UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /25 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
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=== vibhav is now known as Guest19678
[17:30] <jose> pleia2: afaik a webapp is quite simple to do (as long as the page is mobile-friendly)
[17:32] <pleia2> jose: it already exists: http://harvest.ubuntu.com/ we're working to improve it because the interface is confusing
[17:32] <jose> oh, got confused with the meaning of 'webapp'
[17:32] <pleia2> I doubt it's mobile friendly, and I wasn't referring to a mobile app anyway :)
[17:32] <jose> yeah :)
[17:33] <jose> it'll help when doing hackathons around here
[17:33] * pleia2 nods
[17:33] <pleia2> it's a great project, but 1) no one knows it exists 2) once they find it, it's hard to use so they give up