UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /07 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== TheMuso` is now known as TheMuso
[04:00] <Mirv> morning desktop
[04:11] <pitti> Good morning
[04:16] <thumper> o/ pitti
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[06:51] <mlankhorst> Hello, world!
[06:51] <didrocks> hey mlankhorst
[06:52] <mlankhorst> morning
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[08:04] <Laney> hey hey hey
[08:04] <didrocks> morning Laney!
[08:04] <mvo> good monring Laney, didrocks and seb128
[08:05] <didrocks> Guten Morgen mvo :)
[08:05] <Laney> hello didrocks et mvo, how's it going?
[08:05] <didrocks> I'm good thanks! yourself?
[08:05] <mvo> not too bad, thanks!
[08:06] <seb128> good morning desktopers
[08:06] <seb128> hey hey hey Laney didrocks mvo
[08:06] <seb128> Laney, how was your long W.E?
[08:06] <Laney> i'm good
[08:07] <didrocks> people daring taking bank holidays :-)
[08:07] <Laney> it was fun thank you!
[08:07] <Laney> + an extra day even ;-)
[08:07] <Laney> we got a canal boat and sailed around a bit
[08:08] <Laney> working the locks and stuff, I recommend it!
[08:09] <didrocks> nice weather?
[08:09] <Laney> i'm looking a bit pink ...
[08:09] <didrocks> waow :)
[08:09] * didrocks won't make any comment on all people living "in the north" like seb128 or you ;)
[08:09] <Laney> :P
[08:09] <didrocks> (and getting easy sunburn :p)
[08:14] <Laney> it's surprising that it can happen even if it doesn't feel that sunny
[08:17] <didrocks> yeah, clouds are a double trap, you don't feel that warm and don't think you can burn
[08:18] <seb128> wind as well
[08:18] <seb128> especially when you are on the water
[08:22] <didrocks> hum, I can't assign the thinkvantage button as a shortcut anymore on trusty :/
[08:23] * didrocks tried to change the shortcut script path it pointed at and it's broken now
[08:23] <didrocks> assign to alt + u works though, it's clearly related to thinkvantage button
[08:25] <didrocks> ok, at least, same behavior in a guest
[08:26] <didrocks> [org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom0]
[08:26] <didrocks> binding='Launch1'
[08:26] <didrocks> command='/home/didrocks/foo'
[08:26] <didrocks> name='creds'
[08:28] <pitti> Sweetsha1k: hey Bjoern
[08:29] <pitti> Sweetsha1k: we finally fixed the autopkgtest timeouts, now LibO fails "properly"
[08:29] <pitti> looks like a missing @builddeps@ or build-essential or similar dependency, depending on what the test needs to to
[08:45] <Laney> seb128: can you promote appdata-tools please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appdata-tools/+bug/1315019
[08:47] <seb128> Laney, is anything (build-)depending on it yet?
[08:47] <Laney> cheese
[08:48] <seb128> ok, so "yes"
[08:48] <seb128> doing the promoting then
[08:48] <Laney> thanks!
[08:48] <seb128> yw!
[09:04] <Laney> xnox: any thoughts on https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=675008 yet?
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[09:38] <didrocks> hum, seems that the thinkvantage button issue would be due to compiz
[09:38] <didrocks> popey: FYI ^
[09:38] <didrocks> Trevinho: do you know about why a newly assigned shortcut won't work under unity?
[09:38] <popey> ☹
[09:39] <didrocks> popey: assigning it to compiz directly works as a workaround
[09:40] <popey> how?
[09:40] <didrocks> popey: what's your reaction if you hear about ccsm? :p
[09:40] <xnox> Laney: in ubuntu we source /etc/profile.d/*.sh from /etc/profile, similar to what fedora does.
[09:41] <xnox> Laney: however, fedora also sources /etc/profile.d/*.sh from /etc/bashrc
[09:41] <popey> didrocks: meh, i have it installed, use it to enable various random things - what's the spell to cast?
[09:41] <didrocks> popey: in the "general" area, you have "commands"
[09:42] <darkxst> yeh that is the cause of the whole gnome-terminal vte.sh sourcing issue!
