UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /04 /#ubuntu-ci-eng.txt
Initial commit
=== josharenson is now known as josharenson_eod
[02:20] <mterry> silo 020 looks good to me in testing. Branches still need approval though
[02:20] <mterry> Saviq, I'm assuming you'll see this in the morning ^
[06:11] <ToyKeeper> Hmm, no image 64 yet. Thought that would have happened a few hours ago.
[06:19] <Mirv> indeed
[07:16] <sil2100> Morning!
[07:16] <sil2100> hm, nice that we got rid of the gallery-app failures, but why suddenly so many other test suites are still failing to start apps
[07:19] <ogra_> sil2100, looks like some landings only got in half
[07:19] <ogra_> (once again)
[07:19] <Mirv> yeah, the UAL rename
[07:20] <ogra_> right
[07:20] <brendand_> sil2100, all seem to be because those apps aren't launching
[07:20] <Mirv> at least ubuntu-app-launch got from NEW queue 1.5h ago to proposed now
[07:21] <ogra_> oh man
[07:22] <robru> wtf? all that stuff in silo 18 had deps updated to the new package, how did they not migrate through proposed together?
[07:22] <ogra_> robru, there were many new binaries
[07:22] <ogra_> they need to be accepted by an archive admin to enter the archive
[07:23] <robru> ogra_, but only UAL was NEW?
[07:23] <ogra_> ... new name = new package
[07:23] <ogra_> well, thats enough to block half the landing
[07:23] <ogra_> everything that depends on it will go stuck
[07:23] <robru> ogra_, yeah, that's the point. the *entire* landing was supposed to block on that because the entire landing depended on the new name. how can half of it still be in proposed? that doesn't make any sense
[07:24] <sil2100> Ah!
[07:24] <ogra_> robru, seems unity-greeter-session-broadcast went straight through
[07:25] <sil2100> Yeah, I just checked my commit log and saw that only unity-greeter-session-broadcast got inside from the landing
[07:25] <robru> well, if you guys are finding apps failing to launch, I don't think there's any surprise with a half-landed silo 18...
[07:25] <ogra_> yes
[07:26] <ogra_> lets see how long it takes for ual to get out of proposed now
[07:26] <ogra_> in any case there was a missing dep
[07:27] <robru> my plan was that silo 18 would entirely stick in proposed until after image 64 built, unfortunately a) image 64 never built and b) we set a world record on NEWing a binary package after I specifically pinged -release to *delay* that approval.
[07:27] <ogra_> 64 built fine
[07:27] <robru> oh i didn't see it
[07:27] <sil2100> Yes, it's ok, and test results are terrible
[07:27] <ogra_> right, my router hung ... so there was no bot
[07:27] <robru> ah
[07:27] <sil2100> Anyway, we need to build a new image as soon as the whole landing moves out of -proposed
[07:28] <ogra_> *if*
[07:28] <sil2100> Since right now again we ended up with everything broken...
[07:28] <ogra_> yeah :(
[07:28] <sil2100> Right, *if* it moves out successfully at all :|
[07:28] <ogra_> lets hope the rest of deps is correct
[07:29] <ogra_> and tedg's changelog entries are as useless as possible ... that might again take hours to dig into everything if it get stuck
[07:29] <ogra_> *sigh*
[07:29] <sil2100> I really think it's an unlucky day, everytime I start my day, open up test results with hope it's like "*slap in the face* Nope"
[07:30] <robru> ogra_, what's wrong with the changelog entries? ted basically did a global search and replace, it's technically a very simple landing... just touches a lot of components
[07:30] <sil2100> ogra_: I have my dep-change detection almost ready, will deploy it today I think
[07:30] <sil2100> Maybe that will help for the future
[07:30] <ogra_> robru, a proper changelog mentiojs what was changed in which file *and* lists the dependency changes
[07:31] <ogra_> sil2100, your dep-change script ... while nice doesnt help if someone just puts in "blh transition" in all changelogs ... it would probably add a bit of info, bu it wont tell you about code changes
[07:32] <robru> ogra_, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/unity-greeter-session-broadcast/ubuntu-app-launch/+merge/220947 I don't understand how this could have migrated so quickly. it's literally 1 line changing the dep. if it got through -proposed while UAL was in NEW, then proposed is broken
[07:32] <ogra_> thats really the responsibility of the developer
[07:33] <ogra_> robru, hmm, interesting ... wouldnt be proposed but the NEW queue being broken though
[07:34] * ogra_ wishes he had the backlog for #ubuntu-release ... damn router issue
[07:34] <robru> ogra_, how so? proposed should have seen that the dep was missing and thus held it back. maybe this is some kind of trick with it just being a build dep and not a runtime dep...
[07:34] <robru> ogra_, want me to pastebin it?
[07:35] <ogra_> nope, got it on irclogs.u.c already
[07:36] <ToyKeeper> Despite all the recent breakage, it's actually pretty reassuring to see that there are at least a few people actively addressing the technical and social issues which caused the issues.
[07:36] <sil2100> ToyKeeper: ;)
[07:36] <ogra_> robru, its a build dep, not a dep ... i guess thats the issue
[07:37] <ToyKeeper> It seems like most of what needs to happen lately is already well-understood and covered, so I feel a bit less bad about being ridiculously busy with other tasks.
[07:37] <ogra_> the package should have generated a proper dep from that duing build *if* it uses the right shlibdeps and miscdeps entried in debian/control
[07:38] <ogra_> hmm, it does
[07:38] <robru> ogra_, but read the comment. it doesn't actually link against UAL at all, it just build-deps on it as a trick to prevent it from building on wrong arches.
[07:38] <ogra_> robru, yeah, tzhen it should also have gotten a dep
[07:39] <robru> i see
[07:39] <ogra_> ${misc:Depends} and ${shlibs:Depends} actually inspec the binary package ... if there is nothing they wont add a dep i guess
[07:39] <robru> ogra_, irclogs.u.c doesn't have the queuebot notices, so in case you were interested in cross-referencing timestamps, here's a more complete log (in PST) http://paste.ubuntu.com/7585690/
[07:40] <ogra_> robru, i was after the conversations to see if something with the infra was known wrong
[07:40] <robru> ah
[07:40] <ogra_> but the log ends with your discussion with stgraber
[07:40] <ogra_> s/discussion/&conversation/
[07:41] <ogra_> and there is nothing interesting before
[07:41] <Mirv> ogra_: sil2100: I belive the remaining components are stuck because ubuntu-touch depends on upstart-app-launch-tools
[07:41] <robru> right
[07:41] <Mirv> although I'm not really expert in deciphering http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt
[07:42] <ogra_> yeah, its super complicated to read
=== brendand_ is now known as brendand
[07:45] <robru> alright guys, sorry for the mess, one little dep just ruined everything... nearing 1AM here, I gotta go pass out
[07:45] <ogra_> Mirv, well, if tedg did it right there should be a transitional package (or at least a provides) in the new package
[07:46] <ogra_> since cjwatson asked him to still provide the old name i would expect either of these
[07:47] * ogra_ sighs and digs into the package
[07:47] <ogra_> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/176750267/ubuntu-app-launch_0.4%2B14.10.20140529-0ubuntu1_0.4%2B14.10.20140601-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
[07:47] <ogra_> GRRRRRR !!!!
[07:48] <sil2100> ogra_: wth
[07:48] <ogra_> well, the rest are upstream changes it seems so i have to grab the tarball and unpack it to find out what changed
[07:48] <sil2100> Right, it's ubuntu-app-launch, you won't find any useful diffs for that
[07:48] <sil2100> geh
[07:49] * sil2100 tries to dig into the logs as well
[07:49] <ogra_> https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/utopic/ubuntu-app-launch/utopic
[07:49] <ogra_> argh !
[07:49] <robru> ogra_, just click through to the merges at http://people.canonical.com/~rbpark/citrain/ much faster to see the diffs that way
[07:49] <ogra_> so yeah, he took the old branch but wiped the whole history
[07:49] <sil2100> btw. what other packages are we waiting for?
[07:49] <ogra_> we'll never find out what changed
[07:50] <sil2100> Ok, I see that
[07:50] <sil2100> nm
[07:50] <ogra_> robru, and they show more ? upstream wiped all history before making that timestamp bump
[07:50] <ogra_> there is nothing to diff against
[07:50] <sil2100> ogra_: wait, really? He cleaned the changelog?
