, timeout....
[13:00] <dmkst> Sigh. Another format then. I hope I don't wear out this shitty OCZ SSD
[13:02] <dmkst> Oh here's a problem someone probably will be able to solve: how do I renumber NICs? I had a Broadcom WiFi chip in this thing but replaced it with an Intel this afternoon, and now my WiFi card is wlan1 when I want it to be wlan0 because that's what I'm used to typing
[13:03] <hateball> dmkst: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
[13:04] <dmkst> Hah
[13:04] <dmkst> Cheers hateball
[13:04] <hateball> :)
[13:05] <dmkst> Obviously when I format again that will disappear but I have it on 2 other laptops so that is handy to know
[13:06] <alvin> Yes, udev
[13:07] <alvin> Reinstalling thelepathy-haze didn't work.
[13:07] <dmkst> You have just one DE installed, alvin?
[13:08] <alvin> Oh, yes. I barely installed extra packages. And only CLI software at that.
[13:10] <alvin> Bah. Guess I'll just file a bug then
[13:10] <dmkst> If only I could have my beloved GNOME 2.3 back...
[13:10] <dmkst> Should I file a bug? Or don't bother? I've never filed one before...
[13:11] <alvin> I love KDE. Filing bugs is a good way to help the developers.
[13:11] <alvin> dmkst: It's easy too, if you know against which package. Just type (for example) ubuntu-bug telepathy-haze and it will collect the necessary information.
[13:12] <dmkst> I guess I want this thing working so if I reformat I won't be able to I wont be much help if logs are needed. I might see if I can reproduce in a VM
[13:12] <dmkst> Yeah KDE is pretty good these days
[13:13] <alvin> I payed the Microsoft Tax for this netbook, so I certainly want to see it working.
[13:13] <alvin> *paid. excuse me
[13:14] <dmkst> Yeah I paid the Microsoft Tax on this but I dual boot Windows. I still mind though because it came with 7 and I put Server 2003 on it to run old stuff like Starcraft (I don't have a copy of XP which works)
[13:17] <alvin> Then you get this: bug #1335119
[13:17] <ubottu> bug 1335119 in telepathy-haze (Ubuntu) "telepathy-haze does not give KDE telepathy access to AIM, Windows Live (MSN), Yahoo!, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise and ICQ." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1335119
[13:17] <alvin> wine is pretty good these days.
[13:18] <alvin> I opened the machine, ans switched the HDD for an SDD.
[13:18] <alvin> Now I think about switching the wifi/bluetooth chip too. Damn Lenovo!
[13:18] <alvin> ThinkPads aren't what they used to be for Linux users.
[13:19] <dmkst> Careful which one you switch to. I follow Intel's cards closely
[13:19] <dmkst> Stick with the 6230 or 6235 if you don't need 802.11ac as the new 7600 series has its share of problems. Mostly with Windows though I think so you might be ok
[13:19] <alvin> That's what I need. Are the modern ones still supported by open source drivers?
[13:19] <alvin> These binary blobs are giving me grief
[13:20] <alvin> I'll have to check for blacklists in the BIOS too...
[13:21] <dmkst> Not sure, sorry. I never bother looking into whether the Intel drivers are open or binary, I have a feeling they are open though
[13:22] <dmkst> i have four Intel 6230s and two 6235s, they are rock solid little chipsets, speedy too. They are only 2x2 though. You can get the 6300 which is 3x3 but you lose the Bluetooth
[13:24] <alvin> Hmm, I'll have to check it out. Maybe I'll just call Lenovo first. Let them know that I don't appreciate the Broadcom stuff
[13:27] <BluesKaj> alvin, my lenovo G500 with bcm is just fine on wifi
[13:28] <BluesKaj> amyway bbl
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[13:41] <dmkst> What is the logic behind the recent reversal in scroll direction on touchpads?
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest66728
[13:44] <dmkst> Ah crap, bedtime. Thanks for your assistance alvin, hateball
[14:48] <ik_> hi boys
[14:51] <BluesKaj> boys ?
[15:09] <zenesc> Thanks to Blueskaj for the help of yesterday. Problen is solved, Hard disc was dead, got a new one , all right.