[09:42] <didrocks> popey: assign a command line
[09:42] <didrocks> go to the next tab
[09:42] <didrocks> and assign to the corresponding number the keyboard shortcut
[09:42] <didrocks> seems that the compiz <-> u-c-c integration is clearly broken
[09:43] <darkxst> bug 1132700
[09:43] <darkxst> and mainly why we are still stuck with gnome-terminal 3.6
[09:43] <Laney> yes, that's what i'm asking about
[09:43] <xnox> Laney: i really see no harm in not sourcing /etc/profile.d/* since i'm yet to see snippets dropped there that "may not be ever executed more than once"
[09:44] <xnox> Laney: i'm making a patch now, and will send it to bts & doko and will nmu that.
[09:45] <xnox> Laney: i guess you do want it in debian, and not just ubuntu?
[09:46] <popey> didrocks: woohoo! thanks!
[09:46] <didrocks> popey: yw! ;)
[09:46] <Laney> xnox: cool, good luck with that ;)
[09:46] <Laney> I don't see any reason this would be ubuntu specific, indeed
[09:46] <seb128> didrocks, u-c-c custom commands wfm
[09:46] <didrocks> seb128: it works here as well, but not for the thinkvantage button, if I reassign
[09:46] <didrocks> seb128: popey confirms it as well
[09:47] <seb128> I don't know what "thinkvantge" is
[09:47] <didrocks> I got the issue this morning when trying to change the script path
[09:47] <didrocks> seb128: big blue button on thinkpad laptop
[09:47] <popey> seb128: blue button on a thinkpad ☻
[09:47] <seb128> oh ok
[09:47] * seb128 has Dell
[09:47] <seb128> well, normal keybindings work
[09:47] <seb128> I just assigned ctrl-alt-e to "gedit"
[09:47] <seb128> and it runs it
[09:47] <didrocks> yeah, not sure how or why that one broken
[09:47] <didrocks> and started to be broken when I reassign the script
[09:48] <darkxst> the thinkpad special keys are handled slightly different
[09:48] <didrocks> the name between GNOME and compiz aren't the same
[09:48] <didrocks> like, it's Launch1 under GNOME
[09:48] <didrocks> and XF86Launch1 for compiz
[09:49] <didrocks> popey: after a dconf dump /org/compiz/integrated/
[09:50] <didrocks> on the laptop you never reassigned
[09:50] <didrocks> did you have anything setup?
[09:53] <popey> GNNNN. I would tell you if my trusty desktop hadn't just booted up in low-graphics mode
[09:54] <didrocks> popey: he felt you wanted to hurt it! :)
[09:54] <popey> ☹
[09:54] <popey> this shouldn't happen ☹
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[10:28] <Laney> Anyone want to try gnome-terminal from lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-terminal/ubuntu-current ? I re-added a patch we used to have to use the transparency that the theme sets for the background.
[10:39] <Laney> larsu: do you think rishi would be interested in doing something like that in his transparency patch btw? It adds a property which makes g-t read the transparency from the theme instead of the profile's settings
[10:40] <xnox> Laney: oh, speaking of which the light theme needs activating for gnome terminal (ambience?!)
[10:40] <xnox> Laney: <doko> can you pester me at the sprint again? have to do some real work ;p
[10:40] <Laney> activating?
[10:40] <Laney> hey, this is real work >:|
[10:40] <xnox> Laney: so far i've subverted all of his argumentation =)
[10:40] <Laney> good work
[10:41] <larsu> Laney: don't know. Let's ask him when he's around
[10:41] <Laney> okay
[10:42] <larsu> this is for g-t 3.12?
[10:42] <Laney> his stuff would be
[10:42] <larsu> k
[10:42] <Laney> that patch I just (re)added was an old one we already had
[10:42] <Laney> our theme already sets the value
[10:42] <Laney> we just dumped the patch for some reason
[10:43] <xnox> Laney: yeah, so light-themes has "dark" gnome-terminal (radiance?!) but the "light" one is commented out (ambience?!)
[10:45] <Laney> xnox: Looks like they're the same if you ignore the commented out stuff
[10:47] <xnox> Laney: are they?! hm. i thought there was something special about it. let me test it out.
[10:48] <xnox> i thought tabs were suppose to get nicer matching colors, or some such.
[10:49] <Laney> It just sets the default transparency & background & text colour
[10:50] <xnox> meh, ok.
