UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /29 /#juju-gui.txt
Initial commit
[00:07] <hatch> Makyo +1'd
[00:17] <hatch> after moving the search into the new view I can only pass 11% of our tests with 16 failures before it crashes
[00:17] <hatch> lol
[00:17] <hatch> woops
[00:17] <hatch> thats for another day!
[00:18] <huwshimi> hatch: Nice!
[00:19] <hatch> Yeah I'm pro like that
[00:20] <hatch> here is to hoping your NEW old branch lands heh
[00:25] <huwshimi> :)
[00:26] <hatch> annnnd I'm out
[00:26] <hatch> have a good one
[02:28] <hatch> wow we have no outstanding PR's go us! lol
[02:28] <rick_h_> a good day's work :)
[02:32] <hatch> haha yup
[02:53] <hatch> rick_h_ you still around?
[02:54] <rick_h_> hatch: kinda, packing, loading, playing with toys
[02:54] <hatch> heh, I actually just figured it out
[02:54] <hatch> :)
[02:54] <rick_h_> woot
[02:54] <hatch> continue playing with toys
[02:55] <rick_h_> you should be figuring out how to get done for the day and go relax :P
[02:55] <hatch> been there, done that, it's either read this make file or do the dishes
[10:45] <frankban> hi rogpeppe: I am working on migrating to IsolationSuite in utils
[10:45] <frankban> rogpeppe: what do you think about removing the TestPackageDependencies tests from the two or three places in utils/*?
[10:55] <rogpeppe> frankban: (sorry, was afk)
[10:55] <frankban> rogpeppe: np
[10:56] <rogpeppe> frankban: you mean removing the tests entirely?
[10:56] <rogpeppe> frankban: from the github.com/juju/utils repo?
[10:58] <frankban> rogpeppe: well, either removing them or waiting for you to refactor FindJujuCoreImports -> FindImports in github/juju/testing. The former can make sense since we are going to split the package, and we "can" assume juju-core is not imported. Anyway, in utils we have several packages, and only two or three define a dependency test
[10:59] <rogpeppe> frankban: i'm just in the process of proposing the FindImports change
[10:59] <rogpeppe> frankban: (having spend most of the morning trying to come up to speed with git stuff)
[10:59] <rogpeppe> s/spend/spent/
[10:59] <frankban> rogpeppe: with any success?
[11:00] <rogpeppe> frankban: i think i have a better idea now, but we will see when i try to actually put stuff into practice...
[11:00] <frankban> rogpeppe: heh, I mean, I'd also like to improve my understanding of rebasing stuff
[11:00] <rogpeppe> frankban: i think removing the tests can make sense
[11:01] <frankban> rogpeppe: cool, then in my branch I can just update the testing dependency and refactor the utils test to use the new helper
[11:01] <rogpeppe> frankban: we could possibly have a test at the root of utils that checks that nothing in utils depends on juju-core, i suppose
[11:01] <rogpeppe> frankban: sgtm
[11:01] <frankban> rogpeppe: yeah, that make sense
[11:01] <rogpeppe> frankban: it should probably just be a pre-commit check though (a recursive grep would do it)
[11:02] <rogpeppe> frankban: do we have any precommit checks any more, with the demise of .lbox.check ?
