UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /16 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
[00:08] <tvansteenburgh> bac: you around?
[00:11] <rick_h_> tvansteenburgh: what's up? Anything I can help with?
[00:13] <tvansteenburgh> nah, not really. i just discovered that he broke something in charm-tools :P
[00:13] <rick_h_> doh
[00:13] <rick_h_> :)
[00:13] <tvansteenburgh> but i'm just gonna fix it since he's not around
[00:13] <tvansteenburgh> no worries
[00:13] <rick_h_> cool thanks
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=== _sEBAs_ is now known as sebas5384
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
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=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
[08:21] <_mup_> Bug #1320135 was filed: No way to configure the archive mirror <pyjuju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1320135>
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=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
[09:16] <zchander> Anyone around who can help me a little with a local devel version of a charm which isn’t picked up by juju (??)
[09:36] <davecheney> zchander: i can (try to ) help
[09:55] <zchander> davecheney: The problem I got, is that any changes I make to my (devel) local config.yaml isn’t picked up when I deploy the charm (using the command juju deploy --repository=/home/madmin/charms/devel local:owncloud --to=6)
[10:02] <zchander> I just got a reply through the list. Seems the problem was/is with the versions I got in my repo (both named owncloud in the metadata.yaml). I am testing this now
[10:02] <zchander> It seems that was the problem….
[10:02] <zchander> But the test/deploy is still running
[11:29] <marcoceppi> zchander: that is probably the problem. Juju should throw an ambiguous error when more than one version of the charm is loaded via metadata.yaml
[11:30] <zchander> Got it working….. The reason I mentioned before (two different versions of the same charm, though different named (folder))
[11:30] <zchander> Also got the Ceph relation working again, including MySQL ;)
[11:30] * zchander is going to get some teachers happy
[11:36] <marcoceppi> \o/
[12:06] <zchander> marcoceppi: Is any information available to format e.g. metadata.yaml and config.yaml? I am trying to tidy the docs…
[12:06] <marcoceppi> zchander: what do you mean to format?
[12:27] <zchander> marcoceppi: I want to add some newlines, but it won’t render properly….
[12:34] <marcoceppi> zchander: can you paste what you've got?
[12:36] <zchander> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7472808/
[12:37] <zchander> Also for the config.yaml, I would like to make proper formatted descriptions
[12:41] <lazyPower> hmm... seems a bit over the top being placed in the description like that.
[12:46] <zchander> lazyPower: I know…. ;) But it is for my own testing (and this way I get to know the proper way to create the documentation)
[12:46] <lazyPower> zchander: something like that is better served in the README. The description is more for the front facing display in the charm store.
[12:54] <zchander> I’ll put it in the README.
[12:54] <zchander> What is a charm with a proper metadata I can refer to?
[13:03] <lazyPower> zchander: Postgres
[13:04] <lazyPower> its got a really well formed charm structure, metadata, etc.
[13:07] <zchander> I’ll have a look at it, tonight
[13:17] <jcastro> lazyPower, aws-specific things are ok in charms, we prefer they be labelled clearly
[13:18] <jcastro> so like "aws-loadbalancer" for example would be ok
[13:18] <lazyPower> jcastro: thing is, its a voilation of the tenants of the charm store. so its not "ok" in the charm store's current guidelines.
[13:18] <jcastro> what we don't want is something that claims to be generic to have cloud specific bits, so like "haproxy"
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[13:18] <lazyPower> and this is very much cloud specific to aws, openstack - as it won't work on azure / maas
[13:18] <jcastro> it's a should
[13:18] <jcastro> not a must
[13:19] <lazyPower> hmmm
[13:19] <jcastro> charms "should make use of apparmor" too, but we don't reject if they don't
[13:19] <lazyPower> marcoceppi: i followed your lead here, i need backup. am I being too picky?
[13:19] <jcastro> we should certainly clear it up
[13:20] <lazyPower> jcastro: i'm not opposed to the idea that i'm making a mistake, but i'd like clarification on if i'm nacking a charm that would otherwise be included but lower ratings because of it.
[13:21] <jcastro> yeah
[13:21] <marcoceppi> lazyPower: tldr?
[13:21] <lazyPower> marcoceppi: charm uses aws/openstack metadata ip hard coded in teh charm
[13:21] <jcastro> marcoceppi, cloud specific charm features
[13:21] <lazyPower> i nacked it
[13:21] <lazyPower> is it ok to ack with lowr rating, or nack it and say "fix it"?