[10:50] <Laney> I think the rest of it is standard gtk stuff
[10:50] <popey> didrocks: only has alt for show-hud, nothing else, on desktop
[10:53] <Laney> pitti: I just remembered our conversation on Friday --- do you think http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/05/02/#ubuntu-devel.html#t16:32 could explain why it doesn't pass?
[10:54] <darkxst> Laney, that patch won't work with the new(er) gnome-terminal, they remove the api's
[10:54] <Laney> darkxst: that's what I just asked Lars about
[10:55] <Laney> there's a patch (or intention to write one) to keep transparency
[10:55] <Laney> pitti: (xnox:) going to skip dbus-test-runner for now anyway
[10:56] <xnox> Laney: as in force-bad-test? and thus gvfs will migrate?!
[10:57] <Laney> it's a possibility
[10:57] <xnox> Laney: it looks like it's bustle related, since "needs-build" does a build without bustle, whilst adt-test does _with_ bustle installed (or at least that's the intention...) and something somewhere doesn't like that.
[10:59] <Laney> I think the idea is to not recompile in the actual test, just to run the testsuite
[10:59] <Laney> it's pretty weird
[10:59] <pitti> Laney, xnox: BTW, gvfs' test failure is real (due to new libgphoto2), on my list after the bigger fires were putout
[10:59] <Laney> oh
[10:59] <Laney> I think that britney has forgotten about that one
[11:00] <Laney> pitti: do you want to fix it before gvfs goes in or later?
[11:01] <pitti> Laney: if it holds up lib transitions, feel free to override
[11:01] <pitti> Laney: it's not a simple fix, and as I'm also patch pilot today and also have to do something for the OEM team, I don't expect to get to it today
[11:02] <Laney> It doesn't hold them up, but only because (adt-)britney has forgotten about it
[11:03] <pitti> Laney: that's one of the "urgent" thinks I'm currently busy with, BTW -- reviewing jibel's fix for that very britney bug :)
[11:03] <pitti> thinks -> things
[11:03] <Laney> great, I've been hoping for that one :)
[11:13] <Laney> uploaded g-t to the desktop ppa, btw
[11:22] <xnox> Laney: \o/ britney still has dementia gvfs is in =)
[11:23] <Laney> nice
[11:23] <Laney> plist hooooo
[11:24] <xnox> apart from haskell, there is only mpich transition left and bits&bobs of boost transition
[11:24] <xnox> yeah ;-) plist is now done.
[11:24] <xnox> Laney: do you know how to get a shell inside the test environment with "adt-run" & qemu?
[11:25] <Laney> nope, I've not used that yet
[11:25] <Laney> it was easy with the old run-adt-test
[11:25] <xnox> yeah.
[11:25] <xnox> pitti: how to get shell inside test environment with "adt-run" & qemu runner? "--shell" doesn't seem to do that for me.
[11:26] <pitti> xnox: it doesn't directly throw you into a shell, right; it prints out various commands (in descending "niceness") how to log in
[11:26] <pitti> xnox: i. e. usually with ssh, but if that's broken you can also use minicom or even nc
[11:26] <pitti> xnox: -s is more useful, btw (only shell on failed tests)
[11:27] <pitti> xnox: or do you just want a virgin environment without any autopkgtset stuff run before?
[11:27] <xnox> pitti: http://youtu.be/2xW5xK3UeXs =)
[11:27] <xnox> (that's about minicom & nc =)))) )
[11:28] <xnox> pitti: i want with autopkgtest just finished running (or failing)
[11:28] <Laney> # For a native build we would also want to append /usr/lib/pkgconfig
[11:28] <Laney> # at this point; but this is a cross-building script, so don't
[11:28] <Laney> grr!
[11:29] <pitti> xnox: yes, then --shell should do exactly that; what does it say after the test?
[11:29] <xnox> pitti: well let me try again.
[11:31] <pitti> xnox: that's how it's supposed to look like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7409845/
[11:31] <pitti> xnox: I think it's currently broken if you use --output-dir; do you?
[11:32] <xnox> i am rebuilding my cloud image. only had -proposed enabled and that's it i think.
[11:32] <pitti> xnox: yes, with --output-dir I get some "IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/proc/15433/fd/pipe:[967428]'" gobbledigok
[11:33] <pitti> (on my list, but medium prio)
[11:33] <pitti> xnox: ah, you are not using the adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud ones?
[11:34] <xnox> i am.
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[11:46] <xnox> pitti: no i don't get that, i believe this is because package build fails and it declares needs-building.
[11:46] <xnox> (fails due to test-suite error)
[11:54] <pitti> xnox: aaah
[11:54] <pitti> xnox: indeed, --shell doesn't work on package build failures
[11:54] <pitti> xnox: that's a good point, mind filing a bug? (LP or Debian, doesn't matteR)
[11:54] <xnox> pitti: removed that, changed tests, trying now with -B .// option
[11:56] <xnox> Bug #1317055
[11:57] <xnox> dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: build-essential:native
[11:57] <xnox> pitti: what do i need to upgrade to get that ^
[11:57] * xnox does a full-distupgrade
[11:57] <xnox> lunch time.
[11:57] <pitti> xnox: not released yet, I'm afraid, still in git
[11:58] <pitti> xnox: git clone http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=autopkgtest/autopkgtest.git
[11:58] <xnox> ok...
[11:58] <xnox> =(
[11:58] <pitti> xnox: and /where/ever/run-from-checkout instead of adt-run
[12:04] * ogra_ sighs about the new FF UI ...
[12:05] <ogra_> i dont mind the new look, but why oh why did they have to make the close buttons for tabs so super tiny
[12:10] <mvo_> ogra_: hehe, the term FF is a bit overloaded, I was pondering for a moment what ui FeatureFreeze has and then when you got a new FullFrame camera ;)
[12:10] <ogra_> lol
[12:14] <xnox> Laney: uploaded into utopic, patch+NMU intent sent to debian.
[12:41] <Laney> xnox: haha, did he give in?
[12:42] <mlankhorst> noon
[12:43] <xnox> Laney: no, complained once he read utopic-changes.
[12:43] <Laney> :D
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[12:44] <xnox> Laney: i pointed that i'm going to nmu this into debian as well as per patch on the debian bug report.
[12:44] <xnox> Laney: and talking to him, gave me more rebutal points to include in the patch email i sent to BTS =)
[12:44] <Laney> not sure that'll sooth the flames ...
[12:44] <pitti> ogra_: you actually use the close button on tabs? I only ever middle-click there
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[12:44] <pitti> ogra_: (or ctrl+w)
[12:44] <Laney> 'd' (vimperator ftw)
[12:44] <xnox> Laney: my plan is to duck & hide in malta and bribe doko with beer
[12:45] <ogra_> pitti, no middle click on my touchpad ...
[12:45] <pitti> I don't even see close buttons
[12:45] <xnox> pitti: you must not be wearing ubuntu glasses
[12:45] <ogra_> you dont have a small X in the active tab ?
[12:45] <Laney> xnox: anyway, thanks, that'll unblock gnome-terminal once we get the patch to bring transparency back
[12:46] <Laney> larsu: ↑ fyi
[12:46] <larsu> ah, cool
[12:46] <pitti> xnox: no, probably too many tabs :)
[12:46] <Laney> you could pop round to doko's house and massage his shoulders or something
[12:46] <Laney> :)
[12:47] * Laney brb
[12:47] <xnox> Laney: i don't think that would fly at all.
[12:47] <Laney> someone would fly
[12:52] <xnox> i nominate infinity
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[14:13] <pmcgowan> mlankhorst, looks like you have a fix! nice
[14:13] <pmcgowan> tseliot, nice
[14:14] <tseliot> :)
[14:17] <mlankhorst> yeah hopefully, pending review :P
[14:27] <seb128> what bug was that?
[14:27] <seb128> the "can't dnd the uitk apps from the touchscreen"?
[14:27] <seb128> or the segfault one?
[14:27] <tseliot> seb128: the former, but I can't reproduce the latter either
[14:29] <seb128> I had some errors in valgrind
[14:30] <seb128> and I can reproduce the segfault
[14:30] <seb128> but not under valgrind
[14:32] <tseliot> seb128: can you try xserver-xorg-core from the same ppa, please?
[14:32] <seb128> what ppa is that?
[14:33] <tseliot> seb128: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-x/+archive/x-staging
[14:33] <tseliot> seb128: the new qt and xserver-xorg-core are what you should test
[14:33] <tseliot> as per https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1307701
[14:34] <tseliot> they might fix the second bug you mentioned too
[14:36] <seb128> tseliot, thanks
[14:38] <seb128> om26er, hey, did you have slots to look at the u-s-s CI issues?
