UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /29 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <me1900> im hoping the rtl-sdr package will work
[00:00] <me1900> http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libs/rtl-sdr
[00:00] <wxl> and it doesn't work?
[00:01] <me1900> i dynno
[00:01] <me1900> don't know
[00:02] <wxl> then why are you potentially making more work for yourself?
[00:03] <me1900> because i want to figure out the best way to do things withint hardware specs.
[00:03] <wxl> and you think that an unsupported security hazard is the best way?
[00:04] <me1900> computers in general either way have security risks
[00:05] <wxl> exactly, so you want to encourage more of them?
[00:06] <me1900> why you so argumentative? i dont feel like thats encouraging anything on the negative side of the teeter totter
[00:06] <wxl> i'm not being argumentative. i'm questioning why on earth you would want to create more work and more problems for yourself. you don't even know that what you have DOESN'T work.
[00:07] <wxl> if you really don't care, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/PreviousReleases
[00:07] <me1900> thank you and if it was that much of a hazard those wont be there
[00:08] <wxl> one could argue that
[00:08] <wxl> one could also argue it's there for achiving
[00:08] <wxl> keeping in line with the general philosophy of open source
[00:08] <wxl> ubuntu has a record of old releases
[00:08] <wxl> but they make VERY CLEAR they are unsupported
[00:08] <wxl> it's a use at youor own risk kind of thing
[00:08] <Sachiru> Just my 2c
[00:09] <Sachiru> If it works in 10.10, it most certainly works in 12.04
[00:09] <wxl> yep
[00:09] <wxl> consider this: xp's not supported. would you use it anyways?
[00:09] <Sachiru> And you'd have less setup headaches (and headaches in general) if you stick to newer releases, compared to older.
[00:09] <me1900> i am right now not even bothered with infections
[00:10] <Sachiru> As for newer = more bloat, not really, especially with linux
[00:10] <Sachiru> @me1900: My concerns aren't even with security
[00:10] <Sachiru> But with general hardware support
[00:10] <Sachiru> Drivers for 10.10 are certainly much less polished compared to those for later releases.
[00:10] <wxl> not to mention there are often improvements in future releases that better use resources
[00:10] <Sachiru> General system stability is higher with the newer releases.
[00:11] <wxl> yep
[00:11] <me1900> ubuntu keeps reporting wrong cpu frequency i go to windows it reads correctly
[00:11] <Sachiru> What version?
[00:11] <me1900> 14 does anyway
[00:11] <Sachiru> What specific laptop model do you have anyway?
[00:11] <Sachiru> And does it report the wrong frequency even if you run it from a live CD?
[00:11] <wxl> dell latitude d610
[00:12] <me1900> dell latitude d610 Pentium m 1.73ghz single core ATI X300 PCI express 16x 1gb ram
[00:12] <me1900> 533mhz fsb
[00:12] <Sachiru> No
[00:12] <Sachiru> I mean
[00:12] <Sachiru> Specific laptop model
[00:12] <Sachiru> For example: Latitude d610-XXXX
[00:12] <me1900> oh
[00:12] <Sachiru> Where XXXX denotes a specific revision
[00:13] <me1900> heck i cant find the service tag
[00:13] <me1900> i have to reboot to the bios
[00:13] <me1900> in windwos right now
[00:13] <wxl> use dmidecode
[00:13] <wxl> oh
[00:13] <wxl> well, nevermind
[00:13] <wxl> that would be for linux
[00:14] <me1900> installing wmic
[00:14] <me1900> windwos found sevuice tag let me google it
[00:14] <Sachiru> BTW
[00:15] <Sachiru> What linux filesystem supports transparent compression?
[00:15] <Sachiru> Besides ZFS?
[00:15] <Sachiru> (and yes I know ZFS isn't a "linux filesystem" but there is ZOL)
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[00:15] <wxl> yikes dunno but my experience with zfs, even in ubuntu, has been positive
[00:16] <Sachiru> Hmm.
[00:17] <Sachiru> Would you recommend it for production use?
[00:17] <wxl> i've used it in a production environment, admittedly for backups
[00:18] <Unit193> Btrfs is the Linux version of ZFS, but it's not quite there yet.
[00:18] <Sachiru> Hmm.
[00:18] <Sachiru> My concern about using it for production is this
[00:19] <Sachiru> The box I'll install at has 8GB RAM, and three VMS (consuming around 4GB of RAM all in all) will reside on it
[00:19] <Sachiru> So available RAM would be around 4GB only
[00:19] <Sachiru> I heard ZFS becomes unstable below 8GB RAM, and since I have only 4GB usable I'm a bit leery about using it
[00:20] <me1900> let me reboot to bios search by seervice tag not giving me anything
[00:20] <me1900> 5W1TZ91
[00:23] <Sachiru> @wxl: For your box that has ZFS, how large is your storage pool and how much RAM did you allocate to it?
