UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /17 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== Willy is now known as Guest69645
[10:24] <rafaellaguna> hallå!
=== SilverLion is now known as Guest89126
=== Guest89126 is now known as silverlion
=== PaulW2U is now known as G4MBY
[18:05] <pmatulis> so how does one remove a pcmanfm bookmark?
[18:05] <holstein> right click?
[18:06] <ianorlin> yes it is right click remove from bookmarks
[18:07] <pmatulis> it opens the bookmark for me
[19:49] <rafaellaguna> Unit193, I need your help
[19:50] <Unit193> Anything specific?
[19:51] <rafaellaguna> about my membership cloak
[19:51] <rafaellaguna> I'm not very used to IRC, I registered my nickname succesfully
[19:51] <Unit193> If you are an Ubuntu member (IIRC you are.), link to your LP account in #ubuntu-irc and ask for a cloak.
[19:53] <rafaellaguna> link?
[19:54] <SilverLion> Unit193 means that you need to paste a link to your Launchpad Account in that IRC Channel
[19:54] <Unit193> https://launchpad.net/~rafaellaguna This.
[19:55] <rafaellaguna> just paste there, okay
[19:56] <Unit193> "..and ask for a cloak." you forgot that step. ;)
[19:56] <rafaellaguna> they figured out :D
[20:08] <rafaellaguna> Unit193, thank you very much for your help, I'll try now hexchat for login with SASL
[20:14] <Unit193> Sure.
[22:20] <JamesMc_> Question about LXDE and Lubuntu. I am using Ubuntu 13.10 and moving to Lubuntu. Which would be better? Replacing the existing GNOME desktop or clean Lubuntu install?
[22:21] <Unit193> If it's easy enough, I'd do a clean install for sure.
[22:21] <phillw> JamesMc_: if you have a backup of your data. A clean install is always better.
[22:24] <JamesMc_> Is there some place where I can find screensavers for Lubuntu?
[22:25] <Unit193> xscreensaver, xscreensaver-data-extra, xscreensaver-gl ,xscreensaver-gl-extra, xscreensaver-screensaver-bsod
[22:25] <JamesMc_> Ok... any of those have Aquariums? 8-)
[22:42] <phillw> JamesMc_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2163670
[22:54] <JamesMc_> Thanks Phillw