[14:41] <om26er> seb128, sorry I didn't look at that yesterday. Looking at that now and it seems its failing on the very start of the test.
[14:41] <om26er> the phase where it actually expects a page to be opened
[14:42] <om26er> seb128, which MR is it related to ?
[14:47] <seb128> om26er, it happens on all the mps for a month or so
[14:47] <seb128> well the settings ones
[14:47] <seb128> om26er, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-system-settings/ignore-updates-autopilot/+merge/218481 is a recent one
[14:47] <seb128> or https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings/+activereviews if you prefer the list
[14:48] <om26er> seb128, it passes on mako, only otto is failing. I'll run them on my desktop first and see if it happens or not and then contact francis
[14:48] <seb128> om26er, thanks
[14:49] <seb128> om26er, I've no issue locally either, so I'm unsure how to debug
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[15:18] <seb128> tseliot, mlankhorst, pmcgowan: the xserver/qt in that ppa works great for me, I can dnd the apps without issue and I didn't hit the xserver segfault yet (though I couldn't easily trigger it before, so it might be that I just got lucky so far)
[15:18] <pmcgowan> seb128, awesome
[15:19] <mlankhorst> seb128: goodie, I've written an xorg-integration-tests testcase too
[15:19] <tseliot> :)
[15:36] <jibel> om26er,^^ can you try xserver-xorg-core from x-staging ppa and verify it fixes 1307701 for you too and that X stops crashing
[15:36] <mlankhorst> it's qtbase that's important :P
[15:36] <jibel> om26er, or what mlankhorst said :)
[15:37] <mlankhorst> the xorg-server parts probably only matters if you run in valgrind
[15:38] <seb128> enable the ppa and upgrade
[15:38] <seb128> those are the only trusty updates in there
[15:58] <mlankhorst> I'll sru it tomorrow after people tested it some more, needs a small fix to prevent the bug from occuring on tablets. :P
[16:10] <seb128> Laney, do you some free slot to discuss the unity8-desktop image/where we start to bootstrap that?
[16:12] <Laney> seb128: yeah, now?
[16:12] <seb128> Laney, well, just IRC chatting on the channel ... now if it works for you, yes ;-)
[16:12] <seb128> do you have opinion on where we start?
[16:13] <Laney> what do you think the idea is?
[16:13] <Laney> is it to provide all of the applications and everything?
[16:14] <seb128> the goal ? or how I would start ?
[16:14] <Laney> mir or x?
[16:14] <Laney> the goal
[16:14] <seb128> the goal seems to be "unity8 on Mir + new core apps + some more desktop apps"
[16:14] <seb128> well I assume on Mir
[16:14] <seb128> like unity8-desktop-session-mir
[16:14] <seb128> Rick said it's fine to have one app on screen at time/fullscreen
[16:15] <seb128> bregma, there? your input might be useful in that discussion
[16:15] <Laney> so it's -desktop-session-mir and the apps from touch
[16:16] <Laney> I don't know how we'd do click apps ...
[16:16] <seb128> let's start by not doing click
[16:16] <bregma> seb128, what? Are you planning to do an ISO or something?
[16:16] <seb128> bregma, yes
[16:16] <seb128> bregma, Rick wants us to do a new desktop iso with unity8
[16:17] <bregma> that's what I thought
[16:17] <seb128> bregma, the idea is to not disrupt too much the current desktop, so rather than being too agressive swapping pieces, we build a new iso and ramp that up
[16:17] <Laney> it feels like a more sensible approach to me
[16:17] <bregma> right, need a new metapackage to replace ubuntu-desktop
[16:17] <Laney> we can still do swapping but there's less pressure to get stuff out there
[16:17] <Laney> because it already is
[16:21] <seb128> bregma, basically we want to replace unity7 by unity8-desktop-session-mir right?
[16:21] <seb128> well I guess lot of stuff to drop as well
[16:22] <Laney> we don't need any of the applications that won't work yet
[16:22] <seb128> right
[16:22] <seb128> so do we start from an empty seed
[16:22] <seb128> or do we "derive" from some existing one?
