UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /17 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
[05:41] <MooDoo> hello all
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
[11:32] <Pricey> sveta: No point until they're an ubuntu member though ;)
[11:32] <sveta> :)
[12:13] <Fuchs> it's a wild sveta
[12:56] <mittwally> Have I to be present personally to Ubuntu meeting to become a member?
[12:57] <Fuchs> mittwally: it is recommended, as people are likely to ask you questions
[12:58] <Fuchs> mittwally: I assume you already filled out your wiki page as recommended, got some testimonials (and maybe some already existing members to cheer for you at the meeting)?
[13:00] <mittwally> Yes, I read the wiki as recommended https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership
[13:03] <Fuchs> oh, note that my answer was concerning going the IRC way and get the ubuntu IRC membership,
[13:03] <Fuchs> local boards are different, and I am not aware of how these work. But my guess would be that physical presence is good there, given that is what local boards are actually for
[13:03] <Fuchs> on IRC you just need to be present (as in online and in the channel)
[13:05] <Fuchs> reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/NewMember suggests that being present is good if not even mandatory, though
[14:04] <hggdh> mittwally: you *do* need to be present on the MB meeting. If you are not there we will not decide on your application
[14:04] <hggdh> mittwolly: exceptions could be arranged, but we need previous contact for that.
[14:06] <hggdh> s/mittwolly/mittwally/
[14:06] <mittwally> hggdh: Which country is the meeting?
[14:07] <hggdh> mittwally: I am not sure I understand your question. There are people from everywhere in the world in the membership board
[14:07] <hggdh> the meeting is purely on-line
[14:08] <Pici> I don't thunk Fuchs understood that...
[14:09] <hggdh> yeah
[14:11] <Fuchs> Pici: hm?
[14:11] <hggdh> there are no "local" boards anymore. Now we have a meeting at 1200 UTC and 2200 UTC (on different days). Previously we had Americas, EU, and Asia-Pacific boards
[14:11] <Pici> Even the americas/eu/asia boards were all online though
[14:11] <hggdh> (and previously previously, just one)
[14:12] <hggdh> yes
[14:13] <mittwally> hggdh: How is the exam? There are a few questions about my job in Ubuntu, that's it?
[14:14] <hggdh> mittwally: there is no exam. We just want to confirm you indeed have a *sustained* (and longer than 6 months) effort on helping Ubuntu. Of course, we ask for references
[14:14] <Pici> It is more like an interview.
[14:14] <hggdh> testimonials of current Ubuntu members go a long way in helping you
[14:14] <mittwally> I have 2 months yet, hehe, long time to go
[14:15] <mittwally> But I'm loving Ubuntu, it's a good system.
[14:15] <hggdh> Pici is correct, it is more like an interview. And we are NOT trying to trick you :-)
[14:17] <mittwally> Hehe, I don't if here is the right place to ask it, but yesterday I asked about manual of Ubuntu but it is too basic. There is a way to get more knowlegde about Ubuntu?
[14:19] <Fuchs> Pici: so the local boards are gone now? Pity :(
[14:19] <hggdh> this is indeed not the right place (we deal with IRC issues here). But you can search wiki.ubuntu.com -- there is a wealth of iinformation there
[14:20] <mittwally> ok, thanks, switching
[19:55] <rafaellaguna> https://launchpad.net/~rafaellaguna
[19:56] <Pici> rafaellaguna: Are you looking for an Ubuntu cloak?
[19:56] <rafaellaguna> I'm asking for a cloak
[19:56] <rafaellaguna> yes, sorry
[19:57] <Pici> Pricey: Could you please apply an ubuntu/member/rafaellaguna to rafaellaguna?
[19:58] <rafaellaguna> excuse me, as my nickname?
[19:58] <Pricey> Pici: rafaellaguna: You're all set.
[19:58] <Pricey> rafaellaguna: Make sure you identify to nickserv if you want the cloak to work. http://freenode.net/sasl is a good link.
[19:59] <Pici> rafaellaguna: congrats :)
[19:59] <Pici> Pricey: thanks
[19:59] <Pricey> No problem.
[19:59] <rafaellaguna> thank you!
[19:59] <rafaellaguna> so I must use this URL as my server
[20:00] <Fuchs> nope
[20:00] <Fuchs> you can optionally read on that page how to configure your client (IRC program) to authenticate via SASL
[20:00] <rafaellaguna> ok, I'll do. thanks so much
[20:00] <Fuchs> doing so will ensure that you are authenticated to services (such as nickserv) already on connect, and hence cloaked on connect. It's recommended but entirely optional.
[20:01] <Fuchs> if you click on your client in the lower list (if available) there should be a manual
[20:03] <rafaellaguna> I'm looking at the freenode SASL scripts right now
[20:03] <Fuchs> what client are you using?
[20:04] <rafaellaguna> xchat
[20:05] <Fuchs> you might want to consider switching to hexchat, which is an xchat fork that does it out of the box. If not: take the perl script. It works.
[20:05] <rafaellaguna> didn't know that client, I'll have a look too
[20:05] <Fuchs> It's basically the same as xchat, just a couple more features
[20:07] <Unit193> Including built-in SASL.
[20:07] <Fuchs> es, I already mentioned that :p
[20:07] <Fuchs> *yes
[20:07] <rafaellaguna> thank you for this
[20:08] <Fuchs> you're welcome
[20:14] <Unit193> Meh, my brain is broken.
[20:14] <Fuchs> Unit193: try applying salt
[20:18] <IdleOne> Unit193: Did this happen to you https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=860862697264394 ?
[21:50] <benonsoftware> [M@/sort
[21:50] <Fuchs> o.O
[21:51] <benonsoftware> Oops, sorry about that.