UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /15 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[01:48] <anon34856934> launchpad down cannot get to launchpad.net or add ppas?
[01:48] <wgrant> One of our datacentres has gone missing, we're investigating.
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad down; fixing | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[01:49] <anon34856934> gone missing? that doesn't sound good
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: LAUNCHPAD IS DOWN; fixing | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[01:52] <user934> Launchpad down for anyone else?
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: LAUNCHPAD IS DOWN due to DC issues; fixing | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[01:52] <user934> Aha :D
[01:52] <treos> reading is rough
[01:56] <anon34856934> yep, down down down. this sucks just as im adding a ppa to my system
=== root__ is now known as mirkos93
[01:57] <mirkos93> launchpad.net is down?
[01:57] <mirkos93> (hello)
[01:58] <tom2> yes
[01:58] <tom2> if you read the title you will see that
[01:58] <tom2> ;P
[01:58] <mirkos93> ahahah, sorry, you're right :)
[02:09] <Kyle_B_09> Anyone have a suggestion for an alternative to synapse?
[02:11] <veeman> crap, well I guess my WinUSB download will have to wait another day
[02:15] <Jesse_V> down due to DC issues? What does DC stand for in this context?
[02:16] <tom2> datacenter
[02:16] <Kyle_B_09> I believe its datacenter
[02:16] <Jesse_V> ah, thanks
[02:16] <Arslak> from https://launchpad.net/
[02:16] <Arslak> Please try again
[02:16] <Arslak> Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.
[02:16] <Arslak> Try reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode.
[02:16] <Jesse_V> yep, I was just checking in because of that
[02:16] <tom2> read the title
[02:16] <Arslak> Thanks for your patience.
[02:16] <anon34856934> Washington DC i think he means?
[02:16] <Jesse_V> I read the title, that's why I ask
[02:16] <Jesse_V> thanks guys, and good luck
[02:18] <Lingo> still not working here in Northern California.
[02:19] <wgrant> topic....
[02:22] <anon34856934> good luck with the datacenter, my DLs/PPAs will have to wait. going to bed
[02:24] <virtualroadside> launchpad down?
[02:24] <virtualroadside> ah, I see the title. :)
[02:31] <PatrickDickey> Well I guess I don't need to report that I'm getting server issues when connecting. Is there any ETA on when it'll be fixed yet?
[02:32] <zeus86> hi
[02:33] <zeus86> im sure you're hearing this often at the moment, but any idea how long it takes until launchpad is up again?
[02:33] <stgraber> no
[02:34] <ethanbmnz> Is bugs.launchpad.net down?
[02:34] <virtualroadside> see title
[02:34] <stgraber> see topic
[02:35] <ethanbmnz> Thanks
[02:36] <zeus86> is there a way to add PPAs while launchpad is down? because trying to add some throws errors. or are they hosted directly at launchpad?
[02:37] <wgrant> zeus86: ppa.launchpad.net still works
[02:37] <wgrant> add-apt-repository won't, because it talks to launchpad.net to get the signing key fingerprint.
[02:37] <zeus86> ah, k...
[02:38] <wgrant> If you have the PPA on another machine already, you could check its apt keyring to find the relevant fingerprint, then add the PPA to /etc/apt/sources.list and use 'apt-key adv' to get its key manually.
[02:39] <marduk191> Alrighty, topic answered my question lol. nice
[02:40] <genii> Ah, DC issues.
[02:40] <virtualroadside> when I read DC, I think 'domain controller', and then laugh because it would be hilarious if launchpad was running on a Windows Server
[02:41] <virtualroadside> in which case fixing the problem would be easy, just restart it ;)
[02:41] <genii> I suppose there is no timeline yet
[02:41] <wgrant> Yeah, Launchpad's just a UI for Active Directory :)
[02:42] <wgrant> Every bug is a user, every project is an OU.
[02:42] <zeus86> wgrant: unfortunately i dont have the keys i need anywhere on an other machine, but i'll take a look, if i dont find them i'd rather shall go to bed for as it is ~5am here^^
[02:45] <Phntms> Launchpad seems down for a while
[02:45] <wgrant> topic
[02:47] <genii> So it's been down roughly 3 hours now?
