UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /15 /#maas.txt
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[04:49] <AskUbuntu> Where can I find a log or see the progress of importing images in MAAS? | http://askubuntu.com/q/483471
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== ming is now known as Guest13468
[12:56] <galebba> Hi having issues setting up Maas to IPMI power on servers. Wonder where the logs to look at the state of the commissioning. No useful info in /var/log/maas
[12:57] <jpds> galebba Probably best to try to power them on with the ipmitool command.
[12:57] <jpds> galebba: Using the credentials in MAAS.
[12:59] <galebba> so not to use the maas gui ? but i wouldnt be able to commission the node then
[13:04] <jpds> galebba: You have the node in MAAS, enlisted?
[13:07] <galebba> not yet, trying to register them for the first time. This is on Cisco C Series blade.
[13:09] <jpds> galebba: Right, try enlisting it first.
[13:09] <galebba> i can ipmiping the server
[13:24] <galebba> sorry i am a newbie so this is what i am trying to do. Brought up the maas server and in the gui trying to Add Node option where i have to specify all the node info like mac/ip/ipmi credentials etc.. and it goes to commission and never moves to ready state which i am guessing is due to not being able to power on the node. I do not see an enlist option.
[13:25] <jpds> galebba: Don't do that.
[13:25] <jpds> galebba: Configure a DHCP server in MAAS; and make the node PXE boot.
[13:26] <jpds> galebba: It'll boot, and MAAS will figure out all the IPMI stuff itself.
[13:27] <galebba> i tried that as well. Configed Maas to be both dhcp and dns. webt to the node and boot from the ubuntu dvd, choose maas insatll. then manually put the maas server ip and the node was able to talk to the maas server and powered off by Maas. however the node never showed up in the mass nodes in the gui. thats why i trying to add the node manually.
[13:28] <jpds> galebba: You did run: sudo maas-import-pxe-files ?
[13:28] <jpds> galebba: You're suppose to PXE boot the nodes.
[13:29] <jpds> Can you imagine using a DVD for 500 servers?
[13:30] <galebba> yes i see the images. now from previous installs the server get powered off by the maas and the info appears in the gui for the node and then i can commission which would power on the node via ipmi and then pxe boot. nd that was on Cisco UCS B series blades. But this is on Cisco C series blades.
[16:28] <galebba> newbie here, where do i look for logs for commissioning a node in maas ? Trying to get my first node up and doesnt look like maas is able to ipmi power on the node. /var/log/mass dont have any logs showing the state changes during the commissioning
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away