UbuntuIRC / 2014 /06 /02 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <TheFakeazneD525> SamwiseGamgee: ah, then idk...
[00:00] <TheFakeazneD525> Maybe format as NTFS? idk if that's compatible with the ext4 trashcan thing
[00:00] <SamwiseGamgee> I can just cut the files out
[00:00] <TheFakeazneD525> because there isn't a windows driver for ext by default
[00:01] <SamwiseGamgee> Now I have a problem with my printer
[00:01] <SamwiseGamgee> I have had this problem before and I can´t remember how I solved it
[00:01] <SamwiseGamgee> the printer is not printing anything, even though the print job is processing
[00:02] <TheFakeazneD525> Printers aren't my feild...
[00:02] <TheFakeazneD525> field
[00:02] <TheFakeazneD525> try askubuntu.com
[00:03] <SamwiseGamgee> The document print status says the user and file name is unknown
[00:03] <SamwiseGamgee> and the time is unknown
[00:09] <SamwiseGamgee> the job priority is set to 50
[00:25] <SamwiseGamgee> Where is the CUPS channel?
[00:26] <SamwiseGamgee> I have a problem with my printer. The printer is not printing anything, even though the print job is processing. This is the 27th job I tried to print. The printer job priority was set to 50, so I changed it to one, but that did not fix the problem. The document print status says the User, File Name, and Time submitted are all unknown. The status is held. The only thing Kubuntu recognizes is the Printer model and the siz
=== what is now known as Guest7341
=== Guest7341 is now known as soup-n-sandwich
[03:16] <soup-n-sandwich> t
[03:22] <soup-n-sandwich> Guys why doesn't Muon Discovery software center find all the packages that are available? Example: searching for "kubuntu-restricted-addons" show no results what so every. Why is this?
[03:30] <soup-n-sandwich> msg NickServ soup-n-sandwich <LimIted12!>
[03:31] <tsimpson> soup-n-sandwich: the Discover app is for installing "applications", like the ubuntu software centre. you can install the "muon" package to get the package manager version (also change your NickServ password;)
[03:33] <soup-n-sandwich> tsimpson: ahhh. Ok thanks
[03:39] <SamwiseGamgee> Iḿ having trouble numbering my pages using LibreOffice Writer
[03:41] <SamwiseGamgee> I used Insert > Fields > page number But it´s putting the number in the wrong place on the page regardless of where the cursor is
[03:41] <SamwiseGamgee> LibreOfficeWriter is also getting the page numbers wrong and putting them on the wrong pages
[03:42] <SamwiseGamgee> I can´t get the cursor to go to the top corner of the page, either
[03:42] <SamwiseGamgee> is there a better way to number my pages before I print them?
[03:49] <qdata> what I do is turn on footer, then place cursor there and insert Fields -> Page Number, then highlight it and use the button on the top to put it on right
[03:49] <qdata> better to do early on, like when initially setting up page formatting because afterwards everything can/may reflow
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[05:31] <Voyage> I have ubuntu server, I want to install kubuntu desktop on it. How can I do that?
[05:31] <tsimpson> just install the kubuntu-desktop package
[05:31] <valorie> `sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop`
[05:32] <valorie> or right, use Muon, apper, synaptic
[05:32] <valorie> whatever you like
[05:32] <tsimpson> ^apt-get
[05:43] <Voyage> valorie, actually, kubuntu desktop is needed to run muon , apper, synamptic and i am trying to install kubuntu desktop
[05:44] <valorie> I prefer the cli often anyway, since it is fast and direct
[05:44] <tsimpson> you don't need kubuntu-desktop to run muon etc, just a graphical server and the libraries the program needs
[05:44] <valorie> synaptic certainly does not depend on Kubuntu-desktop
[05:45] <valorie> it's GNOME software
[05:45] <valorie> that's the beauty of the ubuntu family
[05:45] <valorie> we all can run one another's software
[05:48] <TheFakeazneD525> hi valorie
[05:49] <TheFakeazneD525> also, Voyage, I recommend Muon over Synaptic
[05:49] <TheFakeazneD525> its much, much better
[05:49] <valorie> me too
[05:49] <TheFakeazneD525> plus, it doesn't lock up apt or dpkg when running
[05:49] <valorie> some still prefer synaptic, which is fine -- I used to use it
[05:49] <valorie> now I much prefer muon
[05:50] <Voyage> TheFakeazneD525, ok
[05:54] <lordievader> Voyage is running a Ubuntu server I guess he is trying to say that he doesn't have X and therefore cannot run a gui ;)
[05:56] <valorie> sure, which is why I suggest the cli command s/he needs
[05:57] <valorie> I would miss my pretty kubuntu gui!
[05:57] <valorie> but I do like cli commands for lots of stuff
[05:58] <qdata> server has a text based package manager called Aptitude I seem to recall
[05:59] <qdata> sudo aptitude to start, only played with server very briefly quite some time ago so maybe that's cjanged since then
[06:01] <TheFakeazneD525> qdata: apt-get too
[06:01] <valorie> now you can use just `apt`
[06:01] <valorie> instead of `apt-get`
[06:01] <valorie> at least with `install`
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[09:47] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[10:10] <m4v> updated to 14.04 today, the network widget thinks that my desktop is a mobile phoe (has the typical wireless, mobile broadband and airplane mode stuff). Can I remove all that stuff?
[10:10] <m4v> s/phoe/phone/
[10:29] <BluesKaj> m4v, that's part of networkmanager's options for airplane mode , mobile broadband etc for laptops
[10:31] <BluesKaj> m4v, if you're using ethernet then just ignore them
[13:47] <CodePulsar> How can I close KDE IM Messenger?
[13:48] <CodePulsar> Can't find any quit / exit /close button/menu item / option
[13:48] <CodePulsar> really annoying
[13:53] <FlashDel> hi folks! I got a problem, i installed a fresh kubuntu 14.04 on a notebook, with a crypted lvm system. If i boot i get the error "/scripts/local-top/cryptroot line 1 can't open /dev/mapper/myvg-root no such file or directory" and the system won`t boot. I tried to boot with a rootdelay=10, but that didn`t help either. Can somebody help me please?
[13:56] <CodePulsar> nevermind
[13:57] <CodePulsar> FlashDel: You choose to encrypt the LVM volume at installation time ?
[13:58] <FlashDel> CodePulsar: yep, everything installed from scratch
[13:59] <CodePulsar> I had a similar problem but on a non LVM ecnypted volume , where I didn't see the swap partition to due faulty /etc/fstab
[13:59] <CodePulsar> FlashDel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/1273261
[13:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1273261 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu) "Cryptsetup error during boot: /scripts/local-top/cryptroot: line 1: can't open /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root: no such file" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[14:00] <CodePulsar> FlashDel: not sure you can boot in run level 1 if cryptsetup fails
[14:01] <FlashDel> CodePulsar: i read about that bug as well, but there it is said that the system boots up, my system just stops there
[14:02] <FlashDel> and i am not dropped into a shell, it just stops :-(
[14:03] <CodePulsar> FlashDel: try to change the grub kernel line and add 1 or 3 to it
[14:03] <CodePulsar> and then boot
[14:03] <FlashDel> ok i will try that
[14:12] <FlashDel> CodePulsar: it won`t boot into runlevel 1 or 3 :-(
[14:13] <doctorpepper> hi guys !!
[14:13] <CodePulsar> FlashDel: Try to see if other people are having the same problem on Google or try to ask in #ubuntu also, I would help but I have a deadline in 2 hours
[14:20] <doctorpepper> can anyone please help me , i have an issue kde notification for a month or so i no longer get updates notification on kde
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[16:18] <m477> hello I am going to install windows and kubuntu on the one disk, is it proper way to crypt both partitions by truecrypt?