[07:50] <ogra_> this is annoying
[07:51] <robru> ogra_, uh? yeah? I'm talking about the original diffs proposed against the original branches. they will show the complete diff from the old version to the new version
[07:51] <ogra_> sil2100, he made a copy of the branch *after* he made all changes
[07:51] <robru> ogra_, the diffs you're looking at get lost because the package was rebuilt in the PPA a few times, that's an LP PPA bug, not something malicious ted did
[07:52] * sil2100 sighs
[07:52] <ogra_> oh, i see
[07:52] <robru> ogra_, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/ubuntu-app-launch/trunk.14.10/revision/150 is a special case, but the rest of the MPs have the complete diff
[07:54] <robru> ogra_, so I'm just going to admit to this now, this is totally my fault for publishing. I thought I had gotten a core dev review for this in malta but I can't remember who, so it probably didn't happen. but I tested this and ted tested this, it looked really good at the time...
[07:54] <ogra_> yeah, i see now ... there is a missing Conflicts/Replaces/Provides
[07:54] <ogra_> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/utopic/ubuntu-app-launch/utopic/revision/2#debian/control
[07:54] <ogra_> ubuntu-app-launch has it ... ubuntu-app-launch-tools doesnt
[07:56] <ogra_> (and all the package descriptions talk about upstart app launch... not that that matters though)
[07:56] <robru> i'm about to pass out though, 1AM here.... sorry again, 'night!
[07:56] <ogra_> not your fault
[07:57] <ogra_> whoever acked the packaging should have catched it ...
[07:57] <ogra_> (though its not easy to catch if you dont have the whole picture and didnt work on it yourself)
[07:57] <robru> ogra_, yeah, that guy.... oooooh! :-/
[07:58] * ogra_ wont ack anything anymore if there are no descriptive changelogs
[07:58] <ogra_> "added transitional package for foo" is an essential entry to have for example
[08:13] <ogra_> GRRR
[08:13] <Saviq> live another day, eh?
[08:13] <ogra_> so i have http://paste.ubuntu.com/7585840/ but cant build a source package without utopic chroot and all build-deps installed because the clean target installs them ...
[08:14] <ogra_> this is insane ...
[08:14] * ogra_ hates such packages ... we should forbid them
[08:15] <sil2100> uh
[08:15] <sil2100> I do have a utopic armhf chroot
[08:15] <sil2100> Let me try
[08:16] <ogra_> meanwhile my system crates one as well ...
[08:16] <ogra_> *creates
[08:16] <sil2100> Sadly I have no amd64 one, so this one might take things slower
[08:16] * ogra_ gets coffee
[08:16] <sil2100> :|
[08:17] <ogra_> for me its the 2M SDSL that makes things slow ... :P
[08:19] <Saviq> ogra_, sil2100, can I help?
[08:19] <Saviq> got some chroots lying around
[08:20] <Saviq> (and 120M cable) :P
[08:20] <sil2100> Saviq: I think we're fine, will have thr src package in a momeont
[08:22] <sil2100> Yeah, just my default clean chroot seemed to be lacking a dependency!
[08:23] <sil2100> Today sucks
[08:24] <Mirv> Saviq: 20M faster than mine, /me sad !
[08:25] <Saviq> Mirv, yeah, they give them out for free over here (well... ~€18)
[08:25] <ogra_> wow
[08:25] <Saviq> Mirv, if I signed up for a year (am renting now, so not great for long-term), I'd get 250M for that price
[08:25] <Mirv> Saviq: nice, I've 29,90€ for that 100/10
[08:26] <sil2100> ogra_: source package coming right up! (I hope so, since I was missing click-dev now...)
[08:26] <sil2100> For dh-click ._.
[08:36] <seb128> sil2100, do you have any plan to get silos back?
[08:37] <seb128> like can we reclaim the one from the HUD SRU that got rejected?
[08:41] <Saviq> sil2100, ogra_, so... libunity-mir1 upgrade breaking url-dispatcher, known?
[08:41] <Saviq> is that the issue you've been fighting?
[08:41] <sil2100> Saviq: I don't think it's the same thing - url-dispatcher is broken now?
[08:41] <ogra_> Saviq, well, there seem to be some packages still depending upstart-app-launch-tools ...
[08:41] <sil2100> But which libunity-mir1 broke it?
[08:41] <Saviq> sil2100, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-mir/0.4+14.10.20140601-0ubuntu1
[08:42] <ogra_> thats what i'm currently poking at
[08:42] <Saviq> sil2100, not yet in image 64
[08:42] <sil2100> Ah
[08:42] <sil2100> Ok, so we had a release of unity-mir inbetween?
[08:42] <Saviq> but the next image will have it broken
[08:42] <Saviq> sil2100, no, but it must not have sync'ed
[08:42] <Saviq> sil2100, in time for 654
[08:42] <Saviq> 64
[08:42] <Saviq> sil2100, it comes from silo 018
[08:43] <sil2100> Saviq: yeah, so from silo 18 the only thing that landed in 64 was unity-greeter-session-broadcast
[08:43] <sil2100> Saviq: we're actually trying to migrate everything that's stuck in -proposed
[08:43] <Saviq> sil2100, oh understood, so it will probably get fixed with that
[08:44] <Saviq> sil2100, ok, over'n'out
[08:44] <sil2100> Let's hope so ;)
[08:44] <seb128> sil2100, did you see my question?
[08:45] <sil2100> seb128: yes, we had a meeting - first of all we'll flush some of the silos that didn't move much during the last days
[08:45] <sil2100> seb128: but we'll do that in some moments
[08:46] <seb128> ok
[08:46] <seb128> sil2100, I can m&c the indicator-printer SRU one if you want
[08:46] <sil2100> seb128: the rejected HUD one I still want to wait for stgraber to appear and maybe give us the reasons for the rejection
[08:46] <seb128> the SRU is only in proposed, but I don't expect issues to have it to migrate
[08:46] <sil2100> seb128: verified? Or not yet?
[08:46] <seb128> and I can sort out the vcs if that happens
[08:47] <seb128> verified yes
[08:47] <sil2100> Then let's m&c :)
[08:47] <sil2100> THanks!
[08:47] <seb128> yw!
[08:47] <seb128> can I get that silo for ubuntu-system-settings then? ;-)
[08:48] <sil2100> seb128: ;) Sure, let me assign one now
[08:49] <seb128> sil2100, thanks!
[08:52] <Saviq> sil2100, FWIW, silo 20 is ACK
[08:55] <sil2100> o/
[08:56] <sil2100> seb128: it will be assigned now in a moment, had to ignore conflicts due to a test silo
[08:56] <seb128> sil2100, thanks
[08:56] <seb128> test silo being the suru in 006 I guess?
[08:56] <seb128> Saviq, ^ do you plan to land that soon or is that just a test one?
[08:56] <sil2100> Yeah... forgot about that one completely and thought there are no conflicts
[08:56] <Saviq> seb128, go for it
[08:57] <sil2100> Saviq: would you mind if we free that one?
[08:57] <Saviq> sil2100, go for it
[08:57] <seb128> Saviq, go for landing it or freeing it? ;-)
[08:57] <Saviq> seb128, free it ;)
[08:57] <seb128> k
[08:57] <seb128> thanks
[08:57] <ogra_> psivaa, so looking at details of any of the failed tests there dont seem to be many logs at all
[08:58] <ogra_> it seems to not have collected ~/.cache/upstart/
[08:58] <sil2100> bregma: I'm m&c your unity7 SRU as well, as all bugs are verified to be fixed
[08:59] <psivaa> sil2100: dbus-x11 was removed from all the mako devices.
[08:59] <seb128> sil2100, +1
[09:04] <psivaa> ogra_: yea, for dialer for e.g. only one file was pulled. /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/dbus-session. looks like there was no other file under ~/.cache/upstart/
[09:04] <ogra_> ugh
[09:04] <psivaa> let me rerun the test and see if there is any other files produced
[09:04] <ogra_> ++
[09:05] <ogra_> psivaa, bewtter take something else
[09:05] <ogra_> sudoku is good
[09:05] <ogra_> dialer will install and use dbus-x11 ... i dont want to taint the possible result
[09:08] <psivaa> ogra_: ack, just about to run sudoku
[09:08] <ogra_> great
[09:13] <cjwatson> ogra_: surely the packages that depend on upstart-app-launch-tools also need the upstart-app-* program names, which ubuntu-app-launch-tools doesn't provide
[09:13] <cjwatson> ogra_: I don't see the point in only adding the C/R/P
[09:13] <ogra_> cjwatson, oh, i thought it was supposed to ship links for that
[09:14] <cjwatson> ogra_: I would have preferred it that way, but meh, silo 3 cleans up the click case - are there others?