[15:13] <BluesKaj> zenesc, sorry to hear that the drive was borked, but glad all is ok now
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[17:12] <alvin> This might be a difficult one.. None of my chat accounts want to connect due to apparmor complaints: [ 3010.568305] type=1400 audit(1403888831.687:71): apparmor="DENIED" operation="file_mmap" profile="/usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-*" name="/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3.7.6" pid=5224 comm="telepathy-gabbl" requested_mask="m" denied_mask="m" fsuid=1001 ouid=1001
[17:19] <lvnXP> Sorry, don't know much about IRC -- Are there sections here, where I can research a few problems?
[17:20] <lordievader> lvnXP: Problems related to Kubuntu can be asked here.
[17:23] <lvnXP> lordievader, Q1 I installed Kubuntu using a USB, no problems... However, I removed it UNgracefully, and "Available Devices" shows it and I can't figure out how to get rid of it
[17:26] <lordievader> lvnXP: Available Devices, is that Dolphin (file manager)?
[17:28] <lvnXP> lordievader, yes... Dophin shows it as well as the system tray icon that shows "most recent device"
[17:29] <lvnXP> whether using Dolphin or the system tray applet, there is a message, An error occurred while accessing '0 B Removable Media', the system responded: The requested operation has failed: Error mounting system-managed device /dev/fd0: Command-line `mount "/media/floppy0"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device
[17:31] <lvnXP> sorry, but I don't know IRC etiquette... should I preface my comments with a person's nickname ?
[17:31] <lordievader> lvnXP: Reboot your machine ;) that is a sure way of resetting them.
[17:32] <lordievader> lvnXP: IRC usually hilight a users nick.
[17:32] <lvnXP> rebooting didn't work. additionally, I created a new user account, and the problem was there, too
[17:33] <lordievader> lvnXP: Do you know how to use a terminal?
[17:33] <lvnXP> yes
[17:33] <alvin> Oops, I've found the reason for Telepathy's weird behaviour: apparmor
[17:34] <alvin> lvnXP: You have a 3.5" floppy?
[17:34] <lvnXP> alvin, I could scrounge one up...
[17:34] <alvin> Nono, I meant the /dev/fd0. That's a floppy device
[17:35] <alvin> Is it listed in /etc/fstab?
[17:35] <alvin> The system wants to access your floppy
[17:35] <alvin> God knows why
[17:36] <lordievader> The floppy might be enabled in the bios.
[17:40] <lvnXP> alvin, I put a floppy in and accessed via Dolphin -- tried to create a simple text file, but said it was not possible to write to media...
[17:41] <alvin> lvnXP: Do you have experience with Linux and floppies? It's a different approach. Not like Windows. You have to mount it first.
[17:41] <alvin> Also, your floppy drive or your floppies might be broken.
[17:41] <alvin> It's why I keep lots of them as backup. Both the drives and the floppies don't age well.
[17:42] <lvnXP> my linux experience is limited, I'm trying to transition -- 2 decades with MS has limited benefit
[17:43] <lvnXP> I thought I read something about fstab not being available, I've tried with and w/o sudo
[17:45] <alvin> What's the 14.04 equivalent of aa.complain?
[17:46] <alvin> lvnXP: Just do grep fd0 /etc/fstab and you'll know whether it's listed or not.
[17:47] <lvnXP> alvin, (1) thanks for your help (2) after grep command...../dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
[17:49] <alvin> lvnXP: So, it's there, but it does not autoload. That means your floppy will only mount when you want is (which is normal). If you don't have a floppy drive, remove that line from /etc/fstab. Use sudo nano -w /etc/fstab to edit the file and be careful not to remove too much.
[17:50] <alvin> You can just uncomment it by placing # in front of that line
[17:51] <lvnXP> but I do have a floppy drive... proceed with command, and UNcomment after problem resolved ?
[17:54] <lvnXP> alvin, I went ahead and commented out the fd0 biz, and am now restarting
[17:55] <alvin> lvnXP: Might work. Otherwise we'll have to find out what process is accessing your fd0
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[18:01] <SamwiseGamgee> I have an HP Pavilion a6700f Desktop PC with an AMD Phenom X4 9150e Quad-Core processor that has 4 GB of system memory, 3.25 GB of RAM, and runs at 1.81 Ghz, oh isn´t the RAM the same as system memory?
