UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /19 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== zopsi is now known as notzopsi
=== Anolorat is now known as Anolobuntu
=== Anolobuntu is now known as Anobuntu
=== Anobuntu is now known as Ratabuntu
=== notzopsi is now known as zopsi
=== PaulW2U is now known as G4MBY
[06:07] <bubble_beam> he
[06:07] <bubble_beam> hey
[06:07] <bubble_beam> i purged lampserver
[06:07] <bubble_beam> and mydesktop has crashed
[06:07] <bubble_beam> is there anyway , i could reinstate the whole things
[06:07] <bubble_beam> thing*?
[06:47] <Ratabuntu> Yeah, dontbother wasting time with the recovery cd just reinstall, you dependencies probably won't let you do anything useful. Took me a bout a day to get a half working server after removing libre-office.
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest9025
=== serverhamster is now known as alvin
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
[08:29] <rtur> Hi guys, what's the easiest way to let a user know that he currently cant login ? If I create the /etc/nologin file, I want either a different background image so users know whats going on or a different login failure message. Is there some standard way to do this ?
[08:36] <rtur> As I see it either stopping the X server and editing /etc/issue or changing the background are my only options (kdm is the login manager).
[09:10] <Walex> rtur: '/etc/nologin' does not allow login to *all non-root users*.
[09:10] <Walex> rtur: 'man passwd' or 'man usermod' for the correct way to disable an account.
[09:12] <rtur> Walex: I know it disables login for everyone but root, thats what I want.
[09:12] <rtur> Walex: But since there is no visual clue about why noone can login some folks try to reboot to fix it while I am logged in :)
[09:15] <Walex> rtur: this command may be useful: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kde-workspace/kdm/advanced-topics.html
[09:17] <rtur> Walex: Thank you, that looks like what I need.
[09:21] <Walex> rtur: to belabor the point, that allows you either to completely disable KDM on a tty, or change the display class, for example to one with a different styling.
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest45670
=== jens is now known as Guest22919
[10:45] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[11:05] <jesse55> so... yesterday I installed kubuntu as a dual boot... got it up and running. I was changing the default settings, including the screen brightness. I used the scroll bar to set the screen brightness, and accidentally set the brightness to 0. Now I can't see anything any more :S
[11:05] <jesse55> is there a way to recover from this situation?
[11:06] <jesse55> in recovery mode i can see well, but cannot edit brightness, which is too bright for my eyes
[11:07] <alvin> Besides being really funny, I don't know
[11:07] <alvin> Best way is try it out.
[11:07] * alvin sets his brightness to 0
[11:08] <jesse55> yes, never thought that 0 would been absolutely black ;)
[11:08] <alvin> Apparently that doesn't work on my pc :-(
[11:08] <alvin> brightness is unchanged here.
[11:09] <jesse55> I should add that the Fn+fX that adjusts brightness in win8 doesn't work in kubuntu
[11:09] <alvin> I'm using nouveau. Didn't expect that.
[11:09] <alvin> It does on my notebook. Hmm, I'll try there
[11:09] <BluesKaj> jesse55, try the F12 key
[11:10] <jesse55> BluesKaj: what is the expected behaviour with F12?
[11:11] <BluesKaj> increase in brightness on some laptops
[11:11] <alvin> If I set brightness to 0 on my notebook, the result is 'very dark'. Not black.
[11:12] <jesse55> for me 0 means basically that the screen is off... I have Asus S301LA
[11:13] <tsimpson> brightness is a property of the backlight, not of the screen
[11:13] <tsimpson> I guess your BIOS vendor has different ideas
[11:14] <BluesKaj> jesse55, try rebooting into the default kernel
[11:15] <jesse55> BluesKaj: ok, I'll try when I get back home...
[11:18] <jesse55> thanks for the tips! The last option is to reinstall kubuntu =)
=== Uber is now known as Guest35503
[13:19] <matgio> ciao
[13:19] <matgio> !list
[13:19] <ubottu> matgio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».
=== Ratabunti is now known as Ratabuntu
[13:39] <zack_> hello... i'm a brazilian guy and need use kde portuguese in the kubuntu 14.04
[13:40] <zack_> sombeboy help me??
[13:40] <BluesKaj> !pt | zack_
[13:40] <ubottu> zack_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.
[13:40] <zack_> somebody*
[13:52] <skrite> hey all
[13:55] <BluesKaj> hey skrite
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
[14:11] <mcstr_> "I recommend reporting this to Kubuntu/Neon devs, we can't fix their packages,
[14:11] <mcstr_> sorry." <--- i have a bug report about kde plasma next/ project neon.... where do i report it?
[14:12] <BluesKaj> mcstr_, try #kubuntu-devel
[14:13] <mcstr_> will do so thx @blues
[14:20] <mcstr_> hm they dont seem to be very talkative over there
[14:20] <BluesKaj> mcstr_, takes some patience
[14:21] <BluesKaj> mcstr_, also check launchpad for your bug
[14:22] <mcstr_> whats the exact addy?
[14:24] <BluesKaj> dunno exact, but you can search launchpad, https://launchpad.net
[14:25] <mcstr_> and what am i supposed to find there?
[14:30] <BluesKaj> mcstr_, the neon project bugs for one
[14:38] <Viki> Hi guys I have a quiestion. I update my Kubuntu tu 14.04 and still keep it up to date. When any application increase it's memory up to 2-3 Gb - hole system stack. First I saw it on Dota2 playing and were thinking that it was a problem of dota. Now I were working with a Wireshark and where it rich the 2 Gb memory - it stack. is it a problem of Kubuntu or I need to do some tricks on my system
=== cups is now known as doge
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
[16:02] <lordievader> Good evening.
=== jenny_ is now known as zwergy
=== gebjgd_ is now known as gebjgd
[17:43] <thedoctor_> hi
[17:50] <Ratabuntu> Hello
[17:52] <thedoctor_> back
[18:21] <bubble_beam> hello
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest70189
[19:26] <Poultra> allo toi
[19:28] <Poultra> salit
[19:29] <BluesKaj> !fr | Poultra
[19:29] <ubottu> Poultra: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.
[20:15] <ovrflw0x> hey lordievader buddy you still ticking in this channel eh?
[20:17] <ovrflw0x> hey frank1e
[20:36] <lordievader> ovrflw0x: Jup still here ;)
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest95029
[22:27] <Guest95029> merhaba
[23:09] <ScottyK> greetings! On 14.04 when I do a search in dolphin, all results come up empty, even if the file is clearly in the directory. suggestions??