UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /13 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== ppetraki_ is now known as ppetraki
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
[11:24] <vila> hi there, is this the right channel to ask about issues accessing az3.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com from a cloud instance ? (As in wget hangs at HTTP request sent, awaiting response)
[11:58] <marcoceppi> vila: this is as good as any
[11:58] <marcoceppi> vila: you'll want to probably talk to utlemming but he isn't on yet
[12:00] <vila> marcoceppi: great, thanks for the pointer, this is a weird issue, I can reach archive.ubuntu.com and even some files on az3 but apt-get source is failing
[12:01] <vila> ftr:
[12:02] <vila> wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/a52dec/a52dec_0.7.4.orig.tar.gz works
[12:02] <vila> wget http://az3.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libp/libpng/libpng_1.2.46-3ubuntu4.dsc hangs
[12:02] <lazyPower> is there a proxy defined in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d?
[12:03] <vila> crap wrong test, lazyPower let me check
[12:03] <vila> but there shouldn't be any
[12:03] <lazyPower> i ask because my maas provisioned machines occasionally have issues due to that. I haven't tracked down why its an issue but commenting out the apt proxy seems to fix me up.
[12:04] <vila> grep proxy returns no matches in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d
[12:04] <lazyPower> ok. it was worth checking :)
[12:05] <vila> indeed, thanks for that ;)
[12:06] <vila> wget http://az3.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/Release works
[12:06] <vila> so the network is correct. Right ? Right ??
[12:06] <vila> :)
[12:12] <vila> wget http://az3.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/ hangs, that seems to be the starting point
[12:13] <marcoceppi> vila: well, wget on an empty directory might be expected results
[12:13] <marcoceppi> vila: what are you trying to do?
[12:13] <vila> wget http://az3.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ works though
[12:13] <vila> marcoceppi: apt-get source libpng
[12:13] <vila> from apt-get source libpng --print-uris I isolated the above
[12:14] <marcoceppi> ah
[12:14] <vila> marcoceppi: note that wget http://az3.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ works
[12:14] <vila> so it could be that this one is special cased but... I'd be more inclined to think something is borked on the servers
[12:14] <marcoceppi> right
[12:15] <marcoceppi> vila: yeah, let me find someone
[12:15] <vila> if I wait long enough, it ends up with ERROR 504: Gateway Time-out.
[12:15] <vila> for all failing urls
[13:08] <gnuoy> marcoceppi, hi, I'm writing my first set of amulet tests and was wondering if there are any examples of interrogating the relation sentry that you know of ?
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
[13:21] <marcoceppi> gnuoy: we have a few charms that exist with amulet tests
[13:21] <marcoceppi> gnuoy: memcache is one example, lazyPower do you have any others?
[13:22] <gnuoy> marcoceppi, I'll take a look at memcache, thanks. (I'm really enjoying working with amulet btw)
[13:25] <marcoceppi> gnuoy: I'm glad to hear that! There's a 1.5.1 with a few more patches landing today, but if you haven't hit the "charm not in source control" 1.5.0 should have what you need
[13:25] <marcoceppi> gnuoy: anything amulet doesn't do that you need it, feel free to let me know!
[13:36] <lazyPower> gnuoy, marcoceppi: mongodb, owncloud, apache allura (not merged yet), tomcat
[13:36] <lazyPower> to name a few
[13:37] <gnuoy> lazyPower, thanks, much appreciated
[13:38] * lazyPower hattips
[13:42] <vila> lazyPower: https embeds an AI ?
[13:55] <lazyPower> vila: wat
[13:56] <vila> lazyPower: you said hAttIps, I read that as AI in https, was I wrong ?
[13:56] <vila> :-D
[14:03] <marcoceppi> vila: http://i.imgur.com/cEnYB7n.jpg
[14:03] <vila> hehe
[14:06] <lazyPower> vila: hat tip ;)
[14:06] <vila> lazyPower: ;)
[14:07] <vila> lazyPower: oh ! http get its own ai too ?? Great !
