UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /09 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[03:07] <ahoneybun> hey valorie
[03:10] <valorie> hi ahoneybun
[03:10] <valorie> how are ya?
[06:16] <soee> good morning
[07:54] <Riddell> hola
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[08:04] <lordievader> Good morning.
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[09:50] <Riddell> plasma 5 uploaded to next ppa building now
[09:50] <Riddell> todo: khotkeys plasma-desktop powerdevil
[09:51] <soee> plasma-next ? :)
[09:52] <yofel> Riddell: why does libkscreen have an epoch o.O?
[09:52] <Riddell> yofel: good question, it shouldn't
[09:52] <Riddell> soee: yes
[09:53] <yofel> hm, seems like all of plasma has an intentional epoch?
[09:54] <Riddell> well spotted, but I don't think it should
[09:55] <yofel> well, they all have the same version, so it might make sense for simplicity - except kscreen
[09:56] <Riddell> simplicity of what?
[09:57] <yofel> hm, I wanted to say version matching as a few will need an epoch anyway... but they're supposed to not override any kde4 packages?
[09:58] <Riddell> the source packages are supposed to have different names
[09:58] <yofel> if not then an epoch is probably not needed
[09:58] * Riddell fixes
[09:59] <yofel> sources sure, but binaries? i.e. systemsettings 4.97.0 << systemsettings 4:4.11.9
[09:59] <Riddell> hmm
[10:00] <Riddell> yes there will be some of those
[10:01] <yofel> so it's either rename all, or epoch + remove kde-workspace in u+1
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[10:02] * Riddell unfixes
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[10:07] <yofel> sorry for the confusion -.-
[10:07] * yofel goes back to kde-workspace
[10:07] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[10:08] <yofel> Riddell: did you talk with debian about the versioning?
[10:09] <Riddell> no, I should do
[10:16] <yofel> kubotu: newversion kde-workspace 4.11.10
[10:17] <kubotu> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1328049
[10:24] <kubotu> feed branches-next had 25 updates, showing the latest 6
[11:12] <yofel> *blink*
[11:12] <yofel> lintian has color output now o.O
[11:19] * Peace- 36 degree
[11:24] <kubotu> feed branches-next had 16 updates, showing the latest 6
[12:03] <soee> plasma-next 4.97.0 will be installable in 14.04 ?
[12:09] <Riddell> soee: no we're only making packages for utopic
[12:10] <soee> :(
[12:13] <sgclark> Riddell: sorry family was high maintenance, I am fixing 4.97.0 breaks now
[12:13] <Riddell> family often are
[12:13] <Riddell> but often in a good way
[12:13] <sgclark> Riddell: so did we decide against allLibraries
[12:13] <soee> btw what is the current status of utopic ?
[12:14] * sgclark fears wrap-and-sort
[12:14] <Riddell> sgclark: my current thinking is that allLibraries is only useful when there's a lot of libraries in one package, we don't tend to have that with kf5 and plasma
[12:14] <sgclark> Riddell: sounds good
[12:18] <Riddell> sgclark: I'm unsure if we should have the 4: epoch in plasma packages but I'm keeping it there for now
[12:18] <sgclark> ok
[12:22] <sgclark> Riddell: so it looks like something somewhere is still depending on kf5-kio-dev and needs to be kio-dev. tracking it down now
[12:26] <Riddell> sgclark: there's quite a few listed on http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_4.97.0_utopic.html
[12:26] <Riddell> also libkf5globalaccel-dev which I've uploaded
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[13:35] <sgclark> Riddell: libkf5plasmaquick5 : Depends: libkf5plasma5 (>= 4.97.0) why is it depending on 4.97.0? Nothing is jumping out at me in control
[14:05] <Riddell> sgclark: looking
[14:06] <Riddell> sgclark: 4.97.0 is the version of libkf5plasma5 from plasma-framework sources that we're building
[14:06] <Riddell> where's this issue?
[14:07] <sgclark> Riddell: it should be 4.100.0
[14:08] <sgclark> it is failing at apt- not being able to install 4.97.0 (does not exist)
[14:08] <Riddell> sgclark: nope frameworks is 4.100.0 but libkf5plasma5 is from plasma-framework and plasma packages are at 4.97.0
[14:08] <Riddell> sgclark: what is failing?
