UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /07 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[04:07] <valorie> apachelogger: http://sparkle.pink/
[04:09] <dodger> wait
[04:09] <dodger> tacos?
[04:10] <dodger> i'd say that would be a good reason to change restaurants
[04:10] * valorie is not responsible for that site!
[04:12] <dodger> well, i'll take anything remotely soothing at the moment, so i'll ignore the tacos for the other happy stuff :P
[04:13] <jose> unicorns are listed there!
[04:13] <dodger> unicorns are happy and soothing
[04:14] <dodger> at least in my imagination :P
[04:14] <jose> they should be utopic too
[04:14] <dodger> they are, especially pink ones!
[04:20] * debfx thinks unicorn is redundant
[04:20] <debfx> we already had natty narwhal
[07:28] <apachelogger> it's interesting how muon doesn't have a -common/-data pacakge
[07:28] <apachelogger> most peculiar
[07:28] <apachelogger> Riddell: why do we need a meeting to discuss that someone from the council needs to organize elections?
[07:29] <apachelogger> valorie: fancy
[07:31] <lordievader> Good morning.
[07:50] <Riddell> apachelogger: why do we need a meeting at all? to coordinate etc
[07:54] <apachelogger> Riddell: just a hold up if you ask me
[08:03] <apachelogger> reviewer says: trusty crashes too much
[08:04] <valorie> speaking of mumble, where is our server, so I can test?
[08:06] <apachelogger> yofel: are we going to use your's? if so, please throw a mail out with data for testing if possible
[08:06] <valorie> ha, I meant to send that email but got lazy
[08:07] <yofel> apachelogger: checked yesterday, I need to set it up again (which is trivial, which makes me wonder whether we shouldn't just run it on the qa server)
[08:12] <apachelogger> yofel: qa also is supposed to power the new site, so I doubt that would be a long term solution either
[08:12] <apachelogger> but for the time being either is fine with me :)
[08:12] <apachelogger> maybe write a script for setup so we can easily deploy on other servers when necessary?
[08:13] <yofel> I think last time we ran on a complete vanilla config as I had to reinstall it, so for our use case that's probably overkill
[08:13] <yofel> go ahead though if you find it fun ^^
[08:17] <apachelogger> yofel: oh god no :P
[08:19] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: whatever happened to the discover screenshot stuff being broken etc?
[08:30] <apachelogger> bug #1025436
[08:30] <ubottu> bug 1025436 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "Software Sources still has a "Statistics" tab" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1025436
[08:31] * apachelogger wonders what recommendation data is
[08:33] <agateau> Riddell: hi, friendly reminder for the fix to my brown-bag bug in ubiquity https://code.launchpad.net/~agateau/ubiquity/kde-fix-broken-sidebar-layout-on-greeter/+merge/216365
[08:37] <Riddell> agateau: eek sorry
[08:44] <apachelogger> software-properties-kde is the greatest shite ever
[08:46] <Riddell> oh?
[08:50] <apachelogger> completely out of date
[08:50] <apachelogger> also it implements gnome HIG rather than KDE one
[08:50] <apachelogger> much awesome
[08:51] <apachelogger> not that the gtk version is much better at not causing my eyes to pop out http://i.imgur.com/vgcUx0h.png
[08:55] <yofel> the gtk UI isn't much better, the backend implementation is though. The kde one is... horribly
[08:55] <yofel> someone that signed the CLA please rewrite that
[08:56] <apachelogger> roflmao
[08:56] <apachelogger> the ui files
[08:56] <apachelogger> the ui files
[08:56] <apachelogger> the flipping ui files
[08:57] <apachelogger> "I don't always set a qwidget size policy to fixed, but when I do, I make sure that it makes as little sense as possible"
[09:06] <apachelogger> there's something terribly wrong with main.ui, designer itself doesn't even manage to figure sensible spacing Oo
[09:16] <apachelogger> additionally there's also the problem that I don't see how the majority of updates options actually have impact on muon
[09:16] <apachelogger> black magic right there
[09:20] <Riddell> mitya57: shall I upload qt to utopic?
[09:22] <apachelogger> cyphermox: do we have a migration plan for bluez5 already?
[09:41] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: I thought I got that fixed ... mostly
[09:42] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: IIRC KDE SDK still doesn't have a screenshot, but atleast kdeconnect did
[09:42] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: I have not looked
[09:42] <shadeslayer> OTOH s.d.n does support trusty now ....