[14:42] <dypsilon> Hi everyone, I'm just starting with juju and have a couple of basic questions. The first one would be: is it possible to deploy several services on one unit? So for example I would have one Digital Ocean virtual server and I want to install mongodb and node.js.
[14:52] <tvansteenburgh> dypsilon: yes, see examples in `juju help deploy`
[14:53] <dypsilon> tvansteenburgh, thank you
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== jcw4_ is now known as jcw4
[15:17] <didrocks> hey
[15:17] <lazyPower> o/ didrocks
[15:17] <didrocks> I have a small question, on jcastro's advice, I'm following https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/howto-node.html
[15:17] <didrocks> I was wondering about the node-app charm to set the right repo
[15:17] <didrocks> it's pointing at juju deploy --config myapp.yaml node-app myapp
[15:17] <didrocks> with the yaml being:
[15:17] <didrocks> sample-node:
[15:17] <didrocks> repo: https://github.com/yourapplication
[15:18] <didrocks> however, in the charm itself (http://manage.jujucharms.com/charms/precise/node-app), I see that the config is using app_url
[15:18] <didrocks> I'm probably missing one transformation step :)
[15:18] <lazyPower> didrocks: you discovered a bug in the docs, good catch.
[15:19] <lazyPower> didrocks: would you mind filing a bug? https://github.com/juju/docs
[15:19] <didrocks> lazyPower: ah nice, can do, for sure, so the name should be mapping the charm config?
[15:19] <jose> didrocks, lazyPower: I can fix it right now
[15:20] <didrocks> jose: still want the bug opened?
[15:20] <jose> ask lazyPower!
[15:20] <lazyPower> didrocks: when you say name should be mapping the charm config, what do you mean?
[15:20] <didrocks> lazyPower: options in the yaml config like "repo" should be the one in the charm config options
[15:21] <jcastro> the config is missing on the charm page
[15:21] <jcastro> I think the docs are referring to a config option that either doesn't exist, or used to exist and bitrotted
[15:21] <lazyPower> well, looking at the docs, this is really confusing, a) there is no repo config options, its app_url
[15:22] <didrocks> yeah, seems to be app_url
[15:22] <lazyPower> and the name at the top of that config example should reflect the name of the charm
[15:22] <lazyPower> eg, if you deploy node-app charm as "hoobadooba", it should read: hoobadooba: app_url: http://myawesomegithub.git
[15:22] <didrocks> oh, so not "sample-node" but "node-app"?
[15:22] <lazyPower> right
[15:22] <didrocks> ah ok :)
[15:23] <lazyPower> it needs some TLC - i'm busy with the Q at the moment but if you file a bug i'll make sure to circle back or another community member can play whack-a-bug with it
[15:23] <didrocks> sure
[15:23] <lazyPower> :)
[15:23] <didrocks> opening now with the IRC context
[15:24] <lazyPower> jose: ^ there's my response. <3 ty for offering to take point on it.
[15:24] <jose> no prob! :)
[15:24] <jose> negronjl: btw, there's still an MP in the branch
[15:25] <negronjl> jose: sorry about that ... give me the link and I'll review as soon as I can
[15:25] <jose> negronjl: https://code.launchpad.net/~jose/charms/precise/seafile/readme-cache-departed/+merge/217170
[15:26] <didrocks> lazyPower: jose: https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/94
[15:26] <jose> cool, thanks for reporting!
[15:26] <didrocks> yw!
[15:27] <lazyPower> +1
[15:29] <negronjl> jose: https://code.launchpad.net/~jose/charms/precise/seafile/readme-cache-departed/+merge/217170 Approved and Merged
[15:29] <jose> negronjl: cool, thank you!
[15:33] <jose> tvansteenburgh: hey! the seafile charm has been fixed now :)
[15:34] <tvansteenburgh> jose: ack, i'll take a look now!
[15:34] <jose> thank you!
[15:38] <tvansteenburgh> jose: link to the seafile MP?