[16:20] <KINGSABRI> Hola Guys
[16:20] <KINGSABRI> I've dual monitors and Need to make the second monitor possition is above,
[16:21] <KINGSABRI> when I do it from System Settings Display configurations, It make it one long screen
[16:22] <KINGSABRI> I need it like it was on right/left possition , not long it's another screen with deferent background/settings
=== MangaKaDenza is now known as TheFakeazneD525
[16:42] <Walex2> KINGSABRI: that is possible in various ways, but no clear how you really want it.
[16:42] <Walex2> doctorpepper: you can check the notifier configs, or perhaps the notifier daemon does not get started.
[16:42] <Walex2> doctorpepper: check the services panel
[16:58] <doctorpepper> Walex2: thanks now it works
[18:16] <KINGSABRI> Walex2: When I put 2nd monitor possition on the right of the main one, it works normally , but if I put it above it getting long screen includes both monitors
[18:17] <KINGSABRI> Walex2: I need 'above' possition act normally which is sparate screen
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[18:37] <m477> I am moving from 12.04 to 14.04 which files should I backup to save "system sesion"? just whole /home is enougtt?
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[18:54] <TheFakeazneD525> m477: Hmm, if you wait a bit, 12.04 LTS will auto-upgrade to 14.04 LTS
[18:55] <m477> TheFakeazneD525: I dont want to w8, I have to format whole disc to add partition and install win
[19:00] <TheFakeazneD525> well, m477 I guess saving just the .kde folder in your home dir should work
[19:00] <TheFakeazneD525> but you should probably save the whole home dir
[19:00] <m477> TheFakeazneD525: why just .kde?
[19:00] <TheFakeazneD525> as well as a list of pacakges, repositories, and other things you've changed
[19:01] <TheFakeazneD525> m477: that would be the bare minimum to save most settings, as Kubuntu uses mostly KDE components
[19:01] <m477> oh
[19:01] <TheFakeazneD525> but, for the smoothest transition, do the other things too
[19:01] <bprompt> *cough* /etc/apt /etc/defaults /var/apt/cache/archives *cough*
[19:02] <bprompt> *cough* /var/cache/apt/archives *cough*
[19:03] <TheFakeazneD525> ty
[19:03] <BluesKaj> bprompt, just come out with it, no need to "cough"
[19:03] * bprompt zips ~ whole folder often
[19:03] <bprompt> hehe
[19:03] <m477> TheFakeazneD525: but repos. will be changed on new distro ( I suppose), but any files outside /home file will be useful to copy?
[19:04] <TheFakeazneD525> the package list
[19:04] <TheFakeazneD525> go to muon, not muon discover, but muon package manager
[19:04] <TheFakeazneD525> and click on file, then save installed packages list
[19:04] <m477> TheFakeazneD525: I saved dpkg --get-selections to have packages list
[19:05] <TheFakeazneD525> oh ok
[19:05] <TheFakeazneD525> hmmm, I guess what bprompt mentioned as well then
[19:06] <bprompt> I usually keep the apt/archives empty, but whenever installing anything, I grab the .deb files, then "clean" it
[19:06] <m477> TheFakeazneD525: can you explain to me what does mean these paths
[19:07] <TheFakeazneD525> those paths contain certian configuration files and the like
[19:08] <bprompt> m477: usually the one folder you cannot do without though is ~, that has all kde configuration changes and all apps changes, including bookmarks and browser addons
[19:09] <bprompt> 2 folders you can do without are ~/.cache and ~/.thumbnails though
[19:09] <bprompt> and those 2 folders can be sizable
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[19:14] <m477> so should I save also files from that paths or so?
