UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /20 /#ubuntu-ci-eng.txt
Initial commit
[00:07] <robru> rsalveti, hey, any luck with pyqt5?
[02:17] <rsalveti> robru: yeah, pushed a new qtbase a couple of hours ago, waiting that to finish to push a new pyqt
[02:17] <robru> rsalveti, ah cool, thanks for taking care of that. it's all beyond me. I should write that landing mail soon ;-)
[02:18] <rsalveti> yeah, I'd imagine the debian sync to be fine, Mirv was upstreaming most of his stuff anyway
[03:34] <rsalveti> robru: it seems 90 is a bad image
[03:34] <robru> rsalveti, oh?
[03:34] <rsalveti> half qt 5.2 half qt 5.3
[03:35] <robru> rsalveti, oh awesome
[03:35] <rsalveti> at least updated to 90 and unity8 didn't work
[03:35] <rsalveti> flashing a clean image to test
[03:35] <robru> rsalveti, I'm just starting to write that landing mail, let me know what I should put in there ;-)
[03:35] <rsalveti> sure
[03:36] <rsalveti> maybe it would be nice for someone to remove that image from the server?
[03:36] <rsalveti> people upgrading will get a broken system
[03:36] <robru> rsalveti, only devs upgrading... it's not like we're gonna promote that
[03:36] <rsalveti> sure, guess if we warn them we should be fine :-)
[03:36] <robru> rsalveti, dunno, I thnk only ogra can delete those images. at least he's the one who does the promotions
[03:37] <rsalveti> right
[03:43] <robru> rsalveti, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/90.changes looks like *only* graphicaleffects 5.3 made it through so far
[03:43] <rsalveti> yeah
[03:43] <rsalveti> file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/AbstractButton.qml:18:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtFeedback": The plugin '/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/QtFeedback/libdeclarative_feedback.so' uses incompatible Qt library. (5.3.0) [release]
[03:43] <rsalveti> import QtFeedback 5.0
[03:43] <rsalveti> unity8 didn't start successfully here
[03:43] <rsalveti> clean flash on flo = black screen
[03:46] <rsalveti> qtfeedback-opensource-src migrated as well
[03:46] <rsalveti> probably because it's not depending on qt 5.3
[03:47] <rsalveti> a bug in the package
[03:49] <robru> rsalveti, alright, I'm out for the day. I sent the email with the warning not to use #90. goodnight!
[03:49] <rsalveti> robru: thans
[03:49] <rsalveti> thanks
[03:49] <rsalveti> will keep watching the migrating for a bit
[03:50] <rsalveti> pyqt should hopefully be done in a few minutes
[06:14] <rsalveti> yay, it seems everything is migrating fine now
[06:14] <rsalveti> will trigger a new image once everything is in place
[07:11] <rsalveti> ok, time to trigger a new image
[07:11] <rsalveti> == Image 93 building ==
[07:14] <popey> dammit, i really should read the mailing list before upgrading my phone
[07:55] <Saviq> hmm hmm who knows about the Qt 5.3 landing, didn't this land https://code.launchpad.net/~afrantzis/qtubuntu/fix-1321189/+merge/220613 ?
[07:56] <Saviq> ah, probably not merged&cleaned yet
[07:56] <rsalveti> Saviq: afaik this landed
[07:56] <rsalveti> just not merged
[07:56] <Saviq> rsalveti, yeah, stuff's only migrated an hour ago or so
[07:57] <rsalveti> yeah, that's why I'm still awake
[07:57] <Saviq> rsalveti, ouch
[07:57] <Saviq> rsalveti, can I help / take over / something?
[07:57] <rsalveti> Saviq: guess just testing 91 (should be out in ~30min)
[07:57] <rsalveti> that should be the first qt 5.3 image
[07:58] <rsalveti> everything landed already
[07:59] <rsalveti> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/pending/utopic-preinstalled-touch-armhf.manifest
[07:59] <rsalveti> yeah, it seems fine, just waiting system-image sync
[07:59] <rsalveti> anyway, I'm off, later :-)
[07:59] <Saviq> o/
[08:10] <brendand> psivaa, hey
[08:10] <psivaa> brendand: hello
[08:11] <brendand> psivaa, no smoketesting results this morning?
[08:11] <psivaa> brendand: yea because image 90 is broken.
[08:12] <ogra_> and 91 doesnt exist yet it seems
[08:12] <psivaa> brendand: email fro robru in phone mailing list
[08:13] <ogra_> rsalveti, the last time i tried to get channels back in sync the world fell apart, i'll poke stgraber once he is around
[08:16] <oSoMoN> are neither Mirv nor sil2100 around today?
[08:16] <Mirv> \o/
[08:16] <ogra_> oSoMoN, sil2100 is off
[08:16] <oSoMoN> Mirv, hey, congratulations on the Qt 5.3 landing
[08:16] <ogra_> and Mirv is obviously doing yoga :)
[08:17] <ogra_> (or other gymnastics)
[08:17] <Mirv> oSoMoN: thanks, I just came here to to quickly rejoy it. thanks to Ricardo for the final pyqt5/qtbase fix during the night.
[08:17] <ogra_> :)
[08:17] <Mirv> what did sil2100 say btw about who's handling EU landings today, no-one?