[15:39] <jose> tvansteenburgh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/1078575
[15:39] <_mup_> Bug #1078575: Charm needed : Seafile <Juju Charms Collection:Fix Committed by jose> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1078575>
[15:39] <tvansteenburgh> jose: thanks
[15:39] <jose> np
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
[15:52] <Tug> there is something I don't understand in juju charms, where is the hook sequence defined ?
[15:53] <Tug> I guessed there would be a default sequence like: install > config-changed > start when deploying
[15:54] <Tug> but there are custom events also (like replica_set_relation_joined in mongodb charm) and I don't see what triggers them
[16:07] <lazyPower> Tug: The relationship hooks fire in sequence depending on when the relationship is defined
[16:07] <lazyPower> Now, i'm not sure about anything behond that. there may be some sorting algorithm, but the relationships fire as follows
[16:08] <lazyPower> joined -> changed -> broken -> departed
[16:08] <lazyPower> Tug: so the idea is, the replica set hooks only fire when a replica-set relationship is created/destroyed.
[16:09] <Tug> lazyPower, I see
[16:10] <Tug> lazyPower, and the name replica-set, is it the peers property in metadata.yaml ?
[16:11] <lazyPower> Tug: correct. its a peer relationship.
[16:12] <Tug> lazyPower, I see, and peer relationships are triggered by add-unit I guess ?
[16:12] <Tug> (or remove-unit)
[16:13] <lazyPower> Tug: correct. Have a look at the MongoDB cluster bundle. its a series of teh same charm, with different relationship types among them
[16:13] <lazyPower> https://jujucharms.com/sidebar/search/?text=mongodb
[16:14] <lazyPower> that should help conceptualize whats going on implicitly with the mongodb charm, as its fairly complex out of the box with all the capabilities. A single charm can define a config server, a mongos instance, and 3 replicated shards.
[16:14] <lazyPower> in that specific example :)
[16:14] <lazyPower> all through the power and magic of config+relationships.
[16:16] <Tug> lazyPower, it's clear, thanks :)
[16:16] <lazyPower> happy to help :)
[16:16] * lazyPower wanders off for lunch
[16:50] <Tug> is there a way to rewrite a config option from inside a hook?
[16:50] <Sebas_> hey!
[16:50] <Sebas_> hi people :)
[16:50] <Tug> A "config-set" would be useful no ?
[16:50] <Tug> Hi
[17:03] <niemeyer> Tug: That's "juju set"
[17:04] <Tug> niemeyer, juju set is like export right ?
[17:04] <niemeyer> Tug: Hm?
[17:06] <jose> jcastro: to confirm, we're having troubleshooting I on fri at 19 UTC
[17:07] <Tug> niemeyer, I'll have a look thx
[17:07] <jcastro> yeah
[17:07] <jcastro> let me post
[17:07] <jose> cool, thanks
[17:07] <niemeyer> Tug: There's no unit-side tool for setting the configuration
[17:07] <niemeyer> Tug: If that's what you're looking for
[17:08] <niemeyer> Tug: Configuration settings are global for all units of a given service, and they are read-only to the unit
[17:08] <niemeyer> Tug: Which is why there's no config-set analogous to config-get
[17:08] <niemeyer> Tug: juju set is how you change the settings, from the client side
[17:08] <Sebas_> has anyone tested a fresh install of an ubuntu trusty with juju-local ?
[17:09] <Tug> niemeyer, ok
[17:09] <lazyPower> Sebas_: every day.
[17:09] <Sebas_> i did 3 times now
[17:09] <lazyPower> Sebas_: what appears to be teh side effect you're seeing? machines not spinning up?
[17:09] <Sebas_> lazyPower: I did it 3 times yesterday and today, and the containers, doesn't have the lxcbr interface
[17:10] <Tug> niemeyer, juju set will do the job just fine for me ;)
[17:10] <lazyPower> Sebas_: is it present on your machine? Thats part of the juju-local package.
[17:10] <Sebas_> lazyPower: the problem is that I don't have the bridge into the containers any more
[17:10] <Sebas_> in the local machine is it, but, in the container doesn't
[17:11] <jose> jcastro: no juju troubleshooting I?