[02:48] <stgraber> no, slightly over an hour
[02:48] <stgraber> (an hour and 5 minutes)
[02:49] <genii> stgraber: OK, thanks
=== shakasan is now known as guesteuh
[02:53] <genii> Weird, the /topic timestamp is 01:52 UTC of 15th which put it at 19:52 the 14th my time (EDT) and it's 22:52 here now. That would indicate 3 hours
[02:53] <wgrant> It's 02:53 UTC now
[02:54] <wgrant> 01:52 - 4h is 21:52
[02:54] <wgrant> And EDT is -4
[02:54] <rafael> site out??
[02:54] <wgrant> topic
=== rafael is now known as Guest28665
[02:54] <Guest28665> site launchpad out ?
=== shakasan is now known as Guest13838
[02:54] <wgrant> read the topic??
[02:55] <Guest28665> no
[02:55] <genii> Ah, I got the timezones mixed up
[02:55] * genii makes more coffee
[03:01] <Dinsmoor> Just here to let you guys know that Launchpad is down.
[03:01] <psusi> just came in for the same reason, then noticed the topic ;)
[03:03] <Dinsmoor> The entire domain launchpad.net is nonfunctional.
[03:03] <Dinsmoor> That's all.
[03:03] <wgrant> Read the topic.
[03:04] <psusi> DC = Domain Controller?
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: LAUNCHPAD IS DOWN due to datacentre issues; fixing | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[03:05] <psusi> ahh
[03:07] <psusi> when I was an intern at a big company doing it/networking I crashed the main l3 switch by watching the statistics counters for a few minutes... entire datacenter down, lots of pagers going off... not a good scene... fortunately, a simple reboot fixed it.
[03:08] <CountryfiedLinux> hey y'all
[03:08] <CountryfiedLinux> So I guess I shouldn't ask what everyone else is asking? When???! haha. Really, any ETA?
[03:09] <CountryfiedLinux> Tonight or tomorrow maybe?
[03:09] * psusi fires up "everything is awesome" from the lego movie
[03:10] <jjox> we have staff heading to the DC atm - don't know yet details of what's going on unfortunately.
[03:12] <Peng> no remote hands?
[03:14] <Artemis3> no panic button?
[03:14] <lifeless> Peng: real world latency
[03:18] <Peng> If the remote hands are higher-latency than driving out there, maybe they need to be upgraded?
[03:19] <Peng> ... well, it is pretty late
[03:19] <bloom1> Is Launchpad broken for anyone else?
[03:19] <wgrant> read the topic
[03:19] <Peng> bloom1: /topic
[03:19] <dobey> everyone else yes
[03:19] <bloom1> Oh okay
[03:23] <Artemis3> http://static5.bytecolumn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/TheDilbertDisasterRecoveryPlan.png
[03:23] <psusi> lol
=== avryn is now known as byrg
=== byrg is now known as avryn
[03:38] <CountryfiedLinux> So what if launchpad is never fixed? Would that mean no more ppa and no more ubuntu.com?
[03:38] <CountryfiedLinux> Just making conversation...
[03:38] <cuddylier> I guess so
[03:39] <cuddylier> ubuntu.com is in the same datacentre as launchpad though
[03:39] <cuddylier> I think
[03:39] <cuddylier> Hence why both are down
[03:40] <CountryfiedLinux> See what happens when ya don't diversify? :P
[03:43] <shimizukawa> Can't connect to https://launchpad.net/
[03:43] <haobug> https://launchpad.net/ looks down.
[03:43] <cuddylier> Yes it is
[03:44] <cuddylier> https://twitter.com/launchpadstatus
[03:45] <tsega> Is the launchpad.net working properly, I'm getting a weird error page
[03:45] <stgraber> see topic
[03:45] <cuddylier> https://twitter.com/launchpadstatus
[03:46] <tsega> cuddylier: thanks
[03:47] <isaacdownlow> Is there currently a known problem accessing ppa's and Launchpad sites?
[03:48] <isaacdownlow> nvrmind, read the topic.
=== roberto is now known as Guest62523
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: LAUNCHPAD IS DOWN due to an upstream network failure -- no ETA | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[04:08] * PatrickDickey thinks the channel bot should PM everyone on join, and tell them that launchpad is down...
