UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /07 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== UltimateNate is now known as TheUltimate|_|
=== TheUltimate|_| is now known as UltimateNate
[07:59] <noob> sup
=== noob is now known as Guest1336
[08:05] <Guest1336> i have some trouble with lubuntu 12.04. The problem is that power button is working wrong. when i press it- it's nothing to happen. if i'll change setting in xfce4-manager from "ask" to "shut down"- it will work as shut down button. but if i'll change it back to ask, what to do- there is nothing again, no shutdown/log off/reboot menu. i\ll try to install acpi (sudo apt-get install acpi)- but got the message, that there could no
[08:06] <Guest1336> please, give me some hint or kind of that. i have spend a day for shoot this kind of trouble- no results
[08:07] <Guest1336> ps: i'll tru to install lubuntu i386/x64 - result was the same. try to install ubuntu 12.04 lts- power button works fine.
[09:45] <leszek> hi
[10:32] <WildSoft> Hi -Anyone know if there's a way to make PcManFM save view options for folders. So its not resetting every time you reopen that folder. Alternatively have it automatically show thumbnail view when in a folder with pictures (like Windows)
[10:36] <leszek> WildSoft: is not implemented in pcmanfm last time I checked
[10:37] <WildSoft> ok, thanks =)
[11:24] <comics_idees> hi I am looking for a .deb package to install manually and have full screen video in youtube whithout lag or choppy playback
[11:30] <leszek> comics_idees: If flashplayer and html5 video playback in fullscreen aren't working for you you might want to try out a third party app like minitube or even use vlc which can open youtube urls
[11:40] <comics_idees> I think that we install a .deb package in linux something that says non free codecs and the videos play ok
[11:40] <comics_idees> but I don't know which package it is
[11:41] <comics_idees> it is for debian linux
[11:41] <comics_idees> but ubuntu also plays this package
[11:41] <leszek> comics_idees: I don't get you
[11:41] <leszek> By default firefox is able to playback youtube videos via html5. That does not need extra codecs
[11:41] <comics_idees> there is a package for debian linux
[11:42] <leszek> and if you want flashplayer for playing back just install it
[11:42] <comics_idees> yes but I think that pc needs codecs
[11:42] <comics_idees> something is called non free
[11:42] <leszek> comics_idees: for what ?
[11:42] <comics_idees> for video
[11:42] <leszek> so not youtube in particular
[11:42] <leszek> `
[11:42] <leszek> ?
[11:42] <comics_idees> yes I think for all video
[11:43] <comics_idees> not only youtube
[11:43] <comics_idees> it includes youtube
[11:43] <comics_idees> in the package
[11:43] <leszek> if you need more codec support install libavcodec-extra package
[11:43] <comics_idees> but I want to find the name of this package
[11:44] <leszek> I don't get what it has todo with youtube though as firefox provides codecs for playing that back
[11:44] <comics_idees> the libavcodec-extra is good codec package?
[11:45] <leszek> basically it only includes some more codecs like AMR and AAC
[11:46] <leszek> but it has no effect whatsoever on firefox
[11:46] <leszek> as I already told you firefox includes its own codec support
[11:48] <leszek> at least you could tell me what video you are having problems with playing back. Which codecs does it use ?
[12:14] <comics_idees> I have 32bit cpu should I install libavcodec-extra-53?
[12:15] <comics_idees> or libavcodec-extra-54
[14:24] <daan> lockscreen not working in 14.04
[14:24] <daan> how do I fix it?
[18:01] <Gimmick> Hello gentlemen. How does one totally and utterly disable tooltips inside applications?. It seems it's only possible to change it's color but not disable it all together.
[18:04] <Mr_Comet> isnt tooltips a app design?
[18:04] <Mr_Comet> didnt know it can be customizable
[18:08] <Gimmick> as you can see here changing the tooltip color inside the default lubuntu them affects application tooltips so there must be a way to shut it off also inside applications http://i.imgur.com/nPunhyy.png
[18:08] <Gimmick> theme+
[18:13] <Gimmick> if only there was a transparent color code, but whoever controls the universe didn't want to make it that easy :)
[18:35] <NoName4Me> hello :)
[18:36] <NoName4Me> fresh install 14.04 but i have no wifi icon on lxde panel?
[18:36] <NoName4Me> using wired connect now...
[18:38] <ianorlin> hit alt f2 then hit nm-applet to get the applet to run it
[18:38] <Mr_Comet> did you tried Menu>preference>network connections?
[18:38] <ianorlin> known bug that it does not autostart automatically
[18:39] <NoName4Me> ok nice came up
[18:39] <NoName4Me> :)
[18:40] <NoName4Me> do i need 2 add it 2 a system autostart?
=== SilverLion is now known as Guest71003
=== Guest71003 is now known as silverlion
[19:00] <ianorlin> yes you can add it to autostart
=== odroid is now known as Guest36525
=== Guest36525 is now known as JensNDS
[21:17] <cai> Is lubuntu going LXQt next release?
=== Th3U1timat3 is now known as UltimateNate
[21:17] <Unit193> Think that's the general idea.
[21:20] <cai> It'd be interesting if it was made available for 14.04 eventually.
[21:48] <shawnbon206> hello
[21:48] <shawnbon206> anyone here use lxqt yet
[21:48] <shawnbon206> aside from devs
[21:49] <shawnbon206> well devs too :D
[21:49] <shawnbon206> got a c720 coming in the mail tomorrow