UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /09 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[07:32] <ob1> does anyone test apps on Nexus 7 ?
[07:55] <kalikiana> t1mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/galleryTweaksPage/+merge/221517
[07:55] <kalikiana> t1mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/demoToolbar/+merge/217439
[08:01] <DanChapman> Good Morning
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[08:34] <Aki-Thinkpad> DanChapman, good monday
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[08:50] <danielbeck> hello! a new version of "green mahjong" was published in the click store. I wanted to ask if someone could try it out - so that I know if it starts now. (The touch emulator does not work for me).
[08:51] <popey> danielbeck: hiya
[08:52] <danielbeck> hey popey :-)
[08:52] <popey> had you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtchooser/+bug/1327576 ?
[08:52] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1327576 in qtchooser (Ubuntu) "qmlscene crashes running greenhahjong #73" [Undecided,New]
[08:53] <danielbeck> is that a new bug?
[08:53] <danielbeck> (I didn't report this)
[08:54] <popey> i did
[08:55] <danielbeck> does the app occur, whenever the game starts?
[08:56] <popey> danielbeck: i just started the app and it crashed
[08:57] <popey> I am testing every app in the store, and yours was one of a few that failed
[08:57] <danielbeck> ok.
[08:57] <danielbeck> The app makes nothing fancy. It just uses QML and opens an oxide pane.
[08:58] <danielbeck> The HTML application is renderer in this oxide pane
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[09:01] <popey> danielbeck: yeah, it still crashes here
[09:01] <popey> oh, the update wasn't installed, lemme get that
[09:02] <danielbeck> ah. The update resolved a problem with apparmor and the needed persmissions.
[09:02] <popey> ok, yes, it starts now
[09:02] <danielbeck> (framework-14.04-html-dev1 is needed now).
[09:03] <danielbeck> and the permission "webview".
[09:03] <danielbeck> ok.
[09:04] <popey> the display gets messed up when scrolling
[09:04] * popey gets screenshot
[09:05] <popey> http://imgur.com/Z81xBOW danielbeck
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[09:07] <danielbeck> This looks like a problem with oxide.
[09:08] <danielbeck> Ok, I will wait that a new version of the emulator comes out, so that I can use it (for the moment, the screens stays black for me). When this happen, I will investigate this I open an issue in launchpad.
[09:10] <danielbeck> popey: could you make one further test? could you open http://daniel-beck.org/greenmahjong/ with the webbrowser?
[09:10] <danielbeck> The HTML code is the same.
[09:13] <popey> ok
[09:14] <popey> fine in the browser
[09:14] <danielbeck> ok, thanks
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[10:50] <om26er> rpadovani, Hi! do you know if there was some user testing done on the calculator app ?
[10:50] <om26er> the buttons seem to be a bit small on the calculator to perform calculations quickly
[10:52] <rpadovani> om26er, o/ Dunno, but size of buttons are in a design document IIRC, so I think some studies have been made
[12:04] <nerochiaro> popey: do you have some time to talk about https://bugs.launchpad.net/camera-app/+bug/1322121 ?
[12:04] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1322121 in camera-app "pictures taken with flash are almost completely black" [High,Confirmed]
[12:06] <popey> nerochiaro: sure
[12:06] <nerochiaro> pop
[12:07] <nerochiaro> popey: on image 75 i can still reproduce the case when it doesn't happen
[12:07] <nerochiaro> popey: as per my last comment
[12:07] * popey tests
[12:08] <Aki-Thinkpad> Happy tax freedom day
[12:11] <popey> nerochiaro: left a comment
[12:14] <nerochiaro> popey: i'm using #75 is that more or less recent than #4 ?
[12:15] <popey> #75 is the very latest
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[13:12] <ogra_> popey, any idea what that error on Kiba Kumba means ?
[13:12] * ogra_ doesnt get it
[13:12] <ogra_> the two lines are identical
[13:18] <popey> ogra_: i dont know, sorry. one for jdstrand
[13:19] <jdstrand> ??
