UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /14 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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[06:31] <dholbach> good morning
[07:45] <zsombi> nik90: ping
=== chriadam is now known as chriadam|away
[08:09] <mzanetti> popey: hey, what information?
[08:09] <popey> uh, what?
[08:10] <popey> mzanetti: oh, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/731/ - dholbach has responded too
[08:10] <dholbach> mzanetti, did you get a mail by myapps?
[08:11] <mzanetti> dholbach: popey: right.... that's wrong indeed
[08:11] <mzanetti> will fix
[08:11] <dholbach> mzanetti, but you received the mail, right?
[08:11] <dholbach> (just making sure there's nothing wrong with myapps)
[08:12] <mzanetti> dholbach: yes. I just went through the IRC scrollback before the mails today
[08:12] <dholbach> ok cool
[08:12] <dholbach> thanks mzanetti
[08:19] <mzanetti> dholbach: popey: resubmitted the fixed version
[08:20] <dholbach> mzanetti, approved
[08:21] <mzanetti> dholbach: nice, thanks
[08:30] <dpm> morning dholbach, do you hapen to know if universe is enabled by default in new Ubuntu installations?
[08:30] <dholbach> dpm, yes, it should
[08:30] <dpm> ok, cool, thanks
[09:24] <mzanetti> popey: hey, have a question on the download stats of apps
[09:25] <popey> uh-huh
[09:25] <mzanetti> popey: for instance, tagger. it says downloads from 596 users, but if I add all downloads from both published versions, I count 204 only
[09:25] <mzanetti> how come there are more users than downloads? I would expect it the other way round
[09:26] <popey> i think we have some data which didnt count versions
[09:26] <mzanetti> ah... that would explain it, yes
[09:26] <popey> i preferred that UI when it had raw data
[09:27] <mzanetti> :D
[09:35] <ogra_> popey, just write a click app that presents it like that ;)
[09:35] <popey> hah
[09:38] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Third Shift Workers' Day! :-D
[09:45] <popey> kalikiana_: morning, what does https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/datepicker-autopilot_helper/+merge/218909 your last comment there mean?
[09:50] <kalikiana_> that's the error message
[09:50] <kalikiana_> as j has a habit of deleting log files I tend to put them into comments
[09:57] <nik90> zsombi: pong
[09:57] <zsombi> nik90P: I found the problem with the warnings
[09:58] <zsombi> nik90: it is caused by the outer layout (HomeTab)
[09:58] <nik90> zsombi: oh nice
[09:58] <nik90> zsombi: am I using it wrong?
[09:58] <zsombi> nik90: The SimpleMenuLayout is doing teh layout first, but HomeTab finds all those items again...
[09:59] <zsombi> nik90: nope, it is the result of using findChildren() in Qt C++ :/
[10:00] <nik90> zsombi: so basically a nested layouts issue
[10:01] <zsombi> nik90: yeps
[10:02] <nik90> zsombi: Do you want me to report a new bug for the nested issue?
[10:02] <zsombi> nik90: perhaps would be good
[10:03] <zsombi> nik90: the funny thing is that the layouting is done properly, it's just the second run of the layouting (the outer Layout) will shoot warnings...
[10:04] <zsombi> nik90: especially that the ItemLayout.name is not even listed in between the defined ones...
[10:04] <nik90> zsombi: but does the warning cause the ui elements to disappear in the sidebar?
[10:04] <zsombi> nik90: not really...
[10:06] <nik90> ok
[10:09] <nik90> popey: I am looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-1315318/+merge/218067/comments/523711, which link do I press to see what AP tests failed?
[10:10] <popey> on the phone, will come back to you in a moment nik90
[10:10] <nik90> ok
[10:16] <popey> ok, back
[10:16] <popey> nik90: UNSTABLE: http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-click-autopilot-runner-mako/161
[10:17] <popey> Test Result (1 failure / ±0) -> https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-click-autopilot-runner-mako/161/testReport/
[10:17] <popey> https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-click-autopilot-runner-mako/161/testReport/
[10:17] <popey> testtools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: ('Single Test', 'Once on Thu') not in [('Single Test', 'Once on Wed')]
[10:20] <nik90> popey: ooh nice...it reduced from 6 failures to 1 failure
[10:21] <nik90> popey: is there a video of the test? I remember jenkins used to provide those
[10:22] <popey> nik90: i dont see any ogv files in the build artifacts
[10:23] <nik90> popey: me neither...that's alrite..I am going to approve the branch and make jenkins run the tests again.
[10:23] <popey> sweet!
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
[10:53] <dpm> hi Laney, there's a bug in the dual boot app whereby it can't reboot. AFAIK, it tries to issue a 'sudo reboot' and it hangs at being prompted the password. This seems to me not the right way to reboot, how are you guys doing it for system settings? https://bugs.launchpad.net/humpolec/+bug/1292609
[10:53] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1292609 in The Humpolec project "Ubuntu dualboot app does not reboot" [High,Confirmed]
[10:55] <Laney> dpm: u-s-s calls system-image to perform the reboot
[10:56] <Laney> dpm: Which just calls /sbin/reboot, but it can do that as it's root
[10:56] <Laney> so that's not very helpful for you
[10:58] <Laney> dpm: There's a logind dbus method to reboot the system, not sure if policy will let the normal user use it though
[10:59] <dpm> Laney, ah, I didn't even know about system-image. Could the dual boot app use the first method, though? Or is it only limited to u-s-s?