[09:14] <ogra_> dunno, inspecting this landing is seriously hard no changelog entries etc, i havent digged through all the branches
[09:15] <cjwatson> well, I just meant by current archive analysis
[09:15] <ogra_> by current archive analysis it might be a seed issue
[09:15] * ogra_ checks
[09:15] <cjwatson> the only deps on upstart-app-launch-tools are the recommends from click (fixed by silo 3) and metapackages
[09:16] <ogra_> bah, yeah ... seeds havent been in the silo
[09:16] <ogra_> (or metapackages)
[09:20] <sil2100> uh, wtf... just installed 64 and I have no indicators on the greeter
[09:20] <ogra_> lovely
[09:22] <sil2100> Now what the heck happened
[09:22] <ogra_> sil2100, i would expect silo20 to fix that properly
[09:23] <sil2100> Saviq: btw. did you see the warning for silo 20 when trying to publish? Is that true?
[09:25] <sil2100> Saviq: since it would be really nice to have those fixes released
[09:25] <sil2100> Since I'm worried with #64 not having those indicators
[09:26] <Saviq> sil2100, hum? those packages are there...
[09:26] <Saviq> sil2100, https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-020/
[09:26] <sil2100> Strange, maybe let's do a 'watch only' build then?
[09:27] <Saviq> sil2100, kicked
[09:27] <sil2100> (maybe the state will correct itself)
[09:27] <sil2100> huh
[09:27] <Saviq> sil2100, https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-020-1-build/33/console not great
[09:28] <sil2100> Saviq: so, it seems CI Train only thinks of unity8...
[09:28] * Saviq reconfigures
[09:28] <sil2100> If this doesn't help, we might have to rebuild those two ;/
[09:29] <Saviq> sil2100, did not :|
[09:29] <Saviq> ok, rebuild
[09:29] <ogra_> Saviq, hmm, looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/dbus-x11/+merge/221894 ... shouldnt there also be an initctl set-env in the code to actually hand the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS over to upstart ? or does it pick that up automatically if it exists in the env
[09:29] * sil2100 sighs
[09:30] <Saviq> ogra_, it does
[09:30] <ogra_> ok
[09:30] <sil2100> Saviq: thanks! btw. any ideas why we again have no indicators on #64? Do you have #64 flashed? (maybe it's just a local issue)
[09:30] <Saviq> sil2100, I did, and had indicators all the time
[09:30] * sil2100 reboots
[09:31] <Saviq> sil2100, but om26er reported it as well, it might be intermittent, and actually should be better with silo 20
[09:31] <Saviq> since we'll actually have dbus early again
[09:31] <Saviq> sil2100, ah https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-020-1-build/35/console
[09:32] <Saviq> sil2100, we need to wait for silo 018 to be done with before we can land 020
[09:33] <sil2100> Ah, right...
[09:34] <sil2100> Saviq: btw. it's fine after a reboot
[09:34] <ogra_> race !
[09:34] <sil2100> Saviq: so I guess it might not be fixed all the time ;/
[09:34] <Saviq> sil2100, it will be, in silo 020
[09:34] <ogra_> well, the starting of dbus changed in 20
[09:34] <ogra_> that hopefully improves it
[09:43] <sil2100> ogra_: so, did you change the seed to include ubuntu-app-launch?
[09:43] <ogra_> yes
[09:44] <sil2100> \o/
[09:44] <ogra_> (you should really subscribe to $release-changes ;) )
[09:44] <sil2100> hm, I am!
[09:44] <sil2100> Ah, wait
[09:44] <sil2100> RIght, I'm subscribed to trusty ._.
[09:45] <ogra_> heh
[09:45] * sil2100 changes that
[09:54] * sil2100 wonders when we'll finally be unblocked
[09:59] <popey> ogra_: was it you reporting high memory usage by the browser?
[10:00] <ogra_> popey, nope, by the split greeter
[10:00] <popey> my phone was 436MiB after booting, starting one browser session bumped it to 603MiB
[10:00] <ogra_> bug 1325580
[10:00] <ubot5> bug 1325580 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "after split greeter landing unity8 and the greeter consume a lot more memory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1325580
[10:01] <psivaa> ogra_: so, the failures on 64 was only seen on one device, which i think failed on unlocking screen. i see both of these in the failed runs:
[10:01] <psivaa> error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
[10:01] <ogra_> i mention the browser in there ... but didnt look specifically at browser for that bug
[10:01] <psivaa> and /bin/bash: powerd-cli: command not found
[10:01] <ogra_> i noticed that
[10:02] <ogra_> only one device ? so if you run the same test on another one it works ?
[10:02] <psivaa> ogra_: yes, it did for sudoku
[10:03] <ogra_> well, that kind of goes with what sil2100 and om26er have seen ... seems there is still a race with dbus ... and sometimes the indicators dont come up due to that
[10:03] <ogra_> what i dont get though is why the lightdm dbus would have any influence on the session dbus
[10:03] <ogra_> it really should not
[10:03] <sil2100> huh
[10:03] <sil2100> Uh oh
[10:04] <ogra_> lets see after silo 20 landed
[10:04] <ogra_> an the UAL rename is finished
[10:04] <ogra_> -meta just hit proposed
[10:05] <sil2100> Yeah, we need the UAL rename to be finished to actually release silo 20 I guess
[10:05] <ogra_> do we ?
[10:05] <psivaa> one more thing is that that was the device which ran dialer_app test and the failures appear only on the tests ran after dialer app test.
[10:05] <ogra_> that sounds like dbus-x11 wasnt removed ... if i wouldnt know better i would blame that
[10:06] <ogra_> but i know it is hardcoded in teardown
[10:06] <psivaa> yep :)
[10:06] <ogra_> probably autoremove missed another package too
[10:06] <ogra_> ofono-phonesim-autostart pulls in so much crap
[10:07] <psivaa> yea, i'm going to run sudoku and dialer and then compare the packages in the device, unless there is a quicker way
[10:08] <ogra_> looking in the setup and teardown logs perhaps ...
[10:09] <ogra_> oh
[10:09] <ogra_> https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-touch-mako-smoke-daily/233/artifact/clientlogs/dialer_app/setup_setup.log/*view*/
[10:09] <ogra_> do you see the top ?
[10:09] <ogra_> The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
[10:09] <ogra_> there is a ton of stuff left over even before it installs any packages for the test
[10:10] <ogra_> it should probably run autoremove --purge before it installs the test related packages
[10:11] <ogra_> though ... hmm, these look all like valid packages ... why would apt offer that they get autoremoved
[10:13] <ogra_> argh
[10:13] <psivaa> mediaplayer and unity were the tests ran before dialer
[10:13] <sil2100> ogra_: yeah, we need it since we need the UAL bits being merged and cleaned, since we need to release ubuntu-touch-session as well
[10:13] <ogra_> and looking at teardown it *actually* removes them
[10:13] <psivaa> lol
[10:14] <sil2100> ogra_: so, for us to have a clean situation in trunks, we need UAL to land
[10:14] <ogra_> so it rips out half our session
[10:14] <ogra_> thats seriously bad !
[10:14] <ogra_> cjwatson, are you working today ?
[10:15] <sil2100> ogra_: uh, holy shit
[10:15] <ogra_> seems something is clearly wrong with the way we build the image ... packages coming from the seed should never be autoremoved
[10:16] <sil2100> They shouldn't, I mean that never happens normally right?
[10:16] <cjwatson> ogra_: yes
[10:16] <ogra_> Removing libsystemsettings1:armhf (0.1+14.10.20140521-0ubuntu1) ...
[10:16] <ogra_> Purging configuration files for libsystemsettings1:armhf (0.1+14.10.20140521-0ubuntu1) ...
[10:17] <ogra_> hedh, that would explain why we see errors in system-settings tests that arent explainable i guess
[10:17] <sil2100> ogra_: I don't see that happening on my local image though?
[10:17] <cjwatson> I don't see any autoremoving in the logs
[10:17] <ogra_> sil2100, you dont use the teardown scripts
[10:17] <ogra_> cjwatson, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-touch-mako-smoke-daily/233/artifact/clientlogs/dialer_app/setup_teardown.log/*view*/
[10:17] <ogra_> cjwatson, or more interesting https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-touch-mako-smoke-daily/233/artifact/clientlogs/dialer_app/setup_setup.log/*view*/
[10:17] <ogra_> see what it offers for autoremoval at the top
[10:18] <ogra_> these are all valid seeded packages
[10:18] <ogra_> or depended on by a seeded package
[10:18] <cjwatson> are the metapackages up to date?
[10:19] <ogra_> they should
[10:19] <ogra_> i just ran ./update after a seed change ... only teh bits i changed were picked up
[10:19] <ogra_> so they should have been correct for the last image
[10:20] <ogra_> hmm
[10:20] <ogra_> i wonder if one of the autopilot-app tests tries to install all these ... that would likely mark them for autremoval, right ?