[14:09] <sgclark> plasma-framework-dev : Depends: libkf5plasmaquick5 (= 4.100.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa3) but it is not going to be installed
[14:10] <sgclark> Riddell: so plasma also has libkf5plasma5 because so does plasma-framework, perhaps that is our problem?
[14:11] <Riddell> er wait I'm talking nonsense
[14:11] <Riddell> libkf5plasmaquick5 and libkf5plasma5 are part of plasma-framework which is part of kf5 which are at 4.100.0
[14:11] <sgclark> right
[14:12] <sgclark> but somewhere in the works libkf5plasma* is being called for version 4.97.0
[14:12] <Riddell> sgclark: libkf5plasmaquick5 installs fine for me, version 4.100.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa3
[14:13] <Riddell> sgclark: where is this problem?
[14:13] <sgclark> yeah I got it to install, hoping it was a hiccup in launchpad, trying a rebuild
[14:14] <sgclark> Riddell: nope still dying https://launchpadlibrarian.net/177260838/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-amd64.libksysguard_4%3A4.97.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz
[14:15] <Riddell> ok let me eat this sandwich
[14:16] <sgclark> Riddell: and yes it installs locally fine.
[14:17] <sgclark> Riddell: np, afk a couple myself
[14:34] <Riddell> it's something to do with the version of libqt5qml5
[14:34] <Riddell> I added a new qt5 ppa dependency to the ppa today
[14:35] <sgclark> oh ok
[14:35] <Riddell> so probably plasma-framework needs a rebuild
[14:35] <Riddell> I'll upload it again
[14:36] <sgclark> ok thank you
[14:37] <Riddell> sgclark: run this sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-005
[14:38] <Riddell> that'll add the same ppa as is now being used by kubuntu-ppa/next (but wasn't when frameworks were being built)
[14:38] <sgclark> ahh ok
[14:47] <Riddell> sgclark: did you send off your funding request?
[14:47] <sgclark> Riddell: yes, I have not heard back though
[14:48] <Riddell> no it usually takes a couple of weeks
[14:48] <sgclark> ok
[14:48] <Riddell> you used to be able to poke jono after maybe 10 days but he's left now so not sure who
[14:49] <sgclark> Riddell: things to be concerned with? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7618440/
[14:50] <Riddell> sgclark: yep
[14:50] <Riddell> sgclark: I set that curor package to be arch all but seems they've since added a binary to it
[14:51] <Riddell> so I guess set it to arch: any
[14:51] <sgclark> ok ty
[14:51] <Riddell> dunno what the second one is about
[14:51] <Riddell> try that and see if it goes away
[14:52] <sgclark> yeah both went away
[15:33] <sgclark> Riddell: is the epoch 4: supposed to be on everthing kf5 or just plasma bits?
[15:35] <sgclark> Riddell: nm you are already looking at plasma-framework
[15:51] <Riddell> sgclark: just plasma bits
[15:51] <sgclark> ok
[15:51] <Riddell> (and even then I'm not sure, want to discuss with debian)
[15:52] <Riddell> yay, breeze is green
[15:53] <sgclark> pretty sure the other reds just need rebuild when plasma-framework publishes
[15:53] * sgclark hopes
[15:54] <Riddell> it is frustrating how publishing takes so long, I'm sure it never used to
[15:54] <sgclark> does seem to take awhile
[16:02] <Riddell> kubotu: newversion libqapt 2.2.0
[16:03] <kubotu> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1328165
[16:17] <sgclark> Riddell: if you can take a glance at kio-extras http://paste.ubuntu.com/7618833/ is that a extra-cmake-modules path issue or?
[16:27] <Riddell> sgclark: hmm..
[16:28] <Riddell> sgclark: there's already a add_subdirectory( doc )
[16:28] <Riddell> but my release scripts (well apachelogger's) added that extra ecm_optional_add_subdirectory(doc)
[16:28] <Riddell> which is confusing it
[16:29] <Riddell> in CMakeLists.txt
[16:29] <Riddell> sgclark: just patch it out and mark as a tar fix on the note pad
[16:29] <sgclark> ok
[16:30] <Riddell> santa_: why do your merges need xauth? does that fix a problem?