[10:59] <Laney> the method is "install the updates and reboot"
[10:59] <Laney> so it's not general purpose :(
[10:59] <dpm> ah, I see
[11:00] <dpm> Laney, do you know who I could ask for more info about the logind reboot?
[11:01] <Laney> dpm: actually that might work, sec
[11:01] <dpm> ok, thanks
[11:02] <Laney> yeah looks like it does
[11:02] <Laney> gdbus call --system -d org.freedesktop.login1 -o /org/freedesktop/login1 -m org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.Reboot false ← do it from the terminal app, not ssh
[11:06] <mihir> popey: ping !!
[11:06] <popey> mihir: PONG!
[11:06] <mihir> popey: for this MR , i still don't understand what to do , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/limitFunctionality/+merge/211536
[11:06] <mihir> is it something else on device which is preveting ?
[11:07] <popey> mihir: I have asked renato to take a look
[11:07] <popey> lets see what he comes up with
[11:07] <mihir> popey: okay thank you.
[11:07] <mihir> popey: i see rest of the bugs are almost fixed or in progress in calendar , except auto pilot ones
[11:08] <popey> yeah. I want to get these calendar ones nailed this week
[11:08] <popey> clock too ☻
[11:08] <Laney> dpm: ^ in case you missed it
[11:09] <mihir> popey: \m/
[11:09] <Laney> I don't know how your script is written, if not shell then you'll want to translate that into the language of your dbus bindings
[11:09] <mihir> popey: still if you test and find more bugs , just file it, i'll take a look at it and try to resolve it.
[11:10] <popey> will do.
[11:11] <dpm> awesome, thanks Laney. I've not played with it before, but I'm assuming there is a C++ API to use DBUS, which is probably what you're using for u-s-s?
[11:11] <Laney> dpm: if qt, then qdbus
[11:11] <Laney> there are many examples in u-s-s indeed
[11:12] <dpm> great
[11:12] <Laney> just calling a method is quite simple
[11:12] <Laney> you don't need to do any monitoring or any of that stuff
[11:13] <dpm> ok
[11:14] <dpm> lunch time, bbl
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[11:25] <mzanetti> hmm... music playback seems broken with the latest image. known?
[11:26] <ogra_> broken ? how ?
[11:26] <zsombi> nik90: there's one more update on the layouts-visibility MP
[11:26] <popey> wfm
[11:27] <mzanetti> ogra_: well, doesn't do it any more :D
[11:27] <mzanetti> ogra_: tried with the music app and also with the scope's preview
[11:27] <mzanetti> no sound, progress bars don't move
[11:28] <ogra_> sounds broken :P
[11:28] <mzanetti> even though playback status says "playing"
[11:28] <nik90> zsombi: testing now
[11:28] <mzanetti> jhodapp: hey, is that known to you? ^^
[11:29] <popey> odd, works on my #27 mako
[11:29] <zsombi> nik90: when you switch to tabletLandscape, there's no layouting involved there, so there might be something else there
[11:30] <nik90> zsombi: when you switch to the tabletLandscape, only the inner layout activates (sidebar menu item)...the home tab layout has only phone or tablet layout
[11:30] <mzanetti> popey: the music playback? or something else?
[11:30] <nik90> zsombi: only the sidebar differentiates between tablet portrait and tablet landscape layout
[11:30] <popey> mzanetti: yes, i just launched a song from the music scope, plays in music app
[11:30] <zsombi> nik90: eh, I was talking about that. So when the side bar switches to large mode, there's no layouting involved there
[11:30] <mzanetti> hmm... interesting
[11:31] <nik90> zsombi: true
[11:31] <zsombi> nik90: so having the items hidden seems to do with the app implementation itself...
[11:31] <popey> mzanetti: also, video playback works
[11:32] <mzanetti> popey: hmm... broken for me... on r22 and r27
[11:33] <ogra_> works fine on flo here
[11:34] <mzanetti> strange...
[11:34] <nik90> zsombi: Did you push the update to launchpad?
[11:35] <mzanetti> maybe I turned deaf... ah no... still hear my cats begging for food
[11:36] <zsombi> nik90: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhh! no
[11:36] <zsombi> nik90: did now
[11:39] <popey> balloons: when you are about can you take a look at paste.ubuntu.com/7462273/ please? I'm trying to release calendar trunk to the store.
[11:40] <nik90> zsombi: I don't see any more warnings, but the default layout of the hometab is not visible anymore
[11:40] <nik90> zsombi: so when I go from tablet to phone after switching tabs, the elements are hidden
[11:40] <wellsb> Is there some way to sign in to Ubuntu One account from the terminal? I keep getting network error when I try through System Settings
[11:40] <nik90> fginther: can you make jenkins run https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-1315318/+merge/218067 ?
[11:41] <popey> nik90: i can
[11:41] <nik90> popey: I thought jenkins would automatically run it but it doesnt seem so..