[11:02] <rogpeppe> i guess i mean a pre-propose or pre-merge check
[11:03] <frankban> rogpeppe: yeah, I'll delete the tests. I think we can set up git hooks
[11:03] <rogpeppe> frankban: sounds like a good idea. we should continue to check that code is correctly gofmt'd, for example
[11:04] <frankban> rogpeppe: I am also putting package_test.go files where missing in utils, and replacing juju-core/testing.(Short|Long)Wait with actual values or internal constants when required
[11:04] <frankban> rogpeppe: so that at the end of the process we'll have a self contained utils/*
[11:05] <rogpeppe> frankban: you could have local longWait and shortWait constants
[11:05] <rogpeppe> frankban: great
[11:05] <frankban> rogpeppe: exactly, when they are used once, I'll replace them with actual values, otherwise I used local constants
[11:06] <rogpeppe> frankban: perhaps better to always keep them as local constants so that new tests can use them, but YMMV
[11:19] <frankban> rogpeppe: cool
[11:19] * frankban lunches
[12:30] <rogpeppe> frankban: i found this useful w.r.t. rebasing and other stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh-R0-7Ii_U
[12:31] <frankban> rogpeppe: thanks I'll take a look
[12:31] <rogpeppe> frankban: it's the only place i've found so far that talks usefully about git rebase -i
[12:32] <rogpeppe> frankban: (which, BTW, isn't as "interactive" as i feared - it just uses $EDITOR)
[12:32] <frankban> yeah
[12:33] <frankban> rogpeppe: I think FakeHomeSuite should got to github testing as well
[12:37] <rogpeppe> frankban: i'm not sure there - most of FakeHomeSuite is about core-specific stuff
[12:39] <frankban> rogpeppe: FakeJujuHomeSuite is clearly core specific, FakeHomeSuite seems to just create a fake home dir with a .ssh and other stuff
[12:40] <rogpeppe> frankban: ah yes, i didn't notice the distinction there
[12:40] <frankban> rogpeppe: we might need that later, for utils/ssh
[12:41] <rogpeppe> frankban: i'm still not sure
[12:41] <rogpeppe> frankban: it seems like a very specific kind of isolation which is accomplished anyway by clearing the environment, i think
[12:42] <rogpeppe> frankban: i'm open to arguments the other way though
[12:48] <frankban> rogpeppe: looking at ssh test, it seems they need both clearing the env and creating/setting a HOME. I am sure we can decouple them easily from FakeHomeSuite by implementing a suite which embeds IsolationSuite and adds the missing bits. My argument is that this kind of suite could be generic enough to be in github testing, but I am ok either way
[12:49] <rogpeppe> frankban: i *think* i'd prefer something that starts with IsolationSuite and adds the missing bits. what i don't really want to see is every single test adding and removing a bunch of files and directories just because...
[12:50] <frankban> rogpeppe: also consider that for our goal we don't need to move utils/ssh
[12:50] <rogpeppe> frankban: indeed so
[13:23] * rogpeppe is still struggling with git
[13:23] <frankban> :-/
[13:23] <rogpeppe> frankban: how do i create a new repo on github (not through the web UI)
[13:23] <rogpeppe> ?
[13:24] <rogpeppe> frankban: git push says "repository not found"
[13:24] <frankban> rogpeppe: do you need to push a new branch to an existing repo?
[13:25] <rogpeppe> frankban: i've forked juju/testing, and i want to push it to my own github account so i can make a pull request
[13:25] <rogpeppe> frankban: (i pushed it to juju before, but it's been deleted from there, i think)
[13:26] <rogpeppe> s/forked/branched/
[13:26] <frankban> rogpeppe: try "git push -f origin {featureBranchName}:{featureBranchName}" assuming origin is your fork
[13:27] <rogpeppe> frankban: isn't that pushing it to github.com/juju ?
[13:27] <rogpeppe> frankban: i thought the usual practice was to push it to one's own account and then send a pull req from that
[13:27] <rogpeppe> frankban: ah, i see
[13:28] <frankban> rogpeppe: it depends on your remote name: i set origin to my fork, if origin is trunk, then replace it with the name of your remote
[13:28] <rogpeppe> frankban: so in my case, i've added a new remote
[13:28] <rogpeppe> frankban: i'll try -f
[13:28] <frankban> rogpeppe: e.g. git push -u rogpeppe {featureBranchName}:{featureBranchName}
[13:28] <frankban> rogpeppe: -f should not be reuqired
[13:28] <rogpeppe> frankban: no, still doesn't work
[13:29] <rogpeppe> frankban: perhaps i have to use the web UI to make the repo
[13:29] <frankban> rogpeppe: -u should set the tracking reference, so that next time you should be able to just "git push"
[13:29] <rogpeppe> frankban: (but i was trying to avoid that)
[13:29] <frankban> rogpeppe: ah! you still don't have the repo! so yes, you need to for from github and then push your branches from the command line
[13:30] <frankban> rogpeppe: bah, you need to fork the repo from github. good news is that you need to do that only one time for each project
[13:31] <frankban> rogpeppe: and then push your own branches from the command line, with the command above
[13:31] <rogpeppe> frankban: i did install a github command line client (ghi), but it doesn't seem to work at all
[13:34] <frankban> rogpeppe: FWIW https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/forks/#create-a-fork
[13:35] <rogpeppe> frankban: ah, finally succeeded. part of the problem is i was using github.com/~rogpeppe not github.com/rogpeppe
[13:35] <frankban> heh
[13:38] <frankban> rogpeppe: could you please review https://codereview.appspot.com/92700044 ?