[08:17] <ogra_> ah, seems 91 is actually building
[08:17] <ogra_> Mirv, yeah, i think so
[08:17] <oSoMoN> Mirv, any idea why the status of silo 5 in the CI train spreasheet won’t update? it still says a few packages are still in proposed, which isn’t correct
[08:18] <oSoMoN> Mirv, it would be good to get it to merge and clean, to unblock other landings
[08:18] <Saviq> oSoMoN, still not in archive for me for example
[08:18] <ogra_> Mirv, i'll run the meeting this morning, rob the evening one (mand he does the mail) ... and nobody will do landings apparently
[08:18] <Mirv> Saviq: everything is there in the main archive
[08:18] <Saviq> oSoMoN, but agreed it should've allowed to merge
[08:18] * ogra_ gets coffee
[08:18] <Mirv> ogra_: ok.
[08:19] <Saviq> Mirv, yeah, not on my mirror (apt-cacher-ng maybe?)
[08:19] <Mirv> oSoMoN: I think it's a bug
[08:19] <davmor2> Okay who broke the Phone image
[08:19] <Mirv> oSoMoN: Saviq: newer packages of those were auto-synced from Debian immediately after :)
[08:19] <Mirv> I'll run M&C shortly
[08:19] <Saviq> kk
[08:19] <oSoMoN> Saviq, huh, that’s weird, I just dist-upgraded my N7 from the archive (no PPA involved), and everything is Qt5.3
[08:19] <davmor2> was the image built before all of 5.3 landed or something?
[08:19] <Mirv> Saviq: you probably have a mirror
[08:20] <oSoMoN> davmor2, see robru’s e-mail
[08:20] <Mirv> davmor2: see mailing list, yes qtgraphicaleffects went in too early, new image should be ready soon
[08:20] * Mirv notes it's a bit hard to start vacation mentally when doing the biggest landing in months on the last day's evening
[08:20] <davmor2> :) \o/
[08:22] * Mirv runs Merge & Clean
[08:23] * Mirv notes Merge & Clean done for Qt 5.3 (code branch wise, PPA cleaning for 20+ mins)
[08:26] * Mirv assigns 2 silos
[08:28] * Mirv runs back to yoga or whatever
[08:29] <Mirv> I think you'll have enough to digest with the new Qt 5.3 image until robru is back for landing the next new stuff.
[08:32] <oSoMoN> Mirv, thanks, and enjoy your well deserved vacation!
[08:33] <seb128> Mirv, you are off today?
[08:33] <seb128> is there any lander in european tz since sil2100 is off as well?
[08:33] <ogra_> seb128, nope
[08:34] <seb128> shrug
[08:34] <Laney> last night they told me all core-devs can do silos now
[08:34] <seb128> no assigning
[08:34] <seb128> just reconfiguring
[08:34] <seb128> no?
[08:34] <Laney> yes assigning
[08:34] <Laney> that's what they said anyway
[08:35] <seb128> well, I don't know the magic to make that happen
[08:35] <ogra_> well, try it if you have the balls
[08:35] <seb128> even if I've the acl
[08:35] <Laney> try it on a desktop thing, nobody cares about that anyway :P
[08:35] * ogra_ doesnt either
[08:35] <seb128> Laney, well, I would try if I knew what to try ;-)
[08:35] <Laney> landing team tools -> assign silo
[08:36] <seb128> where are those tools? on the gdoc?
[08:36] <Laney> yeah
[08:36] <Laney> in the menu bar at the top
[08:37] <Mirv> seb128: yes I'm not here, but now that I was here anyway I took care of some silos
[08:37] <seb128> well, available silo = 1, let's wait for people to land some stuff maybe
[08:38] <seb128> Mirv, thanks for that, I just find weird that we end up with days with no lander available, we either need more people to not have all landers taking holidays at the same time ;-)
[08:38] <Mirv> seb128: I just freed up qtwebkit 5.2 silo, you can assign 1 more
[08:38] <seb128> Mirv, thanks
[08:38] <Laney> a new lander is born
[08:39] <Mirv> seb128: yeah sil2100 asked about my Thu and Fri via e-mail, and I answered I can take care of Thu but he needs someone else for Fri
[08:40] <imgbot> === trainguard: IMAGE 91 DONE (finished: 20140620 08:40) ===
[08:40] <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/91.changes ===
[08:40] <ogra_> quite a few changes :)
[08:41] <seb128> Laney, mouahaha, that worked!
[08:41] <Laney> \o/
[08:41] <ogra_> awesome !
[08:42] <Laney> so no need for the landing team!
[08:42] * Laney sends them off to the beach
[08:42] <ogra_> they all are :)
[08:42] <davmor2> ogra_: it rebooted
[08:43] <ogra_> davmor2, with 91 ?
[08:43] <davmor2> yes it's up and running \o/
[08:43] <ogra_> dude !
[08:43] <ogra_> strop scaring me
[08:44] <davmor2> ogra_: sorry should of been it's rebooted
[08:44] <ogra_> :)
[08:44] <davmor2> not enough coffee
[08:44] <ogra_> same here
[08:45] <ogra_> :)
[08:45] <ogra_> *slurp*
[08:48] <davmor2> phone calls work
[08:49] <davmor2> oh just noticed the camera icon on sms I guess MMS is now fully supported must try that too :)
[08:52] <ogra_> heh
[08:52] <davmor2> no just an icon
[08:52] <davmor2> sms works though
[08:52] <ogra_> might not be hooked up with content hub yet
[08:52] <ogra_> file a bug :)
[08:52] <davmor2> woohoo one working phone now to test the rest
[08:53] <ogra_> awesome
[08:53] <ogra_> i hope the stuttering scrollinh in the browser is gone again ... its very annoying
[08:53] <davmor2> Bug 1234567 Damn the phone is working this needs fixing immediately
[08:53] <ubot5> bug 1234567 in GNU Mailman "Czech catalog bug" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234567
[08:54] <davmor2> who knew that bug number existed
[08:54] <ogra_> lol
[08:55] <davmor2> ogra_: well that's it, phone, text and 2048Native working. That's a working phone as far as I'm concerned ;)
[08:56] * ogra_ promotes then
[08:56] <davmor2> header in gallery still seem broken but I thought that got fixed maybe it didn't land yet
[08:56] <ogra_> i dont see gallery app in the changes
[08:56] <davmor2> calendar check
[09:01] <davmor2> ogra_: I'm not sure I like the little grey bar to the left of the full screen video
[09:01] <ogra_> there is a grey bar ?
[09:01] <ogra_> probably the panel ?
[09:02] <davmor2> ogra_: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/stackoverflow.com
[09:03] <davmor2> ogra_: sorry http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-06-20-100207.png
[09:03] <ogra_> looks like a bug with the media pülayer
[09:03] <ogra_> i guess it needs to disable the header or so
[09:12] <davmor2> ogra_: no that is from the amazon webapp
[09:12] <davmor2> that is not mediaplayer as far as I know
[09:13] <davmor2> meh I can't pull up the bar with the back button on web app
[09:14] <ogra_> damn
[09:14] <ogra_> doe it have the new header ?
[09:14] <ogra_> with the back button on top
[09:15] <davmor2> ogra_: oh interesting it works in g+ let me try some others
[09:17] <davmor2> ogra_: oh okay it's only on video pages so I wonder if that grey bar means that the settings are displaced and that is why I can't get the back button up
[09:18] <ogra_> might be
[09:18] <davmor2> ogra_: if you open the amazon app, click on phone video, it opens full screen and then you can't raise the back button
[09:19] <davmor2> however on the main amazon site I can
[09:30] <davmor2> popey: ogra_: does the new sound icon look odd being dark grey? To me it looks like it is muted not being lit up
[09:30] <dbarth> hiya, anyone here is a ci power user?
[09:31] <dbarth> i'd need silo 11 to be reconfiguerd (dropped a branch that wouldn't pass)
[09:32] <popey> davmor2: yeah, and barely visible inside the indicator when you pull down
[09:47] <davmor2> popey: music from the dash isn't lasting beyond the screen blank now either :( I blame jhodapp for that though :D
[09:51] <popey> i dont understand
[10:09] <ricmm> hi
[10:09] <ricmm> robru: hey, can I get a silo for line 28 ?
[10:09] <ricmm> was blocking on qt 53
[10:09] <ricmm> :)
[10:15] <davmor2> popey: in the music carousel click on a track, now play it from the scope itself, in qt5.2 it had started to play after the screen blanked. In qt 5.3 that seems to of stopped
[10:15] <davmor2> popey: I'm not sure if it is using mediahub though so it might be a fluke that it started to work on qt5.2
[10:17] <ricmm> scope playing uses media-hub indeed
[10:26] <ricmm> no train guy today? :(
[10:26] <ogra_> ricmm, no EU train guys today ...
[10:27] <ogra_> (we need to train more in a training for the train :) )
[10:28] <Laney> go on ogra_, use your powers
[10:28] <Laney> :P
[10:28] <ogra_> i have no clue how ...
[10:29] <Laney> seb128 figured it out
[10:29] <Laney> if he can do it ...
[10:29] * Laney runs
[10:29] * Laney runs FAST
[10:29] <vila> hi there !
[10:29] <seb128> Laney, o_0
[10:30] <vila> I upgraded to image 90 ? And now my phone doesn't boot anymore :-(
[10:30] <davmor2> vila: see mailing list you need 91
[10:30] <ogra_> vila, well, reading the mailing list might help :P
[10:31] <davmor2> vila: plug it into your computer and do ubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel-proposed and that should fix it
[10:31] <ogra_> flash 91 and you should be good
[10:31] <ogra_> (or stop running untested images in production and uye the devel channel :P )
[10:31] <ogra_> *use
[10:32] <vila> now,, come the hardest part: it ~boot but seem to fall alseep so I have a limited time to connect to it
[10:32] <vila> oh right, yeah, may be I should do that but I'm trying to dogfood...
[10:32] <ogra_> well, -propoased is for initial QA testing ... dogfooders should use devel
[10:33] <ogra_> proposed images are often enough broken
[10:50] <vila> davmor2, ogra: that fixed it once I managed to vol/power reboot
[10:52] <davmor2> vila: why adb should still work, so ubuntu-device-flash should of just kicked in, it's what I did to get back to 89 prior to updating to 91 :)
[10:54] <vila> ouch, all contacts and msgs lost :-(
[10:55] <vila> --wipe is the *default* ?
[10:55] <davmor2> vila: yes because I assume you did --bootstrap
[10:55] <davmor2> vila: no, if you did power + volume then you bootstraped
[10:56] <vila> I did both
[10:57] <davmor2> vila: you didn't need to do that though. just plugging it in and doing ubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel-proposed should of been enough :(
[10:57] <davmor2> that would then of kept all your contacts and sms etc
[10:58] <ogra_> next time :)
[10:58] <vila> nm, it didn't, it booted up to a black screen for some time and fall asleep ? {adb|fastboot} devices were empty
[11:00] <davmor2> vila: contacts is easy if your have them synced to google, just setup the google account then click on it then select contacts and calendar and then the syncing magic begins
[11:01] <vila> davmor2: not synced, next ? :-}
[11:02] <davmor2> vila: type them all back in manually and weep a lot?
[11:02] * vila nods
[11:02] <vila> davmor2: is there a way to backup something (contacts, msgs, photos) is all I care about
[11:03] <ogra_> only via adb manually ...
[11:03] <davmor2> vila: you might want to seriously consider syncing them to google it much easier. Msgs no idea and photos via copy and paste on mtp
[11:04] <ogra_> or mtp for photos, yeah
[11:04] <vila> davmor2: google knows far too much already :)
[11:05] <davmor2> ogra_: Although not directly in Shotwell :( "Shotwell Unable to fetch previews from the camera: Could not claim the USB device (-53)"
[11:06] <ogra_> not sure, doesnt that need gphoto ?
[11:06] <popey> chrisccoulson: i just did "adb shell system-image-cli" to update mine from broken to not-broken fwiw
[11:06] <popey> er, oops
[11:06] <popey> ^ vila
[11:07] <vila> popey: not sure why it didn't work for me but I did indeed try that
[11:07] <davmor2> ogra_: no idea, I just opened Shotwell and selected Nexus4 from the cameras section
[11:08] <popey> there's a bug about this
[11:08] <popey> we should be exposing photos over /DCIM
[11:08] <popey> bug 1283871
[11:08] <ubot5> bug 1283871 in mtp (Ubuntu) "Default mount points not suitable for photo import" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1283871
[11:09] <davmor2> popey: I thought there would be to be honest :)
[11:10] <davmor2> poor cyphermox too many pies not enough fingers
[11:20] <ogra_> so what can we do for gallery app ?
[11:20] * ogra_ would really like to see these failures gone ...
[11:20] <ogra_> robru didnt mention them at all in his landing mail :(
[11:25] <ogra_> davmor2, you said they are known ?
[11:27] <davmor2> ogra_: there is apparently a fix I just need to pick on people till they land it
[11:27] <ogra_> on whom do i need to pick then ?
[11:29] <davmor2> ogra_: bill
[11:29] <davmor2> ogra_: from the now on holiday Mirv bfiller is still working on gallery, please push him to publish the new gallery to the store
[11:30] <ogra_> yeah, i will once this TZ gets up ...
[11:30] <davmor2> ogra_: I know right idle gits staying in bed all this time you'd think it was the other side of the world or something ;)
[11:31] <ogra_> yeah, US slackers ... sleeping all day ...
[11:35] <ricmm> zzz
[11:35] * ricmm wants a silo
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
[11:46] <Laney> ricmm: what line?
[11:46] <Laney> lemme try doing it
[11:50] <seb128> lol
[11:50] <seb128> I can do it if you want
[11:50] <seb128> just select the line and use the tools box
[11:50] * Laney wants to learn too
[11:50] <Laney> is it 28?
[11:51] <seb128> ogra_, what did you do?
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
[11:51] <ogra_> seb128, me ?
[11:52] <seb128> ogra_, why did you upload ubuntu-touch-session while mterry has it in a silo?
[11:52] <seb128> ogra_, https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-012/+packages
[11:52] <ogra_> ugh, why does he
[11:52] <ogra_> sigh
[11:52] <seb128> " * Enable a boot animation by default for Touch sessions"
[11:52] <ogra_> right, wipe that
[11:52] <ogra_> if you can
[11:52] <seb128> well, ue has an u-s-c change there as well
[11:52] <ogra_> frees up a silo :=
[11:53] <seb128> to save resources
[11:53] * ogra_ though he told mike he would take care of it
[11:56] <Laney> seb128: do I need to fill in dest PPA?
[11:56] <seb128> Laney, if you want a specific one yes, I didn't
[11:56] <Laney> ok
[11:56] <seb128> I didn't touch anything
[11:57] <seb128> shrug
[11:57] <seb128> unity8-desktop-mir doesn't give me an unity anymore
[11:57] <seb128> what did you people do since yesterday!
[11:57] * seb128 blames qt 5.3
[11:58] <ogra_> seb128, is that the iso ?
[11:58] <Laney> I did it
[11:58] <Laney> did it work?
[11:58] <ogra_> half of 5.3 got stuck in -proposed
[11:58] <ogra_> you need to build a fresh image
[11:58] <seb128> Laney, you can look at the jenkins log, it should tell you what ppa you got
[11:58] <seb128> ogra_, no, it's my utopic laptop that I just dist-upgraded using the main archive
[11:58] <ogra_> hmm, weird
[11:58] <ogra_> phones definitely work
[11:59] <Laney> seb128: does the spreadsheet take time to update?
[11:59] <seb128> Laney, yes, it updates every 5 minutes
[11:59] <Laney> oh okay
[11:59] <Laney> ricmm: you got 005!
[11:59] <Laney> yay, first assignment
[11:59] <seb128> congrats ;-)
[12:00] <davmor2> ogra_: oh browser works on manta now and everything
[12:01] <ogra_> seb128, hmm, so i guess i should remove the ubuntu-touch-session branch from that silo, test the u-s-c fix and we should land ...
[12:01] <davmor2> QT5.3 fixes the world \o/
[12:01] <seb128> ogra_, right
[12:01] <seb128> oSoMoN, dbarth, tedg: you have silos marked as verified/ready to land, anything blocking the actual landings to happen?
[12:02] <ogra_> hmm, do i need to reconfigure after droping the branch ?
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-lunch
[12:05] <seb128> ogra_, yes, though reconfigure might not be enough, you might need to use the lander tools if you change the set of components
[12:05] <ogra_> hmm
[12:05] <ricmm> woo
[12:05] <ricmm> Laney: thanks !
[12:06] <seb128> hum, so unity8-mir is in stop/waiting
[12:06] <seb128> did anything change in the events emitted since yesterday?
[12:07] <seb128> if I start unity8-mir I get it and it works
[12:07] <cjwatson> Are you folks planning to build another image before EOD?