[11:41] <popey> done
[11:41] <nik90> popey: so yes please start it
[11:41] <nik90> thnx
[11:41] <popey> np
[11:42] <rpadovani> dpm, mzanetti thanks for your suggestions. Sorry for the delay, but yesterday was a busy day. I implemented all your suggestions, hope dpm is happy about the design and mzanetti about the code :-D
[11:42] <rpadovani> https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/pullToRefresh/+merge/219251
[11:48] <zsombi> nik90: that's weird, as I can see it!
[11:52] <mzanetti> rpadovani: looks good code-wise. has a visible issue tho. I left a comment
[11:54] <nik90> zsombi: here are the steps I took to reproduce it, Open App -> Resize to Tablet Landscape Form -> Switch to Movies Tab -> Switch to Home Tab -> Resize to Phone Form -> Switch to Movies Tab -> Elements Missing Now
[11:55] <nik90> zsombi: also the sidebar menu item which is missing also involves layouting http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nik90/cliffhanger/convergence-1/view/head:/components/SidebarMenuItem.qml
[11:57] <jhodapp> mzanetti, shouldn't be broken, nothing changed with playback
[11:59] <mzanetti> jhodapp: was my fault. Music files were owned by root as I pushed them with adb. sorry for the noise...
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
[12:10] <jhodapp> mzanetti, hehe, np :)
[12:12] <nik90> bzoltan: hey sry, could you again push the latest uitk update to the PPA :) ?
[12:12] <dholbach> dpm, how are the translation stats looking?
[12:17] <bzoltan> nik90: sure, a sec
[12:18] <rpadovani> mzanetti: thanks, I fixed it. I had to force the listview to return to start position after the end of movement, but seems it works fine
[12:18] <mzanetti> rpadovani: uhh... that seems bad... let me test it
[12:20] <rpadovani> mzanetti: if I remove contentY = priv.initialContentY it doesn't goes up right, maybe it's about the bug in trusty, could you try if you have time please?
[12:22] <mzanetti> rpadovani: you should not use header, and if you do, make its height = 0 when invisible, and add a Behavior on height to make it smooth
[12:22] <mzanetti> rpadovani: but again, not sure if that's good enough. probably you really don't want to use header
[12:22] <bzoltan> nik90: I have just pushed the trusty backport of the UITK trunk to the SDK PPA ... ETA few ten minutes
[12:22] <mzanetti> rpadovani: I left a comment on the MP
[12:22] <nik90> bzoltan: thnx a lot
[12:24] <rpadovani> mzanetti: ok, thanks for explanations. I'll study another strategy to subsitute the header
[12:25] <mzanetti> rpadovani: just remove the "header:" and set y: listView.contentY - height
[12:25] <mzanetti> I guess
[12:25] <mzanetti> didn't try it
[12:26] <mzanetti> maybe you can even use anchors, like: anchors {bottom: listView.contentItem.top; bottomMargin: height }
[12:26] <mzanetti> rpadovani: ^
[12:27] <rpadovani> thanks
[12:33] <rpadovani> mzanetti: ok, I pushed. Seems that if I remove header and don't set y it works as expected. I only added a verticalcenter to have a bit of margin from the top of the page
[12:34] * mzanetti tries
[12:34] <mzanetti> rpadovani: now it stays attached to the top of the list
[12:34] <mzanetti> rpadovani: imo it would be nicer to move it down with the content
[12:35] <mzanetti> rpadovani: you can actually even keep it visible all the time if you anchor it on top of the content
[12:35] <mzanetti> rpadovani: listview clipping will hide it
[12:35] <rpadovani> mzanetti: ok, so I use anchors
[12:35] <rpadovani> 5 minutes
[12:35] <mzanetti> rpadovani: well, either anchors or setting y manually
[12:35] <mzanetti> rpadovani: anchors is always better, but not always possible
[12:36] <mzanetti> so you should try with anchors, if it doesn't work in this case (because the contentItem might not provide an anchorLine) then go for setting y explicitly
[12:36] <nik90> zsombi: we got a new alarm issue...in the clock app I create a data object and set the hours and minutes as set by the user in the UI. I then set the alarm.DaysofTheWeek to the day chosen by the user. However after saving the alarm, the alarm is saved for today instead of the day the user chose. This only happens for single type alarms.
[12:37] <nik90> s/data/date
[12:37] <dpm> dholbach, I could spend some time on the stats this morning, but I've not had much more hacking time. I think we'll have to keep using the wiki for a couple of days more
[12:38] <dholbach> ok... I was just wondering if you could already see how much progress the individual teams are making
[12:40] <rpadovani> mzanetti: pushed, seems anchor works
[12:40] <dholbach> bzoltan, the newest click (just uploaded) might be interesting to backport - it added support for multiple frameworks
[12:41] <bzoltan> dholbach: sounds cool. I will push it to the SDK PPA
[12:41] <mzanetti> rpadovani: this looks much better now, doesn't it?
[12:42] <rpadovani> mzanetti: a lot :-)
[12:42] <mzanetti> rpadovani: last nitpick: the size of the pulldownitem looks different for Notes and for Notebooks
[12:42] <mzanetti> rpadovani: do you think there's something you can do about=
[12:42] <mzanetti> ?