[13:22] <jcastro> https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/1259630
[13:22] <_mup_> Bug #1259630: add storage subordinate charm <landscape> <Juju Charms Collection:Incomplete by davidpbritton> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1259630>
[13:22] <jcastro> I only noticed because I saw Kapil's comment scroll by
[13:23] <lazyPower> jcastro: the problem I have with acking provider specific charms is its not really apparent that this charm would only work on those 2 substrates. so some guy deploys this on his private maas cloud, and assumes this setup will work
[13:23] <marcoceppi> lazyPower: well, that fails charm proof
[13:23] <lazyPower> marcoceppi: beg pardon? all i get is I fails stop/start hook
[13:24] <jcastro> lazyPower, right, so in this case I think it's a naming issue
[13:24] <lazyPower> which si safe to ignore, but it's also got this hoks.d thing
[13:24] <lazyPower> er storageprovider.d
[13:24] <jcastro> so like, this is really "s3-storage", not "storage"
[13:24] * marcoceppi remembers why he punted on this review now
[13:25] <marcoceppi> jcastro: not even, more like aws|openstack-block-storage
[13:25] <lazyPower> jcastro: ^
[13:25] <jcastro> sure
[13:25] <lazyPower> i was just typing that out.
[13:25] <jcastro> either way, it's not generic "storage" at this time
[13:25] <marcoceppi> jcastro: right, the only way to do that is in core
[13:25] <marcoceppi> and that's, as Kapil mentioned, months away
[13:25] <marcoceppi> lazyPower: well, charm testing will reveal that this doesn't work on X Y and Z cloud
[13:25] <jcastro> right
[13:25] <marcoceppi> if that was hooked up to the charm store
[13:26] <jcastro> I think if we describe it properly, people will realize that
[13:26] <marcoceppi> if the readme doesn't CLEARLY call out that it only works on X clouds, that's the only issue
[13:26] <jcastro> right
[13:26] <jcastro> Generic storage charm subordinate. Intended to aid in making charms
[13:26] <jcastro> easier to interface with external storage solutions without having
[13:26] <jcastro> to speak and understand each type. Presents a single mount point on
[13:26] <jcastro> the unit, and communicates that back to your service through the data
[13:26] <jcastro> relation.
[13:26] <marcoceppi> I think "cloud-storage" might be a more apt name
[13:26] <marcoceppi> as maas and local aren't a real cloud, though that does cut azure out
[13:26] <jcastro> right, with clear limitations described in the description and readme
[13:27] <marcoceppi> storage, I agree, is too all encompasing, unless then plan on adding azure, joyent, etc in future releases of the charm
[13:27] <jcastro> yep
[13:27] <marcoceppi> actually, maybe storage is okay
[13:27] * marcoceppi reviews the charm
[13:27] <jcastro> if you read that description I just pasted it makes it sound all encompassing
[13:28] <marcoceppi> jcastro: right, so it has this storagebroker.d directory in hooks, that allows you to select different broker methods
[13:28] <jcastro> should be something like "This subordinate charm uses the AWS metadata server, which currently is supported by X, Y, and Z. Local and A,B,C are currently not support"
[13:28] <marcoceppi> there's a block-storage-broker, which is the aws/openstaack stuff. then local and nfs
[13:29] <marcoceppi> which would work in a cloud agnostic environment
[13:29] <jcastro> what does it default to?
[13:29] <marcoceppi> I'm inclined to recind some of what I said earlier, this is an interesting attempt at making a plugin based charm
[13:29] <marcoceppi> local
[13:30] * marcoceppi goes to find what the heck that means
[13:30] <lazyPower> well thing is
[13:30] <jcastro> hey so out of the box it'll work on every substrate?
