UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /20 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
[06:40] <AskUbuntu> Juju and no default VPC on AWS | http://askubuntu.com/q/469473
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== Beret- is now known as Beret
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== jono is now known as Guest73754
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== cory_fu2 is now known as cory_fu
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
[13:58] <AskUbuntu> juju deployment error on manually provisioned machine | http://askubuntu.com/q/469618
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
[15:02] <AskUbuntu> Glance and ceph hook-failed "ceph-relation chaged" | http://askubuntu.com/q/469661
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
[15:38] <gnuoy> So, adding structure to amulet tests for charms.
[15:39] <gnuoy> I started out and ended up with something that looks a lot like nose I guess
[15:39] <gnuoy> so maybe I should in fact be using that
[15:39] <mattyw> marcoceppi, are you on reddit?
[15:40] <marcoceppi> mattyw: I am, I saw your email
[15:40] <marcoceppi> mattyw: my only concern is, why not post to r/ubuntu or other established communities?
[15:41] <mattyw> marcoceppi, I guess there's no reason - I just thought I'd start it and see what happened
[15:41] <marcoceppi> I mean, it's cool don't get me wrong
[15:41] <marcoceppi> not sure if we're /that/ big yet
[15:42] <marcoceppi> so we should be cross posting still to larger communities that would be interested in juju
[15:44] <mattyw> that totally makes sense
[15:45] <jamespage> gnuoy, https://code.launchpad.net/~openstack-charmers/+activereviews
[15:45] <jamespage> woser
[15:47] <gnuoy> jamespage, I can grab those jacken ones in the morning for a start
[15:48] <jamespage> gnuoy, just wondering how many of those should target /next instead of stable
[15:49] <gnuoy> jamespage, the top 4 might be suitable for stable but the others aren't bug fixes so I don't think they're eligible ?
[15:50] <jamespage> gnuoy, not sure your top4 are the same as mine
[15:51] <gnuoy> jamespage, on reflection just the louis-bouchard ones look like fixes I think
[15:51] <jamespage> gnuoy, I think tribaals are as well but they sweep alot of charm-helpers in
[15:51] <gnuoy> ah, ok. I thought they were housekeeping
[15:52] <jamespage> gnuoy, he fixed up apt local caching and block device detection
[15:52] <jamespage> gnuoy, this is where stable is tricky
[15:52] <jamespage> we really need to branch charm-helpers on release of the charms
[15:52] <jamespage> and then backport selected fixes
[15:52] <gnuoy> yeah
[15:55] <jamespage> gnuoy, I added a "publish" target to the makefiles in most openstack charms btw
[15:55] <jamespage> it pushes to precise and trusty branches
[15:56] <gnuoy> ah, good to know.
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
[16:52] <coreycb> gnuoy, jamespage, beisner: I think we would benefit a lot if we find a way to deploy an environment once with amulet, and run several individual tests on that env where, if one test fails the rest will continue to run.
[16:53] <coreycb> I'm not sure amulet is designed to do that though. it looks to be designed to run one test per file, and raise a condition on failure. e.g. amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, ...)
[16:59] <lazyPower> coreycb: Kind of. Amulet is great at deploying a topology and making assertions about whats transmitted over the wire, and validating system assertions (Eg: did this vhost get deployed, is this mounted, is a service responding when i query this port)
[17:00] <lazyPower> coreycb: there's a pattern to build a test suite in a single file per topology - its all about method encapsulation. cory_fu wrote a great test template that exhibits that in the Apache Allura charm.
[17:01] <lazyPower> coreycb: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~johnsca/charms/precise/apache-allura/refactoring-with-tests/view/head:/tests/101-deploy.py
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
[17:07] <coreycb> lazyPower, ok yeah that looks nice but I'm not sure it continues to execute all the tests if one fails
[17:08] <lazyPower> coreycb: it will halt if you specify --fail-fast on the command line, otherwise it continues as expected in nose-test style.
[17:08] <lazyPower> and --set-e may also be used to halt on first failure
[17:08] <coreycb> lazyPower, hmm, even if amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, ..) is called?
[17:08] <lazyPower> correct. that should print to stderr and continue executing unless teh default behavior has been changed since the 1.3 series.
[17:09] <coreycb> lazyPower, awesome sauce
[17:09] <coreycb> lazyPower, thanks, that's great
[17:10] <lazyPower> np, happy to help
[17:25] <sebas5384> hey lazyPower! O/
[17:25] <lazyPower> o/ sebas5384
[17:25] <lazyPower> how goes the vagrant journey?
[17:26] <sebas5384> fine! but I didn't continue using the juju trusty box
[17:26] <sebas5384> that error is still happening for me :(
[17:26] <lazyPower> about cloning a running container?
[17:26] <sebas5384> but anyways i have the other one hehe
[17:26] <sebas5384> yep
[17:27] <lazyPower> Interesting... I'm otherwise preoccupied with other items in my queue but I'll make sure I circle back to that before the end of the week. I'd like to compare notes between what i've done and what you've done
[17:27] <sebas5384> sure!! :)
[17:27] <lazyPower> sebas5384: yeah our Precise box is pretty solid though - i use it every day
[17:27] <sebas5384> ping me :)
[17:28] <lazyPower> Sure thing :)
[17:28] <sebas5384> yeah probably i should use it (the precise)
[17:29] <sebas5384> oh! something that i'm doing, deploying openstack with juju all-in-one, but i was wondering if you have some neat bundle that I can use to use with juju after
[17:29] <lazyPower> There's a few openstack bundles in the charm store you can model off of
[17:29] <sebas5384> i planning to change the --to of the nova-compute-node to 0
[17:30] <lazyPower> bundle:~makyo/openstack/2/openstack is the one i use for demo deployments.
[17:30] <sebas5384> oohh great lazyPower! thanks
[17:30] <sebas5384> i will give it a look
[17:31] <lazyPower> sebas5384: make sure you pass a config option to cinder for the block device, otherwise it'll red out on your deployment and cause the bundle to not fully deploy.
[17:31] <lazyPower> thats my word of advice :)
[17:33] <sebas5384> hmmm get it, thanks! but i don't know what to set
[17:33] <sebas5384> yet
[17:33] <sebas5384> hehe
[17:38] <lazyPower> niedbalski: (rehashing) Greetings. Have a moment to talk about your python_debugger merge for charm helpers? Great!
[17:38] <lazyPower> The use case here is to basically eliminate breaking your install hook to debug that first leg of the charm run, right?
[17:40] <niedbalski_> lazyPower, right. Actually i'm using that simple helper for jumping into a trace remotely without breaking the install hook
[17:40] <niedbalski_> also could be a decorator @break, or something like that.
[17:41] <lazyPower> niedbalski: interesting. So it spins up a remote debugger, what about in the instance of public clouds where that port 12345 isn't open by default?
[17:41] <lazyPower> Ah wait, i see it imports open_port
[17:42] <niedbalski_> yep, it first opens the public port, then register a close_port callback @atexit
[17:42] <lazyPower> interesting. Let me import this and give it a run - what would i need to execute on my workstation to connect? Is this provided by pdb out of the box or do i need a supporting package?
[17:42] <niedbalski_> should works out of the box
[17:43] <lazyPower> niedbalski: pdb hostname:port?
[17:43] <niedbalski_> lazyPower, telnet, netcat also works
[17:44] <lazyPower> OH! I don't even need to invoke a debugger, this spins up a server for any TCP capable consumer?
[17:45] <niedbalski_> lazyPower, yep. In fact, i'm using emacs TcpClient
[17:46] <lazyPower> this sounds pretty spiffy
[17:46] <mbruzek> niedbalski_, wow
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
[18:13] <lazyPower> niedbalski: dude, this is *awesome*
[18:26] <niedbalski_> lazyPower, cool. I would like to integrate that on my soon-to-be-released emacs charms minor mode
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
[18:34] <lazyPower> niedbalski: I'm going to +1 this
[18:36] <lazyPower> niedbalski: it shifts you a bit lower in the queue, but i'll make it a point to circle back to this if nobody has gotten to it by end of week
[18:37] <lazyPower> mbruzek: https://code.launchpad.net/~niedbalski/charm-helpers/python-set_trace/+merge/217956 <-- LGTM. Its got a marco assignee, so depending on if you want to cowboy this or not :)
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
[18:40] <mbruzek> Thanks lazyPower I am in the middle of a review right now, but I will add that to my list.
[18:40] <niedbalski_> mbruzek, :]
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
[18:41] <mbruzek> niedbalski_, What is the difference between pdb and ipdb?
[18:42] <mbruzek> nevermind, google found it
[18:42] <rick_h_> mbruzek: yea, ipython ftw (although I like bpython but there's no bpdb
[18:42] <rick_h_> )
[18:43] <mbruzek> Thanks rick_h_
[18:44] <mbruzek> niedbalski_, This pdb is great because it does not need a specific debugger to attach. A generic TCP client will do! Impressive.
[18:51] * mbruzek has only used ipdb before, so was not sure.
[18:54] <mrjazzcat> marcoceppi: Hey. Is the charm-helper-sh package just for Precise? I can't find it from my
[18:54] <mrjazzcat> machine :)
[18:55] <marcoceppi> mrjazzcat: yes, it's only precise, it's been obseleted for lp:charm-helpers instead
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
[18:56] <mrjazzcat> marcoceppi: cool thanks. But, that means there must be a Trusty version of the Wordpress charm, as it relies on that package
[18:56] <marcoceppi> mrjazzcat: the latest version of the charm no longer relies on that, the pieces it did need were moved inside the charm
[18:57] <mrjazzcat> marcoceppi: ok, thanks. I just have to go find that version.
[19:01] <mrjazzcat> marcoceppi: strange housekeeping. It looks like this is the trusty WP code: lp:~justin-fathomdb/charms/trusty/wordpress/trunk
[19:05] <mrjazzcat> marcoceppi: sorry, I'm wrong. That's the same version. Arg. Do you know where the Trusty WP charm source is? Sorry to be a dork :)
[19:06] <AskUbuntu> Juju bootstraping gomaasapi timestamp error | http://askubuntu.com/q/469778
[19:06] <marcoceppi> mrjazzcat: well, it's not been moved to trusty yet, so there might still be a few broken things
[19:07] <mrjazzcat> marcoceppi: ah, that's why I can't find it! OK, if it's not released, I'll live with what I have.
[19:07] <marcoceppi> mrjazzcat: file bugs when you get errors!
[19:07] <mrjazzcat> marcoceppi: ok, will do.
[20:20] <AskUbuntu> JUJU MAAS Bootstrap all on VM | http://askubuntu.com/q/469810
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
[22:22] <AskUbuntu> Can't Deploy Wordpress | http://askubuntu.com/q/469848