[10:20] <cjwatson> so, let's take an example, I wonder why system-image-dbus is being autoremoved and yet it doesn't also feel the need to remove ubuntu-system-settings, which AFAICS depends on it
[10:21] <ogra_> right
[10:21] <ogra_> thats a thing we already noticed with dbus-x11
[10:21] <cjwatson> is it possible that something has previously manually removed ubuntu-system-settings?
[10:21] <ogra_> nothing should ... theoretically
[10:22] <cjwatson> "apt-get autoremove" on my device shows none of these
[10:22] <cjwatson> (image 64, all I did was mark it writable and upgrade from silo 3)
[10:22] <ogra_> right, so i guess one of the tests touches them
[10:22] <cjwatson> and "apt-get purge system-image-dbus" on my device wants to remove ubuntu-system-settings, ubuntu-touch, bunch of other stuff
[10:23] <cjwatson> right, I don't think the image is broken, some test has removed things
[10:23] <ogra_> very strange
[10:23] * ogra_ starts going through all setup_setup and setup_teardown logs
[10:25] <ogra_> oh
[10:25] <ogra_> https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-touch-mako-smoke-daily/234/artifact/clientlogs/ubuntuuitoolkit/setup_setup.log/*view*/
[10:25] <ogra_> this one is also interesting
[10:25] <ogra_> "ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot is already the newest version"
[10:25] <ogra_> why would that ever be installed before the test runs
[10:27] <sil2100> hm
[10:27] <cjwatson> not relevant to this problem though
[10:27] <psivaa> ogra_: thats installed by unity8-autopilot, which is needed for screen unlocking
[10:28] <ogra_> psivaa, ah, thanks
[10:30] <ogra_> https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-touch-mako-smoke-daily/233/artifact/clientlogs/online_accounts_ui/setup_setup.log/*view*/
[10:30] <ogra_> there we go
[10:30] <sil2100> Interesting
[10:31] <sil2100> It's installing those here?
[10:31] <ogra_> why the heck does it install them ?
[10:31] <ogra_> they should be there
[10:31] <ogra_> and the teardown only pulls out the test https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-touch-mako-smoke-daily/233/artifact/clientlogs/online_accounts_ui/setup_teardown.log/*view*/
[10:33] <ogra_> psivaa, could you take a closer look at mako-10 and find out if the installed system is actually complete ?
[10:33] <ogra_> (is there a proper session running if you check with ps ... etc)
[10:34] <sil2100> Right
[10:34] <sil2100> system-image-dbus is on the image by default, so why the heck was it not installed on that one by default...
[10:34] <ogra_> right
[10:35] <ogra_> something either removed it or the complete installation is corrupt
[10:36] <ogra_> psivaa, also take a look at dmesg/syslog if there are perhaps disk errors or so
[10:36] * ogra_ wonders if the MMC on that device is worn out ...
[10:36] <psivaa> ogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7586603/ for ps aux | grep system
[10:37] <ogra_> we dont actually use these devices like they are intended by re-flashing them so often
[10:37] <ogra_> psivaa, can i get that without the grep filter ?
[10:37] <ogra_> (i wnat to see unity8, indicators etc)
[10:38] <psivaa> ogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7586616/
[10:38] <ogra_> psivaa, thats the same one ?
[10:39] <ogra_> (i see the grep in the list :) )
[10:40] <psivaa> ahh sorry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7586626/
[10:40] <dbarth> psivaa: hi, did you see my email about oxide builds?
[10:40] <ogra_> yeah, no session
[10:41] <ogra_> not even lightdm
[10:41] <ogra_> wow, gross
[10:41] <psivaa> dbarth: yea, i saw that. could not get a chance to reply. will do when i have some time if that's ok
[10:42] <dbarth> psivaa: ok, but i just wanted to know if that's curently working (and i don't have access) or if you still need some help with it
[10:43] <psivaa> dbarth: that's not working yet. awaiting a list of external web addresses that oxide needs for building from the security team for prodstack deployment
[10:46] <psivaa> ogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7586641/ seems to have some disk related errors ?
[10:48] <sil2100> psivaa, ogra_: I don't see anything suspicious though
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[10:48] <ogra_> psivaa, disk seems fine there ...
[10:48] <ogra_> [ 21.382450] init: lightdm main process (2158) terminated with status 1
[10:48] <ogra_> [ 21.382633] init: lightdm main process ended, respawning
[10:48] <ogra_> thats doesnt though
[10:48] <ogra_> [ 27.450785] init: lightdm main process (2183) terminated with status 1
[10:48] <ogra_> [ 27.450969] init: lightdm respawning too fast, stopped
[10:49] <ogra_> neither does this
[10:49] <psivaa> ogra_: sil2100: ok, i was thinking if 'EXT3-fs (mmcblk0p23): error: unrecognized mount option "discard" or missing value' is a real error
[10:49] <ogra_> no, it isnt
[10:50] <ogra_> if there is no fs specified the kernel loops over all known ones
[10:50] <ogra_> you see that the next line properly mounts it as ext4
[10:50] <psivaa> ack, i see that. thx
[10:52] <ogra_> there we go ...
[10:52] <ogra_> https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-touch-mako-smoke-daily/233/artifact/clientlogs/unity8/setup_teardown.log/*view*/
[10:53] <ogra_> there is a bug in your scripts ... it seems
[10:53] <ogra_> + /var/lib/jenkins/slaves/mako-10/workspace/utopic-touch-mako-smoke-daily/touch/scripts/../jenkins/testconfig.py packages -a unity8
[10:53] <ogra_> + pkgs=url-dispatcher-tools
[10:53] <ogra_> + [ teardown = setup ]
[10:53] <ogra_> + pkgs=url-dispatcher-tools dbus-x11
[10:53] <ogra_> + adb-shell sudo apt-get autoremove --purge -y url-dispatcher-tools dbus-x11
[10:53] <ogra_> it doesnt purge the unity8 test but picks url-dispatcher-tools
[10:54] <ogra_> and then installs X11 metacity and a ton of other weird stuff
[10:54] <sil2100> Oh!
[10:55] <ogra_> psivaa, any idea from where it gets the value for "pkgs" ?
[10:55] <sil2100> Yeah, and this causes ubuntu-touch to be removed...
[10:55] <ogra_> right
[10:55] <sil2100> ogra_: there was a configuration file for that, one moment
[10:55] <psivaa> let me take a look
[10:56] <ogra_> oh
[10:56] <ogra_> https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-touch-mako-smoke-daily/233/artifact/clientlogs/unity8/setup_setup.log/*view*/
[10:56] <ogra_> it is already wrong in the setup step
[10:57] <ogra_> i guess that should be unity8-autopilot instead
[10:57] <ogra_> or some such
[10:57] <sil2100> ogra_: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/view/head:/jenkins/testconfig.py
[10:57] <sil2100> Here the pkgs are defined
[10:58] <sil2100> So yeah, there seems to be an error there
[10:58] <ogra_> right, line 55
[10:58] <sil2100> As it should be unity8-autopilot there I guess
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[10:58] <ogra_> yeah
[10:58] <sil2100> Trying to fix that
[10:59] <sil2100> But first
[10:59] <sil2100> Let me bzr blame
[10:59] <psivaa> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/revision/203 fwiw :)
[11:00] <sil2100> oh
[11:00] <ogra_> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/revision/203
[11:00] <psivaa> force installing url-dispatcher-tools was to fix some unity8 test failures iirc
[11:00] <ogra_> heh
[11:00] <sil2100> Hah!
[11:00] <sil2100> I'm to blame!
[11:00] <sil2100> :O
[11:00] <ogra_> that should become a dep of unity8-autopilot ;)
[11:01] <psivaa> right
[11:01] <sil2100> ogra_: there were some problems with that IIRC
[11:01] <sil2100> Can't remember what that was
[11:01] <ogra_> well, it is seeded
[11:01] <psivaa> sil2100: that was some url-dispatcher related unity8 test failures
[11:01] <sil2100> Now it is it seems, now this is complete BS
[11:01] <ogra_> so no need for a dep as long as the AP test really only runs on the image
[11:01] <sil2100> Right
[11:02] <sil2100> psivaa: shouldn't we include unity8-autopilot there now?
[11:02] <ogra_> we should
[11:02] <sil2100> psivaa: since I see we never had that there, I think it's an error...
[11:02] <ogra_> since "pkgs" is responsible for the removal
[11:02] * sil2100 fixes
[11:02] <psivaa> sil2100: ogra_: unity8-autopilot is already there as a dep
[11:03] <sil2100> psivaa: what do you mean?