[17:11] <lazyPower> hmmm
[17:11] <Sebas_> and i don't have any clue what can be that
[17:11] <jcastro> jose, no that's after this one, we had to cancel this one due to technical problems
[17:11] <jose> I know
[17:11] <lazyPower> Sebas_: well LXBR0 is a bridged pseudo device, which should provide the eth0 in the container unless I'm mistaken.
[17:11] <Sebas_> hey jcastro! :)
[17:11] <jose> jcastro: can you confirm with me the date for Juju Troubleshooting I?
[17:11] <Sebas_> yes!
[17:12] <jose> jcastro: and speakers?
[17:13] <Sebas_> maybe is the kernel version, i don't know what to try :(
[17:14] <lazyPower> Sebas_: I'm not sure what would have changed. My LXC containers still have a proper bridged ethernet device.
[17:14] <lazyPower> have you modified anything in /etc/lxc?
[17:14] <Sebas_> nothing
[17:14] <Sebas_> i'm just formating and re installing the machine every time
[17:14] <Sebas_> its a dedicated server
[17:15] <jcastro> evilnickveitch, I'd like to document juju ssh/scp, where should I put it?
[17:15] <Sebas_> i thought that the problem was because is installing with the repositories pointed to a proxy of the company
[17:15] <lazyPower> Sebas_: Ping in #juju-dev, if you get no response, open a bug and mail the list about it. Thats my suggested workflow :(
[17:16] <Sebas_> but, I replace it before anything
[17:16] <lazyPower> i wish i had better info to give you though... seems... crazy that it just tanked for you.
[17:16] <Sebas_> thanks lazyPower
[17:16] <Sebas_> :)
[17:24] <jcastro> evilnickveitch, same question but for series
[17:25] <jcastro> jose, lazyPower and me
[17:25] <jose> ack
[17:25] <jcastro> jose, we can pick one
[17:25] <jose> jcastro: I had Troubleshooting II on 6/6
[17:26] <lazyPower> jcastro: I'm doing Troubleshooting I as well? cool.
[17:26] <lazyPower> this'll be fun :D
[17:26] <jcastro> jose, let's make that troubleshooting I
[17:26] <jcastro> and make troubleshooting II the week after
[17:26] <jcastro> sound good?
[17:27] <jose> same time, same speakers?
[17:27] <jose> sounds good to me
[17:27] <jcastro> 6/13
[17:27] <jcastro> troubleshooting will be the entire team
[17:27] <jcastro> you can just put me down as speaker
[17:27] <jcastro> I'll emcee
[17:28] <jcastro> I'll announce those now, get them out of the way
[17:28] <jose> all set now
[17:28] <jose> ubuntuonair.com/calendar has them
[17:31] <jcastro> after that I want to do local provider
[17:31] <jcastro> but I'll need to sync with thumper on that
[17:32] <jose> just let me know and it'll all be set up for you
[17:35] <jcastro> sinzui, got a minute to talk docs?
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
[18:13] <lazyPower> hey sarnold
[18:14] <sarnold> hey lazyPower :)
[18:14] <lazyPower> do you have 5 minutes for a quick q&a? I have an idea i want to bounce off of you
[18:14] <sarnold> lazyPower: security team is doing a blueprint mumble right now, maybe in a bit..
[18:14] <lazyPower> ack. can you ping me? I'm in a meeting until 3 - but this is hot off the press of my nugget
[18:14] <lazyPower> if i validate this idea, i'd like to draft up a spec.
[18:15] <sarnold> oo :)
[18:15] <Sebas__> lazyPower: so the problem is the route
[18:15] <sinzui> jcastro, I do have time to talk about docs.
[18:16] <jcastro> sinzui, hey so a bunch of the things you mention in the release notes
[18:16] <Sebas__> lazyPower: because when i ping to an ip it works, but no domains
[18:16] <jcastro> IMO we should also have those in the organized docs
[18:16] <lazyPower> interesting
[18:16] <jcastro> have you and nick thought about where some of those features live long term?
