UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /25 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
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[09:32] <CitrusDev> hi there i have a question .. my ubuntu sdk wont show up the publish tab and i dont know how to activate it
[09:38] <popey> Elleo: just tried the pre-compiled version of http://blog.mikeasoft.com/2014/03/02/qml-and-box2d-game-template-for-ubuntu-touch/ and it fails to start on amd64 desktop - can't find Box2D, on phone it fails to run.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7514703/
[09:39] <popey> Elleo: I just grabbed the tar.gz and ran the "make click-packages"
[09:40] <Elleo> popey: needs updating, we changed Qt versions between me making that and now
[09:41] <popey> ahh!
[09:41] <Elleo> so the binaries are out of date
[09:41] <popey> got it working on desktop, had malformed qmlscene
[09:41] <Elleo> really should do more with it, but haven't found the time
[09:41] <Elleo> would be better to make it a Qt Creator template or something
[09:41] <Elleo> that pulls everything in and compiles it rather than offering some binaries
[09:42] <popey> right
[09:42] <popey> will grab the source version instead, ta
[09:42] <Elleo> no worries :)
[09:43] <popey> was also looking for source for the ball demo, i think it might have been ken who showed me
[09:43] <popey> like a marble in a box which moves as you move the phone
[09:43] <Elleo> not sure about that one, but there is an accelerometer demo in the qml-box2d examples
[09:44] <Elleo> that has 3 boxes which move based on the phone's direction
[09:44] <Elleo> popey: https://gitorious.org/qml-box2d/qml-box2d/source/47ab19e6eae01ce5506c8348588620817beef17e:examples/accelerometer
[09:45] <Elleo> oops, sorry, wrong branch
[09:45] <Elleo> that's the qt4 version
[09:45] <Elleo> should be: https://gitorious.org/qml-box2d/qml-box2d/source/323083258f94bb13eb4819a708b75735dc2d691f:examples/accelerometer/accelerometer.qml
[09:45] <Elleo> well, https://gitorious.org/qml-box2d/qml-box2d/source/323083258f94bb13eb4819a708b75735dc2d691f:examples/accelerometer for the whole dir
[09:46] <popey> ta
[09:48] <Elleo> popey: any idea if there are plans by anyone to backport mir support to sdl 1.2?
[09:49] <Elleo> popey: just wondering if it'd be possible to port thp's apkenv stuff to UT (which'd allow a bunch of android games to run)
[09:49] <Elleo> since lots of android games are really just native binaries using sdl1.2 + opengl
[09:50] <popey> i dont know
[09:50] <popey> i guess it depends if wayland do the same
[09:51] <Elleo> ah
[11:48] <mike321> hello, I installed Ubuntu Touch on asus google Nexus 7 and I want to compile an Qt app for Ubuntu - but I am not the best person for it, It is a Messenger, the messenger, works with the PRO file with one click to compile and there are debs as well, can anyone help with making the app working for touch and bring it into the default system environment for moblies with ubuntu ?
[11:59] <DanChapman> mike321: http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/apps/packaging-click-apps/ is what you need
[12:00] <mike321> thanks, will look but i need somone doing it :-)
[12:07] <DanChapman> mike321: there's plenty of folks here who will help if you get stuck trying ;-p
[14:34] <liuxg> when I compile a sample code, I get an error like "Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5Network" with
[14:34] <liuxg> any of the following names:
[14:34] <liuxg> Qt5NetworkConfig.cmake
[14:34] <liuxg> qt5network-config.cmake
[14:34] <liuxg> Add the installation prefix of "Qt5Network" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
[14:34] <liuxg> "Qt5Network_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If
[14:34] <liuxg> "Qt5Network" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has
[14:34] <liuxg> been installed." what could be the reason for it?
[16:16] <popey> Elleo: further to our conversation yesterday, someone just submitted a C++ / SDL 2 game to the store!
[16:27] <Elleo> popey: awesome :)
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[19:39] <danielbeck_> hello. I wanted to ask if someone could test my application "green mahjong" in the click store.
[19:41] <danielbeck_> I have no ubuntu touch device to install it. I would like to know if it starts and if it looks "normal". In the last version, the game was only shown in the upper quarter of the screen, because of a bug with qtwebkit.
[20:09] <popey> danielbeck_: installing now
[20:09] <popey> danielbeck_: fails to start here
[20:09] <popey> investigating
[20:11] <popey> danielbeck_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7516855/
[20:18] <daker> danielbeck_: the icon is still pixelized
[20:19] <danielbeck_> daker: which icon? the application icon?
[20:19] <daker> yes
[20:20] <daker> not the icon in the store, but the icon in the click package
[20:20] <danielbeck_> ah, ok.
[20:21] <daker> maybe it pointing to a low res icon
[20:21] <danielbeck_> daker: do you have an idea why the application does not start?
[20:22] <danielbeck_> I tried to use your tutorial, so that the application uses oxide, since it seems to not work with webkit.
[20:22] <danielbeck_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7516891/
[20:23] <danielbeck_> I can start the application on the desktop with qmlscene.
[20:24] <daker> danielbeck_: mongoose-5.1.exe ? a local httpserver
[20:25] <daker> danielbeck_: i think i know
[20:25] <daker> danielbeck_: you need to "webview" to your apparmor policy
[20:26] <daker> to add*
[20:26] <danielbeck_> uh. sorry :-). I did not see that mongoose was packed with it.
[20:26] <danielbeck_> ok.
[20:29] <danielbeck_> like that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7516922/ ?
[20:29] <daker> i think yes
[20:29] <popey> daker: how was your flight back?
[20:30] <danielbeck_> OK, I try it out. the emulator does not work correctly for me. This makes developing for Ubuntu Touch very challenging.
[20:32] <popey> danielbeck_: armhf or x86 emulator?
[20:32] <daker> popey: arrived yesterday 00:30, then i had to wait for the train to start at 04:00, then i did arrive at 08:30 at home
[20:32] <danielbeck_> popey: arm emulator.
[20:33] <popey> danielbeck_: x86 emulator is faster.. maybe preferable
[20:33] <popey> danielbeck_: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg08059.html
[20:33] <danielbeck_> Do you have a guide on how to install and use the x86 emulator?
[20:34] <danielbeck_> okah, you just posted the link. Thanks.
[20:34] <popey> np
[20:35] <daker> danielbeck_: i am trying to see why it still fails even with the webview policy
[20:37] <danielbeck_> daker: which resolution should an application icon have?
[20:37] <daker> danielbeck_: i think greenmahjong@256.png should be ok
[20:40] <danielbeck_> "greenmahjong.png" has a resolution of 512x512.
[20:41] <daker> wired :(
[20:41] <danielbeck_> That's the icon that is used.
[20:41] <daker> ok
[20:41] <danielbeck_> greenmahjong@256.png has only 256x256.
[20:48] <danielbeck_> daker: you said that it does not work, even when you add the webview policy. Did you found out why?
[20:49] <daker> still trying to..., i sure it's because of the policy, the webview policy in policy_version 1.1
[20:49] <daker> that's why the app doesn't load and you get Check failed: base::i18n::InitializeICU().
[21:08] <daker> popey: do you know where the actions icon are located in the phone ?
[21:11] <t1mp> daker: dpkg -L ubuntu-mobile-icons
[21:19] <daker> t1mp thank you!
[21:21] <t1mp> daker: we will soon switch to suru-icon-theme instead, so don't hardcode the paths everywhere :)
[21:21] * t1mp off
[21:21] <daker> ok
[23:00] <AskUbuntu> Deleting a application draft | http://askubuntu.com/q/472125