[19:16] <m477> sorry guys I am getting a little bit confused
[19:19] <m477> I am not sure what should I do with these paths /etc/apt /etc/default /var/apt/cache/archives, /var/cache/apt/archives
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[19:20] <m477> also I dont have /var/apt/
[19:25] <m477> bprompt: are you sure that these .debs will be useful for me when I go from 12.04 to 14.04 (/var/cache/apt/archives)
[19:26] <bprompt> m477: how much is there btw? 800mbs? have you ever done some archive cleanup for stuff you've installed?
[19:27] <bprompt> m477: they're useful IF the 14.04 doesn't go as smooth as you'd expect, then you can reinstall stuff and you don't have to redownload them
[19:28] <m477> bprompt: no
[19:28] <m477> /var/cache/apt/archives has 1.4 GB
[19:29] <bprompt> m477: then likely 1.4gb is stuff you've installed and are still installed, and also stuff you installed and removed, since removing a package doesn't get rid of the .deb package in the apt/archives
[19:30] <bprompt> whenever I install stuff and keep it, I grab those .deb files and archive them in my own folder, stuff I removed, I simply get rid of the .debs
[19:31] <m477> ok
[19:32] <m477> but now do I need something to do with these paths
[19:32] <m477> copy any files or something
[19:36] <m477> I see /etc/apt has some sources lists
[19:36] <m477> but for example /etc/default
[19:38] <bprompt> well
[19:38] <m477> ok I just copied these /etc/default and apt
[19:38] <bprompt> I back those up because I add PPAs, and those get added to the /etc/apt/ folder as a sources.d entry or inside sources.list file so I don't have to refetch the PPA
[19:39] <m477> I got already list of packages installed so I suppose I dont need this from /var/...
[19:39] <bprompt> and I also backup /etc/defaults because I usually may make manual changes to "grub" or some other app
[19:40] <m477> I dont ;p
[19:40] <bprompt> m477: yeap, that will do, I'm thinking the reinstalling wouldn't download .1.4gbs of .debs... so say likely about 700 or 800mbs and those can be refetch quickly enough depending on connection
[19:41] <m477> ok
[19:41] <bprompt> as I said, for me is simple, since I can reinstall kubuntu and I just install stuff from my .debs using a glob, -> dpkg -i *deb; or such
[19:45] <keithzg_> Another day, another kernel oops. Le Sigh.
[19:45] <m477> bprompt: ok, thank you if I won't be a problem for you, could you give me also a hint how to partition a disc to install windows and linux on one hdd?
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[19:46] <m477> for example I am not sure if I should make /boot partition (ext2)
[19:47] <BluesKaj> no need for a /boot
[19:47] <m477> or it is obselete aproach
[19:48] <m477> and windows should be on the beginning of disc?
[19:48] <bprompt> m477: they easier way is, install windows first, then install linux :), grub will add itself to the bootarea adding windows, for partitioning..... well, I have windows using up 30gbs, you can do more, one primary partition, then 2 more partitions, one for linux and one for the swap file
[19:49] * keithzg stares at https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Zdljw0xAxQw/U4zTgGmZyCI/AAAAAAAAFpw/mVd4r9mIoNU/w1375-h774-no/IMG_20140602_134141743.jpg and appreciates that, if Kubuntu is going to constantly lock up, at least the exact error is interestingly varied.
[19:50] <bprompt> m477: windows can use any partition on the disc, the 1st partition limitation that was back in windows98, xp and up do ok on any partitition, though I use the 1st partition for the win64 anyhow
[19:50] <m477> one primary for windows and the 2 more for what? for kubuntu I make root ~20GB, swap 8 GB (the same as ram, but I am not sure if it is nessessery)
[19:51] <zorvalent> hi everyone, can someone tell me why isn't snyaptic using the same theme that the rest of the system uses?
[19:51] <zorvalent> I know that it has something to do with gtk and root user
[19:52] <zorvalent> or is it gtk3?
[19:52] <zorvalent> I tried linking themes folder, creating a gtkrc-2.0 file in root folder
[19:52] <BluesKaj> m477, you might want to consider separate partitions for kubuntu / and /home, then you can just install a new kubuntu to / the next release
[19:52] <m477> bprompt: can you tell me what for 2 more partitions?