[09:42] <apachelogger> lol
[09:43] <apachelogger> everythings kaput
[09:43] * apachelogger jumpst out the window
[09:43] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: http://imgur.com/IvdJuw0
[09:43] <shadeslayer> WFM
[09:45] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: and the sdk?
[09:45] <shadeslayer> kaput
[09:49] <apachelogger> oh
[09:50] <apachelogger> btw, we could totally rewrite software-props in c++ btw :P
[09:50] <apachelogger> cuz there was the property to a polkit dbus api
[09:51] <apachelogger> and actually I only wanted to fix untranslated strings
[09:52] <apachelogger> whenever I look into a bug it turns out that there's much bigger shittyness at work :'<
[09:56] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[09:58] <apachelogger> sooooooo.... software-properties needs: a) port to dbus helper b) removal of kdesudo forcing crap c) UI resync with gtk d) complete feature check to assure all strings are subsequently localized e) porting to KCModule to stop having the gnome style on-change-apply f) organizational cleanup g) quite possibly a refactor of code layout as currently the main class looks a lot like it's a random pile of random code doing random things (that may
[09:58] <apachelogger> be the result of on-apply changery though)
[10:00] <shadeslayer> *nod*
[10:00] <shadeslayer> add a card
[10:01] <Riddell> apachelogger: oh and port to qt5/kf5
[10:01] <shadeslayer> depending on what we're shipping in 14.10 , alot of things will need tha :P
[10:01] <shadeslayer> *that
[10:02] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-driver-manager/+bug/1315670 < any thoughts on how to reproduce that?
[10:02] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1315670 in kubuntu-driver-manager (Ubuntu) "KDE driver manager hangs on 81% when installing nvidia drivers" [Undecided,New]
[10:02] <shadeslayer> I tried removing /etc/init/nvidia-persistenced.conf , but I could still install the right driver /etc/init/nvidia-persistenced.conf
[10:03] <apachelogger> sure, break your system :P
[10:04] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: install nvidia, remove (do not purge!), remove the mentioned file, install nvidia again
[10:04] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: well, driver manager has debconf handling so it /should/ have shown a dialog
[10:04] <apachelogger> that's what I thought, maybe the handling is borked
[10:04] <apachelogger> though I think I took extra care to replicate the code paths for that
[10:04] <apachelogger> seeing as its so shitty to test
[10:05] <apachelogger> as I mentioned earlier last cycle
[10:05] <apachelogger> that's a general problem with driver manager
[10:05] <apachelogger> many things should work, there's no way to know because there's no testing facilities in place
[10:06] <shadeslayer> right
[10:06] <apachelogger> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pOq4hyoX9g
[10:09] <shadeslayer> tsdgeos: fancy commenting on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/1312806 about your kde-workspace upgrade experience?
[10:09] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1312806 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu Trusty) "Please update kde-workspace to 4.11.9" [Undecided,Fix committed]
[10:11] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: https://trello.com/c/DVqA9YfM
[10:11] <apachelogger> there's already so much stuff
[10:11] * apachelogger sighs
[10:11] <shadeslayer> get on it then :P
[10:14] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: first I need to pull some more stuff out my nose
[10:14] <apachelogger> actually, perhaps we should look into ways to score importance
[10:15] <apachelogger> guess some stuff contributes more to the next LTS epic than to 14.10 in particular
[10:31] <apachelogger> hm
[10:31] <apachelogger> Riddell: are you sure moving the dependency graph to the new wiki is useful? wasn't updated since 4.11
[10:32] <Riddell> apachelogger: shrug, I still use it occationally
[10:32] <apachelogger> might just as well ditch it and if there's need in the future we can grab it from the ubuntu wiki
[10:32] <Riddell> don't bother if it's hassle
[10:32] <apachelogger> also on a random note: with kf5 we'll be able to generate that from the kdesrcbuild metadata anyway
[10:49] <apachelogger> Riddell, shadeslayer, others: do you want to keep https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Council/Messages
[10:50] <Riddell> apachelogger: nah
[10:51] <apachelogger> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved/WhoWeAre
[10:51] <apachelogger> I did not even know we had such a thing :O
[10:52] <yofel> oh right, someone wanted to set that up, but then half the people didn't bother updating their details and it vanished into oblivion
[10:53] <apachelogger> shouldn't be on the wiki IMO
[10:53] <apachelogger> website page, with link to in the footer or something
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - So Utopic. | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Polo Shirts are available again!! https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/ (Womens also) | Kubuntu 14.10/16.04 mumble call May 12 19:00 UTC
[11:05] <apachelogger> :O
[11:05] <apachelogger> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Toolbox/Menu?action=raw
[11:05] <apachelogger> what the fish
[11:37] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: did you find out why we are still using eglibc btw?