[16:23] <bregma> seb128, I'd start by copying the ubuntu-desktop package, stripping anything X-related (gnome, unity) but leaving the rest, and adding unity8-desktop-session-mir, then seed that
[16:23] <jibel> mlankhorst, seb128 it's been hard but I'm able to reproduce 1307701 with the package from the PPA
[16:23] <jibel> I get Xlib: sequence lost in reply type 0x23 on the console
[16:23] <jibel> I'll try to find a reliable way to reproduce it
[16:24] <seb128> jibel, thanks, what did you do to reproduce it?
[16:24] <seb128> jibel, is that the same stacktracE?
[16:24] <jibel> seb128, no crash for the moment, just DnD is broken
[16:24] <seb128> jibel, oh, ok
[16:25] <jibel> seb128, I've 2 gallery-app, 1 gnome-terminal and 1 gedit. I'll reboot and try again
[16:25] <seb128> bregma, do you know what's the status of XMir?
[16:25] <seb128> jibel, ok
[16:25] <bregma> seb128, as far as I know it is not longer being developed and not really supported
[16:25] <seb128> ok
[16:25] <seb128> so not really an option if we want to get ubiquity working
[16:26] <seb128> the right solution is either to get the GTK Mir backend working then, or to port ubiquity to qt5
[16:26] <xnox> bregma: someone from mir team was looking into getting ubiquity to run under Mir was that at all invested in?
[16:26] <xnox> bregma: can qt4 work under Mir?
[16:26] <xnox> bregma: else i'll need to look into porting ubiquity to qt5 urgently.
[16:26] <bregma> yeah
[16:27] <xnox> bregma: was that answer to 1st, 2nd, or 3rd statements? =)
[16:27] <xnox> bregma: or none ? =)
[16:27] <bregma> or just include an X server to run ubiquity on a separate session maybe?
[16:27] <xnox> bregma: that's what ubiquity already does by default.
[16:28] <bregma> then there should not be a rush to get it working on Mir
[16:28] <xnox> bregma: so it pre-empts lightdm, and it starts it's own X server & ubiquity-dm "display manager".
[16:28] <seb128> well, that image is not going to have X
[16:28] <xnox> bregma: if one quits that, lightdm does auto-login into whatever default is.
[16:29] <bregma> unless we include it just for ubiquity, as a transition
[16:29] <bregma> stage 1; include X, stage 2: port uniquity
[16:29] <xnox> seb128: seeding X just for ubiquity sounds good. I can actually go ahead and add an explicit dependency in ubiquity just in case.
[16:29] <seb128> well, how would that work?
[16:29] <seb128> like you boot the live session
[16:29] <seb128> end up with Mir/unity8
[16:30] <seb128> how do you run ubiquity/what happens?
[16:30] <xnox> seb128: oh, you will not be able to start ubiquity from live session.
[16:30] <xnox> seb128: you can boot into installer or you can boot into live session -> the way the boot menu is currently presented on UEFI that is the case.
[16:30] <seb128> ok
[16:30] <seb128> so you have both options
[16:30] <seb128> test/install
[16:30] <seb128> but the test/liveCD can't lead to an install
[16:30] <seb128> that wfm
[16:31] <seb128> the goal is to have GTK/Mir ready this cycle anyway
[16:31] <Laney> will it install X then?
[16:31] <xnox> Laney: yes, i will add an X dependency on ubiquity-frontend-gtk.
[16:31] <Laney> that sounds weird
[16:31] <Laney> we'll be able to seed whatever we want
[16:31] <xnox> Laney: ok.
[16:31] <Laney> I was more meaning that it's not that desirable to install it in this case
[16:32] <Laney> but I guess it doesn't matter that much
[16:32] <xnox> Laney: well if i port kubuntu's qt4 frontend to qt5 that may work, but will pull in python3-qt5.
[16:32] <xnox> Laney: unless i use something like pyotherside.
[16:32] <seb128> that image is not going to be built from main
[16:33] <xnox> seb128: oh, cool!
[16:33] <seb128> so doesn't bother about component mismatch
[16:33] <seb128> well, at least not in a first time
[16:33] <seb128> we don't want to block it on promoting all the core apps
[16:34] <bregma> doesn't lightdm require X11 anyway? Or is there a Unity8 Greeter for lightdm I'm missing?