[12:43] <rpadovani> let me check
[12:43] <dpm> dholbach, no, I can't yet. I need to finish the script to import translations stats from branches instead of Launchpad
[12:43] <dholbach> dpm, ah ok, gotcha
[12:44] <dholbach> dpm, that means that we won't have info about strings which need review either, right?
[12:44] <dholbach> I guess that's only possible with screen scraping because of the lack of API, right?
[12:45] <dpm> dholbach, correct. Unfortunately we can only report untranslated strings (which includes "needs review" and "untranslated")
[12:45] <dholbach> ok, gotcha
[12:46] <wellsb> Could somebody do me a favor and run accounts-console show <id> for their ubuntuone account and let me know what the auth method and mechanism should be
[12:46] <wellsb> Also what other fields should be present and populated
[12:46] <dpm> dholbach, I might be able to put something together before the team call as a demo, but I'm not sure yet
[12:46] <wellsb> account-console, rather
[12:46] <dholbach> don't worry - I was just generally interested
[12:47] <mzanetti> rpadovani: actually... it just seems to be like that... measuring the distance proves everything is fine
[12:47] <mzanetti> rpadovani: approving
[12:48] <mzanetti> rpadovani: oh... one last small thing: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/pullToRefresh/+merge/219251/comments/523812
[12:49] <rpadovani> mzanetti: ack, I forgot it, the first version has hardcoded the refresh :P
[12:50] <mzanetti> rpadovani: better this way :)
[12:51] <rpadovani> mzanetti: done :-)
[12:52] <mzanetti> rpadovani: err, nope :D that wen't wrong
[12:53] * rpadovani goes to take a coffe
[13:00] <rpadovani> mzanetti: ok, after a coffee I hope I choose the right one :D
[13:00] <rpadovani> pushed
[13:13] <zsombi> (02:54:20 PM) nik90: zsombi: here are the steps I took to reproduce it, Open App -> Resize to Tablet Landscape Form -> Switch to Movies Tab -> Switch to Home Tab -> Resize to Phone Form -> Switch to Movies Tab -> Elements Missing Now
[13:13] <zsombi> nik90: I did exactly the same, and I see the elements in Movies
[13:14] <zsombi> (02:55:34 PM) nik90: zsombi: also the sidebar menu item which is missing also involves layouting http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nik90/cliffhanger/convergence-1/view/head:/components/SidebarMenuItem.qml
[13:14] <zsombi> nik90: that is the nested layout I was talking about
[13:15] <zsombi> (03:36:55 PM) nik90: zsombi: we got a new alarm issue...in the clock app I create a data object and set the hours and minutes as set by the user in the UI. I then set the alarm.DaysofTheWeek to the day chosen by the user. However after saving the alarm, the alarm is saved for today instead of the day the user chose. This only happens for single type alarms.
[13:15] <zsombi> nik90: do you get any error from the save opeartion?
[13:15] <zsombi> operation I mean
[13:15] <nik90> zsombi: I think my sdk package is somehow messed up since I cannot even see the home tab contents on a fresh app start. So I guess your branch is fine and my comp is the culprit here
[13:15] <nik90> zsombi: no I don't get any error from the alarm save operation
[13:16] <nik90> zsombi: it feels like it is ignoring the alarm.daysOfTheWeek variable
[13:16] <nik90> renato_: ping
[13:16] <renato_> nik90, hi
[13:16] <zsombi> nik90: seems so... What happens if the dow is set to earlier day than the current one?
[13:17] <nik90> renato_: I am seeing the invalid alarm status bug while editing an alarm. Your previous MP seemed to have fixed that issue while creating an alarm but not with editing the alarm though. As a result the clock app crashes while editing an alarm.
[13:17] <nik90> renato_: Is this something we can work on at malta?
[13:17] <nik90> zsombi: checking now
[13:17] <renato_> nik90, do you have the but report?
[13:18] <nik90> renato_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1309057
[13:18] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1309057 in Ubuntu Clock App "Clock app crashes when trying to access a saved alarm" [Critical,Confirmed]
[13:18] <nik90> zsombi: no change...on setting the previous day, it still saves the alarm for today
[13:19] <renato_> nik90, I will take a look on this until the end of the week
[13:19] <nik90> renato_: thnx
[13:19] <zsombi> nik90: then smells like the alarm is not adjusted.
[13:20] <nik90> zsombi: the thing is I have not changed the alarm code in the clock app for almost a month now..so kinda weird it happens
[13:21] <nik90> zsombi: I noticed it only today since the SDK tab regression was fixed in the latest image. So AP failure exposed this new bug
[13:22] <zsombi> nik90: Open App ->enlarge to tablet size -> switch to Movies -> shrink to Phone -> Switch to Home -> enlarge to tablet ->switch to Movies -> shrink to Phone => then teh layout is empty!!!
[13:23] <zsombi> nik90: the question is whether the regression has happened with teh last SDK update or somewhere else...