[11:38] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: wrong board? https://trello.com/c/OrfBopyt
[12:01] <sgclark> Riddell: good morning, want to make sure you are not working on kxmlgui before I start
[12:01] <Riddell> sgclark: go for it
[12:02] <sgclark> k
[12:13] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: <ScottK> I assume infinity and the other GLIBC maintainers will sort it out.
[12:13] <shadeslayer> from yesterday
[12:13] <apachelogger> assumption is dangerous :P
[12:14] <apachelogger> let's listen to music first though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXavZYeXEc0
[12:18] <shadeslayer> I like how https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved/WhoWeAre?action=recall&rev=115 says " Expertise : Expertise" for some entries
[12:25] <sgclark> Riddell: kxmlgui ready
[12:28] * Riddell looks
[12:28] <apachelogger> http://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/Links that needs some updatering in case someone wants to ;)
[12:29] <Riddell> sgclark: uploaded!
[12:29] <Riddell> apachelogger: or scrapping, most of the relevant ones should be on qa.kubuntu.co.uk
[12:35] <apachelogger> hm
[12:36] <apachelogger> Riddell: still leaves half of them though ^^
[12:36] * apachelogger puts down a card
[12:59] <Quintasan> \o
[13:04] <shadeslayer> yo Quintasan
[13:05] <shadeslayer> get mergering
[13:24] <apachelogger> Riddell: what do we do with the getting involved wiki pages?
[13:24] <apachelogger> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved/Development e.g.
[13:24] <apachelogger> IMO the pages gotten somewhat overly texty
[13:25] <apachelogger> plus we only have one for development apparently
[13:28] <sgclark> Riddell: kbookmarks is ready
[13:29] <Riddell> sgclark: you forgot to bzr add libkf5bookmarks5-data I think
[13:29] <sgclark> oops
[13:30] <Riddell> apachelogger: put a bit "under construction" image on it?
[13:30] <apachelogger> Riddell: it's still not helpful I fear
[13:31] <sgclark> Riddell: added
[13:31] <apachelogger> Riddell: at the end of the day the overall recommendation is for someone to hop on irc and find a passion
[13:31] <sgclark> ^^ worked for me
[13:32] <apachelogger> yeah xD
[13:34] <Riddell> apachelogger: so edit up a shorter page which highlights that?
[13:34] <apachelogger> Riddell: yeah, and make it generic
[13:34] <apachelogger> i.e. not specific to development
[13:34] <apachelogger> the question is
[13:34] <apachelogger> should it be on the wiki
[13:35] <apachelogger> because I think simply throwing it up on the new website might be best, since apparently the new community page is going to be a worthwhile hub for information on the community anyway
[13:35] <Riddell> true
[13:47] <shadeslayer> why do we have ktouchpadenabler in kde-workspace-bin whereas debian has a split package?
[13:49] <shadeslayer> Riddell: ^^
[13:49] <shadeslayer> any clue?
[13:49] <shadeslayer> I can't find anything in the changelog
[13:50] <shadeslayer> I wonder if we've had it this way from the beginning
[13:55] <shadeslayer> ah
[13:55] <shadeslayer> Riddell: your last merge did this
[13:57] <shadeslayer> Riddell: so, any reason why ktouchpadenabler shouldn't be it's own package?
[14:03] <Riddell> shadeslayer: no reason
[14:03] <shadeslayer> so can I go ahead and drop that delta with Debian?
[14:03] <Riddell> we had it as a separate source then when it went into the kde-workspace source I just put it in kde-workspace-bin but I guess debian kept it in separate binaries
[14:03] <Riddell> shadeslayer: yep
[14:03] <shadeslayer> awesome
[14:12] <sgclark> Riddell: not sure if you saw, I added the missing data install file in kbookmarks.
[14:13] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/pndbku6xr
[14:13] <shadeslayer> xD
[14:14] <Riddell> sgclark: yep, uploaded!