[18:01] <lvnXP> alvin, I think I'm going to drop back and punt -- slick the drive and start over. I restarted and it came up black after GUI logon. Had to C+A+F1 to login, uncomment and restart. Have the same problem after uncomment fd0. May have messed up something when trying to figure out how to install x11vnc where it works all the time, for all users
[18:03] <SamwiseGamgee> And my Pavilion PC is using a Zotac GT220 Synergy Edition 1 GB 128 bit DDR2 graphics card, that replaced the native NVIDIA GeForce 6150 SE graphics card
[18:05] <SamwiseGamgee> This PC was built to run Windows Vista, but I installed Windows XP, on the 120 GB system drive
[18:08] <SamwiseGamgee> the system drive is a 120 GB Samsung SSD
[18:09] <SamwiseGamgee> My Pavilion PC also has a 1.5 TB Western Digital hard drive attached, probably to an IDE cable
[18:11] <SamwiseGamgee> oh, frack
[18:13] <SamwiseGamgee> Anyway, in light of the above information, would it be wise to format the system drive, and install Kubuntu 14.04-LT?
[18:17] <alvin> yes
[18:18] <lvnXP> I would like to install x11vnc where it's always available -- at login (for all user accounts), at logout, restart, etc... karlrunge.com says to include the command in the "display manager startup script file" which varies by distribution. Between init, systemd, upstart, lightdm -- I'm very confused where to look on Kubunut 14.04 ! Any of you have experience ??
[18:19] <lordievader> lvnXP: x11vnc sounds like an vnc server, is this correct?
[18:19] <lvnXP> lordievader, yes x11vnc is a vnc server
[18:20] <lordievader> lvnXP: So it is probably a service, sudo service x11vnc start?
[18:21] <lordievader> SamwiseGamgee: With XP in the state that it is I'd say format that drive and install Kubuntu onto the 120 Gb drive. (Configure the 1.5 Tb drive as /home)
[18:22] <SamwiseGamgee> The 1.5 TB drive already has data on it, but there are a few partitions that are empty
[18:22] <SamwiseGamgee> Should I make one of them, /home then?
[18:23] <lordievader> SamwiseGamgee: You could, yes.
[18:23] <SamwiseGamgee> The 1.5 TB hard drive, it´s Western Digital, was formatted with NTFS, though
[18:24] <SamwiseGamgee> Should I reformat the empty partition for Home as ext4?
[18:26] <lordievader> SamwiseGamgee: Yes, exactly ;)
[18:28] <lvnXP> lordievade, I need to include the x11vnc command, replete with options/switches, in the display manager startup script. I don't know what the name/location of that file in Kubuntu 14.04
[18:29] <lordievader> lvnXP: Erm, if it is an upstart script it will startup when you boot your pc.
[18:31] <SamwiseGamgee> lordievader , Should I use GParted-Live to format the system drive and Home drive, before I put in the installation DVD?
[18:32] <lordievader> SamwiseGamgee: You can do the partitioning from a live-usb/cd of Kubuntu.
[18:32] <lordievader> Select manual during the Disk Setup.
[18:33] <SamwiseGamgee> By the way, when I include your name anywhere in the text here, lordievader, does my message automatically show up in red and alert you with a beep?
[18:33] <lordievader> How it shows up depends on the irc client. Only your nick changes into yellow here.
[18:34] <SamwiseGamgee> lordievader, are you getting beeps, when you see my messages?
[18:35] <lordievader> SamwiseGamgee: No, if I did I'd turn it off.
[18:35] <lvnXP> Anybody have x11vnc experience ?
[18:35] <SamwiseGamgee> Oh, but it´s easy to see my messages, lordievader, because they are in yellow?
[18:36] <lordievader> SamwiseGamgee: I have a script for irssi that throws messages addressed to me in a seperate window.