[13:30] <lazyPower> the storage broker is whats supposed to be doing the communication with the aws storage services
[13:30] <marcoceppi> asciishrug.tiff
[13:30] <lazyPower> teh rest of that data comes in over the wire
[13:30] <lazyPower> i'm wondering if the storage sub didn't get the update
[13:30] <marcoceppi> lazyPower jcastro I'd nack this soley on the fact they don't seem to document each of the providers
[13:31] <marcoceppi> a charm this monumental in undertaking needs more than 53 lines of readme
[13:31] <marcoceppi> I'm 5 mins in to poking and I still can't figure out what's going on
[13:31] <jcastro> marcoceppi, I'm not forming an opinion on the charm itself, doing a normal review of that is fine
[13:31] <jcastro> I think we should just clarify what we mean by cloud-specific features in policy
[13:31] <marcoceppi> I thought this was a nack or ack
[13:31] <marcoceppi> jcastro: ah
[13:31] <marcoceppi> well, we currently don't have any cloud-specific charms in the store
[13:32] <marcoceppi> all of Kapil's AWS specific stuff is still personal namespaced
[13:32] <jcastro> sure
[13:32] <marcoceppi> so there's not precedence for this yet
[13:32] <jcastro> so like, I think they should be fine, as long as it's obvious
[13:32] <marcoceppi> and we'd be potentially making one with this charm
[13:32] <jcastro> so if I do "aws-blueshift-workload-thing", that should be fine
[13:32] <marcoceppi> I'm inclined to agree, esp. with testing being the true revealer of "does this work on X substrate"
[13:32] <jcastro> right
[13:33] <marcoceppi> <cloud>-name works great when it's for one cloud
[13:33] <marcoceppi> this is potentially n clouds where n is < substrates
[13:33] <jcastro> ok, I'll propose to list.
[13:33] <marcoceppi> jcastro: yeah, lets move the discussion there
[13:33] <jcastro> the policy bullet is somewhat ambiguous
[13:34] <lazyPower> i put it in the review
[13:34] <jcastro> lazyPower, I'll also post the new trusty vagrant juju boxes
[13:34] <lazyPower> teh verbatim bullet
[13:34] <jcastro> but let's stick to precise for today
[13:34] <lazyPower> jcastro: did those get pushed?
[13:34] <lazyPower> awesome!
[13:35] <jcastro> yeah yesterday
[13:35] <lazyPower> i have the precise box up right now
[13:35] <lazyPower> i'm going to release a github repo with the workflow items in it for people to clone and quickstart
[13:35] <jcastro> lazyPower, link to my mailing list post for your review
[13:35] <lazyPower> ack
[13:38] <lazyPower> oh nice you mailed the list about it yesterday. hi5 jcastro
[13:43] <sebas5384> good morning :)
[13:43] <jcastro> hmm
[13:43] <lazyPower> Morning sebas5384
[13:43] <jcastro> marcoceppi, any idea why https://code.launchpad.net/~jose/charms/precise/owncloud/port-change+repo+ssl-support/+merge/215527 is not in the review queue?
[13:44] <sebas5384> ben is working in the vagrant box for juju with trusty
[13:44] <lazyPower> jcastro: its listed as needs fixing by mbruzek
[13:44] <marcoceppi> jcastro: it's not assigned to charmers
[13:44] <lazyPower> if it needs to be in the rev q, it needs the "request a review" button clicked
[13:44] <sebas5384> someone knows if there is a repository of the vagrantfile?
[13:44] <jcastro> marcoceppi, oh I see, charmers is merely subscribed
[13:44] <jcastro> that kind of sucks doesn't it?
[13:44] <marcoceppi> jcastro: mbruzek gave the wrong canned message for the re-review
[13:44] <sebas5384> because I have one, and i would like to help :)
[13:44] <marcoceppi> jcastro: yes
[13:45] <jcastro> sebas5384, you want to talk to lazyPower
[13:45] <sebas5384> nice!
[13:45] <jcastro> sebas5384, I was just about to post the address to the trusty boxes
[13:45] <lazyPower> sebas5384: the vagrantfile is very barebones. the vagrant image itself has a cloudinit package that sets up the environment.
[13:45] <mbruzek> marcoceppi, Did I? we talking about the owncloud charm?
[13:45] <jcastro> yeah owncloud ssl
[13:46] <mbruzek> marcoceppi, I see now, sorry about that
[13:47] <mbruzek> marcoceppi, So if a MP has tests and they don't pass it is OK to ack it?
[13:47] <jcastro> we should shove them in juju/vagrant on github or something
[13:47] <sebas5384> lazyPower: today the box use an externals python scripts
[13:47] <sebas5384> having to install bzr and cloning some scripts
[13:48] <marcoceppi> mbruzek: only if the tests failed before the mp
[13:48] <jcastro> mbruzek, he updated the branches after from what I can see
[13:48] <mbruzek> ack
[13:48] <jcastro> no idea if it passes tests now though
[13:48] <jcastro> because marco hasn't fixed the world yet.
[13:48] <jcastro> come on marco, I want test results on the internet!
[13:49] <sebas5384> lazyPower: so that means there is code from other places being used into the box, and that difficult the collaboration :)
[13:49] <lazyPower> sebas5384: you're hitting me at literally the first corner i've turned with this process. up until now, the vagrant building process has lived witho ur cpc team
[13:49] <sebas5384> lazyPower: but hey, it's just an ideia
[13:49] <lazyPower> sebas5384: so i dont have an answer for you yet
[13:49] <lazyPower> i'm gonna need you to calm down :P
[13:49] <lazyPower> CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM SEBAS!!
[13:50] <lazyPower> and i'll follow up with you when i have a better picture of whats where and how i can expose this to community contributors
[13:50] <marcoceppi> sebas5384: DON'T LISTEN TO LAZYPOWER, UNCURB THE ENTHUSIASM
[13:50] <marcoceppi> :D
[13:50] <lazyPower> marcoceppi: i'll push you :|
[13:50] <sebas5384> lazyPower: i don't understand what you mean, i'm not hiting you at all hehe
[13:50] <jcastro> just push it somewhere dude
[13:50] <jcastro> actually
[13:50] <jcastro> let's do this
[13:50] <lazyPower> i think you guys are missing what i'm saying
[13:50] <jcastro> let's do that after the charm school
[13:51] <lazyPower> and a) i'm already working on a github repo to go WITH the charm school today
[13:51] <sebas5384> lazyPower: calm down :) take a big breath :)
[13:51] <lazyPower> b) the vagrant file doesn't control much at present, just which box to use
[13:52] <jcastro> sebas5384, http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/vagrant/trusty/current/
[13:52] <sebas5384> jcastro: nice!
[13:53] <jcastro> mbruzek, tedg is being a squeaky wheel wrt to ssl support, so if you've got time to review that that would be <3
[13:53] * tedg squeaks
[13:53] <mbruzek> on it.
[13:54] <tedg> mbruzek, Thank you!
[13:54] <lazyPower> mbruzek: i rereleased tests, its close but still doesnt pass when being run through the test harness.
[13:54] <lazyPower> and they have not been merged yet afaik
[13:55] <mbruzek> lazyPower, They were your tests?
[13:56] <lazyPower> mbruzek: according to the bzr history yes - and they passed at one point.
[13:58] <lazyPower> which is why i started refactoring, because they do not pass now
[13:58] <lazyPower> either the test infrastructure has changed, or we encountered a 'this shouldnt work but does' situation.
[14:27] <jcastro> Incoming! https://github.com/juju/docs/pull/102
[14:29] <lazyPower> jcastro: 1 comment, otherwise LGTM
[14:29] <jcastro> fixed and pushed
[14:30] <mbruzek> jose are you out there
[14:30] <marcoceppi> lazyPower: sorry man, sniped that merge
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[14:39] <roadmr> you sniper, you
[14:44] <dpb1> lazyPower: hey, updated the storage readme. thanks for the review, let me know what you think.
[14:45] <lazyPower> dpb1: pulling it up now, thanks for the quick turn around
[14:48] <dpb1> lazyPower: np! write back on the review, if you have more feedback. I'll be AFK for today.
[14:48] <lazyPower> dpb1: ack. Should be good though. The hooks looked good when i looked through it, the big thing was the conversation that started with the metadata url
[14:59] <lazyPower> dpb1: perfect.
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=== tedg is now known as ted
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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[17:18] <sebas5384> someone haves a guide of how to use ansible into a juju charm?
[17:19] <sebas5384> i sow that I need to download some tools for the charm to work
[17:19] <sebas5384> https://github.com/absoludity/charm-bootstrap-ansible
[17:20] <whit> sebas5384, I used this charm as an example w/ ansible
[17:20] <sebas5384> whit: didn't know! what charm?
[17:21] <whit> woops -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/charms/precise/elasticsearch/trunk/view/head:/hooks/hooks.py
[17:21] <whit> sebas5384, charmhelpers grabs ansible and installs it on the remote machine
[17:22] <whit> ala charmhelpers.contrib.ansible.install_ansible_support
[17:22] <sebas5384> whit: exactly!
[17:22] <sebas5384> so i have to install charm-tools before
[17:23] <marcoceppi> sebas5384: charm-helpers needs to be embeded in the charm
[17:23] <sebas5384> whit: elasticsearch, sweet!
[17:23] <marcoceppi> helpers and tools are two distinctly different things
[17:24] <sebas5384> gotcha marcoceppi, because helpers is things that helps the charm, and tools are for the charmer
[17:25] <sebas5384> or something like that hehe
[17:25] <marcoceppi> sebas5384: exactly that
[17:25] <marcoceppi> :D
[17:25] <sebas5384> :D
[17:25] <sebas5384> i'm starting to develop the drupal charm in ansible :)
[17:25] <whit> ah nice
[17:26] <sebas5384> yeah! I loved ansible
[17:26] <sebas5384> and that would be to help me to prove a concept
[17:26] <sebas5384> then start develop the charm factory :)
[17:27] <whit> sebas5384, ansible great for this sort of stuff because it's fairly conscise and makes idempotency easy
[17:27] <sebas5384> whit: exactly!!
[17:28] <sebas5384> and reusable role are great to extend a charm
[17:28] <sebas5384> but something I was thinking about
[17:47] <sebas5384> ops, im back :P
[17:47] <sebas5384> let say i have a drupal charm, and for now attends what the project needs
[17:47] <sebas5384> but
[17:47] <sebas5384> now we have a new library dependency, and other things like that
[17:48] <sebas5384> so now, i have to "clone" the charm and called "nameOfTheProject"
[17:49] <sebas5384> but thats not nice, because now i have duplicated code, etc...
[17:49] <sebas5384> and now i have to maintain 2 codes
[17:50] <sebas5384> so, thats why i'm going forward to the ansible, so then, i can just update the ansible role
[17:52] <sebas5384> marcoceppi: what do you say, whats your advice to that case?
[17:52] <sebas5384> when i need to "extend" a charm, to attend the project needs
[17:52] <sebas5384> :)
[17:53] <marcoceppi> sebas5384: you can use a subordinate charm
[17:55] <sebas5384> marcoceppi: so i would have a subordinate charm called with the name of the project, something like that?
[17:55] <marcoceppi> sebas5384: well you can have a "drupal-project" subordinate, that would just install the themes, plugins, files, etc in the right place, create it's own apache configuration, etc
[17:56] <sebas5384> hummm
[17:56] <sebas5384> marcoceppi: interesting
[17:57] <sebas5384> but I have to deploy it --to the same machine, or subordinated charms executes all into the related charm?
[17:58] <sebas5384> https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-subordinate-services.html reading...
[17:59] <marcoceppi> sebas5384: subordinates don't use --to, they only exist to co-exist on a service
[18:00] <sebas5384> oohhh
[18:00] <sebas5384> marcoceppi: gotcha
[18:01] <sebas5384> marcoceppi: thanks! I will look at it :)
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=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
[18:49] <cff> "Juju Charm School Vagrant Workflow" starting in 10 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLNPn2rQynM
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[18:51] <jcastro> jose, ping
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=== mGraf is now known as revagomes
[18:56] <sebas5384> yeahh!! \o/
[18:57] <jcastro> 3 minute warning!
[18:57] <jcastro> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLNPn2rQynM
[19:03] <marcoceppi> CHARM SCHOOL! TUBULAR!
[19:04] <jose> jcastro what's up
[19:05] <jcastro> nm I figured it out!
[19:05] <jose> np
[19:05] <cory_fu> Did the video stop for anyone else?
[19:05] <tvansteenburgh> no
[19:05] <marcoceppi> cory_fu: not i
[19:05] <cory_fu> nm, back
[19:05] <sysdrum> seems fine for me
[19:05] <tvansteenburgh> i called youtube and asked them to stop it for cory_fu only
[19:05] <cory_fu> Also, is there any way in ubuntu to keep a video full screen on one monitor while typing in the second monitor?
[19:06] <CodePulsar> :-)
[19:06] <cory_fu> tvansteenburgh: Jerk. :)
[19:06] <CodePulsar> cory_fu: yes, there should be a way
[19:06] <jose> sorry I couldnt help, I'm still trapped at university
[19:07] <marcoceppi> lazyPower: it'd be cool if vagrant init just did that for you, re box_url
[19:09] <sysdrum> is it working like docker?
[19:10] <marcoceppi> sysdrum: similar, vagrant uses different backends (VirtualBox, kvm, vmware) so it's not limited to just linux since docker seems to be only LXC
[19:11] <jcastro> https://github.com/chuckbutler/juju-vagrant-charmschool
[19:11] <sebas5384> yeah i'm waiting, default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...