[14:16] * apachelogger squints
[14:17] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: sounds like me
[14:17] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: better leave the comments in
[14:17] <shadeslayer> yeah yeah
[14:17] <apachelogger> you never know what apachelogger would do to you
[14:17] <yofel> stripes.png <3
[14:19] <shadeslayer> any thoughts on this http://paste.kde.org/pxb1nnos5
[14:19] <shadeslayer> just copy over what debian is doing?
[14:19] <apachelogger> kittens
[14:19] <shadeslayer> :3
[14:19] <shadeslayer> kittens
[14:19] <apachelogger> autoscroll ftw
[14:20] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: better check what common-session.pam contains for us
[14:20] <shadeslayer> all sorts of fun stuff here http://paste.kde.org/pub3xnrro
[14:21] <shadeslayer> so much fun that start-stop-daemon changed --pidfile to --pid in debian? :S
[14:21] <apachelogger> maybe for us too? :P
[14:21] <apachelogger> entirely possible that pidfile is deprecated
[14:22] <shadeslayer> anyone running utopic? :P
[14:31] <Riddell> not yet
[14:32] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1317115] KDE Locale module support for changing language is incomplete @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1317115 (by Tim Edwards)
[14:37] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: re pam session files, what needs checking?
[14:37] <shadeslayer> it doesn't have the lines indicated in the diff
[14:38] <shadeslayer> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=664808
[14:39] <ubottu> Debian bug 664808 in kdm "kdm: Please add calls to pam_selinux module in pam files" [Wishlist,Fixed]
[14:39] <shadeslayer> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=677438
[14:39] <ubottu> Debian bug 677438 in kdm "Please enable pam_loginuid by default" [Wishlist,Fixed]
[14:43] <apachelogger> ah
[14:43] <apachelogger> even so
[14:43] <BluesKaj> shadeslayer, yes
[14:43] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: check common-session.pam
[14:43] <shadeslayer> for what?
[14:43] <shadeslayer> BluesKaj: huh?
[14:43] <apachelogger> for those things
[14:43] <shadeslayer> BluesKaj: oh you're running utopic?
[14:44] <BluesKaj> utopic here
[14:44] <shadeslayer> BluesKaj: can you check the man page of start-stop-daemon, does it say --pid or --pidfile ?
[14:44] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: it does not
[14:45] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: then carry over those additions but make sure common-session is preserved as an addition on our side
[14:45] <apachelogger> oh, debian has that too, I think
[14:45] <shadeslayer> it does
[14:45] <apachelogger> right, then there's no diff anyway? :P
[14:45] <apachelogger> just adopt what debian has
[14:45] <BluesKaj> shadeslayer, it says pidfile
[14:46] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: yeah, but I was unsure about the selinux stuff
[14:46] <shadeslayer> I am a noob when it comes to pam
[14:46] <shadeslayer> all I know is, that stuff loads modules, those modules do magic
[14:46] <shadeslayer> if the incantations are wrong, your computer will explode into a million piece
[14:47] <shadeslayer> *pieces
[14:47] <shadeslayer> BluesKaj: cheers
[14:47] <apachelogger> you have a pro in the office :P
[14:48] <shadeslayer> he's busy with stuff
[14:48] <BluesKaj> shadeslayer, in the Matchu=ing options section the first line says: Check for a process with the specified pid. The pid must be a number greater than 0
[14:48] <BluesKaj> err Matching options
[14:50] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: ignore=ignore is equal to prefixing with a -, both of which make failure in the module non-fatal
[14:50] <apachelogger> IIRC at least
[14:51] <apachelogger> if yo want to go the safe route you can prefix the line with a - as well
[14:51] <shadeslayer> ack
[14:51] <apachelogger> that definitely makes the module optional
[14:51] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: man pam.d
[14:52] <apachelogger> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/en/man5/pam.d.5.html
[14:52] <shadeslayer> ohm
[14:52] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: <3
[14:52] <shadeslayer> I shall read it when I have time
[14:52] <shadeslayer> which means never
[14:53] <apachelogger> one reads that stuff on demand anyway :P
[14:53] <apachelogger> as long as one knows that there is something to read ;)
[15:04] <sgclark> Riddell: kwallet-kf5 ready
[15:05] <Riddell> yay!
