UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /11 /#ubuntu-gnome.txt
Initial commit
[06:59] <AnAnt> Hello
[07:00] <AnAnt> I've install Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 on a machine, and when it boots, it remains stuck on plymouth animation. When I press CTRL+ALT+F1, I can login from tty1, and the following was in /var/log/gdm/:0-greeter.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7622902/
[07:00] <AnAnt> if I run: sudo restart gdm , gdm runs correctly, and the /var/log/gdm/:0-greeter.log doesn't have those errors that I've pasted in the link above
[07:02] <darkxst> AnAnt, it maybe caused by Gjs-WARNING **: JS ERROR: Exception in callback for signal: sessions-loaded: Error: Argument 'string' (type utf8) may not be null
[07:03] <AnAnt> darkxst: so ?
[07:05] <darkxst> so file a bug :)
[07:07] <AnAnt> so, there's no workaround or fix I can do ?
[07:10] <darkxst> the only known issue I know of resulting in gdm not loading at start is using nvidia-prime
[07:13] <AnAnt> darkxst: so I should file it against gdm or gnome-shell or gnome-session ?
[07:20] <darkxst> gdm
[07:20] <darkxst> and make sure the gdm logs get included
[07:21] <AnAnt> darkxst: the one I put on pastebin you mean ?
[07:21] <darkxst> yes that, and the others!
[07:21] <darkxst> :0.log and :0-slave.log
[07:21] <AnAnt> ok
[07:22] <AnAnt> who should I assign/subscribe to it ?
[07:23] <darkxst> you don't need to do that
[07:24] <AnAnt> ok
[08:53] <AnAnt> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/1328820
[08:53] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1328820 in gdm (Ubuntu) "GDM doesn't start on boot" [Undecided,New]
[09:24] <mtvoid> I'm facing this bug ever since upgrading to GNOME 3.12: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=723496
[09:24] <ubot5> Gnome bug 723496 in overview "Overview is clipped/incomplete. Cannot access lower part of Dash or Grid-Button" [Major,Unconfirmed]
[09:46] <darkxst> mtvoid, does `xrandr -q` give correct resolutions for your monitor?
[09:52] <mtvoid> Yes, no problems with any of that, the resolutions show up fine. It's just the overview that's messed up, treats the screen as taller than it actually is. One moment it seems normal, and suddenly it expands beyond the bottom edge of the screen.
[09:53] <darkxst> mtvoid, I don't really know, but there is another bug I have heard of where the dash ends up in the middle of the screen
[09:53] <darkxst> possibly related
[09:53] <darkxst> I gotta run, be back in half
[09:55] <mtvoid> I don't quite know how to debug this, but in looking glass, I select the area (where the window previews are drawn), and calling its get_height() function returns 970, when it should be 800 on my screen.
[09:59] <darkxst> mutter sets the maximum dimensions, which it gets from xrandr, however I supsect there is some upstream bug floating in the overview calculations
[10:08] <mtvoid> Well, upstream hasn't looked at that bug yet, so I'm just waiting.
[10:11] <mtvoid> I have another couple of problems, that have been around for a while, but am hoping someone could help me with it. The first is actually quite serious, which is that I cannot login to the shell via GDM (ever since the GDM code was overhauled some versions ago). I enter the password, and the desktop stays gray, but the shell never starts (though startup applications do load in the background when I check with top). But ... if I enable
[10:11] <mtvoid> timed or automatic login, the shell loads, i.e. logging in via GDM with a password is broken for me.
[10:12] <mtvoid> The other problem is that I'm always asked to enter the keyring unlocking password after logging in (which is the same as my login password), I assumed that PAM takes care of it.
[10:23] <darkxst> yes PAM should unlock keyring for you
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[12:46] <Innerina_> It's in English?
[12:47] <Innerina_> Anyway, someone can tell me what sessions has Ubuntu Gnome?
[13:06] <AnAnt> darkxst: ok, I updated #1328820 with apport-collect
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[13:36] <lindol> 옹
[13:38] <lindol> hi all, ;)
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[21:26] <Noskcaj> darkxst, Why hasn't gnome-user-share been merged?
[21:26] <Noskcaj> It's still at 3.0.4
[23:08] <darkxst> Noskcaj, not sure, but it probably should be
[23:15] <darkxst> Noskcaj, although it requires BlueZ5 or a revert