[19:12] <tvansteenburgh> jcastro: question: does it take this long to boot the vm everytime I do 'vagrant up' or just the first time it's provisioned?
[19:13] <sebas5384> tvansteenburgh: no, thats only the first time
[19:14] <sebas5384> tvansteenburgh: after that you can use just 'vagrant suspend' for example
[19:14] <sebas5384> but, here, gives me a timeout exceeded to boot
[19:14] <sebas5384> so im going to try again
[19:16] <jcastro> mine took a bit Retrying with the remote connection
[19:16] <jcastro> but eventually continued
[19:17] <marcoceppi> lazyPower: mediawiki is spelled wrong
[19:20] <sysdrum> QUESTION: Would I be able to manage it from a remote windows clients if I spin it up on another windows host?
[19:29] <jcastro> http://www.vagrantup.com/blog/feature-preview-vagrant-1-5-share.html
[19:30] <sysdrum> Do I have the ability to bridge the network? under VBox?
[19:33] <marcoceppi> \o/ thanks jcastro and lazyPower!
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[19:36] <sysdrum> was about to ask that.
[19:38] <sebas538_> sweet!! jcastro and lazyPower :)
[19:41] <sebas538_> jcastro: i remember that before these new vbox they where failing to connect after halting the vbox
[19:41] <sebas538_> so i assume this was fixed?
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[19:42] <sebas5384> thanks!! \o/
[19:43] <sysdrum> Thanks for answering my questions.
[19:43] <lazyPower> sebas5384: yeah that's fixed last i checked.
[19:43] <lazyPower> sebas5384: if you have any further issues with it make sure you open a bug against it or ping me and i'll do the due dilligence
[19:43] <sebas5384> lazyPower: ohh great! nice work men :)
[19:43] <sebas5384> *man
[19:44] <lazyPower> o/
[19:44] <sebas5384> thanks!
[19:46] <tvansteenburgh> lazyPower, jacstro: good stuff, thanks guys!
[19:46] <tvansteenburgh> jcastro even
[19:46] <jcastro> omg
[19:46] <jcastro> hey guys
[19:46] <jcastro> http://itty-bitty-cat-4232.vagrantshare.com/
[19:47] <jcastro> `vagrant share` is totally awesome
[19:47] <jcastro> I did that, logged into vagrantcloud via the CLI
[19:47] <jcastro> and then it generated that URL
[19:48] <sebas5384> yeah! was introduced in the new version
[19:49] <sebas5384> its awesome!
[20:15] <lazyPower> sebas5384: So wrt your questions this morning about the Vagrantfile and what not
[20:15] <lazyPower> did that github repository give you what you were looking for? or was there more to that statement that we haven't covered?
[20:24] <jose> mbruzek: lazypower is working on the tests
[20:25] <mbruzek> jose yeah I talked with him on that.
[20:25] <jose> cool :)
[20:25] <jose> also, I meant to set 443, 443 is https
[20:25] <lazyPower> jose: what i've pushed is where the tests are.
[20:25] <lazyPower> i dont have any additional cycles to devote to those atm
[20:26] <jose> lazyPower: so tests are done for now?
[20:26] <lazyPower> jose: whats there is what i got mang. :| they work when being run direct but fail when run via charm test
[20:26] <mbruzek> jose, lazyPower: Since the tests did not run before the MP I can't nack it for that.
[20:26] <jose> mbruzek: so we need my branch merged and subsequently Charles' branch
[20:26] <mbruzek> The owncloud needs a small fix that I found, I did not rejet on the tests.
[20:27] <jose> it's stacked on mine afaik
[20:27] <mbruzek> jose, did you fix the 80 problem?
[20:27] <jose> I am branching to fix it now
[20:27] <jose> literally *just* turned on my PC :)
[20:28] <lazyPower> mbruzek: jose - https://code.launchpad.net/~lazypower/charms/precise/owncloud/refactor_amulet_tests
[20:28] <lazyPower> jose: i can propose this for merging into your branch and you can pick up teh torch from there
[20:28] <lazyPower> sound good?
[20:28] <jose> lazyPower: sounds good to me, thank you
[20:29] <lazyPower> np - sorry i dont have a 100% golden package for you, my week kind of blew up, and next week is looking just as hectic
[20:29] <jose> it's good :)
[20:30] <lazyPower> https://code.launchpad.net/~lazypower/charms/precise/owncloud/refactor_amulet_tests/+merge/219903
[20:32] <jose> ack, thanks!
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