[18:37] <Unit193> linux4u: http://paste.openstack.org/show/krndVCkrtEzZCmNRXeKO I use that on a LAN, that's no password.
[18:37] <SamwiseGamgee> I am checking the cable attached to my 1.5 TB drive....to make sure it has 80 wires, and not 40 wires
[18:39] <SamwiseGamgee> Cann I run a Commodore64 emulator for games using Kubuntu 14.04 with my Pavilion PC, would that work?
[18:42] <SamwiseGamgee> I´m usine Wine right now with Kubuntu 12.04, so I can run the Windows based chess game called BabasChess. It works, but I accidentally installed some DOS executable program files when I was left clicking on them by accident
[18:43] <SamwiseGamgee> I was going through my Downloads folder when this happened. Is there a way to fix that problem? If not, then I suppose I should not install Wine on my Pavilion PC
[18:44] <SamwiseGamgee> Also, I noticed that with Wine installed, when I am browsing the Web with Firefox, I am getting pop ups, so does that present a security risk?
[18:59] <SamwiseGamgee> I think Service Pack 3 and some other Windows XP applications wrote data onto some of the WD 1.5 TB hard drive´s partitions. Should I delete them before installing Kubuntu 14.04? Or can I leave them there? I don´t think they take up a lot of memory, and they may come in handy, if I decide to reinstall Windows XP with my backups.
[19:01] <bprompt> SamwiseGamgee: hmm why would you want to keep them? that you think they'd come in handy, is XPsp3 installed? in the 1.5TB hdd?
[19:02] <SamwiseGamgee> No, it is installed on the 120 GB Samsung system drive
[19:03] <bprompt> SamwiseGamgee: so... why keep any extra data in the 1.5tb if not needed then :)
[19:05] <SamwiseGamgee> I am anxious about switching over to Kubuntu, and I have been using Windows XP for almost 20 years, and have invested a huge amount of time getting all kinds of awesome applications installed on my Pavilion PC, like Photoshop and QuarkXPress
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[19:06] <SamwiseGamgee> Plus, I anticipate some challenges getting the right drivers to run the peripherals such as the printers with Kubuntu, because they were working well with the Windows installation CDs
[19:07] <SamwiseGamgee> For example, my MP160 Canon scanner/printer
[19:08] <lordievader> SamwiseGamgee: In Ubuntu most of the drivers are compiled into the kernel. Most of the times it is simply plug and play.
[19:08] <bprompt> SamwiseGamgee: yeap, pretty much, most of the hardware will be picked up right out of the box, if not all
[19:09] <Guest37252> /server chat.freenode.net
[19:09] <bprompt> SamwiseGamgee: well.. if it's big package like that that are installed on the 1.5tb hdd, then I can see keeping them, just make a partition for kubuntu
[19:09] <SamwiseGamgee> But I have had all kinds of problems already with Kubuntu 12.04 using my MP160 Canon scanner/printer
[19:10] <currysand> Hi. After installing Kubuntu besides Ubuntu I have two encrypted swap partitions. Problem is: Kubuntu doesn't use any of them ("cat /proc/swaps" is empty and system monitor shows that there is zero swap). How can I fix that? I have deleted the enrypted swap which was created by Kubuntu. Now I want use the same encrypted swap as Ubuntu does.
[19:12] <SamwiseGamgee> I think there´s a Mac installation CD that came with my MP160 Canon printer/scanner, could Kubuntu use that, since it´s probably UNIX based, right?
[19:12] <lordievader> currysand: I thought that needed to be setup in /etc/crypttab.
[19:13] <currysand> lordievader: Yes, I think that too. Found it a second ago. Thx. I will try it.
[19:13] <lordievader> currysand: Good luck ;)
[19:16] <currysand> lordievader: Another question. How can I find out the UUID? (I know it in this case, but what if I wouldn't?)
[19:16] <currysand> It's easy to find out if the swap isn't encrypted.
[19:16] <SamwiseGamgee> Or may be I could use Wine to install the onscreen manual and the MP Navigator for my PIXMA MP160 Canon printer/scanner, right?
[19:16] <currysand> But blkid doesn't work here.
[19:17] <currysand> I mean: it doesn't work for encrypted partitions.