[04:09] <wgrant> Well, if people can't read the topic they're probably not going to read a PM :(
[04:09] <avryn> hahaha
[04:09] <avryn> ^
[04:09] <avryn> most of them seem to read it... just not until AFTER they ask why its down...
[04:10] <CountryfiedLinux> avryn, Perhaps they just come in wanting an immediate answer and then do some digging as they wait a response, and then a minute later "Oh, that's why...).
[04:11] <avryn> CountryfiedLinux - yep. i probably would have done the same thing had i not hit the ubuntu channel and seen the news first to be perfectly honest :P
[04:12] <prometheanfire> no way to get source files? like https://launchpad.net/keystone/icehouse/2014.1.1/+download/keystone-2014.1.1.tar.gz ?
[04:12] <PatrickDickey> prometheanfire probably not until launchpad is back up.
[04:13] <jadergabriel> hello
[04:13] <jadergabriel> good morning
[04:13] <prometheanfire> boooo
[04:13] <prometheanfire> need it to release a cve fix
[04:13] <cloudnull> prometheanfire: from github https://github.com/openstack/keystone/releases/tag/2014.1.1
[04:13] <Peng> ouch
[04:13] <avryn> jadergabriel - good evening!
[04:14] <prometheanfire> cloudnull: I need the launchpad release
[04:14] <prometheanfire> cloudnull: and hi
[04:14] <jadergabriel> i'm find the translate teams!
[04:14] <jadergabriel> its possible?
[04:14] <prometheanfire> cloudnull: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=513086 :D
[04:14] <ubot5> bugs.gentoo.org bug 513086 in Vulnerabilities "sys-auth/keystone: privilege escalation through trust chained delegation (CVE-2014-3476) (OSSA 2014-018)" [Trivial,In_progress]
[04:14] <cloudnull> ah , too bad . well it was worth a thought
[04:15] <Peng> Can you find the patch from some other distro's bug tracker?
[04:15] <Peng> If that's what yo're looking for?
[04:16] <prometheanfire> yarp
[04:16] <prometheanfire> I try to tell people to use the git releases anyway (stable/icehouse for instance)
[04:19] <humbertowoody> Is launchpad.net up??
[04:19] <humbertowoody> I can't add a ppa DD:
[04:20] <jjox> see topic
[04:21] <humbertowoody> oohhh
[04:21] <humbertowoody> Sorry :DD
[04:21] <humbertowoody> Kinda idiot hahaha
[04:22] <humbertowoody> I hope it'll be solved fast :)
[04:23] <prometheanfire> we all do :P
=== Carolyne is now known as RevSpecies116
[04:32] <demkeela> Anyone got problems connecting to launchpad and kernel.ubuntu.com?
[04:32] <Peng> topic
[04:32] <demkeela> Oh... didn't read that... sorry`
[04:34] <soulmata> is there an alternative list of all U.S. ubuntu mirrors outside of launchpad? friend google showed me nothing useful.
[04:36] <Peng> Should be one on ubuntu.com, but I don't know if it's up either.
[04:41] <ambiguousvoid> So first of all launchpad seems to be down?
[04:42] <CountryfiedLinux> ambiguousvoid, TOPIC
[04:42] <CountryfiedLinux> ^^
[04:42] <ambiguousvoid> second the link on the page where is says its down links to a mibbit chat which freenode then says they no longer accept connections from mibbit so someone should probably get on changing that
[04:43] <ambiguousvoid> but alright
[04:47] <dcn3> aight so I'm assuming from the motd that launchpad being down is a known problem
[04:48] <hachre> safe assumption I would say :)
[04:48] <dcn3> alright, thanks for being on it guys
[04:51] <miika> I have been getting an error page when accessing launchad web interface for a while now (over 30 minutes), and no confirmation email from uploading package there
[04:51] <wgrant> read the topic.
[04:51] <Fyr> exit
[04:51] <miika> ah, thanks
[04:53] <bje_> "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server."
[04:53] <bje_> (and has been for 15 minutes or more)
[04:53] <StevenK> bje_: Read the topic
[04:53] <bje_> sorry :)
[04:53] <CountryfiedLinux> Earlier I installed Ubuntu for the first time in a long time. First thing first after updates and a few installed apps was add my trusty webpud8, noobslab, and pipelight ppa. A minute later "uh-oh, this ain't good" Now I wait :P
[04:54] <dsafsfsafafesaf> I know the topic says that launchpad is down but is there a mirror for ppas? :(
[04:54] <wgrant> ppa.launchpad.net still works fine.
[04:54] <wgrant> But add-apt-repository needs to talk to launchpad.net to get the signing key, so it won't work right now.
[05:05] <Nothing_Much> Hello, is Launchpad down?
[05:05] <Peng> yes
[05:05] <Nothing_Much> grr
[05:05] <Nothing_Much> darn
[05:05] <Nothing_Much> thanks
[05:06] <Random1> so like
[05:06] <Random1> i tried to add the repo and had problems
[05:06] <wgrant> See the topic.
[05:06] <Random1> and then i saw the topic
[05:06] <ScottK> wgrant: You need a bot.
[05:06] <Random1> and came here to cry away
[05:06] <wgrant> I am a bot!
[05:06] <hachre> lol
[05:06] <hachre> :)
[05:06] <Random1> cuz i figure my tears will speed up the fix
[05:07] * Random1 donates tears to help speed up the reboot of launchpad
[05:08] <joshtau> you can use the tears to make glue to make sure the ethernet cable stays plugged in
[05:09] <Random1> so does this happen allot with launchpad?
[05:13] <Nothing_Much> Random1: not necessarily
[05:13] <Nothing_Much> also *a lot
[05:13] <Nothing_Much> sorry
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: LAUNCHPAD IS DOWN due to an upstream network failure -- ETA 08:00 UTC | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[05:34] <isNoOp> Hey folks. In cloud-init, is it possible to write arbitrary files with the contents of a URL?
[05:34] <wgrant> isNoOp: This is the channel for launchpad.net. You might want #ubuntu-server.
[05:35] <isNoOp> Roger, thanks.
[05:41] <DarkDragon> "Please try again" - "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. Try reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on freenode. Thanks for your patience."
[05:41] <DarkDragon> -> still persists
[05:41] <wgrant> Read the topic.
[05:42] <DarkDragon> ah thanks
[05:42] <Random1> ya.. wgrant broke it :(
[05:42] <Random1> spilled a whole cup on the server
[05:42] <Random1> of coffee
[05:42] <DarkDragon> :-D
[05:43] <Random1> is okay tho
[05:43] <Random1> as punishment, no coffee for wgrant for life!
[05:46] <wgrant> :(
[05:46] <avryn> ouch
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[05:51] <DarkDragon> I can't stop laughing, this made my day :-D ..
=== roberto is now known as Guest9877
[05:54] * CountryfiedLinux is going to make a pot of coffee now brb
[05:56] * PatrickDickey is going to run and get food....
[05:56] * PatrickDickey is now away - Reason :
[05:56] * Peng is now playing: >:(
[05:57] <CountryfiedLinux> back
[05:57] <CountryfiedLinux> thanks for the idea
=== henryherman is now known as heh_henry
[06:03] <ohjeyyy> uhh hello, the pcsx2 launchpad isn't working
[06:04] <wgrant> Read the topic.
[06:04] <ohjeyyy> said I should let you guys know
[06:04] <ohjeyyy> oooooooooh ok cool
[06:05] <Random1> wgrant do u ever get tired of repeating that? lol
[06:05] <wgrant> On rare occasion.
[06:05] <Random1> patience of a saint :D
[06:06] <DarkDragon> :-D
[06:06] <DarkDragon> well maybe the note should be removed if you already know
[06:08] <CountryfiedLinux> I think I'm gonna stay in this chat and await PPA safe confirmation :)
[06:18] <fito> So I was in the mood for dealing with some trolling bugs, but as LP is down, I need to find something else to do right now... :-P
[06:20] <aaasssddd> Is there a problem with launchpad?
[06:21] <avryn> check the topic
[06:23] <CountryfiedLinux> Launchpad is that pilot on Ducktales.