[18:16] <Sebas__> so must be something related to gateway or dns resolving
[18:16] <jcastro> for example, you document series
[18:16] <jcastro> but like, it's not in the structured docs, only the release notes
[18:20] <sinzui> jcastro, everything I write in the release notes because howtos or amendments to the stable docs. That is what we did with the release of 1.18
[18:21] <jcastro> sinzui, ok, I see some of them are now sections are in the docs, but for example I don't see where series is documented outside of the release notes
[18:21] <jcastro> sinzui, this isn't a criticism btw, I was just wondering for discoverability reasons
[18:21] <sinzui> jcastro, that is because we didn't change anything about series. really we didn't
[18:21] <sinzui> that is why CI has worked for 7 months
[18:21] <jcastro> right, but before I didn't have to care about series
[18:22] <jcastro> but now that 14.04 is out I have to care about series
[18:22] <sinzui> we just blogged about how we use default-series
[18:22] <sinzui> but local deployments are different, that that is documented
[18:22] <jcastro> ok
[18:22] <sinzui> jcastro, https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/charms-deploying.html
[18:23] <jcastro> juju set-env "default-series=trusty"
[18:23] <jcastro> aha!
[18:23] <jcastro> I had missed that
[18:23] <jcastro> sinzui, ok so really, there's nothing left to do wrt. docs for 1.18?
[18:23] <sinzui> The juju devs have not agreed to my proposal to always include default-series with juju init, so we get extra support duties
[18:23] <sinzui> no
[18:23] <jcastro> do you have any nagging things you need fixed that I can work on?
[18:24] <sinzui> I have 4 tasks for 1.12.
[18:24] <sinzui> 1.20
[18:24] <jcastro> I have a card to ensure everything from 1.18 that is important be reviewed
[18:24] <sarnold> lazyPower: okay, done :)
[18:27] <sinzui> jcastro, check the orange cards in the backlog https://canonical.leankit.com/Boards/View/14028616#workflow-view
[18:28] <sinzui> jcastro We will write the official docs when we know the devs are just fixing bugs in the new features
[18:36] <sinzui> jcastro, marcoceppi We are getting close of letting juju-ci do the docs. We have a script, and we have lp creds now. I hope to get docs operational by Monday
[18:36] <marcoceppi> \o/ huzzah
[18:36] <jcastro> I <3 you
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== Sebas_ is now known as _sEBAs_
=== _sEBAs_ is now known as sebas5384
[19:34] <evilnickveitch> jcastro, i think scp/ssh needs a new page
[19:36] <evilnickveitch> jcastro - as for default-series, it may be best to find all the undocumented config options. I'm sure there are more
[19:36] <evilnickveitch> then we could have an @additional config section
[19:49] <sebas5384> im _sEBAs_, lazyPower and jose, just changed my nickname to sebas5384 :)
[19:50] <sebas5384> lazyPower i know the problem of resolving dns issue
[19:50] <lazyPower> awesome !
[19:50] <lazyPower> what was the prognosis?
[19:51] <sebas5384> my dedicated server hadn't the nameservers hehe
[19:51] <sebas5384> xD
[19:52] <jcastro> blink blink
[19:52] <sebas5384> but! the juju-gui still haves the problem with git
[19:52] <jcastro> that's hadoop 2.2 in the review queue?!
[19:53] <jose> looks like
[19:53] <lazyPower> jcastro: you know it
[19:54] <jose> uh, it's installing hadoop from a gzip in the charm
[19:55] <marcoceppi> jose: that's fine
[19:55] <jose> oh well
[19:56] <lazyPower> jose: its what's called a fat charm
[19:56] <lazyPower> works in offline environments
[19:57] <jose> well, I didn't think of that
[19:57] <asanjar> hi there
[19:57] <lazyPower> asanjar: there's some talk about your work
[19:58] <lazyPower> i believe jcastro was taken by awe that it was in the queue already
[19:58] <asanjar> jcastro: is always taken away by my handywroks
[19:59] <jcastro> I am a fan!
[19:59] <asanjar> lol
[20:00] <sebas5384> jcastro: fat charm ?