[13:39] <rogpeppe> frankban: i will plough on to try and get this pull request actually submitted first, then i'll look, if that's ok
[13:39] <frankban> rogpeppe: np and thanks
[13:39] <rogpeppe> frankban: do you know how to delete a branch on github?
[13:40] <frankban> rogpeppe: git branch -D $branch
[13:40] <frankban> git push origin :$branch
[13:41] <frankban> rogpeppe: first line to delete it locally, second to delete on github, e.g. "git push rogpeppe :my-old-branch"
[13:41] <rogpeppe> frankban: i don't want to delete it locally, just in github.com/juju/testing
[13:41] <frankban> rogpeppe: ok so the second one: "git push rogpeppe :my-old-branch"
[13:42] <frankban> rogpeppe: push takes the remote name and then a pair of local:remote branches. so you are basically saying push nothing to that remote branch
[13:43] <rogpeppe> frankban: but i still have to delete it locally?
[13:43] <rogpeppe> frankban: i am still confused about the branch name space
[13:43] <frankban> rogpeppe: I don;t think so
[13:43] <rogpeppe> frankban: is it per-repository or per git-database?
[13:43] <frankban> rogpeppe: I think you can just delete the remote one
[13:45] <rogpeppe> frankban: so the ":my-old-branch" is a refspec?
[13:45] <frankban> rogpeppe: yes
[13:46] <frankban> rogpeppe: so it is source-ref:destination-ref
[13:46] <rogpeppe> frankban: yeah, i was just reading the manual
[13:51] <rogpeppe> frankban: now i'm failing dismally to create a pull req
[13:51] <rogpeppe> frankban: i'm in "create a pull request", which wants a repo to compare against, but it's not clear how to refer to the original repo
[13:51] <rogpeppe> s/repo to compare/branch to compare/
[13:53] <rogpeppe> it doesn't seem to let me enter a branch SHA hash
[13:53] <rogpeppe> or to select juju/testing
[13:53] * rogpeppe feels inadequate
[13:53] <frankban> rogpeppe: uhm... when I create a pull request from github it usually automatically recognizes the destination (I guess using the fork source)
[13:54] <rogpeppe> frankban: perhaps because i didn't use github itself to fork the repo, it won't let me do a pull req
[13:54] <rogpeppe> frankban: i guess there's other metadata that github uses outside the repo itself
[13:54] <frankban> rogpeppe: yes, that can be the case. what did you use?
[13:55] <rogpeppe> frankban: i created a new repo, then pushed my forked branch to it
[13:55] <hatch> rogpeppe select 'compare across forks'
[13:55] <hatch> then select 'edit' again
[13:56] <hatch> then in the final dropdown select your branch
[13:56] <hatch> it's a poor UX
[13:56] <rogpeppe> hatch: i did that, but i don't see an "edit" button
[13:56] <hatch> on the far right?
[13:56] <rogpeppe> hatch: nope
[13:56] <rogpeppe> hatch: (just searched for the text "edit" and no match)
[13:57] <rogpeppe> hatch: i see four popups ("base fork", "base", "head fork" and "compare")
[14:02] <hatch> moved discussion...
[14:31] <rogpeppe> frankban: finally: https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/6
[14:31] <rogpeppe> hatch: does that look like a plausible pull request?
[14:32] <hatch> looking
[14:32] <frankban> rogpeppe: you'll rebase it later, right?
[14:32] <rogpeppe> frankban: yeah
[14:33] <hatch> rogpeppe so with these commits i'd probably rebase them all into 1
[14:33] <hatch> but other than that
[14:33] <rogpeppe> hatch: ok
[14:34] <hatch> the rational is that formatting isn't really a commit anyone cares about - and if someone was bisecting through a one line comment change that's kind of irritating :)
[14:49] <rogpeppe> frankban: since imports.go is essentially moved from juju-core, i thought it should probably keep the same copyright year.
[14:50] <frankban> rogpeppe: ok
[14:50] <hatch> jujugui call in 10
[14:50] <hatch> kanban it up
[14:57] <frankban> rogpeppe: :+1: == LGTM (at least that's what we do for the gui)
[14:59] <hatch> jujugui call now
[15:00] <hatch> kadams54 call
[15:00] <kadams54> Working on it
[15:11] <hazmat> made the news http://thevarguy.com/ubuntu/052814/canonical-designers-work-mobile-friendly-ubuntu-cloud-tool
[15:15] <bac> hi frankban, proposal up at https://codereview.appspot.com/102870043 -- i have not QA'ed it on OS X yet as I am working through and documenting the installation of dependencies before i can get quickstart built.