[00:54] <kDycuLaptop> Hey, I'm trying to install lubuntu variant (specifically Pinbox) and running into this error (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system.
[00:54] <kDycuLaptop> any ideas?
[00:55] <kDycuLaptop> we've tried booting from the cd and booting from a couple of different USB sticks and the error persists
[01:00] <me1900> all i could find is the motherboard revision
[01:00] <ianorlin> !md5
[01:00] <ubottu> To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows
[01:00] <me1900> dell OM7181
[01:11] <danux> guys why is this ? http://i.imgur.com/9JQphcp.png
[01:18] <danux> hello
[01:19] <ianorlin> danux: what video driver are you using?
[01:20] <danux> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 18)
[01:20] <danux> 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108M [GeForce GT 540M] (rev a1)
[01:31] <danux> ianorlin: last night this worked fine , could this be a hardware failure ?
[01:31] <ianorlin> maybe
[01:31] <ianorlin> might try a livecd of something to see if it is a driver issue
[02:10] <Sachiru> Does the Lubuntu LiveCD use more RAM compared to a native installation?
[02:10] <Sachiru> Or is it essentially the same?
[02:10] <Sachiru> Also I noticed that Lubuntu has ZRAM on by default (nice). I don't see any guide on configuring how much RAM to dedicate to ZRAM though (not so nice)
[02:13] <Unit193> Sachiru: It's all in the upstart job.
[02:13] <Sachiru> And the config for that resides where? I'm not familiar with upstart.
[02:14] <Unit193> Not so much config, but /etc/init/zram-config
[02:14] <Unit193> (.conf)
[02:14] <Sachiru> Hmm.
[02:14] <Sachiru> It's.. empty
[02:14] <Sachiru> Not even a comment.
[02:15] <Unit193> Should come in the package 'zram-config', dpkg -L zram-config to see the packages files.
[02:16] <Sachiru> Thanks
[02:31] <Unit193> Sachiru: Also, with zswap, why use zram? ;)
[02:38] <Sachiru> Wait, wait
[02:38] <Sachiru> I thought ZSWAP was deprecated?
[02:39] <Sachiru> ZRAM is compressed SWAP device residing in RAM, aka compressed RAM, correct?
[02:40] <Unit193> Basically.
[02:43] <Sachiru> How is it different to ZSWAP?
[02:43] <Sachiru> Also how can you configure ZRAM to use LZ4 instead of LZO?
[02:44] <Unit193> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18437205/difference-between-zram-and-zswap
[03:09] <Sachiru> @Unit193: I intend for it never to hit disk, though
[03:34] <wxl> Sachiru: sorry i disappeared. don't remember. i'd have to go look it up
[03:34] <Sachiru> No problem
[03:35] <Sachiru> Have you tried simultaneous ZRAM and ZFS?
[03:35] <Sachiru> Or is your storage box dedicated to storage?
[03:35] <wxl> it's dedicated
[03:51] <Sachiru> Ah
[03:51] <Sachiru> No need for ZRAM then
[03:52] <Sachiru> Everything to ARC
[04:35] <Sachiru> Sigh
[04:36] <Sachiru> Using alternate installer to install to USB drives in raid.
[04:36] <Sachiru> Always fails at "installing software packages" step. Attempting to install grub fails as well.
[04:36] <Sachiru> LVM it is then.
[05:36] <gomaaz> hi there
[05:38] <randi> hi
[05:40] <randi> ha sthe nm-applet in the panel been resolved ?
[05:41] <gomaaz> yes
[05:41] <gomaaz> just add again to your default lxde session startups
[05:42] <randi> yah, nothing happened before with that addition
[05:42] <randi> i cant even remember how I connected
[05:43] <gomaaz> just figured it out some days ago....still a linux noob ^^
[05:43] <randi> me too, so you just added again and it worked this time huh ?
[05:44] <randi> Thanks, I'll give it a try
[05:44] <gomaaz> the graphical way would be: settings menu - default applications for lx session
[05:45] <gomaaz> then "autostart" and add a new startup command at the top
[05:45] <gomaaz> "nm-applet" thats it
[07:24] <counter> hi
[07:34] <counter> I like to use gnome keyring to unlock my public ssh keys at login, but after entering the passphrase there is no keyring window ..., the gnome keyring daemon is running
[08:00] <Sachiru> Can anyone help?
