UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /25 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:09] <koell> Does anyone have that many firefox crashes like me?
[01:58] <holstein> koell: not that im aware of
[02:17] <mkdmz> Hey has anyone here done the Live CD customization? I've successfully been able to create a user and add some files, but I have not been able to install any deb files. gdm never comes up if I install deb files.
[02:18] <mkdmz> In chroot I am using dpkg -i *.deb that I want. Can any one help me find out why installation of deb files cause my user gdm not to show up?
[02:20] <mkdmz> testing...
[02:32] <holstein> mkdmz: in a live environment?
[02:33] <holstein> mkdmz: you should just install.. you really shouldnt be adding users like that in a live environment
[02:33] <holstein> at some point, you run out of resoures where the information can be saved.. ram, or, if you happen to have a swap file somewhere..
[02:34] <mkdmz> The resources will be saved on separate drive.
[02:35] <holstein> mkdmz: i dont see how
[02:35] <mkdmz> The point behind doing this is partly to show off an application as well as to create a environment that is not installed.
[02:35] <holstein> mkdmz: just istall, and enjoy an installed, normal, functioning system
[02:35] <mkdmz> But that really is not my question.
[02:35] <mkdmz> This application is not meant to be installed, it's meant to run live.
[02:35] <holstein> mkdmz: why is the .deb failing to install in the live environment? could be anything.. you are not expected to do that, so the live envirnments are not necessarily trying to, or able to always facilitate that
[02:36] <mkdmz> Woudl you install diagnostic tools meant to run live?
[02:36] <holstein> mkdmz: you stated you are trying to install it
[02:36] <holstein> mkdmz: .deb's install
[02:36] <mkdmz> I am using dpkg -i *.deb to install additional apps, and that is where the problem comes in.
[02:37] <mkdmz> They install, but when I boot, it never goes to gdm.
[02:37] <holstein> right, and should likely always be a problem
[02:37] <holstein> mkdmz: correct.. i would expect all kinds of funky things like that, with a live environment
[02:37] <mkdmz> Well, I use dpkg all the time, why should it not work in chroot?
[02:37] <holstein> however, an installation would facilitate .deb installation, no trouble
[02:38] <holstein> mkdmz: becuase you are breaking the live CD
[02:38] <mkdmz> I'm following the Live CD Custimation steps on Ubuntu, and it says it's possible, but this has been a hitch.
[02:39] <mkdmz> It says you can install new apps for the live cd.
[02:39] <holstein> mkdmz: ok.. i dont think its possible, and im saying its not
[02:40] <holstein> the chroot method for making the live CD's is supposed to be the "best", but, you have many variables
[02:40] <holstein> the .deb's can be incompatible, or break something.. or need a dependency..
[02:40] <mkdmz> this is what I'm using:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization
[02:41] <holstein> mkdmz: start with in repo customizations
[02:41] <mkdmz> What I do is download them with the actual Lubuntu I'm custmizing. I insure all dependencies are met.
[02:41] <holstein> mkdmz: ok..
[02:42] <holstein> mkdmz: so, you can check that one off, if you feel comfortable
[02:42] <holstein> you can also ask in the main #ubuntu channel.. since this is not really lubuntu specific
[02:42] <holstein> there is a larger community there that may have more ideas
[02:42] <mkdmz> I don't have a network connection to do it, so I have the deb downloaded and manually do it dpkg -i *.deb
[02:43] <mkdmz> I was wondering it it had to do with Lubuntu because the instructions, I assume are oriented toward Ubuntu. Should there be a difference?
[02:43] <holstein> mkdmz: lubuntu *is* ubuntu
[02:43] <holstein> mkdmz: same repos and source.. and since you are customizing, you can ask in the main #ubuntu channel..
[02:45] <mkdmz> I got the online now, just waiting for someone to answer. BTW, Lubuntu my favorite now. Really like it. Came from Linux Mint (Five years)
[05:09] <flyback> how do you split betweren 2 monitors so one is desktop 1 and the other is desktop 2
[05:15] <wad> I have a massive problem
[05:15] <wad> On a horrendous scale, suicide is an option
[05:16] <flyback> wad why
[05:16] <wad> I attempted to install a dual boot. Rather than doing that, it would appear that my windows partition has been overwritten.
[05:16] <flyback> how over written?
[05:16] <wad> It states that is a
[05:17] <wad> linux partition and I am only able to boot into linux, (no grub prompt)
[05:17] <flyback> ok what did you lose
[05:17] <wad> A buch of unreleased source, a few git projects and about 300GB of personal data
[05:18] <flyback> ugh
[05:18] <flyback> wtf did you do
[05:18] <flyback> hang on while I get some caffiene dammit
[05:20] <wad> Shrink windows volume by 100GB > partition 100GB to NTFS >lili usb live creator > lubuntu usb > reboot > boot from usb > install Lububtu > "install alongside windows" > installs without a hitch > reboot > no grub, straight into lubuntu!