[13:23] <nik90> zsombi: yes some combination of that causes the bug :P .. I feel like this whole nested layout issue with the visibility layout issue combined is rather confusing. I am in the process of starting a new branch which starts of with the basics of just the tab layouts.
[13:24] <nik90> I think dissecting the branch will better help with the testing
[13:24] <zsombi> nik90: yup
[13:24] <nik90> zsombi: I will let you know when I finish it and then we can test your branch with it
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[13:25] <zsombi> ok
[13:26] <renato_> popey, hi
[13:26] <renato_> popey, how I can reproduce this bug: https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/CalManagement/+merge/213355
[13:26] <popey> hi renato_
[13:27] <nik90> zsombi: Do you want to move the alarm bug for malta? I need to let lucasz know when we can expect a fix for this
[13:28] <zsombi> nik90: not sure whether I'd have time for that in Malta, perhaps you shoudl give it right away so I can check it
[13:28] <nik90> zsombi: I am creating a bug report with all the details and ping you the link
[13:28] <popey> renato_: added a comment to the merge to say how to
[13:29] <renato_> popey, thanks
[13:29] <popey> np, lemme know if there's anything else I can do.
[13:32] <zsombi> nik90: t1mp: damn! it's the Tabs which messes up the visible property now!
[13:33] <nik90> zsombi: lol
[13:33] <zsombi> t1mp: dude, we is your PageStack fix valid for Tabs as well?
[13:33] <zsombi> t1mp: or you deal only with the Page items added as PageStack children? right?
[13:34] <t1mp> hello
[13:34] <t1mp> let me read back
[13:34] <t1mp> zsombi: that's only for children of PageStack
[13:34] <t1mp> zsombi: and it does not set visibility, only active to false
[13:34] <zsombi> t1mp: the issue we have is: Layouts is fixed now to not to mess up the visible property, but then Tabs is now screwing up the visible property of teh default layout :?
[13:34] <zsombi> t1mp: but Tabs does alter the visible property, right?
[13:35] <t1mp> yes, PageStack also when you push/pop something
[13:36] <zsombi> t1mp: that's bad! we shoudl use the same technique as we do in Layouts: i.e. an internal invisible item to which we parent the hidden Pages/Tabs
[13:36] <zsombi> t1mp: otherwise the Layoust property changes will not know what exactly was the original state of the visible property
[13:37] <t1mp> zsombi: ehm
[13:37] <t1mp> zsombi: now that you say it, that's how we do it :)
[13:37] <t1mp> zsombi: the Page has a Tab parent that has a visibility
[13:37] <t1mp> zsombi: did it break recently?
[13:38] <zsombi> t1mp: then why do I get the inactive Tab's Page visible = false?
[13:41] <nik90> zsombi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1319401
[13:41] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1319401 in Ubuntu Clock App "Clock app alarms ignores the day set by the user" [Critical,Confirmed]
[13:41] <t1mp> zsombi: I don't see code that updates the page's visibility
[13:42] <t1mp> zsombi: but it becomes not visible when its parent is not visible right?
[13:43] <zsombi> t1mp: yeah, unless there's an explicit binding on it... I cannot really do much about that seems :/
[13:43] <t1mp> I don't see bindings for that either
[13:44] <nerochiaro> artmello: do you still have the patched qtmultimedia set up that you used to test things yesterday ? I do have a new branch of camera-app that goes with that which would be great if you could try
[13:45] <renato_> popey, which package I need to install to get: click-buddy
[13:45] <artmello> nerochiaro: I dont but I can reinstall
[13:45] <t1mp> zsombi: would you need something for the Tabs as well that makes Pages defined inside not active by default?
[13:45] <nik90> renato_: http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2014/02/click-buddy-and-you-how-to-test-your.html
[13:45] <zsombi> t1mp: thinking
[13:45] <nik90> renato_: tl;dr -> phablet-tools
[13:46] <popey> renato_: $ dpkg -S `which click-buddy`
[13:46] <popey> phablet-tools: /usr/bin/click-buddy
[13:46] <popey> dammit, too slow.
[13:47] <renato_> thanks ;)
[13:47] <nik90> hehe
[13:47] <zsombi> t1mp: seems the Layouts when used with Tabs, the altered visible property hurts big time...
[13:48] <zsombi> t1mp: as when the layouts are changed, ivisible tabs do save the visible state of inactive tabs, which can be invisible :(
[13:48] <zsombi> t1mp: so I'm restoring that one
[13:48] <t1mp> zsombi: the Tab.visible?
[13:49] <t1mp> zsombi: do you put the Tab in the layout, or the Tab.page?
[13:49] <zsombi> t1mp: no, Tabs content is set invisible even if not set explicitly when the tab is hidden
[13:49] <t1mp> tabs content = Tab.page??
[13:49] <zsombi> Tab's Page has a Layouts, and that is messed
[13:49] * t1mp confused. show me the code that breaks
[13:50] <zsombi> t1mp: Tab content = Tab { page Page { Layout {content}}}
[13:50] <zsombi> t1mp: it's amassive code :D
[13:50] <t1mp> hmm
[13:50] <renato_> popey, my calendar app is bigger than the screen, I can not access the toolbar
[13:50] <t1mp> if the tab is inactive then you shouldn't see that Layout anyway?