[16:34] <seb128> we don't need a greeter to autologin
[16:34] <seb128> but good point
[16:34] <seb128> we might as well keep xorg on the iso for now
[16:34] <Laney> I think we'll have to
[16:35] <Laney> I'd just rather avoid pulling it by accident if that's possible
[16:35] <Laney> not the end of the world for now though, for that reason and probably others
[16:37] <Laney> I think a good first goal is to get something you can boot and install even if it doesn't have much content beyond unity8
[16:39] <bregma> and the core apps, there's no point in installing a system without sudoku
[16:39] <xnox> bregma: hahahahahahahaha
[16:39] <bregma> or, um, the terminal app
[16:39] <bregma> I meant to say
[16:39] <Laney> what's the one that is a grid of stallmans
[16:40] <didrocks> bregma: way less funny! :p
[16:40] <Laney> we should open that by default
[16:40] <didrocks> Laney: +1
[16:40] <didrocks> otherwise, we can't do Linux Action Shows!
[16:40] <Laney> but actually click packages present issues
[16:40] <didrocks> :)
[16:40] <didrocks> in Mir world even?
[16:40] <Laney> almost certainly not for the first images
[16:41] <Laney> for a more desktop style iso I think so
[16:41] <Laney> I didn't look into how they are preinstalled for touch
[16:41] <Laney> but I'm anticipating issues
[16:41] <ogra_> livecd-rootfs has a hackish hook for that
[16:41] <didrocks> ogra_: ^
[16:41] <didrocks> ah :)
[16:41] <Laney> hahaha
[16:41] <Laney> reassuring
[16:41] <didrocks> faster :p
[16:41] <bregma> as I understand, the problem is not click packages per se but the installer back end is incompatible between apt and click
[16:41] <xnox> Laney: they are preinstalled into livefs and that's about it.
[16:42] <xnox> Laney: users can "unregister" or "upgrade" them.
[16:42] <Laney> so the concept of installing the image probably breaks that
[16:42] <xnox> Laney: that is -> make newer version my version, or make it not available to me.
[16:42] <ogra_> the hook reads http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/click_packages/click_list and just installs them
[16:42] <xnox> Laney: nah, it's all preserved.
[16:42] <xnox> Laney: as long as /usr/ is copied across you'd have everything afresh & registered on the installed imaged.
[16:43] <xnox> Laney: is this image going to use system-image updates?
[16:43] <Laney> is it ...
[16:43] <xnox> Laney: in that case ubiquity installer is pointless.
[16:43] <Laney> no
[16:43] <ogra_> do you guys at least properly start with a system-image install ?
[16:43] <seb128> no
[16:43] <ogra_> lame
[16:43] <seb128> !
[16:43] <Laney> not lame
[16:43] <Laney> the idea is to get something which works
[16:43] <ogra_> super lame ...
[16:44] <xnox> ogra_: that is patent encombared you mean "ogg" don't you?
[16:44] <seb128> we are going to need to sort out system-image, and how to keep apt working
[16:44] <seb128> clicks as well
[16:44] <Laney> also the question is before the tb
[16:44] <ogra_> xnox, lol
[16:44] <Laney> it is pretty much out of scope
[16:44] <seb128> but those are out of scope to get started
[16:44] * ogra_ eagerly waits to be able to upgrade his desktop in 15 min instead of 4h
[16:44] <seb128> Laney, ok, so we start doing the same as we do for normal desktop
[16:44] <seb128> just with another seed?
[16:45] <Laney> think so
[16:45] <seb128> k
[16:45] <xnox> seb128: note that current touch images don't install recommends -> which may or may not mean it is installable with recommends.
[16:45] <seb128> so step 1, doing a seed
[16:45] <Laney> we'll need to talk to foundations/cdimage people to get it set up
[16:45] <seb128> step 2, finding somebody who knows how to build an iso from it
[16:45] <xnox> Laney: anyone can push a new seed.
[16:46] <Laney> thanks I know how seed branches work
[16:46] <xnox> Laney: into the seed-project, it's just ping cjwatson to get germinate running against it.
[16:46] <Laney> I'm talking about cdimage
[16:46] <seb128> k
[16:46] <seb128> Laney, it's getting eod for me, so I don't think I'm going to start on that today
[16:46] <xnox> Laney: ah, right. I thought you are ~ubuntu-cdimage person with access & all.