[15:05] <Riddell> that looks like another blocker one
[15:05] <sgclark> hehe yep
[15:06] <Riddell> uploaded
[15:19] <Mamarok> dear Kubuntu devs, does anybody have an idea what is wrong here: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=115&t=120863&sid=63b1dadfd2ab36f00377805e5115c57d ?
[15:20] <Mamarok> FWIW, transcoding shows fine here for me, but I use Amarok from git
[15:22] <shadeslayer> yofel: ping
[15:23] <shadeslayer> yofel: why do we not install libkdeinit4_kwin_gles.so
[15:26] <shadeslayer> actually hmm
[15:26] <shadeslayer> it is installed, but also listed in not-installed ? 0.o
[15:27] <shadeslayer> \o/ http://paste.kde.org/p7m6uypxj
[15:29] <shadeslayer> actuall
[15:29] <shadeslayer> *actually
[15:30] <shadeslayer> I noticed a thing that might make apachelogger come after me when I'm sleeping
[15:32] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1275584] Kubuntu 14.04 Kickoff Font Look Ugly / Jerky @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1275584 (by j2snowden)
[15:46] <shadeslayer> looks like snowden uses Kubuntu :P
[15:47] <Riddell> oh?
[15:49] <dodger> i'd expect him to use tails or something like that
[15:49] <dodger> that's cool :)
[15:52] <Riddell> sgclark: kio needs your attention :)
[15:52] <sgclark> Riddell: on it ty
[16:29] <sgclark> Riddell: kio ready
[16:33] <xnox> yo people what's the plan for ubiquity-frontend-kde w.r.t. Qt5?
[16:33] <xnox> should i fork it to start qt5 frontend?
[16:34] <xnox> at the moment i'm looking at a straight port. If/when somebody will want to make it "ubuntu" and/or "ubuntu-ui-toolkit-qml" then i'd start a new frontend for that.
[16:39] <apachelogger> xnox: haven't talked about it yet, but from my experience a straight qt5 port should be fine, I reckon just about all kde classes we use have been retired in favor of qt5 versions anyway. you may want to check with agateau though
[16:39] <apachelogger> also we have a meeting next week, I guess we should discuss it there
[16:39] * apachelogger adds to agenda
[16:40] <xnox> apachelogger: when is this meeting?
[16:40] <xnox> apachelogger: do you have any qt5 on the image yet?
[16:40] <apachelogger> xnox: monday 19 utc
[16:40] <apachelogger> xnox: I don't think we have right now
[16:41] <apachelogger> but at least with 15.04 we are probably looking at a migration towards qt5 tech, so we'll have to make space anyway ^^
[16:50] <shadeslayer> debfx: I don't suppose why you changed the recommends to suggests? http://paste.kde.org/pt5gxzqbl
[16:50] <shadeslayer> hm
[16:50] <shadeslayer> probably because it adds too much to the ISO would be my guess
[16:51] <yofel> shadeslayer: because libkdeinit* appears in list-missing even if installed because it's moved post-install
[16:51] <shadeslayer> yofel: ack
[16:51] * shadeslayer nukes kde-workspace-data-extras
[16:52] <shadeslayer> kde-workspace has eaten my entire day :<
[16:54] <shadeslayer> did someone create the SRU branches btw?
[16:54] <yofel> no, and don't do it
[16:54] <shadeslayer> oh?
[16:55] <shadeslayer> do we want merged stuff from debian then? because I've dropped some Breaks/Replaces
[16:55] <yofel> you do not spin SRU's from bzr...
[16:55] <shadeslayer> wouldn't know, never used the SRU script
[16:55] <shadeslayer> yofel: so it just uses the packaging from what is in current stable?
[16:55] <shadeslayer> instead of bzr
[16:56] <ScottK> There's a some kopete changes we should pick up for the 4.13.1 SRU
[16:56] <yofel> yes. It did use sru branches for saucy, but those were more work than useful so that's gone again
[16:58] * shadeslayer throws some stuff at kde-workspace
[16:59] * shadeslayer afk
[17:17] <sgclark> Anyone available to review and upload kio in bzr? please
[17:21] <kubotu> ::runtime-bugs:: [1317199] Can not add printers in Kubuntu 14.04 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1317199 (by rmdegennaro)
[18:11] <shadeslayer> sigh http://paste.kde.org/pflfphlwr
[18:11] <shadeslayer> going mental with kde-workspace I am
[18:15] <crissi> hello. after upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 the plasma network manager doesnt show any wireless networks. wifi cant enabled there, even the wifi device is there and works on terminal
[18:15] <crissi> any hints?