[08:01] <Sachiru> Got the system to install via Lubuntu alternate installer disk. Linux RAID1 of 2 flash drives, volume group system, logical volumes bootFS (150MB, mounted as /boot) and rootFS (6999MB, mounted as /). Devices are sda and sdb
[08:01] <Sachiru> Somehow I cannot install grub to the flash drives.
[08:02] <Sachiru> Anyone know of a solution?
[08:48] <cristian_c> Hi
[08:48] <cristian_c> I've purchased a Rii mini i8 bluetooth keyboard
[08:49] <cristian_c> How can i enable the keyboard in lubuntu?
[08:49] <cristian_c> Any ideas?
[08:49] <cristian_c> I've paired it
[09:13] <gsilva> cristian_c, do you have your bluetooth drivers installed?
[09:37] <lotuspsychje> i recently install lubuntu on a laptop for someone and had to manually add nm-applet to startup items to see wifi networks, is this a known issue on lubuntu?
[09:40] <gsilva> yes, it is
[09:40] <onla`> o.O
[09:40] <gsilva> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu
[09:41] <lotuspsychje> gsilva: tnx mate
[09:41] <gsilva> np :)
[09:41] <onla`> wonder if that concerns me
[09:41] <gsilva> has anyone installed Spotify on 14.04? I get an error message
[09:42] <gsilva> E: Type 'http://repository.spotify.com' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list
[09:42] <gsilva> E: The list of sources could not be read.
[09:42] <onla`> I am gonna start use wifi as default inet connection on next weekend. I already tested it by installing wicd network front end or something called like that.. and I put it in the autostart apps. I think I just opened it and scanned networks
[09:43] <lotuspsychje> gsilva: maybe add the line manually on software sources?
[09:43] <gsilva> I get an error saying that something went wrong to fetch the server
[09:44] <gsilva> to try again with a working internet connection
[09:44] <lotuspsychje> gsilva: sudo apt-get update maybe
[09:44] <gsilva> same error
[09:45] <onla`> http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/spotify
[09:45] <gsilva> tried it again, and... E:Type 'http://repository.spotify.com' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list, E:The list of sources could not be read., E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
[09:46] <gsilva> I'll try downloading the ppa
[09:48] <gsilva> is the package down or am I the only one that can't download it?
[09:48] <gsilva> nor open 32 bit files?
[09:53] <onla`> donno, haven't tried
[09:53] <onla`> not on linux atm
[09:53] <lotuspsychje> gsilva: try adding the line manually deb http:/... in your software sources maybe
[09:54] <lotuspsychje> maybe due recent spotify problems, they closed for a while?
[09:54] <onla`> what probs they have had
[09:54] <lotuspsychje> wasnt there a security issue with spotify recently?
[09:55] <lotuspsychje> think ive read somewhere
[09:55] <onla`> ok
[09:56] <lotuspsychje> not sure it affects ubuntu security
[09:57] <lotuspsychje> onla` gsilva : http://www.businessinsider.com/spotify-security-breach-android-app-2014-5
[09:58] <gsilva> I got their email
[09:58] <gsilva> well, the message says something like 'this is a serious problem...'
[09:59] <lotuspsychje> maybe they work on security, as it doesnt work for your ppa
[09:59] <gsilva> I got a stop sign in the top bar
[09:59] <gsilva> is that okayish?
[10:00] <lotuspsychje> gsilva: that just means there's an issue with downloading updates, had it on 12.04 also
[10:00] <gsilva> yes, if I click there I get the same error message in regard to spotify only
[10:00] <lotuspsychje> maybe wait a few days and retry spotify
[10:00] <gsilva> already rebooted the computer and everything seems working fine
[10:00] <gsilva> Also, the spotify problem was only for their mobile apps
[10:01] <lotuspsychje> yes but maybe they tighten security overall now
[10:01] <lotuspsychje> you know how these things go
[10:01] <cristian_c> gsilva, but keyboard and adapter are paired
[10:01] <gsilva> have no idea how could that affect ubuntu's distribution, since it's not official for them
[10:01] <cristian_c> gsilva, bluetooth is active
[10:01] <gsilva> but nevermind, I'll wait
[10:01] <cristian_c> gsilva, but I don't know how to enable the keyboard
[10:01] <gsilva> Then I have no idea what's going on cristian_c :\
[10:02] <cristian_c> ok
[10:02] <gsilva> Perhaps it's not available for newer versions yet
[10:02] <cristian_c> gsilva, I've not understood
[10:02] <cristian_c> <gsilva> Perhaps it's not available for newer versions yet
[10:03] <gsilva> well, 14.04 it's a new version yet
[10:03] <cristian_c> gsilva, can you explin better this point? :-)
[10:03] <cristian_c> *explain
[10:03] <gsilva> fuck, my neighbors are doing some construction at their appartment... I swear to god I'm going to turn Led Zeppelin to the maximum at 2 am some day
[10:03] <gsilva> Drilling at 8 am it's unfair...
