UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /18 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== TheFakeazneD525 is now known as Denza252
=== Denza252 is now known as Zoomibiron
=== Zoomibiron is now known as Zoomibiro
=== Zoomibiro is now known as MangaKaDenza
[03:29] <smaudet> ...this is going to sound really dumb, but could anyone help me with understanding how e-mail works? I seem to have lost recieve capability on one of my e-mail accounts, and I'm not sure who is at blame (its not my domain)
[03:30] <sandman13> is kubuntu not part of Canonical?
[03:57] <cuyotte> hello
[03:57] <cuyotte> new kubuntu/linux user here
[04:10] <user84392> hi kubuntu irc - having problems with network manager (Kubuntu14.04)
[04:10] <user84392> This appears to be a new issue as I do not see records of it having startpage-d this particular issue. I recently installed Kubuntu 14.04 on a new machine. I did not observe the same problem with the network-manager in Ubuntu 12.04 or Debian 7.5/gnome, thus believe this pertains to Kubuntu/KDE specifically. The network manager only shows a maximum of 3 "available" VPN connections under my wireless connection, whereas I have impo
[04:11] <user84392> I also asked on askubuntu ... as I don't see any postings of a similar variety anywhere, I thought best to raise it here too.
[04:11] <user84392> I would imagine I could use the command prompt, but for this particular function the GUI is more useful...
=== MangaKaDenza is now known as TheFakeazneD525
=== thelionroars is now known as thelionsleeps
[07:53] <noaXess> hi
[07:53] <noaXess> someone also had problem to upgrade to 14.04 from 13.10? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7482339/
[07:55] <lordievader> noaXess: Do you have 3rd party ppa's?
[07:55] <noaXess> hey lordievader
[07:55] <noaXess> shure..
[07:56] <noaXess> but they will be disabled as usual.. but i think this could be the problem.. a package upgrade with 0b: http://i.imgur.com/bcgEzwZ.png
[07:56] <noaXess> but how to remove this packache. its a kde widget.. i already removed it from panel..
[07:58] <noaXess> trying again.. could remove it over get widget wizard
[07:58] <lordievader> I have no idea, first time I see the package.
[07:58] <noaXess> it's just a widget that shows cpu heat
[07:58] <lordievader> noaXess: Also make sure your machine is up to date.
[07:58] <noaXess> no.. wasn't that.. hm.. any other int?
[07:59] <noaXess> lordievader: it iss.. first i run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
[07:59] <noaXess> including dist-upgrade..
[07:59] <noaXess> then do-realease-upgrade.. and baaa
[07:59] <noaXess> baaam
[08:00] <noaXess> is 14.04 released? or stil a pre-release?
[08:00] <lordievader> It is released.
[08:01] <lordievader> How are you launching the upgrade?
[08:03] <noaXess> over cli
[08:04] <noaXess> wait.. maybe i found the problem.. a unsupported package.. lightscribe.. it tested it out if my dvdrom has lightscribe capas
[08:04] <noaXess> hm.. no :(
[08:04] <noaXess> :'(
[08:05] <noaXess> lordievader: what you think about this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7482369/
[08:06] <noaXess> i have for shure installed third parties packages from different ppa's.. but until 13.10 it wasn't any problem to upgrade..
=== thelionsleeps is now known as thelionroars
[08:08] <lordievader> That package is needed for upgrading, wonder why it wants to remove it.
[08:08] <noaXess> yes..... me too
[08:09] <noaXess> be bakc later.. breakfast ;)
=== steel|off is now known as steel_afk
=== steel_afk is now known as steel|off
[12:09] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
=== israfil_ is now known as israfil
[13:26] <anukul> libreoffice opens .doc document and it weird.
=== amichair_ is now known as amichair
[13:33] <BluesKaj> anukul, https://help.libreoffice.org/Common/Using_Microsoft_Office_and
[13:36] <anukul> BluesKaj, thank you very much
[13:37] <BluesKaj> anukul, hope it tells what you need to know
[13:45] <donniezazen> Live USB of Kubuntu 14.04 won't boot. It freezes at either Try Kubuntu or further in the installation if you choose the second option. It seems to work fine in VirtualBox
=== andre__ is now known as Guest95293
=== yo is now known as Guest76224
[15:40] <amichair> my network got screwed up after upgrading some hardware, it seems there is no ip4 address in ifconfig. How do I fix it? Also, is network-manager-kde gone?
[15:41] <M3mphiZ> Is there any VPN SSTP Client for Kubuntu? I found http://sourceforge.net/projects/sstp-client/ but from there i can only install the client not the gui for network manager or gnome...
[15:47] <BluesKaj> amichair, it's just called network-manager now
[15:48] <amichair> BluesKaj: and my /etc/network/interfaces file should only have lo?
[16:01] <amichair> BluesKaj: yay, got it. Had to remove no-auto-default line from /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf (don't know how it got there, but it was blacklisting my new mac addresses there)
[16:02] <BluesKaj> amichair, that's strsange
[16:03] <BluesKaj> err strange
[16:04] <M3mphiZ> Can anyone help me install the NetworkManager component of sstp-client? I've installed everything but SSTP doesn't show up in NetworkManager
[16:04] <BluesKaj> amichair, and yes my /etc/network/interfaces just has 'lo' as well
[16:05] <amichair> BluesKaj: I'm guessing at some point I fiddled with the network manager gui trying to remove the old macs (since it put the new ones at eth2 and eth3), and it decided to blacklist the new ones for good instead :-)
[16:05] <amichair> but as long as it works again, I'm happy :-)
[16:06] <BluesKaj> amichair, wonder why that happened
[16:08] <amichair> BluesKaj: thanks for listening, I guess ;-)
[16:15] <BluesKaj> M3mphiZ, kubuntu repos don't list a vpn/sstp client available for network manager
[16:15] <M3mphiZ> BluesKaj: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sstp-client/files/network-manager-sstp/ this should be it
[16:16] <M3mphiZ> BluesKaj: unfortunately sstp is completely missing from repos
[16:16] <alan_smith> hello guys, i have a home network and my printer is connected to my kubuntu pc, i've setup sharing and samba and i'm able to print a test page from windows 7, however, it won't print anything else, only the test page
[16:17] <alan_smith> the test page is the windows one
[16:21] <BluesKaj> alan_smith, you might have better luck connecting the printer to the windows pc as a network printer in kubuntu
[17:24] <noaXess> trying to upgrade to 14.04 from 13.10 and get this in /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log: 2014-05-18 19:12:26,671 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'The package 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.'
[17:24] <noaXess> but if i remove that package.. i'm not even able t upgrade anything..
[17:24] <noaXess> seams there is a big change in release upgrade.. but how to fix that without removing all even broken packages.. or complete reinstall kubuntu 14.04?
[17:29] <noaXess> if i run this command grep Broken /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log i see that there are a lot of different broken packages.. why and how to fix that?
[17:47] <alan_smith> managed to solve the problem by adding the lines described on the link to the samba config file: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu
[17:48] <alan_smith> printing stuff is serilously flawed though... advanced stuff doesn't work, paper revert to letter...
[17:50] <noaXess> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/1320684
[17:50] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1320684 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgrade 14.04 from 13.10 fails" [Undecided,New]
=== jaimelyn is now known as jlschatz
=== krz is now known as Guest3612
=== calin is now known as crucerucalin
=== CrazyBonz_ is now known as CrazyBonz
[21:00] <rocco_> Hi
=== krz is now known as Guest63783
[23:37] <valorie> !info sstp
[23:37] <ubottu> Package sstp does not exist in trusty