[06:24] <DarkDragon> lol
[06:24] <avryn> hah
[06:24] <DarkDragon> the one who always crashes the plane?
[06:24] <CountryfiedLinux> yep
[06:25] <DarkDragon> lol
[06:25] <avryn> hahah
[06:25] <CountryfiedLinux> makes sense, Launchpad crashed :P
[06:25] <CountryfiedLinux> go figure
[06:26] * PatrickDickey is no longer away - Gone for 30 mins 19 secs
[06:27] <DarkDragon> wow this channel is very active for a sunday morning
[06:27] <DarkDragon> :-P
[06:27] <Iamgoofball> colon dash P
[06:27] <avryn> well... launchpad crashes.. and then people get bored...
[06:29] <CountryfiedLinux> Yeah, I really picked the wrong day to install Ubuntu. Maybe I should have done it a day before when I thought about it, or today later after Launchpad is back up.
[06:46] <vincent_c> Launchpad back up, yippee
[06:46] <wgrant> Things should indeed be mostly back now, but I can't promise yet that they won't go down again for a bit.
[06:47] <Random1> wgrant i'll hold u to that empty promise!
[06:48] <wgrant> :)
[06:49] <Random1> why isn't there like a p2p version of repos?
[06:50] <Random1> repo go down, 10,000+~ computers online all together have everything repo had x 100
[06:50] <Random1> or more
[06:51] <Random1> seems like allot of resources just laying around everyones PC's where just a lil bit from everyone would = a failsafe no redo down ever solution for everyone for anyone that wanted to design a p2p solely for this (like bittorrent just crafted for this purpose only)
[06:52] <Peng> call it... gittorrent
[06:52] <infinity> Random1: Which "repos" are you referring to?
[06:52] <infinity> archive.ubuntu.com was fine through all of this (or should have been). ppa.lp.net could perhaps use some redundancy.
[06:53] <wgrant> ppa.launchpad.net didn't go down, though.
[06:53] <wgrant> Just the key retrieval when adding a new PPA.
[06:54] <infinity> wgrant: Sure, but ppa.lp.net not going away is just sheer luck of it having not been in the wrong datacentre.
[06:54] <wgrant> Right.
[07:00] <jackpot_2001> LP came up for me...
[07:01] <wgrant> Yep, just checking that everything's healthy before I remove the "EVERYTHING IS BROKEN" announcements.
[07:04] <infinity> wgrant: I got some sadness pages a few times when reenabling builders, but I think everything's settled now.
[07:04] <infinity> Oh, but I have to re-enable the builders again. :P
[07:05] <wgrant> That might have been conflicting with me :P
[07:05] <infinity> Oh, no, still getting sadness pages.
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[07:05] <wgrant> :(
[07:05] <wgrant> 502s?
[07:05] <infinity> 503.
[07:05] <infinity> "Technically, this is a 503 error and has been caused by our database having temporary operational issues. "
[07:06] <infinity> Yeah, I hit that about 50% of the time on $builder/+edit
[07:06] <wgrant> Oh, that one
[07:07] <wgrant> So you know how I changed the topic
[07:07] <wgrant> ...
[07:07] <wgrant> We're going down again for a few more minutes to fix one last thing.
[07:07] <infinity> Heh.
[07:12] <wgrant> And this *will* take absolutely everything down, include ppa.launchpad.net
[07:12] <wgrant> So infinity wins this time.
[07:15] <infinity> FSVO "wins".
[07:21] <lifeless> wgrant: up now?
[07:21] <wgrant> lifeless: Right now? Yes. In ten minutes? Maybe.
[07:23] <lifeless> ok, time to remove the downtime notice in the openstack channels I think
[07:23] <StevenK> I'd hold off
[07:40] <CountryfiedLinux> Yay I can add PPA now :D
[07:47] <avryn> oh hey look... things came back to life while i was playing xbox
[07:47] <avryn> sweet
[07:48] <CountryfiedLinux> Maybe I'll just go ahead and add this chat to chat with cool peeps
[07:49] <DarkDragon> I also want to have time for playing xbox :-(
[07:49] <DarkDragon> I want to be young enough to play xbox :-( but I'm already 25 years old :-(
[07:50] <CountryfiedLinux> PS4 here :D
[07:50] <CountryfiedLinux> The PS3 only does everything, and now the PS4 only does gaming.
[07:50] <CountryfiedLinux> can't even access media from a usb stick
[07:51] <CountryfiedLinux> I have to bring my laptop into the living room and HDMI it to my TV to watch video downloads.
[07:51] <CountryfiedLinux> WTH Sony?!
[07:51] <CountryfiedLinux> At least give us wireless media streaming
[07:51] <CountryfiedLinux> like with the PS3
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: LP OFFLINE 08:00-08:20 UTC | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[07:56] <DarkDragon> Well I should have stayed at work
[07:56] <DarkDragon> I'm student now :-(
[07:57] <DarkDragon> then I could have bought a PS4
[08:07] <avryn> you have WAY too many "sleep" in that statement
[08:07] <avryn> game game learn learn work work work game game sleep
[08:07] <avryn> or something like that
[08:08] <DarkDragon> lol but my parents bring me to bed at 09:15PM
[08:08] <avryn> :P
[08:08] <DarkDragon> and I need to stand up at 05:00 AM, because of the university
[08:08] <avryn> errrr
[08:08] <DarkDragon> 30 kilometers one way
[08:08] <avryn> i umm
[08:08] <avryn> usually arranged my schedule so that i never had class before noon
[08:08] <avryn> and usually packed them all into tuesday thursdays at that
[08:09] <avryn> but that was 2 years ago already... good old full time work since then
[08:09] <DarkDragon> well yes, I also did that during the bachelor, but now I've decided to do the master
[08:10] <DarkDragon> and then I said .. I'll do all the good stuff for good people
[08:10] <DarkDragon> not the easiest stuff
[08:10] <DarkDragon> more risky things
[08:10] <avryn> so so... problem A: too much sleep... problem B: too much school!
[08:10] <DarkDragon> yep
[08:10] <avryn> we've determined the causes of your lack of gaming time
[08:10] <avryn> lol
[08:10] <liuxg> hi, I cannot connect to launchpad. does the server have problems?
[08:11] <avryn> err
[08:11] <avryn> topic
[08:11] <DarkDragon> good, let's also do an HAZOP to identify more causes ;-D or an event tree analysis
[08:11] <avryn> liuxg: "wgrant has changed the topic to: LP OFFLINE 08:00-08:20 UTC"
[08:11] <avryn> ORRRR
[08:11] <avryn> we could just play xbox
[08:11] <avryn> !
[08:11] <wgrant> One of our core switches is being very unfriendly, but it's coming back.
[08:12] <avryn> wgrant has to be a very patient person to sit here and listen to all of us run in panickedly ignoring the topic and going AHHHH whats happening!?
[08:13] <DarkDragon> :-D
[08:16] <jolting> The one thing I learned from game servers going down... People like to complain, unfortunately the forum for complaining is down, so here we are.
[08:17] <avryn> haha
[08:17] <Fudge> LOl
[08:17] <streulma> are the core switches down?
[08:18] <DarkDragon> IRC is really better than a forum ... the experts have to repeat themselves, as not everyone sees what has been written before - "occupational therapy"
[08:18] <avryn> streumla "wgrant> One of our core switches is being very unfriendly, but it's coming back."
[08:18] <avryn> that was... umm... 5min ago
[08:18] <wgrant> Saying "Read the topic" really cuts my APM
[08:19] <avryn> wgrant i just copy and paste you over and over again... it works :P
[08:19] <jolting> Good work avryn
[08:20] <DarkDragon> maybe someone could write a bot script always telling "Read the topic" when someone joins the channel
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[08:21] <avryn> i doubt it would help
[08:52] <DarkDragon> now we can idle again
[08:53] <cheater> ppa.launchpad.net still down
[09:05] <avryn> alright.. birds and chirping and its starting to get light out... time for bed... good luck with the switches wgrant! later countryfiedlinux and darkdragon... thanks for keeping the night entertaining!
[09:05] <CountryfiedLinux> later avryn
[09:05] <DarkDragon> ;-) no problem avryn, good night
[09:07] <anon123> hey all. should http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ also be affected?