[12:08] <ogra_> cjwatson, only if we get fixes for the regressions ... all people providing any are in US TZ
[12:08] <cjwatson> Ah, OK
[12:09] <cjwatson> I was wondering if it'd be worth switching you over to livefs-in-LP now, but if you're not going to build something before I leave for a train in four hours, better to leave it until Monday
[12:09] <ogra_> cjwatson, yeah ... i will need to adjust the bot too i guess ... (unless you use identical commands on nusakan)
[12:10] <cjwatson> You use identical commands on nusakan
[12:10] <cjwatson> You shouldn't need to change anything, unless you have something that watches the livefs-build-logs directory or something
[12:10] <cjwatson> (Which I don't plan to update for LP-based builds - you can just get them from LP directly)
[12:11] <ogra_> nope, it uses an ugly pgrep currently ...
[12:11] <cjwatson> Then you don't need to change anything
[12:11] <oSoMoN> seb128, nothing except for the lack of someone who can actually publish
[12:11] <ogra_> would be nice if we could have cdimage touch a timestamp or something if an image build starts
[12:11] <oSoMoN>
[12:11] <ogra_> (at some point)
[12:11] <seb128> oSoMoN, we can publish for you ;-)
[12:12] <oSoMoN> seb128, then please do, you can publish silos 4 and 11
[12:12] <seb128> thanks
[12:13] <cjwatson> ogra_: well, it wasn't designed for this specifically, but /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/etc/.next-build-suffix-ubuntu-touch-utopic-daily-preinstalled is written at the start of every ubuntu-touch build
[12:13] <cjwatson> ogra_: so you could just use that
[12:13] <ogra_> oh, coool
[12:13] <ogra_> thats way better than scanning the processlist every 5 min
[12:14] <cjwatson> it's replaced atomically, so don't hold an fd open on it or anything :)
[12:14] <ogra_> well, i'll still poll i guess :)
[12:14] <cjwatson> sure
[12:14] <ogra_> but with less ooverhead
[12:14] <cjwatson> for completion, you could either continue polling the process list, or I guess check the log file or something
[12:15] <cjwatson> don't know what you're doing for that today
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[12:16] <ogra_> today i'm running /home/ogra/touch-image-monitor on nusakan its quite ugly but i had to come up with something quickly
[12:17] <cjwatson> Oh, the ssh command there won't appear any more
[12:18] <cjwatson> But that was only part of the build anyway, so was never a reliable test
[12:18] <ogra_> right
[12:20] <cjwatson> So, yeah, you're going to need to refactor that to something based on .next-build-suffix-foo and then maybe find the latest log file in /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/log/ubuntu-touch/utopic/ ?
[12:20] <cjwatson> You could work out the expected log file name from .next-build-suffix-foo, in fact
[12:20] <ogra_> well, i actually look for system-image versions ... that script only marks the start of the build
[12:21] <cjwatson> Yeah, but you sleep while the build is happening, as far as I can see
[12:21] <ogra_> i write a new stamp every thime the pid for the command changes ...
[12:22] <ogra_> the sleep is just an endless loop
[12:22] <cjwatson> Right, which means you need a way to notice when the build ends as well as starts, if you can no longer grep for a pid
[12:23] <cjwatson> One option would be to take .next-build-suffix, it's DATE:SUFFIX, if SUFFIX is 1 then the log file will be daily-preinstalled-DATE.log, otherwise daily-preinstalled-DATE.(SUFFIX-1).log
[12:24] <cjwatson> Then wait until "===== Finished =====" appears in the log file
[12:24] <cjwatson> Doesn't tell you about failures but it's not clear you need that
[12:25] <cjwatson> Or indeed you could just wait for DATE or DATE.(SUFFIX-1) to appear in the system-image json file
[12:25] <ogra_> thats what i do today
[12:25] <ogra_> since i want the overall build, not just cdimage
[12:28] <cjwatson> ogra_: But I mean without the grep for an ssh process which is going to go away soon
[12:28] <cjwatson> are we talking past each other?
[12:28] <popey> cihelp can someone help me figure out why this autolanding is failing?
[12:28] <ogra_> yeah, kind of i think
[12:29] <ogra_> i'll just check for the file ... will adjust that over the weekend
[12:29] <cjwatson> Check for which file?
[12:31] <ogra_> /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/etc/.next-build-suffix-ubuntu-touch-utopic-daily-preinstalled
[12:31] <cjwatson> ogra_: Which is fine as far as it goes, but it won't be touched when a build completes, and right now you are relying on information from your process list check to tell when a build completes
[12:31] <cjwatson> It's only touched when a build starts
[12:32] <ogra_> yes, for completion i have other logic running locally here
[12:32] <ogra_> i only need the start point from nusakan
[12:32] <vila> popey: 4 test failures ? Or did you mean help about the test failures ?
[12:32] <cjwatson> OK, I'm just going by what's in the script currently on nusakan, if you have something better elsewhere then fair enough
[12:32] <popey> vila: ah, i couldn't find that log
[12:33] <ogra_> cjwatson, that script also only checks for the start of a build
[12:33] <cjwatson> Not true
[12:33] <cjwatson> PID="$(pgrep -f "$MATCH" | tail -1)"
[12:33] <cjwatson> if [ "$OLDPID" != "$PID" ]; then
[12:33] <popey> thanks vila
[12:33] <ogra_> it stores the PID
[12:33] <cjwatson> Which will change when the build ends
[12:33] <vila> popey: see pm for the pages I follo.. :)
[12:33] <ogra_> it will vanish when the build ends
[12:33] <popey> got it
[12:34] <ogra_> and once a new one starts iit starts with a new PID
[12:34] <cjwatson> Right, the empty string is not equal to the non-empty string
[12:34] <cjwatson> Surely you don't only find out about a new build output when the next build starts
[12:34] <ogra_> oh, yeah, thats a bug :)
[12:34] <ogra_> funnily it just works though
[12:34] <cjwatson> That's because you're implicitly relying on finding out when a build ends :)
[12:35] <cjwatson> Or at least it looks very much like it ...