[19:17] <SamwiseGamgee> That may circumvent all those problems I had, and I could test it here using Kubuntu 12.04
[19:18] <currysand> Any idea, lordievader?
[19:20] <lordievader> currysand: blkid ;)
[19:20] <currysand> lordievader: Empty output if it's used for encrypted swap partitions.
[19:23] <SamwiseGamgee> Could I also use Wine to run Photoshop on Kubuntu?
[19:24] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee: There is an easy way to install Photoshop under Ubuntu … mom …
[19:25] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee: Dammit, it's in german (http://www.sknet.org/news/photoshop-cs5-unter-ubuntu-12-04-installieren-2/).
[19:27] <SamwiseGamgee> It still may work if I use Google translate, and then choose English during the installation, currysand?
[19:27] <currysand> Should work, yes.
[19:27] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee: Oh.
[19:28] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee: I'm not sure. Maybe the Photoshop-Installation-File is only in german …
[19:29] <SamwiseGamgee> Installation files always have English and other major international languages
[19:29] <SamwiseGamgee> If it has French, it would work for me
[19:29] <SamwiseGamgee> I speak French
[19:29] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee: Yes, but this installation file is a bit more specific. Try it and tell me.
[19:30] <SamwiseGamgee> Bing is also a good translator
[19:32] <SamwiseGamgee> Youŕe right, Google did not translate it so well, so I will try it with Bing
[19:32] <SamwiseGamgee> His German could be bad, too
[19:34] <SamwiseGamgee> Holy crap, Bing can translate the whole webpage....
[19:36] <SamwiseGamgee> http://www.microsofttranslator.com/bv.aspx
[19:38] <bprompt> das grosse bing
[19:38] * bprompt ducks
[19:40] <currysand> What are these hollow folders on the desktop and how can I create one?
[19:40] <currysand> (Fresh Kubuntu installation.)
[19:40] <SamwiseGamgee> This is the part that I think Google translates better....bin ich auf.......For something deeper browse the net, I'm on a modified Linux Photoshop CS5 - Bumped package that could be installed without much effort with "Play on Linux".
[19:40] <SamwiseGamgee> but it is still confusing to me
[19:42] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee: Forget that part. Read on at next paragraph ("... Photoshop CS5 Extended Linux ...").
[19:43] <SamwiseGamgee> ok
[19:43] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee: Do "sudo apt-get install playonlinux"
[19:43] <SamwiseGamgee> Now?
[19:44] <currysand> Open Play on Linux and click "Install". Under "Graphic" you find Photoshop CS4.
[19:46] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee: Click to install Photoshop CS4 and select the .exe file in the downloaded Zip.
[19:46] <currysand> BRB
[19:56] <ikonia> the more realistic option is to not run photoshop on linux and use gimp
[20:06] <SamwiseGamgee> currysand?
[20:08] <SamwiseGamgee> Do you need to install Wine before using PlayOnLinux, or does PlayOnLinux already have Wine as part of its native program, currysand?
[20:10] <SamwiseGamgee> He wrote: Because I perform and sometimes do photography on the screen, I got the idea to install Photoshop CS5 on Linux, not from the head. After a few minutes Googling, I got some useful results.
[20:10] <SamwiseGamgee> Most HOWTO's have copied the already installed Photoshop from the existing Windows partition and emulated it with Wine under Linux.
[20:14] <SamwiseGamgee> But it did not work under Ubuntu 12.04 with Photoshop CS5 as described. There were problems with the license or Photoshop collapsed directly during the boot process.
[20:15] <SamwiseGamgee> By looking for something better on the Net, I got a modified Linux Photoshop CS5 Linux - launched package, which could be installed with "Play on Linux" without great effort made.
