UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /11 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <phillw> belkinsa: I've tried, same link
[00:01] <belkinsa> Huh?
[00:01] <belkinsa> I checked.
[00:02] <belkinsa> You can do it yourself, there is a check box by the link that share gives you wher eyou set the tine when it starts
[00:03] <phillw> knome: could you just give a quick click on this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jkAq1WJ7bs
[00:04] <phillw> belkinsa: I may have cache issues, so need someone who has not been a part to say.
[00:05] <belkinsa> I see
[00:08] <phillw> belkinsa: knome should not have seen lubuntu presentation, so his browser should be clear. (We do actually chat, which is why I asked a guy from a totally different team to test).
[00:08] <belkinsa> Ah, I see.
[00:25] <knome> what do i need to try?
[00:25] <knome> oh, that does start at 0.
[00:27] <knome> got to go to bed now, hf ->
[00:27] <belkinsa> Slaapwel, knome.
[02:13] <pleia2> phillw: wasn't then, am now
[02:19] <pleia2> heh, RT ticket for fixing sign on for the wiki was moved to "doing" queue on Apr 21st
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy
[14:56] <belkinsa> All, how many member of the Doc Team will be joining the Hangout on Air at 18 UTC today? I need to know because my computer can not take it after three people in a Hangout. Thanks.
[17:22] <belkinsa> Ubuntu Documentation Team Roundtable June 2014 in 27 minutes
[17:35] <belkinsa> The roundtable will start in less than 30 minutes in #ubuntu-uds-community-1 and the Hangout link is (to join): https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfs-LezOGpwYbtjHH5WGSrWEWJlDz0_qvciVDrRmseAly4gtw?authuser=0&hl=en
[17:41] <belkinsa> Track page: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22234/community-1406-ubuntu-documentation-team/
[17:44] <belkinsa> The roundtable will start in less than 20 minutes in #ubuntu-uds-community-1 and the Hangout link is (to join): https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfs-LezOGpwYbtjHH5WGSrWEWJlDz0_qvciVDrRmseAly4gtw?authuser=0&hl=en
[17:44] <belkinsa> Track page: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22234/community-1406-ubuntu-documentation-team/
[17:49] <belkinsa> The roundtable will start in 10 minutes in #ubuntu-uds-community-1 and the Hangout link is (to join): https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfs-LezOGpwYbtjHH5WGSrWEWJlDz0_qvciVDrRmseAly4gtw?authuser=0&hl=en
[17:49] <belkinsa> Track page: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22234/community-1406-ubuntu-documentation-team/
[17:51] <belkinsa> Anyone?
[17:52] <pleia2> I'm pretty snowed under with work today, sorry
[17:52] <belkinsa> Alright
[17:54] <belkinsa> The roundtable will start in less than 10 minutes in #ubuntu-uds-community-1 and the Hangout link is (to join): https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfs-LezOGpwYbtjHH5WGSrWEWJlDz0_qvciVDrRmseAly4gtw?authuser=0&hl=en
[17:56] <belkinsa> The roundtable will start in less than 5 minutes in #ubuntu-uds-community-1 and the Hangout link is (to join): https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfs-LezOGpwYbtjHH5WGSrWEWJlDz0_qvciVDrRmseAly4gtw?authuser=0&hl=en
[18:38] <Megabyte> Hello, everyone
[18:39] <Megabyte> I need to show one of Ubuntu's install screen in Brazilian Portuguese to capture it, but I'm emulating it through a virtual machine.
[18:39] <Megabyte> Specifically, it's the install a screen that asks for a wireless connection
[19:39] <pmatulis> belkinsa: i updated the blueprint with the etherpad stuff
[19:41] <belkinsa> pmatulis, thanks.
[19:42] <pmatulis> belkinsa: do you have any idea of the number of contributors for the desktop?
[19:43] <belkinsa> pmatulis, I don't know, I might know of two but I think they don't from time to time.
[19:50] <pmatulis> belkinsa: about 6 people
[19:50] <pmatulis> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-docs/trusty/changes
[19:54] <pmatulis> actually, those are the committers
[20:32] <GunnarHj> pmatulis: still there?
[20:33] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: ping?
[20:37] <belkinsa> GunnarHj, pong.
[20:37] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: Hi
[20:37] <belkinsa> Hey, whats up?
[20:38] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: Just watched the video from the roundtable session.
[20:38] <GunnarHj> Should have been there. I would have had more to contribute there than in the other session.
[20:38] <belkinsa> It's alright.
[20:39] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: Thanks anyway. Noticed that a couple of good ideas came up.
[20:39] <belkinsa> Not a problem.
[20:40] <belkinsa> It was award starting it without anyone else.
[20:40] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: I like the one about a link from help.ubuntu.com.
[20:40] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: Award? ;)
[20:40] <belkinsa> Awkward*
[20:41] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: Aha, that I understand better. Sorry.
[20:41] <belkinsa> I do too about the link.
[20:41] <belkinsa> It's cool, my fault.
[20:42] <GunnarHj> Nobody's fault, really. Just too few people involved. The usual problem...
[20:43] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: Maybe we should have meeting soon? There are indeed a few things to talk about.
