UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /16 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[07:11] <dholbach> good morning
[08:26] <czajkowski> bkerensa: nope Oscon is all Amy and that US team
[08:26] <czajkowski> mhall119: With Bells on!
[08:27] <czajkowski> I'm over in NYC next month for our World event
[08:45] <czajkowski> mhall119: you and popey will have to wear them on a call sometime and take a pic for me!
[08:46] <popey> haha ☻
[08:47] <czajkowski> popey: I'm serious :)
[08:48] <popey> hard to get two people on screen at once in a hangout
[08:48] <popey> </excuses>
[08:49] <czajkowski> I know even harder when on the same team :p
[09:03] <popey> well, we're both in Malta next week, I'll try and remember to pack mine
[09:03] <czajkowski> yay \o/
[09:03] <czajkowski> sprint?
[09:03] <popey> ya
[09:03] <czajkowski> will actually be back in the UK next week, mothership is invading and we're going to the chelsea flower show
[09:03] <czajkowski> :/
[09:28] <elfy> popey: ping
[09:29] <popey> elfy: yo
[09:30] <elfy> hi popey - got a favour to ask of you - any chance you could mention the Membership Board call for new people in a podcast - the responses up to now have been slow
[09:31] <popey> sure, but not for another 2 weeks
[09:31] <elfy> anything will help at the moment ;)
[09:32] <elfy> thanks a bunch :)
[09:32] <popey> np
[13:05] <mhall119> czajkowski: I wore it to our last CC hangout, but you weren't there :(
[13:14] <czajkowski> mhall119: I know that whole holiday thing got in the way
[13:14] <mhall119> darn holidays
[13:15] <czajkowski> it is 9:15am in nyc right
[13:15] <mhall119> yup
[13:22] <czajkowski> damn timezones
=== jono is now known as Guest91026
[15:05] <jcastro> jono_,
[15:05] <jcastro> man, this explains so much
[15:05] <jcastro> http://www.policymic.com/articles/89363/science-shows-how-drummers-brains-are-actually-different-from-everybody-elses
=== vibhav is now known as Guest57740