[12:35] <cjwatson> Anyway, we've probably talked enough about this :)
[12:35] <ogra_> yeah
[12:35] <ogra_> thanks for the hint :)
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[12:42] <ogra_> seb128, i fear i need your help t clean up that mess i made ... where do i find these landing-tools ? seems reconfigure did nothing (didnt even start anything on jenkins)
[12:44] <seb128> ogra_, in the menus at the top of the screen
[12:45] <seb128> ogra_, you have a "landing team tools"
[12:45] <ogra_> ha !
[12:45] <ogra_> bklind me
[12:46] <ogra_> hmm, i only have three options there
[12:51] <seb128> mterry, hey, don't get confused, ogra is trying to sort out the fact that he uploaded the session package that was already in your silo
[12:51] <ogra_> mterry, sorry ...
[12:52] <ricmm> ogra_: bro
[12:52] <ricmm> not cool
[12:52] <ricmm> lol
[12:52] <mterry> ogra_, no no worries. You were in the spreadsheet first :)
[12:52] <ogra_> i messed up :(
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: josepht | CI Train Status: #87 promoted | CI Train Sheriff: robru | Known issues: -
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[13:18] <mterry> ogra_, it still thinks ubuntu-touch-session is in there
[13:18] <ogra_> where ?
[13:18] <mterry> ogra_, we need to reconfigure I guess?
[13:18] <mterry> ogra_, landing-012
[13:18] <ogra_> yes, where does it tell you it still thinks that i mean
[13:18] <mterry> ogra_, https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-012-1-build/63/console
[13:19] <ogra_> ok., let me ask didrocks then
[13:30] * mterry high fives ogra_
[13:30] <ogra_> mterry, ready now ... ubuntu--touch-session is already in the archive (which is what caused all the trouble)
[13:31] <ogra_> :D
[13:31] <mterry> RIght...
[13:31] <mterry> ogra_, I'd like to fast-lane this guy because without it, the spinner takes 5% CPU
[13:31] <ogra_> yeah
[13:31] <mterry> ogra_, but the branch itself isn't reviewed (kgunn tested it, but didn't review code)
[13:31] <ogra_> hmpf
[13:32] <ogra_> i guess we need the Mir team then
[13:32] <mterry> I poked on #ubuntu-mir this morning, but no response yet
[13:32] <ogra_> yup. saw that
[13:32] <ogra_> cant MacSlow do that ?
[13:32] <mterry> ogra_, how do you pay attention to all these IRC channels? :)
[13:33] <ogra_> a good xchat setup :)
[13:33] <mterry> ogra_, I guess? Sure
[13:33] * mterry looks at MacSlow
[13:33] * ogra_ looks at MacSlow too
[13:33] <mterry> (we're talking about https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity-system-compositor/kill-spinner/+merge/223837 )
[13:55] <MacSlow> ogra_, mterry: looking into it
[13:55] * mterry hugs MacSlow
[14:08] <dbarth> hey, quick question about builders
[14:08] <rsalveti> morning
[14:08] <dbarth> i'm looking for a ppa with good arm builders
[14:09] <dbarth> which would not be a silo
[14:09] <rsalveti> ogra_: how bad are we looking atm?
[14:09] <dbarth> just for a media hub
[14:09] <dbarth> (and oxide build :)
[14:10] <ogra_> rsalveti, five apps have test failures (one each) ... and gallery exploded in flames
[14:10] <ogra_> rsalveti, pretty good apart from these
[14:10] <ogra_> dbarth, canonical-arm-dev ?
[14:10] <dbarth> ogra_: is that accessible for me?
[14:11] <ogra_> dbarth, i can add you to the team
[14:12] <dbarth> ogra_: ah, apparently alex-abreu is in the team already
[14:12] <rsalveti> ogra_: haha, great
[14:12] <dbarth> so good
[14:12] <ogra_> dbarth, you too apparently
[14:12] <dbarth> ah nice
[14:29] <brendand> ogra_, there won't be any QA representation at the landing meeting later
[14:29] <brendand> ogra_, elopio is off, and i need to finish early today
[14:29] <ogra_> brendand, hmm, ok ...
[14:29] <ogra_> i guess we wont sort the issues today anyway
[14:30] <ogra_> though i would really like to talk to someone from the gallery-app team
[14:30] <brendand> ogra_, gallery app is the major thing
[14:30] <ogra_> right
[14:30] <brendand> ogra_, is there no-one around?
[14:30] <ogra_> well, i'm waiting for bfiller
[14:30] <ogra_> not sure who specifically works on gallery in his team
[14:34] * ogra_ guesses elopio will watch football on a large screen today :)
[14:49] <mterry> ogra_, once that kill-spinner branch is approved, I'll set the silo to Tested, FYI. I think between myself, kgunn, and MacSlow we're good
[14:49] <ogra_> yeah
[14:49] <mterry> Assuming it does get approved
[14:49] <mterry> :)
[14:49] <ogra_> heh, yeah
[14:49] <MacSlow> mterry, ok
[14:50] <ogra_> would be good to have it in before the next cronjob kicks off a new image
[14:51] <mterry> MacSlow, AlbertA was reviewing that apparently!
[14:51] <mterry> AlbertA, thanks!