[20:15] <ikonia> they are both something you should not depend on
[20:15] <ikonia> playonlinux is wine
[20:15] <SamwiseGamgee> oh
[20:16] <SamwiseGamgee> Photoshop is way better than Gimp, I have been using photoshop for over 10 years
[20:17] <ikonia> then use it on an OS that works
[20:17] <SamwiseGamgee> But is Gimp easy to use? May be it´s hard for me because I am used to Photoshop in a Windows environment
[20:17] <ikonia> you've just said "photoshop is way better then gimp" - but then asked "is gimp easy to use" suggesting you've never really used gimp
[20:18] <ikonia> seems a pretty stupid thing to say
[20:18] <SamwiseGamgee> yeah, I should experiment more with Gimp before considering the PlayOnLinux option
[20:18] <ikonia> you shouldn't consider playonlinux for anything ever in my opinion
[20:19] <SamwiseGamgee> Yeah, I´m running Wine now and it caused me to accidentally install some Windows apps with ¨left click¨
[20:20] <SamwiseGamgee> I´m usine Wine right now with Kubuntu 12.04, so I can run the Windows based chess game called BabasChess.  It works, but I accidentally installed some DOS executable program files when I was left clicking on them by accident
[20:21] <ikonia> you shouldn't ever consider wine in my opionion - ever
[20:21] <SamwiseGamgee> I was going through my Downloads folder when this happened.  Is there a way to fix that problem?  If not, then I suppose I should not install Wine on my Pavilion PC
[20:21] <ikonia> playonlinux and wine are the same thing
[20:21] <SamwiseGamgee> Without Wine, before, I never had this ¨left clicking¨ problem Also, I noticed that with Wine installed, when I am browsing the Web with Firefox, I am getting pop ups, so does that present a security risk?
[20:22] <ikonia> why are you running firefox in wine ?
[20:22] <SamwiseGamgee> I am running Firefox with Kubuntu
[20:23] <ikonia> so what has that got to do with wine then ?
[20:23] <SamwiseGamgee> I never installed anything intentinally with Wine, except BabasChess
[20:23] <SamwiseGamgee> But since I have installed Wine, I have noticed Firefox behaving differently
[20:24] <ikonia> in what way?
[20:24] <SamwiseGamgee> It could have been from updating Kubuntu, though, instead of Wine
[20:24] <SamwiseGamgee> Kubuntu updated Firefox just before I installed Wine
[20:25] <ikonia> in what way behaving differently
[20:25] <SamwiseGamgee> Since then Firefox has actually been working better, but it looks and acts more like Google Chrome, which is weird, but oddly helpful
[20:25] <ikonia> sorry, you contradict yourself too much
[20:25] <ikonia> you said it was having problems earlier
[20:25] <ikonia> then you said it was different
[20:26] <SamwiseGamgee> I was having problems with Firefox before I updated it, but I should have tested it more before I installed Wine
[20:26] <ikonia> now you say it's better
[20:26] <ikonia> impossible to help you
[20:26] <SamwiseGamgee> I only installed Wine recently
[20:26] <SamwiseGamgee> I have been using Kubuntu 12.04 for a long time, and I always had problems with Firefox
[20:27] <SamwiseGamgee> the problems were related to bookmarks and flash
[20:29] <SamwiseGamgee> the extensions for playing movies and videos on Firefox were not working for a long time
[20:30] <SamwiseGamgee> Shockwave flash
[20:31] <SamwiseGamgee> and Adobe Flash player
[20:33] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee, sorry. It took a bit of time.
[20:33] <SamwiseGamgee> Currsand, ikonia says PlayOnLinux is the same as Wine, and it´s a bad idea to run anything on that application
[20:34] <SamwiseGamgee> He convinced me I should experiment with Gimp some more before I consider installed the PlayOnLinux version of Photoshop
[20:34] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee, it's the easiest way to install Photoshop under Ubuntu. Me and my colleaque tried different ways - nothing has worked.
[20:35] <SamwiseGamgee> Did the translation work for you, did you try it?
[20:36] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee, that's true. I thought you need Photoshop for your business or something.
[20:37] <SamwiseGamgee> Iḿ a photographer and reporter
[20:37] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee, I am a german. I don't need a translation. :-)
[20:38] <SamwiseGamgee> but most of my photography is freelance. My training is print journalism, not so much photography
[20:39] <SamwiseGamgee> I mostly do photography for fun now, because I have another job
[20:39] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee, I think Gimp is great. I just need Photoshop to open PSD files. You can open PSD files with Gimp too, but it's very likely that some layers are missing or that gradients aren't displayed.