[05:21] <flyback> uh
[05:21] <wad> I have done this about three times before, on a few different computers. This one is a laptop that was originally running windows 8, that I wiped and installed windows 7.
[05:21] <flyback> did you do a fdisk -l
[05:21] <flyback> and see if the partition ois still there
[05:21] <wad> No, I checked in gparted
[05:21] <flyback> what did it show
[05:24] <flyback> and did you check in lubuntu to see if mabye your files are inside the current pattition
[05:24] <wad> http://filesmelt.com/dl/2014-05-25-152340_1366x744_scrot.png
[05:24] <wad> ext4 is/was my windows partition
[05:25] <wad> sda3 sorry
[05:25] <flyback> well the filesystem is gone but you might be able to recover some files with a file carving program
[05:25] <flyback> b ut you need to do this from a livecd
[05:25] <wad> ffffff
[05:25] <flyback> and need another drive to dump files as you recover them
[05:25] <wad> Well shit a brick
[05:26] <flyback> I do that a lot
[05:26] <wad> I can remember most of my programs, I will just rewrite them by hand from memory (its only 30 000 lines)
[05:26] <flyback> uh
[05:26] <flyback> run photorec on the partition
[05:26] <flyback> see what you find
[05:26] <wad> photorec
[05:26] <wad> ?
[05:26] <flyback> yeah
[05:26] <flyback> run it from a linux livecd
[05:27] <flyback> you can't mess with the filesystem you are running from
[05:27] <flyback> a nd will need like a usb drive to save to
[05:27] <wad> All I got is a live usb
[05:27] <flyback> that will be fine
[05:27] <flyback> livecd=liveusb
[05:27] <wad> Seeing as how most of those files were windows specific.. I was making a linux dualboot to try and make a software port
[05:28] <wad> Looks like it's linux only from now
[05:28] <wad> Thanks for the help anyway
[05:28] <flyback> give it a try
[05:28] <flyback> worse it can do is nothing
[05:28] <wad> okay..
[05:29] <flyback> I have used file carvers when the drive was too badly canucked to have a complete ntfs filesystem
[05:29] <flyback> and I still pulled out customer files
[05:29] <flyback> yes folks I made a copy using ddrescue, cause trying to do file carving from a dying drive is fail
[05:36] <wad> no luck
[05:38] <wad> well, time to cut my losses. Is there a way I can just erase everything, install grub and then install linux? at the moment lubuntu is barely booting at all it takes a good 30 seconds for it to cycle through the various corrupted partitions or whatever until it hits lubuntu
[05:38] <flyback> i'm not that great on bootloaders you could dban the hd to wipe it clean
[05:39] <flyback> or just tell lubuntu on reinstalling to erase partition layout and start over
[05:56] <wad> It is done
[05:57] <flyback> what is
[05:57] <wad> I guess that's one way to make the switch to linux
[05:58] <wad> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/EJzwQ1pS9agVi9ncT8oN not sure if that is set up correctly with the swap and all
[05:58] <wad> but it works
[05:58] <wad> and now I just have to get acquainted with linux, or go insane
[05:59] <flyback> been there both parts
[06:00] <wad> :)
[06:01] <wad> Thankfully I torrented all my various pornography, I mean files. So now I can download them all again, Serves well to be somewhat prepared
[06:01] <wad> And I should be able to pull my major github projects back down off the web, so no trouble there
[06:02] <wad> Thanks for your assistance !
[06:02] <flyback> ok
[06:03] <flyback> no offence but I don't waste my time helping people recover pron
[06:03] <flyback> however I would help with other studff
[06:03] <Unit193> Please keep it family friendly in here though.
[07:53] <gomaaz> hi there
[07:53] <wllrt> My color scheme doesn't work for LXTerminal, for vim. Running Lubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr.
[07:54] <wllrt> ^Tried Solarized color scheme and it looks awful, both in dark and light backgrounds.
[07:57] <cristian_c> Hi
[07:57] <cristian_c> I've purchased a Rii mini i8 bluetooth keyboard
[07:57] <cristian_c> How can i enable the keyboard in lubuntu?
[07:57] <cristian_c> Any ideas?
[07:57] <cristian_c> I've paired it
[08:48] <gomaaz> love that distro guys
[09:00] <cristian_c> gomaaz, ?
[11:03] <onla`> trying to install java browser plugin to my chrome-beta but can't get it to show up on chrome. I have installed default-jre and default-jdk and icedtea-7-plugin. It seems that other plugins my chrome-beta loads are in /opt/google/chrome-beta/ I made a symbolic link of the IcedTeaPlugin.so to this dir but it doesn't show up. On firefox "icedtea" plugin loads, and in mozillas plugins dir I find libjavaplugin.so -> /etc/alternatives/mozilla-javaplugin.so
[11:39] <RuJN> Hi everyone!
[11:40] <RuJN> I'm new to Lubuntu, but I've used Ubuntu before.
[11:40] <RuJN> I've setup a mobile broadband internet connection via a Huawei modem
[11:42] <RuJN> I've also ticked 'auto connect when the connection is available' (something like that, not exact text as I'm using a russian version)
[11:42] <RuJN> the modem is inserted
[11:42] <RuJN> but there is no internet
[11:42] <RuJN> how to manually begin the connection?
[11:43] <RuJN> there is no connect button in connections management
[11:43] <RuJN> please help
[11:44] <RuJN> The same question is with Wi-fi
[11:44] <RuJN> where is the list of all WiFis available?
[11:48] <RuJN> >???
[12:19] <Zax85> Hi everyone.
[12:20] <Zax85> Am I the only one having trouble getting "acerhdf.conf" to work?
[12:20] <Zax85> I currently use Acer Aspire V5
[12:22] <Zax85> No suggestions?
[12:22] <Mikaela> I don't know anything about acerhdf.conf and you must wait patiently, not everyone is here to immediately reply to you.
[12:25] <Zax85> Thanks for the reply Mikaela. I'll give it some time.
[13:35] <jratican81> hi there everyone was wonderign if any
[13:35] <jratican81> if anyone could help me with an install problem that i've encountered
[15:42] <wllrt> I am using Lubuntu 14.04 and having problems with LXTerminal and its color scheme with vim. Looking for an alternative terminal emulator. Open to suggestions.
[16:03] <wllrt> Nevermind. I think I got a color scheme that works for me now on vim and tmux.
[16:19] <lubuntu-livecd> what's the difference btwn xterm & uxterm on the livecd? they both look the same
[16:23] <lubuntu-livecd> got it, (short answer anyway), "...UXTerm is XTerm with support to Unicode characters..."
=== a_muva is now known as 14WACZON0
[16:56] <wllrt> lubuntu-livecd: What version of Lubuntu you running?
[17:15] <Theory``> does lubuntu come with a screensaver function?
=== ianorlinlaptop is now known as ianorlin
[17:37] <wllrt> Theory``: I know scrot is installed by default.
[17:39] <wllrt> Theory``: It's a command line screenshot tool.
[18:29] <Zax85> Hey everyone. I've tried to make "fancontrol" work on Lubuntu 14.04 LTS without luck. My computer is an Acer Aspire V5-572G. Any of you have any advice on how to make it work? It looks like it uses i915 chipset from Intel, but I could be wrong.
[18:30] <ianorlin> is there a reason you need to control the fans
[18:31] <ianorlin> you do know that if you set fancontrol wrong and have too little fan you could overheat your cpu
[18:31] <Zax85> I would like for my computer to run cooler. Currently it gets to around 70 degrees if not hotter. I know it's okay as long as it does not reach critical temps (90-100), but still.
[18:32] <Zax85> And btw, thats when i run games...
[18:32] <ianorlin> ah is it a laptop?
[18:33] <Zax85> Yup... One of the "Ultra-slim" ones.
[18:33] <ianorlin> if your fan only have a 3 pin connector it won't work
[18:33] <Zax85> Is it controlled only by hardware then?
[18:34] <ianorlin> yeah as it doesn't have the pin to control fan speed but don't know about the hardware on that laptop
[18:35] <Zax85> Hmm... :(
[18:36] <ianorlin> ut not sure what the fan is on your laptop it might have a 4 pin
[18:36] <Zax85> I'm pretty sure the fan only had 3 pin connectors -if i remember correctly, from when I changed the HDD to an SSD.
[18:38] <Zax85> I'll try and check on the net... 2 sec
[18:43] <Zax85> Can you tell, if it is a 3 or 4 pin? http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/BwRuBO74LeE/maxresdefault.jpg
[18:45] <Zax85> Looks to me like its a 4 pin.
[18:45] <Zax85> How to I test it then?
[18:46] <ianorlin> hmm I have read on other acer models this is actually controlled by the kernel so I think it might also be
[18:47] <ianorlin> https://code.google.com/p/aceracpi/wiki/EmbeddedController
[18:50] <Zax85> My laptop isn't even on the list :P
[18:52] <Zax85> Might be that it's to new... Can I somehow help the devs by sending my computers specs?
[18:57] <Zax85> Oh well... Thanks for trying ianorlin, maybe someday I will stumble across the right solution :)