UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /27 /#cloud-init.txt
Initial commit
=== praneshp_ is now known as praneshp
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
=== evilissimo|afk is now known as evilissimo
=== praneshp_ is now known as praneshp
=== zz_gondoi is now known as gondoi
=== evilissimo is now known as evilissimo|afk
[15:56] <CatKiller> smoser: Hi, I had a quick question about mount-image-callback: Are the commands provided with args executed from inside the chroot? If running "apt-get install" will it run using the apt-get binary from inside the image, or the "host"'s apt-get?
[15:56] <CatKiller> Because I'd like to modify a 14.04 cloud image on an older 10.04 system (or 12.04)
[15:56] <smoser> hosts.
[15:56] <smoser> if you want chroot. then chroot
[15:57] <smoser> mount-image-callback .... -- chroot _MOUNTPOINT_ apt-get update
[15:57] <CatKiller> smoser: And do you think that would work then (running apt-get from inside a chroot with a different host's version?)
[15:58] <utlemming> CatKiller: yeah, that works unless you need kernel modules from the host
[15:58] <CatKiller> utlemming: Ah yes good point, didn't think about that. Here I'd be trying to install ubuntu-desktop within a ubuntu-cloudimage (server)
[15:59] <utlemming> CatKiller: that works just fine, I do that all the time
[15:59] <CatKiller> smoser, utlemming: Thanks a lot for the help
[15:59] <CatKiller> smoser: Another thing, I'm going to implement resizing the image, but I was wondering whether it would not make more sense to create a separate image resize script instead of forking mount-image-callback as you initially suggested
[16:01] <smoser> the reason it woudl fit in mount-image-callback is that in order to resize , you will need to set up the qemu-nbd device
[16:01] <smoser> and re-implement a lot of that.
[16:01] <CatKiller> smoser: Very true. Then mount-image-callback it is :)
[16:01] <CatKiller> I'll submit a patch when I'm done provided my boss gives the go ahead.
[16:01] <CatKiller> I will try and keep it really nice and clean like your own scripts
[16:05] <smoser> CatKiller, thakns. i i think i'd just try to do it as both a '--resize' flag
[16:05] <smoser> and also a 'mount-image-callback <resize>'
[16:06] <CatKiller> The second being like a command you pass to mount-image-callback?
=== gondoi is now known as zz_gondoi
[16:46] <smoser> CatKiller, well, i was tihning mount-image-callback would handle that specifically
[16:47] <smoser> kind of like a subcommand of mic
[16:47] <smoser> harlowja_away, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/103193/
[16:49] <CatKiller> smoser, ok, I'll let you know when I'm done for a quick review
[16:51] <smoser> k
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
=== hatchetation_ is now known as hatchetation