[20:40] <SamwiseGamgee> But I have been using Photoshop on windows for over 10 years
[20:40] <ikonia> if you need photoshop - use it on a supported platform
[20:40] <SamwiseGamgee> Yeah, I have an old Athlon PC that has Photoshop installed
[20:40] <currysand> It will take time to work in gimp but I think it's a very good alternative.
[20:41] <SamwiseGamgee> you mean, it will take time to get used to working with Gimp?
[20:41] <currysand> ikonia, good idea but it's nerving if you have to reboot your system to view some PDS files.
[20:41] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee, yes.
[20:42] <SamwiseGamgee> Yeah, that´s another reason I am nervous about installing Kubuntu, I never found a good Linux program to replace Adobe Acrobat
[20:42] <ikonia> currysand: it's reality though
[20:43] <SamwiseGamgee> PDS? I forgot what that stands for. Isn´t it called PSD?
[20:43] <currysand> The Play on Linux solution works fine for me.
[20:43] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee, PSD, yes.
[20:44] <SamwiseGamgee> You had no problems configuring your settings during the installation process of the Linux version of Photoshop?
[20:44] <SamwiseGamgee> My father went to school in Hamburg many years ago
[20:45] <SamwiseGamgee> and his friend, Schuller, was obsessed with Germany
[20:45] <SamwiseGamgee> Schueller, I think
[20:46] <SamwiseGamgee> I guess he had the German mentality, too, always clean, precise, methodical in everything he did
[20:47] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee, no, I had no problems.
[20:47] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee, my sister lives in Hamburg. It's a great city.
[20:47] <SamwiseGamgee> I am Canadian
[20:48] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee, do you know Robin Sparkles? :-)
[20:48] <SamwiseGamgee> I have visited Strasbourg and crossed the German border from France
[20:48] <SamwiseGamgee> Who is that?
[20:48] <SamwiseGamgee> into the Black Forest
[20:49] <currysand> SamwiseGamgee, just kidding. It's a fictional character from How I Met Your Mother.
[20:49] <SamwiseGamgee> what are you using photoshop for?
[20:50] <currysand> Just for viewing PSD files (I am web designer/developer).
[20:50] <sithlord48> it is known that KFN is down?
[20:50] <currysand> I have to quit now.
[20:51] <SamwiseGamgee> thanks for your help
[20:51] <currysand> You're welcome. Bye.
[20:51] <SamwiseGamgee> Goodbye
[20:52] <sithlord48> it is known that KFN is down? http://kubuntuforums.net <- 503 error
[20:58] <SamwiseGamgee> ikonia, why do you think Wine and PlayOnLinux are bad programs to run on Linux?
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=== luc__ is now known as simplify
=== simplify is now known as luc__
=== luc__ is now known as simplify
=== simplify is now known as luc__
=== luc__ is now known as Luc__
[21:08] <bnutzer> has anyone else lost the "suspen/sleep" menu entry lately?
[21:08] <bnutzer> suspend
[21:08] <Luc__> I have. The menu entry then reappears after a restart.
[21:12] <SamwiseGamgee> Is there a Mac Emulator similar to Wine for Windows, to emulate the Mac OS?
[21:16] <SamwiseGamgee> Do I need to set up a network if I have two computers hooked up to the same ethernet phone line at the same time?
[21:16] <bnutzer> SamwiseGamgee: not really. some projects exist, but they're very advanced
[21:16] <bnutzer> they are NOT very advanced
[21:17] <SamwiseGamgee> one PC will be running Xubuntu 14.04, the other one will be running Kubuntu 14.04, so should I create a network during the installation process, because I have not installed the OSs yet
[21:18] <SamwiseGamgee> Or would it just be easier to keep one PC unplugged all the time, so they both do not go online at the same time?
[21:21] <bnutzer> Luc__: oh. didn't notice your answer. thanks for the info
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[21:26] <SamwiseGamgee> Does PlayOnLinux work better than Wine?