[16:46] <seb128> tomorrow is off here
[16:46] <Laney> access but not all the knowledge
[16:46] <seb128> Laney, if you want to start the seed tomorrow, please do
[16:46] <seb128> otherwise we can look at it friday if you prefer
[16:46] <Laney> ok
[16:47] <seb128> once we have the seed we can start looking for nice cdimage people to help us getting an iso built/published ;-)
[16:48] <Laney> I could at least make a good go at doing that if someone told me all the places to touch
[16:48] <seb128> bregma, btw, is there any trick to make unity8 work with touch? I find it weird that my inspiron touch screen works fine under unity7 but unity8 doesn't do anything from it
[16:48] <Laney> should be possible to get some of the way locally anyway
[16:49] <bregma> seb128, your hardware may need to be defined as an Android touch device for Mir to recognize it properly
[16:49] <seb128> bregma, that's an inspiron 11 (3000 serie) ... how do I do that?
[16:50] <bregma> all of mine work out of the box now, but initially I had to create a file somewhere with hexadecimal device IDs in the title, can;t recall the details....
[16:50] <bregma> I'll need to dig that up
[16:51] <seb128> bregma, should I rather ask on #ubuntu-mir maybe?
[16:51] <bregma> maybe, that would probably be RAOF's area
[16:52] <seb128> ok, so for later tonight
[16:52] <seb128> well, anyway, no hurry
[16:52] <seb128> I just tried the session, and that was one of the things that seemed weird to me
[16:52] * ogra_ sees the backlog and wonders if "tomorrow is off here" is the most used sentence in french ...
[16:53] <ogra_> feels like i hear that once a week recently :)
[16:54] <Laney> it's a good time of year!
[16:55] <Laney> we have a bank holiday that clashes with malta :|
[16:55] <ogra_> bah, thats sad
[16:57] <Laney> the next week will be shorter :)
[16:57] <seb128> just swap it
[16:57] <seb128> ogra_, May is gold for holidays here yes
[16:57] <seb128> ogra_, btw tomorrow is thanks to you guys
[16:57] <ogra_> swap it with a french ... then you can get two for one ;)
[16:57] <seb128> it's the end of the second war
[16:57] <ogra_> haha
[16:58] <ogra_> yeah, we dont celebrate that here ... i wonder why
[16:58] * ogra_ guesses germany would have the most reason to celebrate that
[16:59] <seb128> yeah
[17:02] <Laney> yay @ u-s-s cross building again
[17:02] <Laney> laney aka sisyphus
[17:02] <didrocks> see you guys! :)
[17:15] <seb128> Laney, what was the issue?
[17:15] <Laney> cross pkg-config stopped looking in /usr/lib/pkgconfig/ for pcfiles
[17:15] <Laney> so a couple of packages needed to be converted to use multiarch paths
[17:17] <Laney> climbing time, see you tomorrow!
[17:23] <seb128> k
[17:24] <seb128> I guess it's a wanted change in pkg-config?
[17:43] <Laney> yeah it means you can't accidentally get build arch libraries
[17:43] <Laney> (didn't go climbing, weird elbow pain/tendonitis → wait a day or two)
[17:45] <seb128> k
[17:46] <seb128> Laney, good luck with the elbow, I hope you don't have a real tendonitis, or you can day->week
[17:46] <seb128> on that note, dinner time, see you on friday everyone
[17:46] <Laney> thanks, i'll see how it's improving tomorrow i guess
[17:46] <Laney> have a nice day off
[17:46] <seb128> thanks
[22:10] <mlankhorst> so it's stil possible to reproduce, just a whole lot harder?
[22:13] <Laney> mlankhorst: does xorg.conf always get moved away during release upgrades, do you know?
[22:13] <Laney> I just had a laptop that was upgraded to 14.04 today which it'd happened to, breaking brightness changing
[22:22] <Laney> what's the mouse gesture for opening the dash or the application switcher?
[22:22] <Laney> on that same laptop (macbook air) they accidentally activate all the time and it's really really annoying
[22:23] <Laney> (not a new bug, that happened with 13.10 too)
[22:23] <Laney> Trevinho: ^?
[22:24] <Laney> maybe it's a synaptics problem
[22:24] * Laney goes to bed
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
[22:38] <Trevinho> Laney: mh, I've never been working much on the gesture side (as I don't have the hardware for it), but there have been some fixes about the launcher showing on 4-finger gestures afaik
=== sarnold_ is now known as sarnold