[20:43] <belkinsa> No, what I said (award not awkward). But I agree, you think it's the barrier to entry or a lack of some of type of Ubuntu recruiting (comms or promo) team not helping new folks to get in?
[20:44] <belkinsa> pmatulis, thanks for the numbers.
[20:45] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: Right now I was talking about the low number of people that are truly engaged in the docs team.
[20:46] <belkinsa> Oh, I see.
[20:46] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: Something we should try to improve, of course.
[20:46] <belkinsa> Indeed and also getting new ones in.
[20:47] <GunnarHj> Right.
[21:17] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: A link to http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/documentation/ might be what should be on top of help.ubuntu.com
[21:49] <belkinsa> Right, I will make the ticket to IS
[21:57] <belkinsa> pleia2, or someone else: do you have the link to Canonical I?S
[21:57] <belkinsa> IS*
[22:03] <pleia2> rt@ubuntu.com which lands on rt.ubuntu.com eventually (once it's reviewed it's made public I think)
[22:03] <belkinsa> Thanks.
[22:05] <belkinsa> pleia2, you can create a ticket there also.
[22:05] <pleia2> yeah, but then I don't have it in my sent folder :)
[22:06] <belkinsa> Good point.
[22:06] <pleia2> I think it might have been harder to Cc: people too, I forget
[22:06] <belkinsa> Mind if I draft it up and show it to you before sending it?
[22:07] <pleia2> sure, I wasn't paying attention to what this is about :)
[22:07] <pleia2> oh, I need to leave in 20 minutes
[22:08] <belkinsa> Okay, we have time, it's not that of a big deal (yet).
[22:09] <pleia2> doug manages help.ubuntu.com, he might be able to handle this
[22:09] <pleia2> dsmythies
[22:09] <belkinsa> Ah, perfect.
[22:09] <belkinsa> Does he lurk around here?
[22:09] <belkinsa> Or should I do this via Mailing-list?
[22:09] <pleia2> often, but I haven't seen him much lately
[22:10] <pleia2> mailing list is probably good (also gives other folks the opportunity to comment)
[22:10] <belkinsa> Aright, mailing list first than RT
[22:15] <belkinsa> GunnarHj, I noticed that that item is not my item (getting that link to the help.ubuntu.com), it's Mike Hall's.
[22:16] <belkinsa> I told him about it.
[22:36] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: Actually, that link can be added by any docs committer.
[22:36] <belkinsa> Prefect.
[22:36] <knome> GunnarHj, not help.ubuntu.com
[22:37] <knome> at least not the frontpage
[22:37] <GunnarHj> knome: Yep
[22:37] <knome> under community, sure
[22:38] <GunnarHj> knome: I already changed the page a few weeks ago. I can do it again. :)
[22:38] <knome> :)
[22:38] <belkinsa> GunnarHj, you have permission to add that link.
[22:38] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: Yes. Give me a few minutes...
[22:39] <belkinsa> And GunnarHj you have an item for this cycle too. And thanks.
[22:39] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: Wait until it's there before you thank me. ;)
[22:39] <belkinsa> Good point
[22:44] <pmatulis> belkinsa: why link to the community stuff from the non-community docs? in the session we discussed what link should go there
[22:46] <pmatulis> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/SystemDocumentation
[22:47] <belkinsa> Oh, I got lost. There is two items that relate.
[22:50] <pmatulis> belkinsa: keep in mind that help.u.c covers both desktop and server, the above link covers both
[22:51] <belkinsa> Ah, I see. Maybe that's the one we need on top of the help.u.c page.
[22:51] <belkinsa> And he is gone (GunnarHj)
[23:02] <GunnarHj> belkinsa, knome: Committed.
[23:02] <GunnarHj> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-docs/help.ubuntu.com/revision/130
[23:02] <belkinsa> Great.
[23:03] <belkinsa> But
[23:03] <belkinsa> [18:44] <pmatulis> belkinsa: why link to the community stuff from the non-community docs? in the session we discussed what link should go there
[23:03] <belkinsa> [18:46] <pmatulis> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/SystemDocumentation
[23:03] <belkinsa> [18:47] <belkinsa> Oh, I got lost. There is two items that relate.
[23:03] <belkinsa> [18:50] <pmatulis> belkinsa: keep in mind that help.u.c covers both desktop and server, the above link covers both
[23:03] <belkinsa> [18:51] <belkinsa> Ah, I see. Maybe that's the one we need on top of the help.u.c page.
[23:03] <belkinsa> [18:51] <belkinsa> And he is gone (GunnarHj)
[23:03] <GunnarHj> belkinsa, knome: It will probably show up tomorrow afternoon UTC.
[23:03] <belkinsa> Okay
[23:05] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: Let's see if it looks good, and if it does, we should do the same thing on all the official docs pages.
[23:06] <belkinsa> Alright, that works.
[23:06] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: Possibly also on the community pages, but I'm not sure about that...
[23:06] <belkinsa> Might need to go mhall119 for that
[23:06] <belkinsa> Oh, wait, nevermind
[23:07] <knome> GunnarHj, cheers
[23:07] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: Yeah, that's one thing. But also, the community help wiki is different. Contributions are made simpy by editing pages, not by joining the docs team.
[23:07] <GunnarHj> knome: Hi