UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /20 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
=== hasselmm1 is now known as hasselmm
[10:53] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[15:49] <genii-borkbork> Anyone else on Kubuntu that can't login after last update?
[15:55] <arsson> genii-borkbork: same problem here
[15:57] <genii-borkbork> arsson: OK, thanks. I'm getting it just sitting on lightdm background with active cursor but the KDE splash screen isn't even coming up. Same symptom?
[15:57] <arsson> yep
[15:57] * genii-borkbork makes more coffee and contemplates
[15:59] <genii-borkbork> Going to tinker and return.
[17:53] <genii> BluesKaj: You're able to login to KDE today on 14.10?
[17:55] <BluesKaj> genii, I had to use the VT/TTY login then startx
[17:56] <BluesKaj> was stalling at the login page
[17:56] <BluesKaj> on 2 machines
[17:56] <genii> BluesKaj:Yes, i have exact same symptoms. I'm currently on my 14.04
[17:56] <genii> I might reboot and try from cli also
[17:58] <BluesKaj> the power mnagement blacks my laptop scrn and disconnects the wifi as well , no matter what settings in PM are used , seems like they're totally disregarded
[17:58] <genii> Hm
[17:59] <BluesKaj> I gambled on 14.10 being stable so I upgraded my desktop ...oops :)
[18:02] <BluesKaj> the login problem isn't too bothersome, but the power management mess is pita on the laptop
[18:02] <genii> Going to reboot to 14.10 partition and hopefully return soon
[18:03] <BluesKaj> ok , see you soon
[18:12] * genii sips
[18:12] <genii> BluesKaj: Must be something in the way lightdm calls startkde or something
[18:14] <BluesKaj> yeah, we had a similar glitch a couple of releases back 12.10 or 13.04
[18:25] <genii> It's weird, nothing much for packages altered on the 20th stand out as a possible culprit. ( looking at the changes made on 19th and 20th from https://lists.canonical.com/archives/utopic-changes/2014-June/date.html )
[18:27] <genii> The kde-workspace changes were all symbol updates, lightdm was not changed at all. The only one semi-suspicious is the upstart update setting with "xsession-init: Set $GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID if we are launching a gnome-session session. "