[19:53] <m477> BluesKaj: yes I always split / and /home
[19:53] <BluesKaj> m477, ok
[19:54] <m477> but I dont know which set primary or extended
[19:54] <bprompt> m477: ohhh yes... you want to split that....so 3 more partitionns then :) / /home and the swap area
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[19:54] <bprompt> m477: you can make all 3 primary
[19:56] <m477> what's the difference then
[19:58] <m477> As well the order of them doesnt make any difference?
[19:58] <rberg_> you can have only 4 primary partitions.. if you need more you need to make extended partitions
[19:58] <rberg_> err 4 per disk
[19:58] <m477> I am asking cuz I heard it does
[20:00] <bprompt> m477: will you be using mbr and bios? as opposed to efi and gpt setup?
[20:01] <bprompt> m477: the ol` bios/mbr combo, does have a limitation of 4 primary partitions, yes
[20:02] <linuxguy78957> keithzg: Well, looking at your picture, you have an MSI mainboard. That's about all I can gather.
[20:02] <linuxguy78957> My Linux Mint 16 KDE system fails to boot every other time I push the power button, due to a propreitary Nvidia graphics driver.
[20:02] <linuxguy78957> Got any special drivers installed?
[20:02] <linuxguy78957> (keithzg)
[20:02] <m477> bprompt: sorry I dont know what is mbr and gpt setup, I will install this from USB driver
[20:03] <m477> otherwise from CD
[20:04] <bprompt> m477: then I gather is safe to say you're using the older bios/mbr so yes, 4 primary partitions per fixed disk, then again, you can always make an extended partition and make many logicals in it
[20:05] <keithzg> linuxguy78957: No special drivers other than VirtualBox; I haven't tried leaving it on with the virtualbox service stopped, but it's definitely crashed without a VM running. Have updated the crappy MSI motherboard's firmware to the latest revision, have done likewise for the SSD it's running from, and have acpi=off in my boot line. Have run memtest, no errors. Running out of ideas :(
[20:07] <m477> bprompt: honestly I dont know if I have bios or efi, so long I havent used it
[20:08] <bprompt> m477: rule of thumb, if you dunno, then is BIOS :)
[20:08] <m477> if it change anything I can reboot
[20:08] <linuxguy78957> m477: If you have a mac, or a computer with a Windows 8 sticker on it, it's probably EFI.
[20:08] <bprompt> kinda like, if you had efi, you'd know it
[20:08] <m477> linuxguy78957: no
[20:09] <m477> I have sticker UBUNTU :P
[20:09] <m477> and it is not mac
[20:12] <m477> probably I have bios but also I have some diagnostic hardware app which confused me
[20:12] <m477> nvm then
[20:19] <BluesKaj> m477, how old is the machine, if less the
[20:20] <BluesKaj> than 4 yrs , most likely UEFI
[20:20] <m477> BluesKaj: 2 years I think
[20:20] <bprompt> hmm
[20:20] <m477> but what it changes?
[20:20] <bprompt> m477: and you plan to install win vista or up?
[20:20] <m477> win7
[20:21] <m477> and kubuntu
[20:22] <bprompt> m477: then you can install both, win7 and kubuntu in EFI mode.... and format the hard disk as a GPT type, and that doesn't limit you to only 4 primary partitions, I don't recall the actual number, but pretty much you can have as many partitions as you want in EFI mode
[20:22] <bprompt> as many primary partitions that is
[20:23] <BluesKaj> I just used legacy mode and installed W7, then kubuntu, of course i wiped the drive clean before doing any partitioning
[20:24] <BluesKaj> UEFI is a pita IMO, but that's me. m477 you may want to go the EFI route
[20:24] <m477> I dont know what is GPT, I always install OS in the same way
[20:25] <m477> I suppose I dont have EFI
[20:27] <mirac> Hi guys!
[20:27] * keithzg waits on pins and needles for his system to kernel panic/oops/gpf again :*(
[20:28] <mirac> I am using Kubuntu 14.04 LTS yet. It's great distro for me. Also, I'm KDE fan :)
[20:29] <m477> I can do logical partitions then I can have more than just 4 so where is the big deal?
[20:30] <mirac> I guess no one cares.
[20:30] <keithzg> mirac: We're just all in silent agreement ;)
[20:30] * keithzg loves KDE, it's the Linux kernel that appears to be trying to drive him to insanity at the moment
[20:34] <BluesKaj> m477, agreed, but I suppose the GPT setup has some other advantages
[20:34] <BluesKaj> which I'm not aware of :)
[20:37] <keithzg> GPT sure seems to boot hella fast. And it is far more resistant to breaking boot order if I swap which SATA port the device is plugged into or such. In fact, it shows up as a discrete boot option even if I just plug into an entirely different (but still UEFI) machine.
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[20:38] <rberg_> GTP allows for disks greater then 2TB.. thats an advantage
[20:39] <BluesKaj> maybe for some, but in my case there's no need for humungous drives. A 1TB outboard suffices for our media
[20:40] <keithzg> Ahahahahahaha yeah my days of 1TB fitting everything died almost a decade ago...
[20:40] <keithzg> Even just my CDs all ripped to FLAC . . .
[20:41] <BluesKaj> I'm a home user so having to email 60K emails in a db isn't a requirement
[20:41] <BluesKaj> keep
[20:42] <m477> BluesKaj: can you explain what is GPT?
[20:42] <BluesKaj> I stilll use my cdp and TT in our audio setup
[20:42] <keithzg> But seriously now, anyone have any ideas about resolving my daily kernel panics? It's really getting me down at work.
[20:44] <BluesKaj> m477, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table
[20:44] <rberg_> keithzg: do you have a paste of dmesg?
[20:48] <BluesKaj> well, enough for one day,,other stuff to do
[20:48] <keithzg> rberg_: Annoyingly, it never seems to write anything to /var/log/dmesg, so past dmesg's don't contain the crashes. I have been morbidly keeping a photo album, however: https://plus.google.com/photos/113666599828229080528/albums/6020435407007692433?authkey=CN2Z5LXXhM2RMw
[21:01] <keithzg> That it fails to write anything to dmesg makes me wonder if the issue is somehow connected to seeing/accessing storage.
[21:09] <rberg_> keithzg: it couldn't hurt to turn debugging up. and that may give more info.. "echo 9 | sudo tee /proc/sysrq-trigger"
[21:14] <keithzg> rberg_: Hmm. Thanks, done; hopefully it yields something informative next crash.
[21:15] <rberg_> also read the output of dmesg carefully.. there can be clues hidden in there even before a crash
[21:18] <keithzg> Fair enough, and yeah, I have been looking, although the only thing that stood out to me has been a large list of "systemd-udevd[517]: Error calling EVIOCSKEYCODE: Invalid argument"
[21:20] <keithzg> Hmm. In my current dmesg ( http://paste.kde.org/pyliuqmmk ) I do see a bunch of "PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x0009f000-0x0009ffff]". Has resume/suspend functionality infiltrated despite my desire to never use such features?
[21:20] <keithzg> Or maybe that's just the onoard graphics. Yeah, that's probably all it is.
[21:25] <keithzg> Hmmm. What built-in power management might lurk despite not running a desktop environment? I've gotten this crash with even LightDM turned off, so I wonder if there's some silly auto-suspend or such that I'm running into now, that got enabled by an update or dependency along the way.
[21:27] <rberg_> this stands out to me "ACPI Exception: AE_BAD_PARAMETER, Thread 57245696 could not acquire Mutex"
[21:28] <keithzg> Hrmmm. But ACPI is off, theoretically.
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[22:10] <doctorpepper> hi guys !!!