[20:00] <sebas5384> the gzip is IN the charm ?
[20:00] <jcastro> yes
[20:00] <sebas5384> Oo
[20:00] <jcastro> so you have like a /files or /payload directory
[20:00] <jcastro> in environments where the cloud doesn't have access to the outside world
[20:00] <sebas5384> yeah, but I would it use only for template files
[20:00] <sebas5384> like configurations files, etc...
[20:01] <sebas5384> hmmm jcastro get it...
[20:01] <jcastro> it's not just charms, so like if you were doing an offline deployment, you need mirrors, charm mirrors, etc.
[20:01] <jcastro> there are many places where ubuntu server/cloud as a whole falls over when there's no connection to the internet, so we're fixing that
[20:02] <sebas5384> hmmm yeah, but in that case, you use mirrors, of course
[20:06] <lazyPower> sebas5384: depends on your network policy. Some are *that* locked down
[20:07] <lazyPower> and we as charm authors should cater to the lowest common denominator to ensure we have robust services. There are several charms that clone github - its illogical to assume you will run a github mirror on your network.
[20:07] <lazyPower> you could include a snapshot point release with the charm and reduce the overhead of running that mirror by adding a few extra lines of code to check for net connectivity, if offline, deploy from payload, otherwise clone from github for -HEAD
[20:23] <sebas5384> lazyPower: yeah i know some organizations that like to do that ¬¬
[20:24] <sebas5384> lazyPower: now i get it, we have to attend all the enterprise cases
[20:25] <lazyPower> *most
[20:25] <lazyPower> ;)
[20:25] <lazyPower> who knows sebas5384, the startups we empower today, are the enterprises of tomorrow.
[20:25] <lazyPower> s/are/could be/
[20:25] <sebas5384> exactly!!
[20:25] <marcoceppi> sebas5384: jcastro lazyPower there's work in juju-core to make asset management (payloads, etc) way easier. For now this is the workaround
[20:26] <lazyPower> marcoceppi: that blob delivery thing right?
[20:26] <lazyPower> i got like 1% of what that was all about.
[20:26] <marcoceppi> lazyPower: yeah resources
[20:26] <lazyPower> but it makes sense.
[20:26] <marcoceppi> lazyPower: think gitsubmodules for charms
[20:26] <sebas5384> but it isn't like a binary closed thing, right?
[20:26] <marcoceppi> but not as crazy
[20:27] <lazyPower> marcoceppi: http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/500x/45167208.jpg
[20:27] <sebas5384> hahaha
[20:27] <marcoceppi> sebas5384: it's just a way to map resources a charm needs and an asset repository. So if your deployment is behind a firewall you can sync the assets you need to your cloud deployment making "offline" deployments easy
[20:28] <sebas5384> lazyPower: i love this one http://i.imgur.com/3CS31.jpg
[20:29] <sebas5384> nice marcoceppi
[20:29] <sebas5384> :)
[20:30] <sebas5384> talking about things, where some talk about comparing juju vs openshift (since both are devops tools)
[20:30] <sebas5384> ?
[20:31] <sebas5384> i talked with openshift commnunity guys here at the FISL #15 the other day
[20:31] <lazyPower> sebas5384: as announced today at openstack summit, we have some new stuff coming down the pipeline for running a PAAS
[20:31] <sebas5384> oohhh nice
[20:31] <sebas5384> lazyPower: can i know what?
[20:31] <sebas5384> hehe
[20:31] <lazyPower> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsYdIJrJRLQ
[20:31] <lazyPower> yep its public knowledge now
[20:31] <sebas5384> because i started a project of a charm factory
[20:32] <sebas5384> ohhh nice!
[20:32] <sebas5384> i didn't sow that one
[20:32] <lazyPower> it was just aired about 4 hours ago
[20:32] <sebas5384> mark is homeless now? hehe
[20:32] <sebas5384> niceeeee
[20:32] <sebas5384> lazyPower: thank you sooo much
[20:33] <lazyPower> very welcome.
[20:33] <lazyPower> hattip.gif
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=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline