UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /15 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest88750
[00:49] <pnunn> Anyone got any idea why the wifi would be suddenly disabled on my box? I think I may have turned it off with the physical switch last night, now I can find no way to enable it again. This NetworkManager is a real piece of ....
[00:49] <pnunn> nmcli nm
[00:49] <pnunn> running connected enabled disabled enabled disabled
[00:49] <pnunn> Shows its there, but disabled.
[02:27] <DesignerX> hi everyone
[02:28] <DesignerX> Note, for anyone having Wifi problems, I just fount out that sometimes KDE Wallet opens up asking for password & my wifi was giving me problems until I entered the password !
[02:45] <dodger_> DesignerX: that's not surprising - the password to your wireless access point is stored in the wallet
[02:46] <DesignerX> dodger_: & the problem is when I started my PC the session auto started my last applications, so KDE wallet was in the background & didnt see it
[02:47] <DesignerX> now I need to put my Old wirless card back in & see if KDE wallet was the problem .. this is my 3rd day on the new wireless card & only hard problem after I restarted & KDE wallet poping up ..
[04:21] <speedracer08861> is there a 14.10 beta for testing?
[04:23] <genii> speedracer08861: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ ...and the channel for it is #ubuntu+1
[04:23] <genii> It's not in "beta" stage quite yet.
[04:23] <speedracer08861> also are there any weather widgets like the one that windows 7 has?
[04:24] <speedracer08861> ok thank you genii
[04:24] <genii> speedracer08861: Sorry, that was regular Ubuntu. Kubuntu is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ ...but same channel for both
[04:36] <speedracer08861> are there any weather widgets like the one that windows 7 has?
[04:37] <genii> speedracer08861: I'm not sure what that one looks like etc, but I have one on my desktop which is nice
[04:37] <speedracer08861> can you post the link so i can see it
[04:38] <genii> speedracer08861: Give me a couple minutes :)
[04:42] <genii> speedracer08861: http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=18008
[04:43] <speedracer08861> i love that how do i install it?
[04:45] <genii> speedracer08861: Rightclick on open desktop somewhere, choose Add Widgets then pick the one called Simple Weather Applet
[04:45] <genii> Simple Weather Forecast ...rather! Sorry, long day
[04:51] <speedracer08861> thank you
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=== bart is now known as Guest78533
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest23077
[09:18] <georgelappies> how can I easliy format a usb drive to fat32?
[09:19] <georgelappies> not looking for the command line method, is there a right click on choose format option somewhere?
[09:20] <Graf_Westerholt> georgelappies, try partitionmanager
[09:20] <georgelappies> Graf_Westerholt: thanks will do
[12:38] <Roey> hello
[12:38] <Negoushima> hi
[12:39] <Roey> I have k3b open and a CD in the drive. Yet when I hit Project->Burn, it just says "please insert an empty or appendable medium". How do I fix this? BTW this is a fresh install of Kubuntu Trusty.
[12:39] <Roey> hey Negoushima
[12:40] <Roey> valorie: heya!
[12:48] <KubuRicky> Hi guys, can i ask you a question? In your opinion, what is the best laptop for a kubuntu distribution? What kind of pc developers use for dev test?
[12:50] <KubuRicky> I wanna buy a laptop, and i'd like to have the best compatibility with a kubuntu distribution
[12:53] <Graf_Westerholt> KubuRicky, you could search for a Linux-laptop-online-shop.
[12:54] <KubuRicky> Thank you, have you any suggestion? )
[12:54] <KubuRicky> :)
[12:55] <Graf_Westerholt> KubuRicky, no. :(
[12:55] <KubuRicky> no problem, thank you :D
[12:55] <Graf_Westerholt> KubuRicky, also depends on the country.
[12:56] <KubuRicky> Actually, I'm curious to know what kind of architecture linux developer prefer for develop the system
[13:10] <Roey> hello Graf_Westerholt
[13:10] <Roey> why can't I see my CD device?
[13:10] <Graf_Westerholt> Sorry, Roey, I do not know.
[13:10] <Roey> Graf_Westerholt: ok, thanks.
[13:11] <Roey> I am not sure if my CD device is detected, I meant, and I want to find out how to diagnose this.
[13:11] <Graf_Westerholt> Roey, stupid question: do you have a CD in it? ;)
[13:11] <Roey> because in k3b it odesn't seem to see the blank CD in teh drive.
[13:11] <Roey> yes
[13:11] <Roey> yes I do :)
[13:11] <Graf_Westerholt> :)
[13:12] <Graf_Westerholt> Roey, maybe later someone else can help you.
[13:12] <Roey> ok
[13:12] <Roey> thanks
[13:12] <Roey> :)
[13:12] <Graf_Westerholt> no problem
[13:17] <Roey> Graf_Westerholt: PEBCAK! the cd SATA was not physically connected
[13:17] <Roey> MRF :)
[13:17] <Graf_Westerholt> Roey, good you solved it! :)
[15:49] <fede_> hello
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest86416
=== pietro is now known as ADD29
=== ADD29 is now known as pietro
=== pietro is now known as ADD29
=== edwin is now known as Guest90806
[17:05] <pietro> hello
[17:06] <bartman2589> Hi everyone, I'm kind of new to IRC so forgive me if I don't know how to so certain things. I'm hoping someone can help me with a few issues I'm having with Kubuntu 14.04 though. the first one is that connections to my Samba 3 based file shares on my other computer are slower than molasses in antarctica.
[17:07] <meoblast001> hi. is it normal that when i plug in my headphones, my microphone entirely shuts off? is that a hardware issue or KDE?
[17:08] <bartman2589> meoblast, if they're USB I'd consider that there is possibly a short in the cable somewhere
[17:08] <ADD29> hello
[17:09] <bartman2589> meoblast001, sorry misread that, thought you meant your pc was shutting off, no idea why it would shut your mic off when you plug in your headphones though, sorry
[17:11] <bartman2589> does anyone know if there's a patched version of kde-open and xdg-open available that has been patched to handle 'escaped characters' (things like "%25" or "%20")?
[17:14] <bartman2589> 239 users logged in here and nobody can answer?
[17:15] <Negoushima> most of them idles
[17:16] <bartman2589> that's kind of pointless isn't it? I mean why login if you're not actually going to do something?
[17:17] <bartman2589> [REPOST] Hi everyone, I'm kind of new to IRC so forgive me if I don't know how to so certain things. I'm hoping someone can help me with a few issues I'm having with Kubuntu 14.04 though. the first one is that connections to my Samba 3 based file shares on my other computer are slower than molasses in antarctica.
[17:20] <bartman2589> Guess I'll try back later once everyone finishes their naps
[17:45] <diego_> Hola :B
[17:45] <diego_> ¿Alguien habla español?
[17:46] <soee_> ubottu: !es
[17:46] <ubottu> En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest79127
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest12329
[20:14] <DottorLeo> hi!
[20:16] <DottorLeo> is it possible to install a barebone Kubuntu system without all the KDE applications (Krita, Calligra, ecc...)?
[20:17] <DottorLeo> i need only the "skeleton", and after that i will install what i need as application
[20:17] <bprompt> isn't kubuntu more or less just that?
[20:18] <The0x539> Not really, it's the whole panel system
[20:18] <The0x539> I think theyr
[20:18] <The0x539> 're just talking about the actual applications, just a package manager and maybe not even that
[20:18] <bprompt> DottorLeo: kubuntu is not exactly a barebone install.... but close enough, it comes with a few small kde apps only
[20:19] <DottorLeo> and a netinstall?
[20:19] <bprompt> ?
[20:19] <bprompt> why not just get the iso?
[20:20] <DottorLeo> i mean is it possible to do a netinstall, downloading only the system packages and not the other stuff?
[20:20] <DottorLeo> just to ask
[20:21] <bprompt> I think you're going to end up more or less with the same .iso content, minus say Libreoffice
[20:22] <bprompt> and yes, I think there's a netinstall file for it
[20:22] <DottorLeo> perfect, thanks
[20:24] <The0x539> KDE comes quite a lot of apps
[20:25] <bprompt> hmm
[20:26] <bprompt> not the kubuntu iso though.... comes with some kde apps, all of which are really small
[20:26] <bprompt> the only really big package, besides the kde WM and DM is libreoffice
[21:02] <mkdmz> Does anyone understand mime types? The Ubuntu documentation is incomplete on creating mimetypes: http://askubuntu.com/questions/483396/how-do-i-set-up-custom-icons-for-my-pygi-app-documents
[23:00] <scottn_work> Not sure if this has been asked already but anyone know when the KDE 13.2 update will be in the backports ppa? Thanks.
[23:46] <zbrkxbr> hi guys
[23:47] <zbrkxbr> I need to ask for a help are there any ways to get rig of that kontact in kutbuntu ?
[23:47] <zbrkxbr> get rid*