[11:03] <ogra_> psivaa, right, but we dont want it kept around after the test run
[11:03] <sil2100> Right
[11:03] <ogra_> teardown uses the value from $pkgs
[11:04] <psivaa> ogra_: sil2100: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/view/head:/jenkins/testconfig.py#L55 has unity8-autopilot
[11:04] <ogra_> sil2100, what i dont get is ... you made that change in march
[11:04] <psivaa> but screen unlock needs it iirc
[11:04] <ogra_> sil2100, why didnt it bite us earlier
[11:04] <sil2100> ogra_: when did we seed url-dispatcher-tools ?
[11:05] <ogra_> dunno, but does that matter ?
[11:05] <sil2100> ogra_: since I really can't remember what was going on, but it was something everyone agreed on
[11:05] <ogra_> teardown pulls it out regardless
[11:05] <sil2100> In the past url-dispatcher-tools wasn't really needed, it wasn't seeded so it wouldn't remove any necessary pacakges
[11:05] <ogra_> it should have been purged all the time already
[11:05] <sil2100> It was something that was only needed for unity8 AP tests
[11:05] <ogra_> i dont get why that only started recently
[11:08] <sil2100> I don't get it as well...
[11:08] <sil2100> Let me look for context
[11:08] <Saviq> sil2100, ogra_, we need url-dispatcher for split greeter, since it's proxying urls from greeter to session
[11:08] <Saviq> sil2100, ogra_, granted, it should use liburl-dispatcher instead of the tool...
[11:08] <ogra_> the only thing i could imagine is that the teardown code changed somehow
[11:08] <ogra_> Saviq, right, but it is seeded
[11:08] <Saviq> ogra_, oh, that I didn't know
[11:09] <ogra_> it doesnt need to be in the list of packages to install for the test
[11:09] <ogra_> well, s/be in/be/
[11:09] <ogra_> :P
[11:09] <sil2100> ogra_, psivaa: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/ubuntu-test-cases/touch-fix-old-trouble/+merge/222014
[11:09] <ogra_> who can ack that ?
[11:09] <ogra_> psivaa, ?? ^^
[11:10] <ogra_> sil2100, well, wait ... psivaa said above that package is needed for unlocking ?
[11:10] <sil2100> Ah!
[11:10] <sil2100> Wait!
[11:11] <sil2100> ogra_: it's seeded now, isn't it? Or did I misunderstand? *checks*
[11:11] <psivaa> ogra_: sil2100 : "Installing unity8-autopilot as a pre-req for unlocking screen"
[11:11] <sil2100> Ok, it's not
[11:11] <ogra_> it is installed on a fresh flash here
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[11:11] <sil2100> It is?
[11:11] <sil2100> Ok, by some deps it seems
[11:11] <ogra_> well, it is there :)
[11:11] <sil2100> ogra_, psivaa: anyway, I got some context on that change of mine
[11:11] <ogra_> who cares how ;)
[11:12] <ogra_> sil2100, i think your change should just empty pkgs=
[11:12] <ogra_> or drop it
[11:12] <sil2100> So, I added url-dispatcher-tools to the pkgs in the config because in the past it wasn't installed by any deps (besides unity8-autopilot) and we run unity8 AP tests just like click app tests
[11:12] <sil2100> Not like deb tests
[11:12] <sil2100> Yes, that's what I think as well
[11:13] <ogra_> though we should also split the unlocking stuff out of the unity8 AP package ... doesnt seem right to have that always installed
[11:13] <sil2100> Since I remembered that installing unity8-autopilot won't make sense
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[11:13] <sil2100> ogra_: since we don't use unity8 AP tests from the unity8-autopilot package during the tests anyway
[11:13] <sil2100> ogra_: since as I said, the infra uses methods as per click app testing
[11:13] <ogra_> right, bt it might pull in something harmful
[11:13] <sil2100> ogra_: i.e. downloads the AP source to ~/autopilot
[11:13] <sil2100> Right
[11:14] <sil2100> Let me change it back now
[11:14] <sil2100> (to empty pkgs)
[11:14] <ogra_> right, just drop the pkgs handling from that line
[11:15] <sil2100> Done
[11:15] <ogra_> psivaa, can you ack and merge that ?
[11:15] <psivaa> ack, 1 sec pls
[11:16] <ogra_> hmm, meta still sits in porposed
[11:16] <sil2100> uh...
[11:16] <ogra_> looks fine on the excuses page
[11:17] <ogra_> ah, ubuntu--system-settings seems to be still doing its autopkg tests
[11:17] <sil2100> phew
[11:18] * ogra_ grins
[11:18] <ogra_> the autopkgtest for autopkgtest failed
[11:18] <sil2100> That's funny ;)
[11:20] <psivaa> ogra_: sil2100: that's change is now merged. do you want me to kick a test run with that change or wait for the next image?
[11:20] <ogra_> the next image is still far away it seems
[11:20] <ogra_> just re-kick
[11:20] <sil2100> psivaa: thanks :)
[11:21] <psivaa> ack
[11:21] <sil2100> ogra_: yeah, so... the problem started happening now because of the greeter upload
[11:22] <sil2100> ogra_: as per what Saviq and reverse-depends says ;)
[11:25] <ogra_> i dont get that
[11:25] <ogra_> why would that have any influence on teardown ?
[11:25] <ogra_> teardown is dumb, it just purges whats in pkgs=
[11:28] <sil2100> So, yeah, it purges url-dispatcher-tools, which now is a dep of unity-greeter-session-broadcast, which is a dep of unity8 and such
[11:28] <ogra_> url-dispatcher-tools is a dep of unity8-common
[11:29] <ogra_> and was for a while it seems
[11:29] <sil2100> root@amatsu:/# reverse-depends url-dispatcher-tools
[11:29] <sil2100> Reverse-Depends
[11:29] <sil2100> ===============
[11:29] <sil2100> * unity-greeter-session-broadcast
[11:29] <sil2100> * unity8-autopilot
[11:29] <sil2100> This is the only thing I see on my utopic chroot
[11:30] <sil2100> I don't see it as a dep of unity8-common, so where did you get this info?
[11:30] <ogra_> oh
[11:31] <sil2100> So, it wasn't a problem before as in the past only the -autopilot one was depping on it
[11:31] <ogra_> sorry i looked at a diff and was cheated :P
[11:31] <ogra_> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/176631625/unity8_7.86%2B14.10.20140527-0ubuntu1_7.87%2B14.10.20140530.1-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
[11:31] * ogra_ missed the @@ line above
[11:31] <sil2100> Ahah!
[11:31] <sil2100> Right ;)
[11:31] <ogra_> yeah, so thats it
[11:31] <sil2100> Damn diffs
[11:32] <ogra_> great ... lets see the test results
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[11:33] <ogra_> seems all autopkgtests are done for the UAL bit ... lets see, next publisher should pick it up
[11:34] <sil2100> YESS
[11:34] <sil2100> :D
[11:34] * sil2100 can't wait
[11:34] <ogra_> what a chaos
[11:34] <sil2100> The last 3 days are terrible
[11:34] <ogra_> yeah
[11:35] <ogra_> well, happy we traced it down
[11:35] <Chipaca> would now be a good time for me to pimp https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chipaca/PPU ?
[11:35] <Chipaca> :)
[11:35] <ogra_> who would have thought we have no session anymore :)
=== vila changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: vila | CI Train support - US: robru, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
[11:46] <sil2100> Anyway, I guess we should really move this kinds of discussions to -release
[11:46] <sil2100> We'll be spamming the channel a lot but I guess that's required
[11:48] * ogra_ wonders what to do with imgbot
[11:48] <sil2100> Hug him?
[11:49] <ogra_> no, i mean if it should move along etc
[11:51] <sil2100> I wonder as well, I guess we should ask slangasek?
[11:52] <ogra_> i need to rework it a bit as well so that people get it talks about touch images
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=== vila changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
[12:04] <ogra_> sil2100, you should write an announcement mail that the conversations will move over
[12:04] <ogra_> so people know about ...
[12:04] <ogra_> to -phone and -devel i guess
[12:04] <sil2100> Yeah, we've been thinking about that, but hm, slangasek said we shouldn't
[12:04] <ogra_> oh, hmm, k
[12:04] <sil2100> Since we never really announced -ci-eng as the channel officialy anyway ;p
[12:05] <ogra_> asac, and didrocks did ... they even asked people to join here
[12:06] <asac> what?
