UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /20 /#bzr.txt
Initial commit
=== Guest70819 is now known as wallyworld
=== wallyworld is now known as Guest14539
=== Guest14539 is now known as wallyworld
=== wallyworld is now known as Guest41478
=== Guest41478 is now known as wallyworld
[14:34] <mbruzek> Hello #bzr.
[14:36] <mbruzek> Have a question for you. I am getting a branches diverged error and I do not know how to resolve.
[14:36] <mbruzek> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7674915/
[14:37] <mbruzek> I read the help on bzr help diverged-branches
[14:37] <mbruzek> Can someone please advise?
[17:51] <jelmer> mbruzek: try "bzr missing lp:~mbruzek/charms/precise/ntp/amulet"
[17:51] <jelmer> "bzr missing" is using a different remote URL than "bzr push" is
[17:52] <jelmer> (since you're specifying one explicitly)
[17:52] <mbruzek> jelmer I tried to do "bzr missing" with no result, I did not know to add the branch
[17:52] <mbruzek> I got it sorted with my teammates. Thank you for responding.
[17:52] <jelmer> mbruzek: see its first line of output, it runs against a different branch
[17:54] <mbruzek> jelmer, what does bzr merge default to?
[17:54] <jelmer> mbruzek: parent branch I think