[10:04] <gsilva> Well, sometimes newer versions are not prepared for some peripherals like bluetooth drivers and stuff like that.
[10:06] <counter> someone know to use gnome keyring or something similar in lubuntu ?
[10:08] <cristian_c> gsilva, ok, but bluetooth drivers are generic
[10:08] <cristian_c> not specific for a particular device
[10:08] <cristian_c> driver are for the adapter, not device connected via bt
[10:09] <gsilva> I have no ideia buddy, I'm not expert on those matters :\
[10:10] <cristian_c> ok
[10:10] <gsilva> sorry though
[10:10] <cristian_c> no problem :)
[10:15] <counter> I searched, and it looks like the same problem over here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1601632
[10:28] <counter> seahorse says: Message: DNS-SD initialization failed: Daemon not running
[10:30] <gsilva> reboot
[10:31] <counter> I rebooted, same message again
[10:59] <counter> has no one an idea? :/
[11:20] <goarilla> does somebody in here know how to recreate the isolinux/bootlogo file
[11:21] <goarilla> which arcane arguments do I need to pass to gfxboot
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[18:15] <SaXx__> Hey
[19:32] <Platypus-Man> I got a very cryptic error, both on Lubuntu and regular Ubuntu.. any idea how to proceed from here? "??? ???" http://bildr.no/image/d3NjNGlJ.jpeg
[19:33] <Platypus-Man> install target is a new notebook that came with Windows 8.1, but my uncle really disliked that OS... I've changed BIOS settings from UEFI to legacy mode, but that didn't help, also no Secure Boot or anything
[19:35] <ianorlin> are you using 64 bit?
[19:37] <Platypus-Man> yes,but it's a brand new laptop, so should be able to handle it
[19:38] <ianorlin> good you should be using 64 bit for uefi have you gotten it to boot the cd or usb?
[19:39] <Platypus-Man> using a USB thumbdrive, it doesn't have a CD-ROM
[19:40] <Platypus-Man> used unetbootin to burn the iso (which was downloaded with bittorrent, so md5sum should be ok)
[19:43] <Platypus-Man> and for the record, I've also tried to install from the boot menu, and also from the installer within the Live envrionment, but the same error appears
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[20:35] <comics_idees> can I run portable win apps in PlayOnLinux ?
[20:39] <comics_idees> I have some portable apps that you just click the .exe file and they run without installation. Will those apps work in PlayOnLinux?
[20:39] <comics_idees> I want to use those apps in lubuntu
[20:44] <ianorlin> oh Platypus-Man I think this is a gpt/mbr issue since lubuntu expects a mbr when booted with legacy boot
[20:45] <ianorlin> comics_idees: I don't know until you try some thinks work with play on linux and some do not
[20:46] <Platypus-Man> don't know what it was pre-formatted as, (120 GB ssd), but shouldn't the installer format it regardless?
[20:47] <ianorlin> I think it is usally installed uefi mode on windows 8
[20:48] <ianorlin> lubuntu 64 bit will install in uefi mode so maybe switch to that and it may be able to
[20:48] <Platypus-Man> ok, will try that
[20:51] <Platypus-Man> still get the error
[21:09] <Platypus-Man> on a whim I want to guess unetbootin casues the issue.. just remembered that on previous occasions when burning *buntu variants with unetbootin, I got unexpected install issues, but when burning the iso with *buntu's USB Startup Disk Creator or whatever it's called, it worked
[21:10] <Platypus-Man> but sadly I don't have any GNU/Linux machines up and running right now
[21:12] <Platypus-Man> if that's not it, I might have to check with BIOS updates.. though I've read about people getting it to work ootb with ie SlackWare
[21:25] <Platypus-Man> after further digging, it was set up with RAID0.. I deleted the RAID array in BIOS, and changed a setting from RAID to AHCI
[21:25] <Platypus-Man> *fingers crossed that it actually helps*
[21:27] <Platypus-Man> success :D
[21:28] <Platypus-Man> at least didn't get an error where I used to.. but, now I need to figure out RAID0 in *buntu, but Google will probably be enough help for that
[21:28] <Platypus-Man> thanks for the support, I'll probably be back sooner or later with more issues :p
[22:46] <silverlion> gn8 and tc
[22:46] <silverlion> ;bye | all
[22:46] <silverlion> ;bye all