[12:06] <ogra_> asac, landing team is supposed to do its conversations in #ubuntu-release now
[12:06] <asac> i dont think thats decided
[12:07] <ogra_> and iirc there was a mail that pointed people here
[12:07] <asac> we dont change anything until there is a plan
[12:07] <ogra_> which is why i said we should have an announcement mail for the move
[12:07] <asac> right, but we dont move right now
[12:07] <ogra_> ah, i thought there was one
[12:07] <asac> things are getting mixed up
[12:07] <asac> long term goal is to merge the worlds
[12:08] <asac> but we haven't even looked at what to do to get there
[12:08] <ogra_> ah
[12:08] <Laney> I think most of the things that the landing team talks about aren't really release matters
[12:08] <asac> first step is to move LT operations into foundations, but keep things unchanged
[12:08] <asac> second step is to think about how to get our landing process long term worked into the way ubuntu works and vice versa :)
[12:08] <Laney> they're probably better suited to -touch or -devel
[12:08] <asac> its perfect here
[12:08] <ogra_> ok, what rob and sil2100 said sounded like the conversations were supposed to move along with them
[12:08] <asac> for now
[12:09] <asac> not perfect in general
[12:09] <ogra_> when tehy move teams
[12:09] <Laney> If you want to move it
[12:09] <asac> ogra_: this channel is not owned by ev
[12:10] <sil2100> Well, slangasek pointed -release as the best place for landing talk, as usually we're chatting about things landing in the archive and the image
[12:10] <ogra_> no, but slangasek seemsed to want the conversations in release ... he didnt sound like that was a long term thing yesterday either
[12:10] <sil2100> I'm fine with any channel TBH
[12:10] <sil2100> Would prefer something from the likes of -devel or -touch
[12:10] * ogra_ doesnt care at all ... but i want the imgbot to run in the respective channel
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[12:11] <asac> sil2100: yes, but thats mid/long term. for now we decided to not change anything, but home
[12:11] <asac> :)
[12:11] <ogra_> and i dont want scattered conversations across multiple channels
[12:12] <asac> sil2100: and then once you guys have started n the new team, discuss how to improve things going further
[12:12] <asac> one part is the channel, but thats probably not really a priority :)
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[12:12] <sil2100> Yeah, just wanted to make sure it's more public
[12:12] <sil2100> As only landers and some core-devs know about -ci-eng
[12:13] <sil2100> All others are living in oblivion and don't know anything about what's going on during our discussions
[12:13] <sil2100> Not a priority, but still
[12:13] <sil2100> It's more like a bikeshed problem
[12:13] <asac> sil2100: sure, things can be discussed. but it should be put into a bigger plan
[12:14] <asac> just moving channels wont help at all ... instead might cause frustration even of the current release team
[12:14] <asac> as you can see by Laney's comment above :)
[12:16] * asac lunch
[12:19] <sil2100> psivaa: is the calendar still running and presenting old test results, or did we get so many failures again?
[12:19] <psivaa> sil2100: it's still running and the new results are not yet updated
[12:19] <sil2100> Anyway, it looks good in overall!
[12:20] <psivaa> sil2100: yea.
[12:20] <psivaa> off to lunch
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[12:20] <sil2100> o/
[12:20] * sil2100 should eat something as well soon
[12:23] * ogra_ just had breakfast :)
[12:25] <sil2100> I had a carrot!
[12:26] <ogra_> yummy
[12:37] <jdstrand> psivaa-lunch: if you haven't already, when you respond to the oxide email can you be sure to tell us exactly what you need. I think there might have been miscommunication-- I for one didn't realize you were waiting on something from us (but, I could easily not be up to date, but better safe than sorry :)
[12:38] <sil2100> Ok, time for lunch!
[12:38] <sil2100> o/
[12:38] <cjwatson> I'm confused about why we apparently need extensive discussions and planning to talk about things on a different IRC channel
[12:38] <cjwatson> seems like bureaucracy
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[12:44] <cjwatson> looks like silo 18 needs some manual proposed-migration hinting; attempting to sort that out
[12:45] <cjwatson> though actually I should wait for click to land first
[12:47] <ev> sil2100, robru: can one of you find a time that works within the landing schedule: https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=68826
[12:48] <dbarth> Mirv, psivaa-lunch: to be clear, silo 4 should be deleted, we can't land this change anymore; qtwebkit 5.2 has to go alone
[12:49] <Mirv> dbarth: psivaa-lunch: yeah I was going to ask for clarification. you mean, the webbrowser-app should be deleted, and qtwebkit alone?
[12:49] <Mirv> I can reconfigure
[12:50] <Mirv> in that case, it should be now ready for testing
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=== cprov changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cprov | CI Train support - US: robru, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
[13:19] <elopio> ping cprov. I'm having a problem with the jenkins job for MPs in ubuntu-ui-toolkit
[13:19] <elopio> it doesn't seem to install the ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot package from the branch, it takes the one in the archive.
[13:20] <cprov> elopio: which job ?
[13:20] <elopio> cprov: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-mako/1081/artifact/clientlogs/ubuntuuitoolkit/dpkg-l.log
[13:23] <elopio> on the log I see this
[13:23] <elopio> Unpacking ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot (0.1.46+14.10.20140602-0ubuntu1) over (0.1.46+14.10.20140520bzr1092pkg0trusty1235+autopilot0)
[13:23] <elopio> I think the on I need is the one with bzr on the name.
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[13:24] <cjohnston> elopio: 20140602 > 20140520
[13:25] <stgraber> sil2100: the reason for the rejection should have been in the reject message.
[13:25] <cjohnston> Just my guess, but sounds like trunk may need to be merged...
[13:25] <elopio> cjohnston: I get that, but why is the bzr version 20140520 instead of yesterday, when it was built?
[13:26] <stgraber> sil2100: looking at the diff again, it probably was that you have changes in there without bug references so no testcase or anything to be used to verify the SRU in proposed
[13:26] <popey> ogra_: you seeing bug 1326378 ?
[13:26] <ubot5> bug 1326378 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "webapp-container leaks memory over time on #63" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1326378
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[13:26] * popey edits that to #64
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[13:28] <bfiller> sil2100: can we get a silo for line 22 now? was blocked on silo 18 but think that's released now
[13:28] <cjohnston> elopio: what branch is this pulling from
[13:28] <elopio> cjohnston: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix1326072-create_fake_xauthority/+merge/221953
[13:28] <bfiller> elopio: will gallery still need this workaround branch after the proper ui-toolkit fix lands? https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/gallery-app/workaround1324556-get_header/+merge/221415
[13:28] <elopio> bfiller: no.
[13:29] <bfiller> elopio: ok thanks
[13:29] <elopio> bfiller: if you haven't merged it, please just reject it.
[13:29] <bfiller> elopio: will do
[13:29] <elopio> thanks.
[13:29] <elopio> I'm sorry for the mess. If you still see something weird on your landing please let me know.
[13:30] <cjohnston> elopio: the changelog lists ubuntu-ui-toolkit (0.1.46+14.10.20140520-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium, isn't that what we get the version number from?
[13:31] <cjohnston> elopio: trunk has ubuntu-ui-toolkit (0.1.46+14.10.20140602-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=low
[13:31] <ogra_> popey, way to high, but not rising here
[13:31] <cjohnston> that seems to match why the 'wrong' one is being installed
[13:31] <elopio> cjohnston: I'm lostttt. Where are you seeing that changelog?
[13:31] <cjohnston> in the branc
[13:31] <cjohnston> branch
[13:32] <elopio> and anyway, shouldn't the job that builds the deb update that change log?
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[13:32] <cjohnston> not based on this commit: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/revision/1030
[13:33] <elopio> bzoltan: I need your help here ^
[13:33] <elopio> we need the versions of the debs generated on the MPs to be higher than the ones in the archive.
[13:34] <elopio> should I update the changelog for every MP ?
[13:35] <cjohnston> elopio: the job appears to append the MP information to the version..
[13:35] <cjohnston> you just need to merge trunk
[13:35] <cjohnston> as long as you have trunk, you should be good to go
[13:36] <cjohnston> because it will take 0.1.46+14.10.20140602-0ubuntu1 and turn it into 0.1.46+14.10.20140602-0ubuntu1bzr1092pkg0trusty1235+autopilot0
[13:36] <cjohnston> so you would be good to go
[13:38] <bzoltan> elopio: a sec, I am on a call
[13:39] <elopio> cjohnston: but I need to merge into staging. If I also have this branch merged with trunk, I will cause a mess.
[13:40] <elopio> so the problem could be that staging is not merged with trunk.
[13:40] <ogra_> popey, mem usage doesnt change here ...
[13:40] <cjohnston> elopio: sounds like we need to wait for bzoltan and fginther
[13:41] <elopio> cjohnston: I see they have now the same revision.