[13:19] <ogra_> well, there is a space and a comma ... i re-uploaded with both dropped
[13:19] <jdstrand> Kiba Kumba?
[13:19] <popey> jdstrand: it fails because title != description
[13:19] <ogra_> "lint_control_description_match": {
[13:19] <ogra_> "text": "Description=Kiba Kumba - Jungle Chaos, html5 online game does not match manifest title=Kiba Kumba - Jungle Chaos, html5 online game "
[13:19] <ogra_> }
[13:19] <popey> but they are the same
[13:19] <ogra_> there is a space at the end of the line ... and it includes a comma ...
[13:20] <ogra_> i uploaded a changed click ... lets see
[13:20] <popey> you can run the tests yourself before uploading btw ☻
[13:20] <popey> save time
[13:20] <jdstrand> ah well, they aren't the same then :)
[13:20] <ogra_> jdstrand, why is that ?
[13:20] <ogra_> jdstrand, they both contain the same space and comma
[13:21] <jdstrand> yes, I think the sdk can do that, but you can also install and run the click-reviewers-tools
[13:21] <jdstrand> I thought you said one did and one didn't
[13:21] <popey> passes now ogra_
[13:21] <jdstrand> it should just be doing a string comparison
[13:21] <ogra_> jdstrand, no, both were identical ... but there was a comma in both lines and a space at the end of the line in both
[13:21] <jdstrand> nothing fancy
[13:22] <ogra_> i assume one of them confudsed the tools
[13:22] <ogra_> *confused
[13:22] <jdstrand> maybe one is doing a chomp type thing
[13:22] <ogra_> well, seems it passed now
[13:22] <jdstrand> ogra_: can you give me the affected click?
[13:22] <ogra_> yep
[13:24] <ogra_> jdstrand, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/com.ubuntu.developer.ogra.kiba-kumba_0.2_all.click
[13:24] * ogra_ goes back to enjoy the sun :=
[13:24] <ogra_> :)
[13:28] <davmor2> ogra_: no fair you can't have a national holiday and sun I'm pretty sure that is against the rules
[13:52] <nik90> t1mp: ping
[13:52] <t1mp> nik90: hello
[13:53] <t1mp> nik90: you have 20 minutes and then my free airport internet will stop :s
[13:53] <nik90> t1mp: oh you are travelling..woops
[13:53] <nik90> t1mp: Is it not possible to set a label's font.pixelSize to 0?
[13:53] <nik90> t1mp: I am unable to set the label font size to 0 :(
[13:53] <t1mp> why would you want that? 0 is very small
[13:54] <nik90> t1mp: and if you are wondering why the hell I am do that...well I need to animate it from font size 0 to font size units.dp(410
[13:54] <nik90> units.dp(41)
[13:54] <t1mp> for Label it is recommended to use fontSize (a string)
[13:55] <t1mp> nik90: does it work for Text?
[13:55] <nik90> t1mp: nope..even upstream Text wont accept font size 0
[13:56] <t1mp> nik90: yeah, that's what I just figured out also, we don't put any restrictions on fontSize for Label, that's all in Text
[13:57] <t1mp> nik90: does it look bad if you start with a pixelSize of 1?
[13:57] * nik90 checks now
[13:57] <t1mp> you can also animate the opacity if you don't want it visible initially
[13:58] <nik90> t1mp: yeah it looks bad when I set pixelSize to 1...I suppose I will have to resort to animating the opacity to workaround it
[14:22] <nerochiaro> bfiller: when you finish there on mumble can you also update me on the status of the things i did for the recording on desktop ? did they end up in a silo and worked ok ?
[14:34] <nerochiaro> bfiller: i have been talking to florian about that and he suggested me that to improve things further we should autodetect cameras that produce frames in an already encoded format and set up the recording to use that format
[14:35] <balloons> ahayzen, ping
[14:35] <ahayzen> balloons, pong
[14:38] <balloons> ahayzen, so re: mediascanner. It seems the issue is isolated to utopic
[14:38] <balloons> trusty seems to work properly
[14:38] <ahayzen> balloons, i'm on trusty and it doens't work :P
[14:39] <ahayzen> balloons, read my latest comment https://bugs.launchpad.net/mediascanner2/+bug/1326753/comments/5
[14:39] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1326753 in mediascanner2 "Mediascanner2 QML applications fail to start" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[14:39] <ahayzen> balloons, note you have to have the coreapps PPA to have an up to date mediascanner2
[14:40] <ahayzen> balloons, i still think it is library size as that makes the 'most sense' to then cause timeouts
[14:41] <ahayzen> balloons, how did you create that dump, i could try doing it on my trusty machine to see if it is similar?
[14:47] <balloons> ahayzen, weird.. I can only say it crashes straight out for me on utopic
[14:47] <balloons> with no library
[14:47] <ahayzen> balloons, maybe that is another issue lol
[14:48] <ahayzen> balloons, all i know is that for the devices/library sizes i stated in the bug are what it (doesn't ) work for me and victor
[14:50] <balloons> ahayzen, ok, should mention you need to have the coreapps ppa to have the proper version of mediascanner
[14:50] <balloons> what version would that be anyway? probably should specify
[14:51] <ahayzen> balloons, i'll add that
[14:54] <ahayzen> balloons, https://bugs.launchpad.net/mediascanner2/+bug/1326753/comments/6
[14:54] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1326753 in mediascanner2 "Mediascanner2 QML applications fail to start" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[14:57] <balloons> ahayzen, so second question is, on trusty, do the tests run for you?
[14:57] <balloons> on the desktop that is
[14:57] <ahayzen> balloons, music-app doesn't run
[14:57] <ahayzen> balloons, my trusty machine is the entry under doesn't work... 'trusty baremetal laptop ~3000 tracks in library'
[14:57] <balloons> ahayzen, heh
[14:57] <popey> mhall119: bug 1328144
[14:57] <ubot5> bug 1328144 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Agenda view is not in chronological order" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1328144
[14:58] <balloons> popey, weird that it works on your trusty machine, but not ahayzen's
[14:58] <ahayzen> balloons, my mako and utopci VM works
[14:58] <balloons> and doesn't work on my utopic machine, but does for ahayzen
[14:58] <balloons> this are contradictory statements here
[14:58] <ahayzen> balloons, so for me it looks like trusty doesn't work and utopic is fine lol
[14:58] <mhall119> thanks popey
[14:58] <ahayzen> balloons, Victor's utopic mako didn't work though
[14:59] <ahayzen> balloons, the only correlation i could spot between me and victor's testing was the library size
[15:01] <ahayzen> balloons, and the other oddity is that if you put a high CPU load on your machine then it works....
[15:02] <mhall119> popey: is phablet-screenshot broken agian, or is it just me?
[15:02] <popey> mhall119: known bug, the mir_socket moved from /tmp to /var/run
[15:03] <popey> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mir/+bug/1327139
[15:03] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1327139 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "mirscreencast broke (moved socket) in #71" [High,Triaged]
[15:03] <balloons> ahayzen, it's just weird.. so on a machine that does work for you, do the tests run ahayzen ?
[15:03] <ahayzen> balloons, define tests...
[15:03] <ahayzen> balloons, if you mean the ap tests for mediascanner2... then no :/
[15:04] <ahayzen> balloons, last time i tried it would just show your real library but i can try again hang on...