[13:50] <nik90> t1mp: its my app :)
[13:50] <t1mp> nik90: you always break our stuff! ;-)
[13:51] <nik90> t1mp: well I like to think that I am pushing the boundary for you :)
[13:51] <zsombi> t1mp: yes, but the layout saves the default state, Layout i sactive even if it's invisible
[13:51] <t1mp> nik90: ahh then it is ok :)
[13:51] <nerochiaro> artmello: yes please, would be great if you could test. the branch is lp:~amanzi-team/camera-app/camera-app-supported-resolutions-trusty
[13:51] <artmello> nerochiaro: ok
[13:52] <nerochiaro> artmello: and the same qtmultimedia packages that are in the ppa
[13:52] <nerochiaro> amanzi-team/ppa
[13:52] <artmello> nerochiaro: ok
[13:52] <zsombi> t1mp: nik90: hmm.... maybe if the Layous are not active while invisible....
[13:54] <nik90> zsombi: that could work..so when the tab becomes visible, the layout is applied correctly
[13:54] <popey> renato_: i have seen that too.. not sure how to fix it..
[13:55] <popey> nik90: have you seen that with calendar?
[13:55] <popey> I know someone did, but I can't remember who
[13:55] <nik90> popey: I dont follow...seen what?
[13:55] <popey> 14:50:24 < renato_> popey, my calendar app is bigger than the screen, I can not access the toolbar
[13:55] <popey> the calendar display overflow the edge of the phone
[13:55] <nik90> popey: not me for sure
[13:56] <popey> renato_: will have a dig when I get off this hangout
[13:56] <zsombi> nik90: the problem is that the conditions won't be evaluated when the hidden Tab will get visible...
[13:56] <renato_> popey, I found a workaround
[13:56] <t1mp> zsombi: maybe a Tab is just a special type of Layout
[13:56] <t1mp> zsombi: but lets not rewrite the Tab just yet :)
[13:57] <zsombi> t1mp: right...
[13:57] <popey> phew
[13:58] <t1mp> zsombi: can you add layouts dynamically? ;)
[13:58] <zsombi> t1mp: no
[13:58] <balloons> popey, copy on calendar. I'll look at it
[13:59] * t1mp gotta go, bbl
[14:01] <dpm> mzanetti, rpadovani, would you mind if we move the Reminders meeting to tomorrow? Sorry for the short notice, but I'm trying to finish something for an upcoming call
[14:01] <dpm> mzanetti, rpadovani, or feel free to run the meeting without me too
[14:01] <dpm> I don't have updates from Evernote yet
[14:01] <rpadovani> dpm, np, for both is ok to have tomorrow :-)
[14:02] <dpm> so essentially my agenda was to say awesome work in landing the new design, and review the new bugs after testing the new design
[14:02] <dpm> rpadovani, ok, cool
[14:34] <zsombi> nik90: ok, seems the visibility is fixed now...
[14:34] <nik90> zsombi: how come? I thought the issue was in the tabs?
[14:35] <nik90> I am happy still :)
[14:35] <bfiller> popey: renato_ and I seeing weird problem with calendar being displayed huge with no toolbar when testing the MR's
[14:35] <bfiller> popey: you guys aware of those?
[14:35] <popey> bfiller: renato_ said he had a workaround - trunk doesn't do that
[14:35] <zsombi> nik90: I was using PropertChanges for storing the previous visible state of the currentLayout. That was messing up here. I can see even the tabletLandscape labels
[14:35] <bfiller> popey: right, trunk is fine
[14:35] <popey> bfiller: so probably that needs re-merging with trunk
[14:36] <renato_> popey, bfiller I fixed with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7463016/
[14:36] <bfiller> popey: tried that but no luck
[14:36] <nik90> zsombi: wow...awesome...testing now
[14:36] <zsombi> nik90: the change is not pushed yet!
[14:36] <nik90> zsombi: oh .. jumped the gun
[14:37] <bfiller> renato_: ok
[14:37] <bfiller> popey: for one of the MR's we need a new dependency: qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-syncmonitor0.1 - how is that handled with click?
[14:38] <popey> bfiller: you don't, we have to seed that in the image
[14:38] <bfiller> popey: that's what I thought
[14:39] <zsombi> nik90: pull now
[14:40] <popey> bfiller: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.utopic add a merge to that
[14:41] <nik90> zsombi: My app works flawlessly! Awesome!
[14:41] <nik90> zsombi: owe you one
[14:41] <zsombi> nik90: :) just have to create a proper test case for it
[14:49] <nik90> zsombi: hey I got one issue, I am unable to click/press on any of the cover art images. I thought the issue might be with my app, but I switched to the TV Tab which has no layouts enabled and there things work normally
[14:50] <zsombi> nik90: ok, so the enabled is not set yet! nice finding!!!
[14:50] <nik90> zsombi: this issue only happens in the tablet form.
[14:50] <zsombi> nik90: ehh, I forgot teh code which disables the conditional layouts created :/
[14:52] <zsombi> nik90: ok, I've fixed it. I'm in the middle of creating the test case to get the changes guarded, so you will get an update tomorrow
[14:52] <nik90> zsombi: np..thnx for the fix..will test everything tomorrow again
[14:53] <zsombi> nik90: awesome :)
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[15:56] <dpm> dholbach, so I've got the translations stats generator running locally, I'll put it somewhere online where django can run between today and tomorrow :)
[15:56] <dpm> for the phone stats, that is
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[16:10] <popey> zbenjamin: bzoltan nash_ is having problems installing the sdk paste.ubuntu.com/7463499/
[16:17] <nash_> :)
[16:17] <nash_> >_<
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
[16:22] <mhall119> bzoltan: nash_ here is having apt errors trying to install the SDK
[16:22] <mhall119> nash_: can you paste the error message here?
[16:23] <nash_> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev ubuntu-sdk
[16:23] <nash_> Reading package lists... Done
[16:23] <nash_> Building dependency tree
[16:23] <nash_> Reading state information... Done
[16:23] <nash_> Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
[16:23] <nash_> requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
[16:23] <nash_> distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
[16:23] <nash_> or been moved out of Incoming.
[16:23] <nash_> The following information may help to resolve the situation:
[16:23] <nash_> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[16:23] <nash_> ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev : Depends: libqt5webkit5-dev but it is not going to be installed
[16:23] <nash_> Depends: libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev but it is not going to be installed
[16:23] <nash_> Depends: qt3d5-dev but it is not going to be installed
[16:23] <nash_> Depends: qt5-default but it is not going to be installed
[16:23] <nash_> Depends: qtbase5-dev but it is not going to be installed
[16:23] <nash_> Depends: qtdeclarative5-dev but it is not going to be installed
[16:23] <nash_> Depends: qtlocation5-dev but it is not going to be installed
[16:23] <nash_> Depends: qtmultimedia5-dev but it is not going to be installed
[16:23] <nash_> Depends: qtscript5-dev but it is not going to be installed
[16:24] <nash_> Depends: qtsensors5-dev but it is not going to be installed
[16:24] <nash_> Depends: qttools5-dev but it is not going to be installed
[16:24] <nash_> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
[16:25] <popey> mhall119: i already posted that above in a pastebin ☻
[16:26] <mhall119> thanks popey :)
[16:26] <nash_> :)
[16:30] <bzoltan> mhall119: I am here
[16:31] <nash_> is any way to solve my prob?
[16:31] <bzoltan> nash_: is that on Trusty? would you show me the `apt-cache policy ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev`
[16:31] <bzoltan> nash_: I need to know a bit more about your environment in order to help
[16:32] <nash_> ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev:
[16:32] <nash_> Installed: (none)
[16:32] <nash_> Candidate: 1.126
[16:32] <nash_> Version table:
[16:32] <nash_> 1.126 0
[16:32] <nash_> 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 Packages
[16:32] <nash_> ubuntu 14.04
[16:34] <bzoltan> nash_: have you run `sudo apt-get update`?
[16:34] <nash_> yes.
[16:34] <nash_> added the ppa.and done that.
[16:35] <nash_> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk
[16:35] <nash_> Ign http://mirror1.ku.ac.th saucy-updates InRelease
[16:35] <nash_> Ign http://security.ubuntu.com saucy-security InRelease
[16:35] <nash_> Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty InRelease
[16:35] <nash_> Ign http://extras.ubuntu.com trusty InRelease
[16:35] <nash_> Ign http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty InRelease
[16:35] <nash_> Ign http://mirror1.ku.ac.th saucy-backports InRelease
[16:35] <nash_> Ign http://archive.canonical.com trusty InRelease
[16:35] <nash_> Get:1 http://mirror1.ku.ac.th saucy-updates Release.gpg [933 B]
[16:35] <nash_> Get:2 http://security.ubuntu.com saucy-security Release.gpg [933 B]
[16:35] <nash_> Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty InRelease
[16:35] <nash_> Get:3 http://extras.ubuntu.com trusty Release.gpg [72 B]
[16:35] <nash_> Ign http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates InRelease
[16:36] <nash_> Hit http://mirror1.ku.ac.th saucy-backports Release.gpg
[16:36] <nash_> Hit http://archive.canonical.com trusty Release.gpg
[16:36] <nash_> Get:4 http://security.ubuntu.com saucy-security Release [49.6 kB]
[16:36] <ogra_> can you please use a pastebin ?
[16:36] <nash_> Ign http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports InRelease
[16:36] <nash_> Hit http://extras.ubuntu.com trusty Release
[16:36] <nash_> Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty InRelease
[16:36] <nash_> Get:5 http://mirror1.ku.ac.th saucy-updates Release [49.6 kB]
[16:36] <ogra_> i.e. paste.ubuntu.com
[16:36] <daker> nash_: no stop! :)
[16:36] <nash_> Hit http://archive.canonical.com t
[16:36] <nash_> bla bla
[16:36] <nash_> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[16:36] <nash_> ubuntu-sdk : Depends: ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev but it is not going to be installed
[16:36] <nash_> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
[16:36] <nash_> :D
[16:41] <bzoltan> nash_: please copy this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7463611/ to a file, make it executable with `chmod +x file` and run it, and pastebin it
[16:43] <ogra_> mhall119, http://developer.ubuntu.com/pioneers cuts of the bottom two rows if i click on "show all appliactions" for my entry
[16:44] <mhall119> ogra_: I know, I ping'ed beuno about it already
[16:44] <ogra_> ah, thanks
[16:44] <ogra_> i like that it actually hides the embarassing ones though
[16:44] <ogra_> he should probably not fix it :P
[16:44] <beuno> mhall119, did you talk to Jonas?