[14:51] <mterry> I missed that you were looking at it
[14:51] <ogra_> cool !
[14:52] <MacSlow> mterry, so far I only looked at the code and didn't test-run it myself yet... thus have not approved it yet
[14:52] <mterry> MacSlow, sorry bro for the duplication
[14:52] <MacSlow> mterry, but if AlbertA also looked over it ( and tested it) I'm good to mark it "approved"
[14:54] <MacSlow> mterry, I'll just remove myself as reviewer and let AlbertA take that slot
[14:55] <mterry> MacSlow, OK, as you were :)
[14:55] <MacSlow> mterry, very green now :)
[14:55] <mterry> MacSlow, :)
[14:56] <mterry> ogra_, marked Tested=Yes. What's next step? Do landers periodically go through and land things or do I have to press that button?
[14:56] * mterry still isn't used to steps
[14:56] <kgunn> robru: you around ? i wanna get a unity8 silo going...and i checked to see if there's any locks....doesn't look like it...except _maybe_ for line12/silo8
[14:57] <ogra_> mterry, publishing
[15:01] <AlbertA> mterry: MacSlow: sorry I'm late to the party - yes I tested it
[15:01] <MacSlow> AlbertA, all fine... it's well on its way now :)
[15:05] <kgunn> robru: i'd like a silo for line 29 when you get a chance (assuming unity8 not locked)
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[15:56] <tedg> robru, It looks like 17 needs a publish, can you click that for me?
[15:57] <tedg> I think it got lost in the shuffle the other evening.
[15:57] <tedg> Which is why the logs weren't showing what I expected them to :-)
[16:00] <ogra_> robru, meeting ?
[16:01] <brendand> ogra_, robru - just sent over the email. eod'ing now
[16:02] <ogra_> brendand, enjoy
[16:09] <tedg> ogra_, Fixes that UAL recoverable error: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/notes-app/install-icon/+merge/223956
[16:11] <ogra_> mterry, its in
[16:15] <bfiller> popey: just uploaded new gallery to the store, fixes the Qt5.3 header problem
[16:15] <popey> k
[16:15] <popey> bfiller: has it had AP tests done?
[16:16] <popey> (i.e. do I need to run them) ☻
[16:16] <bfiller> popey: so there seems to be issues with the bottom toolbar with the latest sdk or qt5.3 change that is causing breakage
[16:16] <bfiller> popey: it's broken just running the app, so this affects the tests
[16:17] <popey> but the one in the store you just uploaded has had AP tests run on it?
[16:17] <bfiller> popey: yes
[16:17] <popey> ok, cool
[16:17] <bfiller> but they don't all pass but better than current results
[16:17] <popey> ah, ok
[16:17] <popey> is there another coming?
[16:18] <popey> anyway, approved it
[16:23] <robru> kgunn, got you silo 4, just be aware unity8 is in 4 different silos
[16:24] <mterry> ogra_, thanks
[16:27] <robru> tedg, I was told to land https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/notes-app/install-icon/+merge/223956 today, can I put it in a silo by itself or do you want to prepare it as part of some other larger landing?
[16:28] <tedg> robru, I have no idea if there's something larger there. popey might?
[16:28] <tedg> Or, is notes a bfiller project?
[16:28] * tedg always gets confused
[16:28] <robru> i think bfiller owns most of the apps, but popey is in charge of approving them in the store
[16:29] <popey> tedg: not me
[16:29] <tedg> First one to IRC gets to blame the other!
[16:29] <popey> robru: note that not all apps are in the store
[16:29] <tedg> Oh, and it's popey!
[16:29] <robru> popey, notes is in the store though isn't it?
[16:29] <popey> e.g. dialer, contacts, messaging are still debs, gallery & camera are clicks
[16:29] <popey> com.ubuntu.notes 1.4.262
[16:29] <popey> yes
[16:29] <bfiller> tedg: notes-app is my team
[16:30] <robru> bfiller, see merge above ^^ can we land that today?
[16:30] <tedg> bfiller, Cool, the MR above adds an icon. The CI folks want it to clean up the testing results.
[16:30] <bfiller> robru: fine with me, can you guys test it?
[16:30] <popey> davmor2: lemme know when you file the sound indicator bug, I'll confirm
[16:30] <robru> bfiller, sure
[16:31] <tedg> robru, Can you publish 17 please? I think it got forgotten.
[16:31] <robru> tedg, i did
[16:31] <robru> tedg, i didn't do it yesterday because I was waiting for qt5.3, which didn't fully land until after my EOD
[16:31] * tedg reloads
[16:32] <tedg> robru, Oh, okay. Should the status not be something else?
[16:32] <robru> tedg, yeah the spreadsheet is just slow
[16:32] * tedg doesn't remember all of them
[16:32] <robru> http://people.canonical.com/~rbpark/citrain/
[16:33] <tedg> Cool, thanks robru!
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: josepht | CI Train Status: #87 promoted | CI Train Sheriff: robru | Known issues: The spreadsheet is extremely slow, http://people.canonical.com/~rbpark/citrain/ knows the statuses before the spreadsheet does.
[16:33] <robru> tedg, you're welcome!
[16:33] <robru> tedg, bfiller: notes app building: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-006-1-build/63/console
[16:38] <davmor2> popey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/1332616
[16:38] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1332616 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "New sound indicator icon is too dark" [Undecided,New]
[16:40] <robru> tedg, oh I'm supposed to poke you about the four crashers at the end of http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/mako/91:20140620.1:20140530/8639/
[16:41] <tedg> robru, The four last suites?