[16:30] <Riddell> looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~panfaust/+activereviews
[16:30] <yofel> Riddell: in debian xvfb doesn't depend on xauth
[16:31] <yofel> you'll need both for the tests though
[16:31] <sgclark> Riddell: yeahh it does need xauth, not sure why those it was removed.
[16:31] <yofel> sgclark: in ubuntu xvfb pulls it in, in debian not
[16:31] <Riddell> ah
[16:31] <sgclark> ahh I see
[16:31] * Riddell merges
[16:32] <Riddell> yofel: I take it it's a big holiday in much of the continent today?
[16:32] <yofel> it's the extension of yesterday in most places
[16:33] <Riddell> what happened yesterday?
[16:34] <yofel> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentecost
[16:37] <Riddell> cool, happy ghostly messiah day
[16:37] <yofel> heh, yeah ^^
[16:37] <santa_> Riddell: yeah, thats correct <yofel> sgclark: in ubuntu xvfb pulls it in, in debian not
[16:37] <santa_> thanks for merging
[16:38] <santa_> I have been a bit more focused on siductions' kde 4 this weekend but I think I will send soon more stuff regarding getting kf5 built on debian sid
[16:39] <Riddell> "I got that error too in khelpcenter kinfocenter and kio-extras" and khotkeys
[16:39] <Riddell> all have that docs error in cmake
[16:40] <santa_> I'm leaving for a while see you soon
[16:43] <shadeslayer> "happy ghostly messiah day"
[16:43] <shadeslayer> hahaha
[16:46] <sgclark> Riddell: patching CMakeLists.txt does fix it
[17:36] <Riddell> sgclark: could you test this updated tar? http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/plasma-4.97.0/kio-extras-4.97.0.tar.xz
[17:36] <sgclark> Riddell: sure
[17:44] <sgclark> Riddell: that tar does not require the patch, so fixed
[17:44] <Riddell> groovy
[17:52] <sgclark> Riddell: how does that work when a tar changes? also are you going to fix the other broken ones as well?
[17:53] <Riddell> sgclark: how does what work? I make it on my laptop here then ask kde sysadmin to put it on depot.kde.org
[17:54] <Riddell> yes I'm making new ones for khotkeys khelpcenter kinfocenter
[17:54] <sgclark> Riddell: ahh gotcha, so leave the patched debian in ppa?
[17:54] <Riddell> put the new tar in the PPA
[17:54] <sgclark> ok, how do I do that?
[17:54] <Riddell> if you already have the old tar you can rename it with an a in the version 4.97.0a
[18:04] <Riddell> sgclark: new tars on http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/plasma-4.97.0/
[18:04] <sgclark> ok
[18:04] <Riddell> for khotkeys khelpcenter kinfocenter and the one you just got for kio-extras
[18:05] <sgclark> ok, I am still not entirely clear on how to upload new tars
[18:05] <Riddell> sgclark: you need to re-version them
[18:05] <sgclark> ok and then dput as normal?
[18:05] <Riddell> kio-extras-4.97.0.tar.xz becomes kio-extras_4.97.0a.orig.tar.xz
[18:05] <Riddell> and change the version in debian/changelog to 4.97.0a
[18:06] <Riddell> and then dput as normal
[18:06] <sgclark> ok got it, thank you
[18:06] <Riddell> (you can also delete from the PPA but they seem to hand around for ages after you delete them so its not very practical)
[18:13] <sgclark> Riddell: rejected: Unable to find kio-extras_4.97.0a.orig.tar.xz in upload or distribution.
[18:15] <sgclark> Riddell: I don't see where the .orig tar gets uploaded in dput
[18:17] <yofel> sgclark: bzr builddeb should automatically include the source for this case
[18:18] <yofel> sgclark: what did you do generate the package?