[22:12] <bprompt> allo
[22:12] <doctorpepper> Riddell: are you here ?
[22:21] <Riddell> doctorpepper: hi
[22:22] <doctorpepper> hi Riddell, how are you ?
[22:23] <Riddell> I'm mostly awesome thanks
[22:24] <doctorpepper> is wanted to kown if it was possible to get the plasma-nm applet on kde 4.13 (kubuntu 12.04.) the qml version .
[22:25] <Riddell> doctorpepper: we only package the kdelibs version for now, kf5 version will be coming soon
[22:26] <doctorpepper> well actually i ve seen the qml version of the kde networking applet on other distro that dont provide kf5
[22:31] <doctorpepper> i am actually talking about the same applet that kubuntu 14.04 have
[22:37] <doctorpepper> Riddell: what can i do ?
[22:37] <MrDiemme> Hi
[22:38] <MrDiemme> Good Evening... I have a problem when i try to install Kubuntu on my PC
[22:38] <doctorpepper> Riddell: it actually avalaible on 13.10 also
[22:38] <MrDiemme> I want to install the last version, but an error has occourred
[22:39] <doctorpepper> and as far as i know kf5 is not available on 13.10
[22:39] <doctorpepper> MrDiemme: what is the error?
[22:40] <MrDiemme> Aftyer the download, the message "Could not retrieve the required installation files" appear on the screen
[22:42] <MrDiemme> This is the log file
[22:42] <MrDiemme> 06-02 22:27 INFO root: === wubi 14.04 rev286 ===
[22:43] <MrDiemme> ops, sorry
[22:43] <MrDiemme> copy and paste is impossibile
[22:43] <MrDiemme> any idea?
[22:45] <doctorpepper> no, it never happened to me
[22:46] <MrDiemme> I try a reinstallation, but the message is the same...
[22:46] <MrDiemme> i have tryed in another partition but the message is the same again...i suspect the register
[22:47] <doctorpepper> are you using wubi
[22:47] <MrDiemme> i have used ccleaner for the registry clean without effect
[22:48] <doctorpepper> riddell: .....
[22:48] <MrDiemme> Kubuntu 13.10 has worked fine, and i have tryed to reinstall it but the message "Could not retrieve... appear again!!
[22:49] <doctorpepper> i advise you to do an installation from the kubuntu livecd and do not use wubi
[22:50] <doctorpepper> which version on windows do you have
[22:50] <MrDiemme> Yep, i suppose this is the solution, but is strange how i can't install the old version...
[22:51] <MrDiemme> I have 40Gb free in an unused partition...i try to install Kubuntu in this area... I afrai only th bootloader...
[22:51] <MrDiemme> how i can dismount it if i want to remove Kubuntu?
[22:53] <MrDiemme> I have 3 partition on my HD with 3 copies of Windows 7 64bit. In the 4° partition i can install Kubuntu, but i afraid only the bootloader,
[22:55] <doctorpepper> well in situation i dont know if you can install as far as iam aware you need at least two partition for the installation
[22:55] <doctorpepper> one for the system and one for the users data
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[22:59] <MrDiemme> Yes i know the problem...But i have a simply idea. To install another HD in my PC. On this HD i install Kubuntu. I can switch on and off that HD with BIOS and in that way i can resolve all the problems...I think this is only solution
[23:01] <Guest79890> Frage: Ein "sudo nmap -sS localhost -p 445 --script smb-check-vulns.nse --script-args=unsafe=1" ergibt "regsvc DoS: VULNERABLE", was zu bedeuten scheint, dass der Samba nicht sicher ist. Meinungen dazu?
[23:03] <MrDiemme> OK, thank you for your support Doctorpepper and sorry for my English. have a nice day from Italy
[23:04] <doctorpepper> your welcome
[23:15] <m477> how can I check if everything is ok, when at the ending of installation the system was preparing to reboot, I plugged out usb stick, and I saw some errors or strange outputs on first shell level?