[18:17] <shadeslayer> crissi: not really, I'd report a bug upstream
[18:18] <shadeslayer> on bugs.kde.org
[18:25] <ScottK> shadeslayer: Probably make sure he has the right NM widget installed first.
[18:25] <shadeslayer> crissi: ^^
[18:25] <crissi> there is only one
[18:26] <crissi> plasma-widget-networkmanagement (
[18:27] <ScottK> How about plasma-nm
[18:27] <shadeslayer> ^^
[18:27] <shadeslayer> though I doubt you can have one but not the other
[18:27] <crissi> plasma-nm
[18:29] <crissi> other things i can examine?
[18:33] <yofel> crissi: 'rfkill list' shows nothing as blocked?
[18:33] <crissi> rfkill list all
[18:34] <crissi> 1: phy0: Wireless LAN
[18:34] <crissi> Soft blocked: no
[18:34] <crissi> Hard blocked: no
[18:34] * yofel notices the backlog in #kubuntu
[18:34] <yofel> hm
[18:37] <lordievader> crissi: Is the wireless nic configured in /etc/network/interfaces?
[18:38] <crissi> no
[18:41] <shadeslayer> could someone review kde-workspace?
[18:41] <shadeslayer> revs 885/886/887
[18:41] <ubottu> http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=885&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 885
[18:54] <cyphermox> crissi: nmcli nm
[18:55] <crissi> nmcli nm
[18:55] <crissi> running connected enabled enabled enabled disabled
[18:55] <cyphermox> well, that's not it
[18:55] <cyphermox> crissi: nmcli dev wifi (but please don't paste that, could be a lot of lines of text)
[18:55] <cyphermox> that will list wireless networks in range that NM knows about
[18:56] <cyphermox> if it lists stuff, you know it's the applet's problem
[18:56] <crissi> yes it found networks
[18:57] <cyphermox> what wireless device do you use? Intel, broadcom, atheros? something else?
[18:57] <crissi> intel: iwlwifi
[18:57] <cyphermox> then again, that shouldn't matter to the applet
[19:12] <yofel> shadeslayer: why the changes of X-Debian-ABI for a couple packages?
[19:12] <yofel> also, ktouchpadenabler needs to break/replace the current version of kde-workspace-bin (kded_ktouchpadenabler.so)
[19:12] <yofel> why are you using kdmrc_defaults.diff and not kdmrc_defaults_kubuntu.diff?
[19:12] <yofel> the new breaks/replaces in plasma-dataengines-workspace are missing a ~ at the end
[19:12] <yofel> and what the hell are .acc files @_@
[19:12] <yofel> otherwise a good job I think
=== jackyalcine is now known as jacky
[21:55] <shadeslayer> yofel: I thought about just reducing the delta, doesn't hurt us
[21:55] <shadeslayer> I thought I did break/replace stuff with ktouchpadenabler, if not, I can add it tomorrow
[21:56] * yofel doesn't see the point in using symbol tables from debian. Not very sensible unless you have the exact same build setup...
[21:58] <shadeslayer> *nod*
[21:59] <Etriaph> What was the kubuntu-desktop security update about today? Or is this better for #kubuntu
[22:01] <shadeslayer> yofel: yeah, I realized that after pushing, was thinking of reverting it on my way home :P
[22:22] <ScottK> Etriaph: It wasn't a security update.
[22:23] <ScottK> There may have been security updates in the same batch of updates, but the kubuntu-desktop one wasn't.
[22:23] <Etriaph> Oh, updater called it that is all.
[22:25] <shadeslayer> yofel: btw is there a difference between kdmrc_defaults_kubuntu.diff and kdmrc_defaults.diff ?
[22:25] <shadeslayer> maybe I missed something
[22:26] <yofel> there was the last time I merged, can't remember what it was though
[22:27] * shadeslayer checks
[22:30] <shadeslayer> yofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7412930/
[22:30] <shadeslayer> ahh
[22:31] <shadeslayer> strings are slightly different
[22:31] * shadeslayer makes a note to fix it tomorrow, off to sleep now
[23:30] <sgclark> Riddell: kdeclarative ready