[16:45] <beuno> I don't remember that conversation :)
[16:45] <mhall119> beuno: it was a ping over the weekend, I don't think I talked to jonas about it yet, since it's only ogra_ that's affected and he cheated anyway
[16:45] <ogra_> me ?!?
[16:45] <ogra_> nevar !
[16:48] <nik90> ogra_: omg you have 30 apps...how is that even remotely possible?
[16:49] <nik90> ogra_: you and your web apps!
[16:49] <ogra_> haha
[16:49] <ogra_> i like them :)
[16:49] <nik90> look at you smirking in that profile pic :P
[16:49] <ogra_> *g*
[16:51] <n4uah> :v
[16:52] <ogra_> i could finish my "nightreader" app one day ... but i dont really want to go into concurrence with beru
[16:52] <ogra_> so i would actually have a native app
[16:52] <ogra_> (despite the fact that i use it every day for reading my ebooks and dont want to break it :P )
[16:55] <ogra_> hmm, and i should finish my heating control app too
[16:55] <ogra_> it is just that this doesnt come across so pressing during summer :P
[17:35] <bzoltan> mhall119: something broke the qtdeclarative5-friends0.2 on trusty and that blocks the Ubuntu SDK
[17:36] <bzoltan> mhall119: I am ripping it off from the SDK right now...
[20:12] <balloons> nik90, ping
[20:12] <nik90> balloons: ping
[20:12] <nik90> pong i mena
[20:12] <balloons> nik90, so let's touchbase on clock AP tests
[20:13] <balloons> things seem to be getting worse, heh
[20:13] <balloons> has renato gotten anywhere on the EDS issue?
[20:13] <nik90> actually the AP tests are better..it is the components that are getting regressed
[20:14] <nik90> I don't see the long alarm save times issue
[20:14] <balloons> nik90, yes, I was being a little tongue in cheek. But the tests are doing there job
[20:14] <nik90> balloons: there was another issue that cropped up recently which is the single alarm days issue
[20:14] <nik90> balloons: if we fix that, then we are green
[20:15] <balloons> nik90, so you believe this is fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1314533
[20:16] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1314533 in Ubuntu Clock App "Test fails on mako #3 utopic" [High,Confirmed]
[20:16] <nik90> balloons: well 1 AP test is still failing. Hence that bug is almost resolved
[20:16] <balloons> nik90, well yes.. I mean basically https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1319401 is the only outstanding issue, yes?
[20:16] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1319401 in Ubuntu Clock App "Clock app alarms ignores the day set by the user" [Critical,Confirmed]
[20:17] <nik90> balloons: yup
[20:18] <nik90> balloons: but if we mark https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1314533 as fixed, then the ci-team will see one failing test. So I thought of keeping it open until we resolve the alarm days issue
[20:18] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1314533 in Ubuntu Clock App "Test fails on mako #3 utopic" [High,Confirmed]
[20:18] <nik90> balloons: I am crossing my fingers that it can be done by friday.
[20:19] <nik90> balloons: but yeah I need to start focusing on extending the AP tests range. popey and I discussed that the AP tests should also cover edge cases to ensure we don't regress in the future.
[20:20] <balloons> nik90, yes obviously you are finding a good number of regressions now, given all that's happening
[20:21] <balloons> whenever there is a new bug with clock, think about if you could increase coverage by writing a test to ensure that bit of functionality
[20:21] <balloons> the testsuite grows organically this way
[20:21] <nik90> true
[20:24] <nik90> balloons: well to think about it, there was the bug about alarm status , I guess I can write a test to check the alarm status
[20:24] <balloons> nik90, ideally the test comes with the fix, but barring that requiring a bug to opened so it doesn't get lost works
[20:25] <nik90> balloons: well the fix was in EDS, so we missed the test due to that
[20:25] <nik90> balloons: reporting a bug report now
[20:25] <balloons> nik90, excellent.
[20:31] <nik90> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1319552
[20:31] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1319552 in Ubuntu Clock App "[Autopilot] Create a test to check the status of an alarm" [High,Confirmed]
[20:31] <nik90> balloons: you have any tags to track ap bug reports?
[20:31] <balloons> nik90, needs-autopilot-test
[20:32] <nik90> thnx
[20:34] <nik90> balloons: any other things you had in mind to discuss?
[20:34] <balloons> nik90, I don't think so. I just wanted to make sure things were moving on clock.. didn't want the test failures to hold things up for you, etc
[20:35] <nik90> balloons: They are blocking some branches, but I am discussing that with the concerned developers to ensure I am not blocked for too long.
[20:36] <nik90> balloons: so hopefully by next week in malta, I can get some good progress on some stuff like the new headers etc.
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