[15:15] <frankban> bac: cool I'll take a look
[15:15] <bac> ty
[15:16] <bac> jcsackett: maybe you can get paul and deryck to answer your convoy questions via twitter
[15:16] <jcsackett> bac: it's a thought.
[15:16] <jcsackett> looks like it was rick and ian doing the work.
[15:17] <bac> why does the phone hangout app make joining hangouts so difficult?
[15:18] <hatch> hazmat wow I had no idea that was public
[15:31] <hatch> jcsackett every time we bring something from LP it seems it wasn't written to be portable heh - (the textarea resziser) :P
[15:47] <kadams54> hatch: would like to chat about state when you have a few minutes
[15:49] <hatch> kadams54 sure, couple mins
[15:53] <hatch> kadams54 ok ready, link me
[15:54] <kadams54> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gxykkr3joazsb2prf5fdw2j5bea
[15:54] <hatch> party is over?
[15:54] <kadams54> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gxykkr3joazsb2prf5fdw2j5bea?authuser=2&hl=en
[15:54] <hatch> no luck
[15:55] <hatch> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gwks23a34eatqqhdu46mbaeqiia?hl=en
[15:55] <hatch> try that
[16:04] <hatch> evening anthonydillon
[16:08] <hatch> luca thx for the new design - but is the 'Local charm' heading supposed to not be centred vertically in the 'header area'
[16:10] <luca> hatch: now that you mention it, it does look weird, I’ll ask Spencer to have a look and get back to you
[16:10] <hatch> sounds good :)
[16:11] <hatch> luca it would be rockin if you could also get him to add dimensions/hex codes ect
[16:11] <hatch> I know it's more work, but saves us from guessing :)
[16:11] <luca> hatch: thats fine, he has a tool that does that for him so wont take long
[16:11] <hatch> oh nice, now I won't accept anything but :P
[16:14] <frankban> bac: review done
[16:15] <luca> hatch: lol
[16:16] <hatch> haha
[16:17] <frankban> rogpeppe: I had a similar idea re ExcludeEnvVars, that sounds good. I'd be inclined to add that later, in another branch
[16:18] <rogpeppe> frankban: sgtm
[16:19] <frankban> data, err was tricky. data was defined globally in another test file, which was not even executed. When I fixed the test, I saw data was not the expected value :-/
[16:19] <frankban> rogpeppe: ^^
[16:20] <rogpeppe> frankban: ha
[16:20] <rogpeppe> frankban: so was the other data value actually used?
[16:20] <frankban> rogpeppe: yes, causing the test to fail
[16:21] <frankban> rogpeppe: it seems to me a good practice for tests is to not pollute the global namespace, especially with generic names like "data", correct?
[16:22] <rogpeppe> frankban: *definitely* with generic names like data
[16:22] <rogpeppe> frankban: i think it's fine for tests to create globally named tables when they are named explicitly after the tests
[16:23] <frankban> rogpeppe: yeah
[16:23] <rogpeppe> frankban: and i actually think it can aid readability
[16:23] <rogpeppe> frankban: although this is a topic on which there has been some debate :-)
[16:23] <hatch> oh man I love this new state code
[16:24] <kadams54> :-)
[16:24] <kadams54> guihelp: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/352 is ready for review and QA
[16:24] <hatch> SEE!!!
[16:24] <hatch> that's why it's so awesome
[16:24] <hatch> lol
[16:25] <hatch> sorry I'm in the middle of some stuff if someone else could pick up that review
[16:33] <rogpeppe> frankban: BTW, do we have a LGTM convention for replies to PR's on github? or is that thumbs-up symbol automatically created from the word "LGTM" ?
[16:34] <frankban> rogpeppe: thumbs up is :+1: , and that's just our convention for the gui development.
[16:34] <frankban> rogpeppe: http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/
[16:35] * rogpeppe tries to see a thumbs up in those characters
[16:35] <frankban> rogpeppe: in the GUI, having CI connected to github,we also use :shipit: to automatically start the CI/landing process
[16:35] <rogpeppe> frankban: do you know what the convention is in github.com/juju?
[16:36] <frankban> rogpeppe: no
[16:36] <hatch> it would be nice if they were the same convention :)
[16:41] <anthonydillon> hatch, Hey, hows it going?
[16:41] <hatch> motoring along
[16:42] <hatch> crazy storms here lately, hoping I don't have to deal with water in the house
[16:42] <hatch> and yourself?
[16:42] <hatch> it's rained 6" in 24H lol
[17:06] <rogpeppe> ha, i *think* i've done my first successful rebase and push
[17:07] <rogpeppe> the review conversation is lost though. i guess that's inevitable, though sad.
[17:07] <rogpeppe> i think i'll try to include a link to the pull request in the commit message in future
[17:08] <rogpeppe> hatch, frankban: could you sanity check this repo please, just to make sure i haven't been stupid? https://github.com/juju/testing
[17:09] <hatch> sure
[17:09] <hatch> you guys don't have a CI so you clicked the big green button?
[17:09] <hatch> ^ rogpeppe
[17:09] <rogpeppe> hatch: that's right. actually i just did "git push" but same difference, i presume
[17:10] <hatch> oh ok, no you did it wrong
[17:10] <hatch> :D
[17:10] <frankban> hatch: no CI there
[17:10] <hatch> rogpeppe https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/6 scroll to the bottom
[17:10] <hatch> see the big green button
[17:10] <frankban> hatch, rogpeppe: yeah there is no "Merge pull request" message in the commit history
[17:10] <hatch> you were supposed to rebase, push back to the pr branch, then push the big green button
[17:11] <rogpeppe> hatch: but if i did that, all the conversation on the PR would be lost, wouldn't it?
[17:11] <hatch> this isn't horrible, but now you don't have reference to the PR in the commit history
[17:11] <hatch> rogpeppe no, it's just hidden
[17:11] <rogpeppe> hatch: but by rebasing, won't i have lost the items from the commit history?
[17:11] <hatch> rogpeppe see this one https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/341
[17:12] <rogpeppe> hatch: so presumably after rebasing i'd need to do push --force onto my branch, right?
[17:12] <hatch> correct
[17:12] <hatch> git push -f
[17:13] <hatch> rogpeppe it's ok, you'll get it :)
[17:13] <rogpeppe> so many ways to get it wrong. so few ways to get it right :-)
[17:13] <hatch> lol truth
[17:13] <hatch> we tried to find a way to disable the wrong ways
[17:14] <frankban> rogpeppe, hatch: we definitly need to add CI and :shippit: to github/juju stuff
[17:14] <hatch> but it looks like you just have to be careful
[17:14] <hatch> frankban agreed
[17:14] <hatch> maybe after this cycle.....*snicker*
[17:14] <rogpeppe> hatch: so the reason the comments say "outdated diff" is because the commit has been lost by rebasing, right?
[17:15] <rogpeppe> hatch: but i'm guessing that github should keep the commits from being GC'd because they've got comments referring to them, yes?
[17:15] <hatch> correct
[17:15] <hatch> they are in the reflog
[17:15] <hatch> so nothing is really 'lost' it's just very well hidden heh
[17:16] <rogpeppe> hatch: the reflog doesn't prevent things from being GC'd
[17:16] <rogpeppe> hatch: after 30 days, *gone*
[17:16] <rogpeppe> hatch: at least that's my current understanding
[17:16] <hatch> oh....well no the comments are always there
[17:16] <rogpeppe> hatch: but can i retrieve the branches they're referring to?
[17:16] <hatch> if you wanted to dig through the reflog
[17:17] <rogpeppe> hatch: for example if i want to see the entire context of someone elses conversation
[17:17] <hatch> it's not like bzr in that they are still first class citizens
[17:17] <hatch> it's quite difficult to get that back
[17:17] <rogpeppe> oh
[17:18] <rogpeppe> hatch: for example, i very often need to look at the entire file to see the context, rather than just a limited window. the standard diff view doesn't seem like it provides that.
[17:18] <hatch> if you're worried about rebasing after reviews you can make logical commits after the fact and if you don't rebase those out, then those commits and comments will still be there
[17:18] <hatch> I typically rebase those out because the original commits are no longer valid without the review changes
[17:19] * rogpeppe found the rietveldt model worked pretty well for this stuff.
[17:20] <rogpeppe> i very often would do a diff between different stages of the code review
[17:20] <hatch> rogpeppe the BIG difference now is that we really try and make much smaller commits
[17:20] <hatch> er
[17:20] <hatch> PR's
[17:20] <hatch> when possible
[17:21] <rogpeppe> hatch: we always tried to do that. sometimes it just doesn't work out.
[17:21] <hatch> I've noticed that our PR size has dropped dramatically since switching from bzr to git
[17:21] <kadams54> guihelp: I probably missed this in standup, but anyone know what the status is on Huw's "Wire existing containers and machines into the unit token." card? It's in the review lane but I don't see an associated PR.
