UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /09 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
=== shiznix_ is now known as shiznix
[08:02] <Laney> hey hey hey
[08:24] <Laney> well then!
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g
=== ogra_ is now known as 1JTAAEF0J
=== ogra_ is now known as 1JTAAEF3J
=== marga- is now known as marga
=== pesari_ is now known as pesari
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
[11:59] <rickspencer3> good morning desktoppers
[11:59] <rickspencer3> I guess there are some folks on holiday today?
[12:00] <Laney> I feel like it's just me :P
[12:00] <rickspencer3> hi Laney
[12:00] <Laney> hey rickspencer3
[12:00] <Laney> how's it going?
[12:00] <rickspencer3> Laney, I guess this is your chance to make those changes you've always wanted to make, but couldn't convince seb128 :)
[12:00] <rickspencer3> Laney, it's going pretty well
[12:01] <rickspencer3> getting hot hear, rained last night, so it's going to be humid this morning
[12:01] * rickspencer3 basks in air conditioned comfort
[12:01] <rickspencer3> how about you Laney?
[12:01] <Laney> seb128 knows about my slippery fingers :)
[12:01] <Laney> oops, xfce by default!
[12:02] <Laney> yeah doing well thanks, was back visiting the family at the weekend
[12:02] <Laney> the forecast rain didn't turn up, was a pleasant day
[12:04] * Laney whips sbuild
[12:04] <Laney> you go faster
[12:06] <rickspencer3> Laney, do you use xfce yourself?
[12:06] <Laney> no I've never used it
[12:06] <rickspencer3> I'm so addicted to Unity everywhere I couldn't imagine changing :)
[12:06] <Laney> was just trolling :P
[12:06] <rickspencer3> Laney, I used it years ago on a super slow netbook
[12:07] <rickspencer3> it was actually pretty good back then, must be even better know
[12:07] <rickspencer3> Xubuntu ftw :)
[12:07] <Laney> hrm, I did have an eeepc back then
[12:07] <Laney> I think I used gnome 2 though
[12:07] <Laney> gave that away to the student radio station at the university, wonder if they made use of it
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
[12:44] <rickspencer3> Laney, bregma do you have the ability to get screenshots of Unity 8/Mir running on the laptops?
[12:44] * rickspencer3 is making presentation for UOS
[12:49] <bregma> rickspencer3, there's a way, I don't know details but Brandon has gotten screen grabs (and non-realtime video), I'll ask him when he gets on
[12:50] <rickspencer3> bregma, ok, if that doesn't work, may a picture of the laptop with it running?
[12:50] <ralsina_> larsu: hi, tedg mentioned you as the person to ask about messaging menu on the phone?
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
[13:10] <tedg> ralsina_, Realizing that it is apparently a public holiday in Europe today, so he might not be around.
[13:11] <tedg> ralsina_, What are you trying to do in the MM?
[13:11] <ralsina_> tedg: I'll leave the question in his IRC client then :-)
[13:12] <ralsina_> tedg: I need to use it from go, so I want a small example (say, in python?) that I can use as a benchmark that I am wrapping the right bits of libmessagingmenu and such
[13:13] <ralsina_> tedg: I have one for the desktop but it does nothing on the phone emulator
[13:14] <tedg> ralsina_, Okay, I think that charles just committed one recently, let me look.
[13:14] <ralsina_> tedg: that's the one I have :-)
[13:14] <ralsina_> tedg: https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/indicator-messages/lp-1315384-add-python-example/+merge/221274
[13:14] <xnox> ralsina_: hm, does "$ adb shell start ofono" help on the emulator?
[13:14] <ralsina_> checking...
[13:14] <tedg> Hah, charles, your example doesn't work! :-)
[13:16] <ralsina_> xnox: makes no difference
[13:16] <tedg> ralsina_, Ah, so that one only does sources, which aren't shown on the phone today. The phone shows messages.
[13:16] <charles> tedg, it worked when I tested it...
[13:16] <charles> tedg, clearly it's a bug on your end ;-)
[13:16] <ralsina_> charles: it works for me on the desktop but not on the phone
[13:16] <tedg> ralsina_, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-messages/trunk.14.10/view/head:/libmessaging-menu/messaging-menu-message.h
[13:17] <tedg> ralsina_, You need to build one of those.
[13:17] <ralsina_> tedg: ok!
[13:17] <ralsina_> tedg: one of which? :-)
[13:17] <tedg> ralsina_, That object
[13:17] <ralsina_> yes
[13:18] <tedg> MessagingMenuMessage
[13:19] <ralsina_> tedg: just build it and it will work? No need to do the MessagingMenuApp?
[13:20] <charles> larsu, are there any special steps needed for phone? ^
=== mvo__ is now known as mvo
[13:22] <tedg> ralsina_, I think you still need the app, I'd have to look though. There's some consolidation rules that get applied later.
[13:22] <tedg> i.e. if you have too many messages.
[13:22] <tedg> But I imagine it's detecting based on the connection.
[13:22] <tedg> Not sure how that'll work for your use case.
[13:22] <tedg> charles, Public holiday today in Europe
[13:23] <charles> tedg, again??
[13:23] * charles tuts at Europe
[13:23] <tedg> charles, I think this one is to celebrate all the public holidays they have.
[13:26] <charles> still, if the example doesn't address ralsina_'s use case of working on the phone, that's a problem. We ought to provide a working HOWTO example.
[13:26] <ralsina_> charles: right now just "shows something in the messaging menu" makes me happy enough :-)
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
[15:13] <rickspencer3> o/ JackYu
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
[16:04] <JackYu> rickspencer3, hi
[16:05] <rickspencer3> just saying "hi" JackYu :) what time is there? late, right?
[16:05] <JackYu> it's 00:05 AM here:)
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
[17:13] <chrisccoulson> qengho, any chance of an updated chromium soon? :)
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
[22:59] <larsu> charles: nope. On the phone, you need to use MessagingMenuMessage though
[23:02] <ochosi> hey larsu
[23:02] <ochosi> quick question: since i guess ppl will be working more on the phone now (or on the convergence with phone), is there anything you can say as to what is planned with indicators?
[23:03] <ochosi> will they remain backward compatible, will they be redone entirely?
[23:08] <larsu> ochosi: I don't know. If I were to guess, I'd say they stay about the same short-term but will change long-term
[23:09] <larsu> as in, when unity8 is around
[23:12] * larsu <-- bed
[23:16] <ochosi> ok, thanks larsu