[13:41] <elopio> so probably a new run will succeed.
[13:41] * elopio kicks jenkins.
[13:41] <bzoltan> cjohnston: shoot
[13:42] <elopio> bzoltan: I think the problem was caused because when jenkins ran, staging was not up-to-date with trunk.
[13:43] <elopio> cjohnston: helped me finding the cause, and I think that this new run will pass all the tests.
[13:43] <bzoltan> elopio: possible... did we miss something?
[13:43] <cjohnston> bzoltan: can you read scrollback between me and elopio please? I believe that in his MP, it isn't doing what he wants because his version number is lower than trunk
[13:43] <bzoltan> elopio: cjohnston: this is the next landing https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/landing_04-06/+merge/221987
[13:43] <elopio> bzoltan: and I'm talking about this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix1326072-create_fake_xauthority/+merge/221953
[13:43] <elopio> bzoltan: without it, you will get one error on mako on an xauthority test.
[13:44] <bzoltan> elopio: do you want me to merge this MR to the 04/06 landing MR?
[13:46] <elopio> bzoltan: if jenkins confirms it fixes the bug, yes, it would be nice.
[13:46] <elopio> otherwise you'll get one red on the dashboard ruining our almost perfect stats :)
[13:49] <popey> ogra_: took some hours.
[13:55] <seb128> sil2100, why are the comments cases in pink color starting l41?
[13:56] <seb128> does it mean we shouldn't use those lines?
[13:56] <ogra_> popey, ah, i'll leave it running then
[13:57] <sil2100> seb128: uh, no, that's some spreadsheet bollocks
[13:57] <sil2100> seb128: you can assign it normally
[13:58] <seb128> sil2100, thanks
[14:01] <fginther> cjohnston, elopio, sorry for being occupied elsewhere... It sounds like you think you have the issue resolved by rebuilding?
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: plars | CI Train support - US: robru, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
[14:12] <dbarth> Mirv: yes please, just qtwebkit
[14:12] <dbarth> Mirv: is that in the same silo still?
[14:18] <Mirv> dbarth: yep, same silo landing-004, I built it earlier today. now it only has the qtwebkit and it's built ok for all archs.
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[14:36] <sil2100> hm, UAL still in proposed I see
[14:37] <sil2100> ogra_: do you know why ubuntu-touch-meta doesn't migrate?
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[14:38] <bfiller> sil2100: need a silo for line 43 when you get a chance (ubuntu-keyboard)
[14:38] <ogra_> sil2100, cjwatson is on it
[14:38] <ogra_> sil2100, i think he still waits for click to finish
[14:38] <sil2100> bfiller: sure
[14:39] <sil2100> ogra_: ACK, thanks!
[14:40] <dbarth> Mirv: ok, ready for testing then
[14:41] <sil2100> brb
[14:41] <cjwatson> ogra_: I committed the hint change, haven't checked its results
[14:42] <ogra_> ah, LP says pending for meta now
[14:42] <cjwatson> yeah, it worked
[14:54] <sil2100> ogra_: things seem to have migrated \o/
[14:55] <ogra_> have they ? i still see them on the excuses page
[14:55] <ogra_> weird
[14:56] <ogra_> its still all in proposed
[14:56] <sil2100> LP says otherwise
[14:56] <sil2100> So it should migrate out soon I guess?
[14:56] <ogra_> dont trust lp ;)
[14:56] <ogra_> yeah
[14:56] <sil2100> At least before even LP didn't consider it migrated ;) So we're good
[14:56] <sil2100> ...I guess
[15:01] <robru> sil2100, yeah, lp reports the migration prematurely. fortunately I've never seen lp outright *lie* about it, just that lp reports the migration at the beginning of when it happens, and rmadison reports it at the end (eg, when it's actually done for real). this has bitten us a few times, but it's not like LP can say "it migrated!" and then it doesn't after that.
[15:06] <sil2100> Let's hope this didn't change
[15:06] <sil2100> As rmadison says it's not migrated :)
[15:07] <robru> sil2100, yeah, lp says it migrated only 23 minutes ago, give it some time yet ;-)
[15:11] <cjwatson> LP won't lie, no, but the database doesn't know when the publisher is entirely done (as in synced out to mirrors).
[15:11] <cjwatson> Maybe once the work to allow LP to be a portal for non-database information is completed, we'll be able to have it show mirror state.
[15:14] <cjwatson> The visible copy of update_excuses will typically update a couple of minutes after the copy is processed by LP, because proposed-migration does the copies and then spends a few minutes calculating various statistics before it publishes everything to the website.
[15:17] <sil2100> cjwatson: ok, good to know :)
[15:19] <robru> looks good in rmadison now
[15:20] <sil2100> ogra_: hey, you got a moment for a packaging ACK? Although I'm afraid you'll -1 it ;)
[15:22] <sil2100> ogra_: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-010-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_unity-scopes-api_0.4.8+14.10.20140604.1-0ubuntu1.diff and https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-010-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_unity-scopes-shell_0.4.0+14.10.20140604.1-0ubuntu1.diff <- so, one depends on a newer version of the other, some symbols changing (only internal as always) aaaand: no
[15:22] <sil2100> ogra_: so I say +1 on all the other changes, but I remember you said you won't +1 anything that doesn't mention dep changes ;)
[15:24] <ogra_> sil2100, well, thats minor enough to +1 ... i meant serious dep changes ... bumping a version is surely not serious :) and i'm willing to let that one added -dev lib through
[15:24] <sil2100> ACK ;)
[15:24] <sil2100> Thanks! But no worries, my change will make things much easier
[15:24] <ogra_> sil2100, i thik i'll have to write a mail first, expressing that ... if people *then* dont mention their dep changes i'll nack
[15:25] <sil2100> ogra_: hah! I'll also mention it in my mail today ;)
[15:25] <ogra_> thanks :)
[15:26] <ogra_> sil2100, btw, how about an image build
[15:27] <sil2100> ogra_: I wanted to build an image with silo 20 in it...
[15:27] <sil2100> :<
[15:27] * sil2100 is still waiting for that
[15:27] <ogra_> ah, k
[15:27] <sil2100> It was held back for UAL
[15:28] <sil2100> mterry: how far are you with silo 20?
[15:28] <ogra_> right. thats done
[15:28] <sil2100> I want a new image NOOOOW
[15:28] <mterry> sil2100, it's all built in PPA, just waiting to be published in PPA
[15:28] <mterry> sil2100, I think when that happens, we'd be ready?
[15:29] <sil2100> mterry: is this silo tested?
[15:29] <mterry> sil2100, yes
[15:29] <mterry> sil2100, well
[15:29] <mterry> sil2100, it was before I just rebuilt ubuntu-touch-session with a merge from trunk. I suppose I should retest
[15:30] <sil2100> mterry: I guess a quick re-test might be enough, you know, if everything still works with the UAL and other bits
[15:38] <sil2100> bfiller: silo assigned, in a moment the spreadsheet should refresh
[15:38] <sil2100> bfiller: (sorry for the wait(
[15:38] <sil2100> )
[15:38] <sil2100> )
[15:39] <sil2100> (wanted to close all the parentheses, don't like to leave any open)
[15:41] <robru> (((((((((
[15:41] <sil2100> mterry: just give us a poke once you're done, we're waiting for this!
[15:41] <mterry> sil2100, understood
[15:41] <sil2100> Argh! Syntax error!
[15:41] <robru> lol
[15:41] <sil2100> )))))))))
[15:42] <ogra_> parentheses are so last decade ... curly brackets are the new shiny !
[15:42] <cjwatson> robru: evil
[15:42] <robru> sil2100, you're the greatest ;-)
[15:42] <ogra_> {{{{{{{{
[15:42] <robru> muahaha!
[15:42] <sil2100> Aw come ooon, you stop trolling meeee!
[15:42] <robru> cjwatson, some people just want to watch the world burn
[15:42] <sil2100> }}}}}}}}
[15:43] <sil2100> Ok ok enough
[15:43] <ogra_> {
[15:43] <ogra_> (SCNR)
[15:43] <sil2100> Sometimes I'm happy we're not doing things like that on -release... }
[15:43] <robru> }
[15:43] <robru> sil2100, got your back on that one
[15:43] <sil2100> Oh no! So now I introduced an error
[15:43] <ogra_> now thats team work !
[15:44] <sil2100> robru: once things calm down and no spreadsheet actions are happening, you can press the Archive button
[15:44] <sil2100> Since we had a lot of Landed entries
[15:44] <robru> sil2100, alright, I'll do it later
[15:46] <mterry> sil2100, still good
[15:46] <sil2100> mterry: publishing then!