[17:21] <hatch> kadams54 hmm I wonder if that's one of the ones that landed
[17:21] <hatch> lemme check
[17:22] <kadams54> It seems to have landed… there are dropdowns with machines/containers in the unplaced unit now
[17:22] <hatch> rogpeppe so the issue you have is that commits after putting up for review get rebased out without their comments?
[17:22] <hatch> kadams54 yeah I think there was some mixup with the card naming
[17:22] <hatch> you can probably drag that over
[17:22] <rogpeppe> hatch: that's a potential issue raised by others, yes.
[17:23] <rogpeppe> hatch: i don't know if it's actually the case or not.
[17:23] <kadams54> hatch: Good. It'll save me from having to come up with an explanation for exceeding max WIP :-)
[17:23] <hatch> kadams54 my explanations are usually "jus tryin to get work done man"
[17:23] <hatch> :P
[17:23] <rogpeppe> hatch: i just want to make sure that a) the commit history looks sane and b) all the conversations are available indefinitely after the merge has been done.
[17:23] <kadams54> hatch: should his card go in Daily Accountable or Landing?
[17:23] * rogpeppe needs to stop for the day
[17:24] <rogpeppe> g'night all
[17:24] <hatch> rogpeppe tbh it hasn't been an issue with the GUI, but you can play it by ear
[17:24] <hatch> gnt
[17:24] <hatch> kadams54 landing
[17:30] <jcastro> hey hatch
[17:30] <jcastro> since rick is missing I shall bug you ...
[17:30] <jcastro> I have an odd request
[17:30] <jcastro> is there a way we can slow do then deployment animation on jujucharms.com?
[17:30] <jcastro> to kind of make it not so fast/instant?
[17:31] <hatch> hmm
[17:31] <hatch> no
[17:31] <hatch> well not without some time investment in it
[17:32] <hatch> jcastro you could hook it up to a local env, then it'll be much slower :)
[17:33] <jcastro> yeah
[17:34] <hatch> jcastro the issue is that when you're on a fake env it doesn't go through the typical lifecycle stages
[17:34] <hatch> so those would have to be simulated on top of the deployment
[17:34] <hatch> which is not a trivial fix
[17:35] <jcastro> well, it doesn't need to be realistic
[17:35] <jcastro> just not instant
[17:35] <jcastro> like, add a few seconds
[17:36] <hatch> yeah the problem is that just flips a switch to deployed, there is no system in place for simulating the steps
[17:39] <Makyo> hatch, got a sec for a call?
[17:39] <Makyo> It can wait, too.
[17:39] <hatch> yeah link me
[17:40] <Makyo> standup is empty: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/daily-standup?authuser=1
[19:50] <hatch> oh will these tests ever end!!!!
[20:05] <kadams54> guihelp: looking for a review and QA on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/352
[20:46] <hatch> kadams54 I'll get to it before EOD if noone else does, I'm still powering on these darn tests
[20:47] <hatch> 3 more to write then fixes (I'm sure)
[20:47] <kadams54> :-)
[21:10] <hatch> 3 failures
[21:10] <hatch> left
[21:21] <hatch> jujugui looking for two reviews and qa's https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/353 plz and thanks
[21:22] <hatch> kadams54 I can do yours now
[21:24] <hatch> kadams54 done - one comment
[21:26] <Makyo> jujugui splitting my day to run down and pick up stuff for the move, will be back on this evening.
[21:26] <Makyo> hatch, will likely miss the Australian call; you planning on heading to that?
[21:26] <hatch> yep
[22:26] <huwshimi> Morning
[22:30] <huwshimi> hatch: Do you know if the AU call is happening today?
[22:30] <hatch> huwshimi well it's just me
[22:30] <hatch> :)
[22:30] <hatch> I think everyone else has left me
[22:30] <huwshimi> haha, ok
[22:31] <hatch> I have a branch which you can review and qa though
[22:31] <huwshimi> hatch: Sure
[22:31] <hatch> https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/353
[22:31] <hatch> doh!
[22:31] <hatch> I committed stuff I shouldn't have
[22:31] <hatch> fixing
[22:32] <huwshimi> np
[22:33] <hatch> updated
[22:35] <hatch> I want to get this branch landed when I get in tomorrow so I can start switching over the il flag
[22:36] <hatch> kadams54 the card that you have in starting is already done
[22:36] <hatch> Makyo had fixed it yesterday