[09:07] <anon123> launchpad seems to be fine now
[09:07] <anon123> but http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ seems to be down
[09:07] <wgrant> Both of our London datacentres have had major connectivity issues today, and one of them isn't quite entirely back yet.
[09:08] <jolting> everythings affected and things are up and down
[09:08] <anon123> ah, thanks jolting. i'll just wait then
[09:08] <silvea12> Do any of you know any mirrors of software that is hosted on launchpad that I can use in the meantime?
[09:09] <silvea12> Any common backup sites and such?
[09:09] <CountryfiedLinux> this isn't good for business...
[09:09] <wgrant> launchpad.net is back. Only ppa.launchpad.net should still be down.
[09:09] <CountryfiedLinux> bet the Canonical folks aren't too happy right now
[09:09] <CountryfiedLinux> still can't update
[09:10] <silvea12> Same here mate, same here...
[09:11] <silvea12> Oh hey! I have finally found where to grab debs other than from the ppa's!
[09:12] <cheater> ppa.launchpad.net still down :(
[09:12] <randee> Hey guys, anyone knows, when ppa.launchpad.net is reup?
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=== Bollsaq is now known as MushroomTip
=== MushroomTip is now known as CountryfiedLinux
[09:15] <cheater> randee: they've been working on launchpad.net an hour ago, so maybe ppa will be back up soon.
[09:17] <randee> cheater: yeah, thanks, hopefully :) just need nodejs and want to start working. don't want to install it manually :D
=== CountryfiedLinux is now known as Bigsexy
[09:19] <silvea12> Imma go afk, and set up an automated thing to let you guys know when ppa is responding to pings. Brb
[09:19] <randee> awesome, thanks!
[09:21] <silvea12> [AUTOMATED] This is a test of the PPA online notification system. Please ignore this.
[09:21] <aviad> hello?
[09:21] <randee> hi
[09:22] <aviad> Is there a known problem with http://ppa.launchpad.net?
[09:22] <aviad> i can't seem to be able to reach it and my PPAs fail to apt-get update
=== Bigsexy is now known as robertzaccour
[09:22] <DarkDragon> yes
[09:22] <aviad> oh
[09:23] <DarkDragon> switch problem
[09:23] <aviad> not to presure, but is there an ETA?
[09:23] <DarkDragon> event tree analysis?
[09:24] <aviad> estimated time of arrival... as in when will it be back
[09:24] <aviad> again, no rush
[09:24] <DarkDragon> not yet, the whole launchpad network was down until 08:51 UTC
[09:25] <aviad> IC...
[09:25] <aviad> well thank you, we'll wait
[09:25] <aviad> keep up the good work you guys... thank you.
[09:42] <k3rn3lp4n1c> Hello all and good morning! How soon can we expect LP back online?
[09:42] <wgrant> Launchpad is back except for ppa.launcpad.net.
[09:43] <wgrant> We don't have an ETA for ppa.launchpad.net quite yet.
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: ppa.launchpad.net offline due to network failure; no ETA yet | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[09:43] <k3rn3lp4n1c> Thanks @wgrant
[09:48] <streulma> also archive.canonical.com is offline
[10:01] <silvea12> [AUTOMATED] It appears that ppa.launchpad.net is online, according to ping test!
[10:01] <silvea12> Aaand it's correct! :D
[10:02] <robertzaccour> ok it's back up now :)
[10:02] <robertzaccour> successfully updated
[10:02] <randee> awesome! :) thanks, guys! :)
[10:03] <cheater> ppa is up
[10:03] <scam_> Thanks, works
[10:05] <silvea12> btw... "retcode=1; while [ $retcode -eq 1 ]; do ping -c 1 -W 5 ppa.launchpad.net; retcode=$?; done; onUpCommandHere"
[10:05] <silvea12> Pretty much what my bot did
[10:06] <k3rn3lp4n1c> Thanks
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[11:15] <Zackio> t
[11:15] <Zackio> uh, oops
[22:11] <mark06> can anyone help with this? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/249542
[23:35] <sonn> Hi everyone
[23:35] <sonn> I have a question related to translation
[23:36] <sonn> Can I define a new language in my project?