[16:41] <robru> tedg, yeah, ogra brought it up at the meeting, apparently they're UAL crashes or something
[16:42] <robru> tedg, oh, haha, they're all just the notepad crash, nevermind ;-)
[16:43] <robru> tedg, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-touch-mako-smoke-daily/324/artifact/clientlogs/click_image_tests/_usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf_ubuntu-app-launch_desktop-hook.32011.crash/*view*/ is representative of the four if you were curious
[16:44] <tedg> robru, Yeah, it's just erroring on a click not having its own icon.
[16:45] <robru> tedg, k, we'll get that landed, and then we'll kick an image which'll also have the new gallery, that should make the smoketests look better
[16:45] <popey> davmor2: ta
[16:46] <davmor2> popey: no worries and nearly all my new apps are a day old now \o/ Starting on the updates now that might take a bit longer :(
[16:46] <tedg> robru, Okay, I think my MR doesn't work for the deb case.
[16:46] <robru> tedg, oh... can you make it work for both deb and click?
[16:47] <tedg> Yeah, testing it now.
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[17:02] <tedg> robru, Okay, should work for debs now too.
[17:02] <tedg> (or at least does on my system) :-)
[17:02] <robru> tedg, k, i'll rebuild & confirm
[17:04] <bfiller> how do I tell what changed between images 88 and 89?
[17:10] <ogra_> bfiller, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/
[17:11] <ogra_> http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/89.changes more specifically
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[17:52] <robru> bfiller, hey bill, notes-app changes look good to me, I'm publishing the .deb now. once it merges can I get you to build the click & upload to the store?
[18:04] <robru> popey, hey, do you know what the status of store uploads are? do we have team-uploadership yet or is bfiller the only guy who can upload notes app?
[18:04] <popey> we do not have team uploadership
[18:04] <robru> drat
[18:05] <popey> however bfiller is not the only one who can upload
[18:05] <robru> ah
[18:05] <popey> sergiusens and balloons can too
[18:05] <robru> popey, are they just sharing the same login?
[18:05] <popey> and mirv (but i didnt mention him because he's on vacation)
[18:05] <popey> yes
[18:05] <robru> ah
[18:05] <robru> thanks
[18:06] <robru> hmmmm, in think sergiusens is EU and balloons is NZ, right? so timezonewise I think bfiller is the only person we can expect to be around at this time
[18:06] <bfiller> robru: sure I can
[18:06] <robru> bfiller, ah excellent
[18:06] <bfiller> just let me know when it hits trunk
[18:06] <robru> bfiller, should be soonish. it's in proposed already
[18:06] <popey> robru: close, but no
[18:06] <popey> robru: sergiusens and balloons are both US TZ
[18:07] <robru> lol
[18:07] <bfiller> popey: never built the click for notes before, do I just do click-buddy?
[18:07] <robru> popey, well I had the right planet
[18:07] <popey> neither have I bfiller ☻
[18:07] <popey> bfiller: I generally build clicks in jenkins, not locally
[18:07] <balloons> robru, yep proper planet :-)
[18:07] <bfiller> sergiusens: what's the proper way to build the click for notes-app to upload to store?
[18:08] <popey> http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/job/notes-app-click/
[18:08] <robru> popey, so it turns out sergiusens lives in argentina. that's as far away from me as europe is! ;-)
[18:08] <popey> bfiller: just get it from jenkins (needs vpn)
[18:08] <bfiller> popey: ack
[18:08] <popey> what bzr rev do you want built bfiller ?
[18:08] <robru> popey, latest+1, hasn't landed yet
[18:09] <popey> ok
[18:09] <popey> well when it has, poke me and I'll press the "build now" button in jenkins if you want
[18:09] <robru> popey, cool, thanks
[18:09] <popey> np
[18:10] * popey goes to check on the bbq ☻
[18:10] <robru> brb also
[18:19] <balloons> normally it's best to build the lastest, but it's possible to build from an arbitrary branch
[18:21] <mterry> robru, hello! Is there a silo free for line 31?
[18:29] * mterry goes offline for a little bit
[18:47] <robru> balloons, popey bfiller : ok notes-app is merged, please whoever's around go ahead with building the click and uploading to the store
[18:47] <bfiller> robru: I'm on it
[18:47] <robru> bfiller, thanks
[18:53] <popey> cool
[19:07] <mterry> robru, was offline, thanks for making a silo for me
[19:07] <robru> mterry, you're welcome! building too ;-)
[19:08] <mterry> nice
[19:14] <robru> mterry, and, published ;-)
[19:14] <mterry> robru, sweet thanks
[19:14] <robru> mterry, you're welcome!
[19:29] <bfiller> robru: notes-app uploaded to the store, just needs to be ack'd by popey or someone for release
[19:30] <robru> popey! we need you! ;-)
[19:32] <balloons> sorry, I can't ack the release into the store
[19:42] <popey> yo
[19:42] <popey> on it
[19:43] <robru> popey, thanks!
[19:57] <popey> robru: bfiller approved
[19:57] <robru> popey, thankssss! have a great weekend!
[20:14] <t1mp> this looks wrong: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-builder-utopic-amd64/1094/console
[20:14] <t1mp> Config: Using QtTest library 5.2.1, Qt 5.2.1
[20:14] <t1mp> module "QtFeedback": The plugin '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtFeedback/libdeclarative_feedback.so' uses incompatible Qt library. (5.3.0) [release]
[20:14] <t1mp> ^ Qt versions seem to mismatch
[20:14] <t1mp> does QtTest need to be recompiled against qt53?
[20:15] <robru> t1mp, maybe rsalveti knows?
[20:15] <t1mp> bzoltan1: ^ was that log from a landing or an MR?