[18:19] <sgclark> ../kubuntu-automation/bzr-buildpackage-ppa -s 5
[18:19] <yofel> the -s shouldn't be there
[18:19] <sgclark> ok
[18:20] <yofel> that automatically adds '-sd' to the build parameters which skips the source
[18:20] <sgclark> ah ha! thank you yofel
[18:22] <yofel> if you run 'debuild -S' it tries to guess whether to include the source or not (if a previous changelog entry with same upstream version already exists: no, if not: yes)
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[18:22] <yofel> you can override that with: -sa (force include), -sd (diff-only, force-exclude)
[18:23] <kubotu> feed branches-next had 7 updates, showing the latest 6
[18:26] <sgclark> ok, I think it is something with changelog, still rejects. shouldn't dch -i create a new entry? it seems to just be old. and 4.96.0 is missing altogether
[18:26] <Riddell> yofel: bzr-buildpackage-ppa -s 5 just sets it to ~ppa5
[18:26] <Riddell> sgclark: I think you need bzr-buildpackage-ppa -s 5 -- -sa
[18:27] <Riddell> to force it to add the .orig into the .changes file
[18:27] <yofel> Riddell: it does not:
[18:27] <yofel> if args.suffix > 1:
[18:27] <yofel> application += ["-sd"]
[18:27] <sgclark> ok thanks, have you noticed changelogs are missing entries?
[18:27] <yofel> -sd -sa just ends up using the latter one
[18:28] <yofel> sgclark: for the initial entry, there should really be only one line
[18:28] <yofel> but that's something for when we upload to the archive
[18:29] <yofel> sgclark: also, dch will never add a new entry if the current one is UNRELEASED
[18:29] <sgclark> no I mean last release is missing all together from changelog and it looks like it was merged in this release entry. I smell a wrap-and-sort
[18:29] <sgclark> oh I see
[18:29] <yofel> no, that was dch's behaviour
[18:30] <yofel> it will edit the current entry and just increase the version
[18:30] <yofel> with the new (more or less) behavior I really discourage using -i
[18:30] <yofel> just 'dch' does what you want usually
[18:30] <sgclark> ok
[18:32] <sgclark> so still rejected yofel and you advised against Riddells suggestion, what am I supposed to do to get it to upload new source?
[18:32] <yofel> what's the rejection error?
[18:33] <sgclark> Unable to find kio-extras_4.97.0a.orig.tar.xz in upload or distribution. Riddell made new tars
[18:33] <yofel> hm, and you just ran 'bzr-buildpackage-ppa' this time?
[18:33] <sgclark> I built with the a version and I cannot figure out how to upload tars
[18:34] <sgclark> bzr-buildpackage-ppa 5
[18:34] <yofel> remove the 5
[18:34] <yofel> you probably re-uploaded the ~ppa5 file, while the new one will be ~ppa1
[18:35] <sgclark> yofel that did it, thanks!!
[18:35] <sgclark> Accepted
[18:35] <yofel> the 5 belonged to the -s parameter, sorry for not being exact
[18:36] <sgclark> oh I see
[18:37] <sgclark> I still don't see why entire changelog entries for version 4.96.0 are gone, shouldn't they be in there?
[18:37] <yofel> the changelog should match what changed in the primary archive, so until our package is there, we always have the 'intial' upload changelog entry
[18:39] <yofel> *initial
[18:39] <sgclark> oh because we moved to next?
[18:41] <yofel> sgclark: no, just think of the changelog as being the changelog of the package in the archive - until the package is there, there's not really a point in having one...
[18:41] <yofel> so until it's uploaded there, the history is just in bzr
[18:41] <yofel> for the initial archive upload, the changelog gets reset anyway
[18:52] <Riddell> sgclark: I never changed the 4.96.0 UNRELEASED to released so the initial upload script just kept the single changelog entry
[18:52] <Riddell> sgclark: not very tidy but we're just working in a PPA for now so not too important
[18:53] <sgclark> Riddell: oh ok
[19:07] <Riddell> sgclark: new tars up
[19:07] <Riddell> 05aefef09c8691fd0f99de6dfbf9354b0c378426f0208112aab83e9f7dbf1c68 ksysguard-4.97.0.tar.xz
[19:07] <Riddell> a8df2d27f0c251e62407e3fc59df5b242aa1b21f3f33912c6e9c75fcafa0e0c0 kmenuedit-4.97.0.tar.xz
[19:07] <sgclark> ok
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[20:04] <yofel> shadeslayer: are you still doing something on the kde-workspace merge?