[15:04] <mhall119> thanks popey, fixed it myself for now
[15:05] <balloons> ahayzen, ahh right.. I remember that
[15:05] <balloons> ahayzen, which is a bit wild, as that's the desktop mocking bit
[15:05] <ahayzen> balloons, and before that it removed your /home ;)
[15:07] <ahayzen> balloons, yeah #498 just shows the real music on my utopic VM rather than the mocked/hacked
[15:19] <balloons> ahayzen, cool, that's helpful
[15:19] <ahayzen> balloons, let me know if you want me to run more tests
[15:20] <balloons> ahayzen, well I want you to say they work
[15:20] <balloons> it's really a bit hard since they don't for me
[15:20] <balloons> I may try and change that so I can have a deeper look
[15:20] <ahayzen> balloons, hah
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[15:43] <rickspencer3> o/
[15:43] <daker> mhall119: https://bugs.launchpad.net/oxide/+bug/1260016
[15:43] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1260016 in Oxide "Add an API to allow defining custom URL scheme delegates" [Undecided,New]
[15:46] <mhall119> daker: \o/
[15:46] <mhall119> we need that to switch Trojita to Oxide
[15:46] <mhall119> popey: ^^
[15:46] <daker> mhall119: add your +1
[15:47] <popey> DanChapman: ^ ☻
[15:51] <DanChapman> popey :-D
[15:53] <DanChapman> daker, mhall119 also it would need to be able to do multiple asynchronous requests per url scheme. It's a limitation we've hit with WebKit as it only creates on QQuickNetworkReply per scheme. Could i add that to that bug or create another? I'd love to move to oxide asap
[15:54] <DanChapman> s/create on/create one
[15:54] <daker> DanChapman: comment on the bug report or ask chrisccoulson/oSoMoN
[15:56] <DanChapman> daker sure i'll add a comment :-)
[15:56] <oSoMoN> DanChapman, please add input and feature requests to the bug report
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[16:37] <mhall119> DanChapman: hey, there's going to be an app showcase lightning talks session at the end of UOS on thursday, would you want to talk about and demo Trojita?
[16:37] <mhall119> daker: ^^ same question, only s/Trojita/something else/
[16:39] <mhall119> rickspencer3: jdstrand ^^
[16:40] <mhall119> nik90: ^^ for Flashback would be awesome
[16:40] <jdstrand> I don't really have anything to demo
[16:40] <nik90> mhall119: I am already sort of demoing Flashback for the Convergence session I have on Tuesday
[16:41] <mhall119> jdstrand: Blabble is yours right? My kids and I play that every time we're stuck waiting somewhere
[16:42] <jdstrand> hehe, nice!
[16:42] <jdstrand> it is mine
[16:42] <jdstrand> it isn't new though...
[16:42] <mhall119> they don't have to be new
[16:42] <mhall119> it's just a chance to show off what you've done
[16:43] <mhall119> if any of you want to show off your app, please add yourself to http://pad.ubuntu.com/uos-1406-applications-showcase
[16:43] <jdstrand> ack
[16:43] <jdstrand> oh, Trojita is usable??
[16:43] <jdstrand> I really need an email app
[16:49] <mhall119> jdstrand: very nearly usable, still waiting on the sending mail functionality,which is requiring some cross-collaboration with the desktop GUI bits
[16:58] <jdstrand> neat
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[18:40] <nik90> mhall119: hey, I remember you showing me your code of the bottom panel at Malta, do you have a link to it?
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[19:06] <ahayzen> nik90, have you looked at this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/+junk/vscale/view/head:/vscale.qml
[19:07] <mhall119> nik90: let me see if I've pushed it to LP yet
[19:09] <nik90> ahayzen: will take a look thnx
[19:10] <ahayzen> nik90, may not be what you want but is an interesting demo of what can be done
[19:11] <mhall119> nik90: lp:~mhall119/communitycast/client
[19:11] <mhall119> nik90: rev 9 adds it
[19:11] <nik90> mhall119: thnx
[19:12] <mhall119> np
[19:16] <nik90> mhall119: when I try to run it, I get the error that Autolinker.js is missing from the components folder
[19:17] <mhall119> oh, I probably forgot to bzr add it
[19:18] <mhall119> nik90: it's in rev10
[19:19] <nik90> mhall119: yup works now :)
[19:19] <mhall119> :)
[19:19] <mhall119> ignore the UbuntuAccount stuff, that's WIP
[19:21] <nik90> ok
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[23:55] <TheSmackTimeGrou> Good Evening