[15:47] <mterry> sil2100, yay!
[15:49] <sil2100> ARGH
[15:49] <robru> ?
[15:49] <sil2100> mterry: did you build telephony-service ?
[15:49] <mterry> sil2100, no just ubuntu-touch-session. does telephony-service need a rebuild?
[15:49] <sil2100> 2014-06-04 15:48:09,896 ERROR Some projects (telephony-service) that were in the silo configuration list were not built. Prepare either prepare the latest missing projects or use the ignore missing projects flag which will release the lock on them.
[15:50] <robru> oh awesome
[15:50] <sil2100> We need to press the build button for telephony-service...
[15:50] <robru> sil2100, how much you wanna bet that a watch-only build won't work?
[15:50] <mterry> sil2100, I'm confused on why (still new to final steps involved in landing a silo)
[15:51] <sil2100> robru: we did that already
[15:51] <robru> mterry, it's a glitch in the matrix
[15:51] <robru> sil2100, so, what you're saying is.... i won the bet?
[15:51] <sil2100> robru: with Saviq in the morning... we then wanted to build the whole silo again, but UAL blocked it
[15:51] <sil2100> robru: ;)
[15:52] <robru> ;-)
[15:52] <sil2100> mterry: let me run the build job
[15:52] <mterry> sil2100, so I should rebuild whole silo?
[15:52] <mterry> sil2100, ok
[15:52] <robru> mterry, basically the backend state of citrain got itself confused, it doesn't realize that telephony-service was already built, the only way to get out of this situation is to rebuild it. it really sucks
[15:53] <sil2100> We could hack it in the backend, but...
[15:53] <sil2100> It's risky and very uncomfortable, as we don't have direct SSH access
[15:53] <sil2100> So I have to workaround it in really stupid ways :|
[15:54] <mterry> OK
[15:54] <sil2100> Let's hope it will be fast...
[15:58] <dbarth> o/ silo 16 good to go
[15:59] <sil2100> robru: ^ :)
[15:59] <robru> dbarth, cool thanks, we can land that soon, i think we just want to get an image built first. right sil2100 ?
[15:59] <sil2100> Is that something big?
[15:59] <sil2100> Like, risky?
[15:59] <robru> sil2100, well, webbrowser-app
[15:59] <sil2100> I see it's a dormant landing
[15:59] <sil2100> So I would say let's publish
[16:00] <robru> sil2100, alright
[16:00] <sil2100> robru, ogra_: meeting!
[16:00] <dbarth> robru: np, not in a hurry there
[16:00] <sil2100> plars: ^
[16:01] <sil2100> popey: ^
[16:01] <popey> sorry, was grabbing coffee
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[16:25] <robru> ogra_, https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-016-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_webbrowser-app_0.23+14.10.20140602-0ubuntu1.diff packaging ack before you drift off to sleep?
[16:25] <popey> sil2100: shall I just start a separate thread about memory on the list?
[16:25] <popey> so people see it rather than it being lost in a landing mail thread?
[16:26] <ogra_> robru, nice one ... even though it doesnt mention packaging changes directly it is actually descriptive enough to understand that there must be some ... ack
[16:27] <robru> ogra_, thanks!
[16:27] <ogra_> (i wont fall dead right now btw ... but earlier )
[16:27] <robru> ogra_, ;-)
[16:28] * popey goes to make food, back later
[16:32] <sil2100> popey: yes, please :)
[16:44] <bfiller> robru, sil2100 : are we able to get a silo for line 22 now as the UAL stuff has landed?
[16:45] <robru> bfiller, sure!
[16:47] <robru> bfiller, ah, you got silo 12, please build
[16:47] <bfiller> robru: thanks!
[16:51] <robru> bfiller, you're welcome!
[16:53] <sil2100> ogra_: ! Did you see the test results :O ?!
[16:53] <sil2100> ogra_: only 5 failures!
[16:53] <robru> sil2100, so what? mako is fine ;-)
[16:55] <robru> sil2100, I'm not sure what's more incredible, the lack of failures on mako or the massive amount of failures on everything else ;-)
[16:55] <sil2100> robru: the failures everywhere else are caused by the thing we mentioned on the meeting
[16:55] <sil2100> We didn't re-run other than mako
[16:55] <robru> oh ok
[16:55] <robru> sorry must have missed that bit.
[16:55] <sil2100> So flo and manta still have the b0rken a bit ;)
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[16:56] <sil2100> The next run will be fine
[16:56] <robru> sil2100, should I publish 20 now that it rebuilt?
[16:57] <sil2100> robru: yes, if it's done then yes ;) Be sure to mention mterry in that, and auto-ACK the packaging as mterry is a core-dev
[16:57] <mterry> yay
[16:58] <robru> sil2100, oh I like landings for core devs ;-)
[16:58] <sil2100> Yeah, love them as well ;p
[16:58] <sil2100> We can then act as normal monkeys, pushing buttons blindly
[16:58] <robru> sil2100, oh goody! monkey mode!
[17:01] <sil2100> ogra_, robru: in today's mail I won't yet add new AP failures as we only got proper test results not so long ago
[17:02] <sil2100> So I didn't have time to check those
[17:02] <robru> alright
[17:02] <sil2100> robru: are you very busy toda?
[17:02] <sil2100> *today?
[17:02] <robru> sil2100, well I'm spending most of the day teaching myself some new tools. happy to help with anything you need
[17:04] <sil2100> robru: since if you have a free moment, could you do some analyzing for me? Take a look at the dashboard for #64 and look at the failures we have for calendar_app, dialer_app and ubuntuuitoolkit on mako, try looking into the testcase and (if possible) try reproducing it manually
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[17:04] <sil2100> It might be hard, if some testcase is complicated you can just leave it as it is
[17:04] <robru> sil2100, oh sure
[17:04] <sil2100> Anyway, for each of those could you in the end fill in a bug and send me an e-mail?
[17:04] <sil2100> With a quick note if you could reproduce it or not
[17:04] <sil2100> robru: thanks! :)
[17:05] <sil2100> It's nothing high-priority if anything, but still would be nice to have this
[17:05] <sil2100> robru: if you could also more or less approximate how much time it took you then it would be nice, we need to benchmark this a bi
[17:05] <sil2100> t
[17:05] <robru> sil2100, sure thing
[17:06] <sil2100> Since if it's a very time-consuming process, we might need to get someone else to do it... I'm already enough busy as it is
[17:06] <sil2100> Ok, time to send the e-mail ;p
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[17:17] <robru> sil2100, alright, running uitk tests
[17:17] <sil2100> robru: ok, remember to try running them manually - by manually I mean 'by hand', without AP
[17:17] <sil2100> i.e. reading the test case in autopilot and trying to emulate the same movements/behavior
[17:18] <sil2100> If a test case seems a bit too complex or big, then just drop it
[17:19] <sil2100> Ok, I guess I go rest now a bit as well
[17:19] <sil2100> See you tomorrow o/
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[18:33] <robru> ogra_, cyphermox, rsalveti: ok, so silo 20 landed for real (really for real, rmadison confirmed for real ;-) can whoever's around kick an image build? thx
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=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: fginther | CI Train support - US: robru, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
[19:04] <robru> seb128, hey, any way that lines 45 and 46 can go in the same silo? I know they're unrelated but trusty SRUs lock the silos for a long time so if they don't conflict, you should be able to test them independently from the same silo
[19:05] <robru> tedg, you got 14
[19:05] <tedg> robru, cool, thanks!
[19:05] <robru> tedg, you're welcome!
[19:49] <seb128> robru, better to keep differents silos, we can m&c before they are in updates, those shouldn't create issues
[19:49] <robru> seb128, ok
[19:50] <popey> robru: planning on kicking an image tonight?
[19:50] <robru> popey, i tried, nobody responded to my ping
[19:50] <robru> seb128, ok you got 16 and 17
[19:51] <robru> slangasek, hmm, can you kick images?
[19:56] <slangasek> robru: kicking now
[19:57] <robru> slangasek, ah, thank you!
[20:00] <imgbot> === trainguard: IMAGE 65 building (started: 20140604 20:00) ===
[20:03] <popey> \o/
[20:03] <robru> this is gonna be a big one
[20:03] <robru> UAL + split greeter fixes
[20:04] <robru> plus a bunch of random other things
[21:35] <imgbot> === trainguard: IMAGE 65 DONE (finished: 20140604 21:35) ===
[21:35] <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/65.changes ===
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[22:48] <robotfuel> cihelp, I've noticed I can't adb reboot bootloader on todays image, has anyone else reported this?
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