[21:26] <niko> a bit more yes
[21:28] <SamwiseGamgee> Can I use PlayOnLinux to run the Windows Installation CD that came with my PIXMA Canon MP160 printer/scanner, so I can run the OnScreen Manual and troubleshooter interface?
[21:29] <SamwiseGamgee> Oh, it´s called the MP Navigator
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[21:47] <valorie> SamwiseGamgee: do you need it?
[21:47] <valorie> please try the free alternatives first
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[21:50] <SamwiseGamgee> Need what?
[21:51] <SamwiseGamgee> I have not tried scanning with the printer using Linux, I think it may be impossible without MP Navigator
[21:51] <valorie> ewww
[21:51] <valorie> we have skanlite
[21:52] <valorie> !scanner
[21:52] <valorie> huh, where is ubottu?
[21:52] <SamwiseGamgee> I should test it on Kubuntu 12.04 now, before I install Kubuntu 14.04 on my other PC
[21:53] <SamwiseGamgee> I am going to install xubuntu on this PC, and then replace Windows XP on my other PC with Kubuntu 14.04
[21:53] <valorie> netsplit, sheesh
[21:53] <SamwiseGamgee> I want to access that Pixma Canon printer on both of these PCs
[21:53] <valorie> good plan, SamwiseGamgee
[21:54] <valorie> you can try via the liveDVD/USB I think
[21:54] <valorie> see for sure if it works that way
[21:54] <SamwiseGamgee> but I am worried it will be difficult to do so, because I have alraeady experienced problems with the Pixma Canon printer using Linux
[21:57] <valorie> don't worry: test
[21:57] <SamwiseGamgee> Does SkanLite work better on Kubuntu or Xubuntu?
[21:57] <valorie> then you'll know one way or the other
[21:57] <valorie> it will work on any *buntu
[21:57] <valorie> all apps work with all desktops
[21:58] <SamwiseGamgee> How does that Live CD test thing work? Does it runn off the CD only, or does it create files on your hard disk for the testing?
[21:59] <valorie> runs off the DVD/USB only
[21:59] <valorie> no files on your HD
[22:00] <valorie> you can make your USB "persistant" and put files there if you want
[22:00] <SamwiseGamgee> Wow, that´s Try and Decide feature of the installation?
[22:00] <valorie> yes
[22:00] <valorie> darn it, get back here ubottu!
[22:02] <Unit193> !scanner
[22:02] <ubot93> Scanning software: simple-scan (GNOME), Gwenview (KDE), Xsane. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR
[22:03] <SamwiseGamgee> It´s tempting to test SkanLite now on Kubuntu 12.04, because if it works here, it will probably work on Kubuntu 14.04
[22:03] <SamwiseGamgee> thanks, ubot93
[22:05] <pedahzur> I'm using Kate, and have files open that are in different parts of the tree, but are in (different) directories that are named the same. I'd like to see the whole tree (up to the common directory), but it seems I can't. What I'm looking for is something like this: http://kate-editor.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/kate-treeview2.png That is from this post http://kate-editor.org/2010/09/10/tree-view-plugin-introduction/ which was dated
[22:05] <pedahzur> late 2010. Was that plugin never included in core?
[22:15] <valorie> pedahzur: I see file system browser tool view plugin in my kate setup
[22:15] <valorie> is taht what you want?
[22:17] <pedahzur> valorie: I don't think so. If you look at the image in the link, you'll see it only shows the tree for open files, and It's called Document Tree, it's not showing the entire file system.
[22:18] <valorie> you can ask about it in #kate, pedahzur
[22:19] <pedahzur> valorie: OK, thanks...wasn't aware there was a #kate channel.
[22:19] <valorie> perhaps there is a way to get that plugin
[22:19] <valorie> alis is a great tool!
[22:19] <valorie> !alis
[22:19] <ubot93> alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*
[22:19] <pedahzur> Great, thanks!
[22:21] <valorie> I like to search before recommending chans, just to be sure that they really do exist
[22:50] <teri> owell
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[23:27] <harold> YEAH KUBUNTU
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[23:36] <WilsonB1> Has anyone had success using multi-touch with touch screen on Ubuntu/Kubuntu ?