UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /14 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[03:55] <archpc> Utopic Unicorn is amazing :D
[06:44] <lordievader> Good morning.
[10:59] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[14:23] <labsin> anyone having issues with dnsmasq hanging on 100% and not resolving ip's?
=== JanC is now known as Guest12750
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
[15:57] <elfy> labsin: yea - I commented #dns=dnsmasq in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
[16:45] <labsin> elfy, thanks, is there already a bug report?
[16:46] <elfy> not sure tbh - I saw a forum report on it
[17:59] <mrhoggle> How would I go about updating from 14.04 to 14.10? I can't seem to find a tutorial anywhere.
[18:03] <DJones> mrhoggle: I've tried doing that via "do release upgrade -d" but doesn't look like the new release has been flagged up yet, I suspect its a case of having to manually adjust your sources list, but not something I've tried yet
[18:05] <mrhoggle> DJones, yeah, I saw something about update-manager -d and install updates but I didn't get anything either. Do you reckon they'll get that put in there soon?
[18:05] <DJones> I would think so,its possibly too early in the release cycle for it to be worthwhile yet
[18:06] <n4uah> i think u should enable the pre-release update from the software and updates.
[18:33] <rww> The pre-release update checkbox is for foo-proposed, not devel versions, ne?
[18:33] <rww> Anyways, I upgraded by editing sources.list.
[18:35] <mrhoggle> rww, do I just substitute "trusty" for "utopic" or something?
[18:35] <rww> yes
[18:36] <mrhoggle> Dankeschön.
[19:32] <elfy> labsin: there is now - reported it from Xubuntu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dnsmasq/+bug/1319536
[19:32] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1319536 in dnsmasq (Ubuntu) "No internet after install" [Undecided,New]
[19:32] <labsin> ok
[19:44] <labsin> is launchpad down for anyone else?
[19:45] <labsin> Ok, It's on twitter. Grrrrr
[19:45] <labsin> No, I'm wrong
[19:46] <genii> labsin: Timing out from here ( Toronto, Canada)
[19:47] <labsin> genii, Back on
[19:57] <labsin> elfy, I think the bug should have been against dnsmasq-base cause dnsmasq is not installed.
[19:58] <trism> labsin: it is against the source package