UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /21 /#ubuntu-ch.txt
Initial commit
[16:45] <fleurtherock> hi, hi all
[16:53] <miup> huhu
[16:56] <fleurtherock> miup, huhu?
[16:57] <fleurtherock> scuse me but i am a new user
[16:58] <miup> huhu is an
[16:58] <miup> Ausgangssprache: Englisch
[16:58] <miup> woot?
[16:58] <miup> xD
[16:58] <miup> huhu is an equivalent to "hi"
[16:59] <miup> anyhow, this is the official irc channel for ubuntu users from Switzerland ;)
[17:07] <fleurtherock> miup where are you from?
[17:07] <miup> Switzerland?
[17:07] <fleurtherock> ok
[17:08] <fleurtherock> Canton?
[17:08] <fleurtherock> Swiss canton?
[17:09] <miup> Zurich ;)
[17:10] <fleurtherock> ok
[17:10] <fleurtherock> speak German
[17:10] <fleurtherock> ?
[17:11] <miup> Swiss German ;)
[17:12] <fleurtherock> what languages ​​you know
[17:12] <miup> German
[17:13] <fleurtherock> scuse me but my english e german are very very bad
[17:14] <fleurtherock> your job?
[17:14] <miup> ;)
[17:16] <fleurtherock> I'm sorry if I make you a lot of questions! but I want to start to learn English well
[17:23] <fleurtherock> miup
[19:14] <miup> thats okey, but this isn't an english channel ;)
[19:15] <miup> try /join #english
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok