UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /16 /#ubuntu-ca.txt
Initial commit
[14:28] <genii> BobJonkman: Both photos from Saturday now uploaded to pix.ie
[15:36] <BobJonkman> genii: Did some editing on the metadata for the first. Thanx for the photos!
[15:37] <genii> :D
[15:37] <BobJonkman> http://pix.ie/ubuntuca/3588496/in/album/493054 for those of you who want to see...
[18:31] <BobJonkman2> Also uploaded the photos for Victoribuntu Hour: http://pix.ie/ubuntuca/album/493061/detailed
[18:33] <genii> Cool
[18:35] <genii> I guess Darcy is pretty busy these days, don't see much activity from him.
[18:47] <BobJonkman2> Darcy comes to the KW Ubuntu Hours when he can; I spoke to him on Sunday and he was pleased to have finished his term on the board of Kwartzlab.
[18:48] <BobJonkman2> Considering he pretty much singlehandedly revived Ubuntu-Canada in 2008-2009, (and started up Kwartzlab at the same time) I think he can use a rest
[18:50] <BobJonkman2> I was just reading about the Catalan team's rejection for re-approval because it doesn't fit neatly inside political borders.
[19:04] <genii> Weird, because they approved the Palestinian team
[20:19] <BobJonkman1> And the Quebec Team. And the Vancouver Team. And only last year they were agitating to split Canada up into provincial teams.
[20:20] <BobJonkman1> IRC logs at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/05/20/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t19:41
[21:12] <IdleOne> I thought they did away with approval/official teams
[21:20] <BobJonkman1> IdleOne: It's now "re-verification", same process, different name
[21:20] <IdleOne> yeah, sounds like a waste of time to me. I guess they have to have some sort of accountability to justify who gets swag
[21:21] <BobJonkman1> Sure, and that
[21:21] <BobJonkman1> and that's fine by me. But to shut down an active LoCo with hundreds of members and a half-dozen upcoming events because rules...
[21:23] <IdleOne> so catalan gets no cd's now?
[21:23] <BobJonkman1> Anyway, it seems not everyone on the LoCo council agrees with that ruling
[21:23] <BobJonkman1> Their "re-verification" was rejected, so I expect not.
[21:23] <IdleOne> We have any extra we can send them?
[21:23] <IdleOne> I'll chip in $10 for shipping
[21:24] <IdleOne> maybe I can swing $15 if need be
[21:24] <BobJonkman1> I've got about 20 left here. I think Darcy still has most of one box (destined for the UofW CSClub)
[21:24] <BobJonkman1> And the Ubuntu-ca-london chapter got a couple of boxes of their own.
[21:25] <IdleOne> I bet if someone put out a call on the ML (not me) to see what other loco's could do to help get them some cd's and stuff. We could get a decent response.
[21:25] <BobJonkman1> Now, their approval only expired in May, so they may already have teh 10.04 disks...
[21:26] <IdleOne> right but they probably need 14.04 discs
[21:26] <BobJonkman1> Let me see if I can contact Rafael from the Ubuntu-Cat team first
[21:26] <BobJonkman1> Heh. Typo. I meant 14.04 disks.
[21:26] <IdleOne> ahh ok
[21:36] <BobJonkman1> OK, I have reached out in #ubuntu-cat but is seems everyone is AFK ATM