[20:05] <sgclark> Riddell: what is wrong with kio-extras?
[20:06] <Riddell> sgclark: dunno yet but it's red in http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_4.97.0_utopic.html
[20:06] <Riddell> compiling now to look
[20:06] <yofel> list-missing != 0
[20:06] <Riddell> kubotu: newversion plasma-mediacenter 1.2.90
[20:06] <kubotu> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1328246
[20:07] <yofel> and the ppa log shows clearly why it's red...
[20:10] <Riddell> ppa2 up, hope that makes it green
[20:12] <shadeslayer> yofel: dunno, am I supposed to be?
[20:12] <shadeslayer> I forget easily :'(
[20:12] <shadeslayer> afaicr nope
[20:13] <yofel> sgclark: FWIW, this should cover all color cases I remember:
[20:13] <yofel> BLUE: unbuilt, BOTH RED: faild to build/broken ABI, i386 RED: list-missing has new files, BOTH YELLOW: new symbols/missing cmake dep, i386 YELLOW: lintian complaints
[20:13] <yofel> shadeslayer: then I assume you just never actually built it
[20:13] * yofel goes fixing
[20:14] <shadeslayer> sounds like something very wrong :S
[20:14] <shadeslayer> yofel: what's the issue?
[20:14] <shadeslayer> I have built every package I've merged, so that would be weird
[20:15] <yofel> first one was libkwinactiveeffects.so.1abi5 not being found as install file was named libkwinactiveeffects1abi4.install
[20:15] <yofel> that failed the build completely
[20:15] <yofel> now I'm looking at:
[20:15] <yofel> W: kde-workspace source: binaries-have-file-conflict kde-workspace-data plasma-widgets-workspace usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma/packages/org.kde.plasma.tasks/contents/code/layout.js
[20:15] <yofel> and others
[20:16] <shadeslayer> @_@
[20:16] <shadeslayer> odd
[20:16] <yofel> did you maybe forget to commit something...?
[20:17] <shadeslayer> I can't check
[20:18] <shadeslayer> files at the office
[20:18] <yofel> well, nvm. I'll just fix it
[20:18] <yofel> *blink*
[20:18] <yofel> W: kdm: script-in-etc-init.d-not-registered-via-update-rc.d etc/init.d/kdm
[20:19] <yofel> also fun: E: kdm: maintainer-script-should-not-use-adduser-system-without-home postinst:77
[20:19] * yofel wonders what the longest lintian check name is...
[20:24] <kubotu> feed branches-next had 8 updates, showing the latest 6
[20:48] <sgclark> Is this something we can fix? or upstream issue copyright-refers-to-deprecated-bsd-license-file
[20:54] <Riddell> sgclark: do you know which file it's talking about?
[20:55] <sgclark> Riddell: not really, looking through orange stuff I can fix. Will try and see
[20:58] <Riddell> sgclark: which package is this?
[20:58] <sgclark> kinfocenter
[21:00] <Riddell> sgclark: if in doubt about lintian issues, google knows all
[21:00] <Riddell> sgclark: http://lintian.debian.org/tags/copyright-refers-to-deprecated-bsd-license-file.html
[21:00] <Riddell> include the full licence in debian/copyright
[21:02] <sgclark> ok thanks
[21:02] <sgclark> sorry I usually google it.
[21:04] <Riddell> yay kwin is in!
[23:03] <ahoneybun> darn this web irc I can't tell who is on
[23:04] <jose> ahoneybun: '/whois nickname nickname' may give you a hand
[23:07] <ahoneybun> nothing
[23:08] <ahoneybun> jose: hello
[23:08] <jose> o/
[23:08] <jose> that gives you the idle time
[23:12] * ahoneybun got his first post card from his gnome donation
[23:15] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin: ping
[23:16] <ahoneybun> jose: can you come http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22242/community-1406-kubuntu-documentation-team/?
[23:18] * jose checks
[23:19] <jose> nope, won't be available during Wed, I have classes until 1PM local time and it conflicts
[23:23] <ahoneybun> ok