UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /02 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[04:26] <XFT> !ping
[04:26] <ubottu> pong!
=== joshtau_ is now known as joshtau
[10:43] <cristian_c> Hi
[10:44] <cristian_c> I've purchased a keyboard named Rii mini i8 bluetooth
[10:44] <cristian_c> I'd like make it working with lubuntu
[10:44] <cristian_c> *to
[10:44] <cristian_c> How can I enable the external keyboard in lubuntu?
[10:45] <cristian_c> I've paired it
[10:45] <cristian_c> *already
[10:45] <cristian_c> Any ideas?
[10:51] <Meerkat> is it plugged into your computer?
[11:35] <cristian_c> Meerkat, it is a bluetooth keyboard
[11:35] <cristian_c> <cristian_c> I've purchased a keyboard named Rii mini i8 bluetooth
[11:35] <cristian_c> <cristian_c> I've paired it
[12:06] <comics_idees> I use variety for wallpapers it changes your wallpaper every 5 mins
[12:06] <comics_idees> it is good software
[13:28] <Mr_Comet> Good evening everyone..
[13:29] <Mr_Comet> is "User and Groups" app available on Lubuntu? Cause i remember it was there and created a normal account
[13:29] <Mr_Comet> i updated my lubuntu
[13:29] <holstein> !permissions
[13:29] <ubottu> An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions
[13:29] <Mr_Comet> i now cant find user and groups on sudo account at all
[13:29] <Mr_Comet> okies
[13:29] <holstein> Mr_Comet: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto
[13:29] <holstein> specifically https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto#Command-line
[13:30] <Mr_Comet> im surprised user and groups are no more avail on menu.
[13:30] <holstein> Mr_Comet: i think there is one
[13:30] <holstein> lubuntu *is* ubuntu, so anything you can do there, you can do in lubuntu
[13:31] <holstein> you can always add that particular application if you want it.. but, doing it in the terminal will work the same for most linux
[13:32] <Mr_Comet> i see
[13:52] <Mr_Comet> Thank you for the links ubottu and holstein
[13:52] <Mr_Comet> installed gnome-tools.
[14:15] <pacmyc> Hi there! What could be wrong if most of my Fn-keys dont work (volume +/- for example) but xev reports correctyl, for example "XF86AudioRaiseVolume" when Fn vol + are pressed..? Pleas epm me for details,
[14:15] <holstein> pacmyc: please keep it in the channel. *not* in PM
[14:16] <holstein> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaptopSpecialKeys
[14:22] <pacmyc> thanks. When running acpi_listen and press Fn + volUp several times I get this result; button/volumeup VOLUP 00000080 00000000 K
[14:22] <pacmyc> button/volumeup VOLUP 00000080 00000000 K
[14:22] <pacmyc> button/volumeup VOLUP 00000080 00000000 K
[14:22] <pacmyc> button/volumeup VOLUP 00000080 00000000 K
[14:22] <pacmyc> button/volumeup VOLUP 00000080 00000000 K
[14:22] <pacmyc> button/volumeup VOLUP 00000080 00000000 K
[14:22] <pacmyc> But according to the documentation the second number should be the number of times the key is pressed. Why doesn't i increase?
[14:23] <holstein> personally, i dont expect so much from lubuntu/lxde.. i use them knowing that certain "compromises" have been made for lightness
[14:24] <holstein> when i run into that exact issue, i'll load up a xubuntu live CD, or one of the bigger distros, and see if things work there, and how they are being implemented
[14:26] <pacmyc> OK. But generally as I undertand, the acpi recognizes the right command when the key is pressed but the OS doesn't respond to it. Seems like it should be a quite easy problem..
[14:26] <pacmyc> I didn't like Ubuntu, because it feels to much like windows, which I have kicked out from all my computers.. I dont want anything more to do with microsoft
[14:28] <holstein> pacmyc: lubuntu *is* ubuntu
[14:28] <Mr_Comet> lolz
[14:28] <pacmyc> yes, but without all the "wannabe" windows crap
[14:29] <holstein> pacmyc: please use the #lubuntu-offtopic channel for chat.. lots of folks develop for *all* flavours.. if you dont prefer ubuntu, dont use it..
[14:30] <pacmyc> ok
[14:55] <oozbooz> where would I set key-binding, for instance ALT-F2 for "run" prompt
[14:58] <oozbooz> 2nd, a chrome browser pops-up in another workspace voluntarily ... just the image, I could not interact with it
[14:59] <leszek> oozbooz: openbox configuration basically so editing your rc.xml file, normally found in the ~/.config/openbox should work
[15:00] <oozbooz> ALT-F2 is there by default, and many others... but I don't think it works
[15:01] <oozbooz> I have to mentioned that I used XFCE on the same box as well, is there a potential for conflict?
[15:05] <krytarik> oozbooz: If you are using the latest Lubuntu version, i.e. 14.04, please see here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2217758&p=12995912#post12995912
[15:14] <oozbooz> krytarik, thanks for the suggestion... have to relogin, but it works
[15:17] <krytarik> oozbooz: Well, "openbox --reconfigure" would have worked too. :D
[15:19] <oozbooz> now you are telling me... ;-)
[15:22] <krytarik> oozbooz: Well, at least you know *now*, for the next time. :P
[15:22] <oozbooz> what about 2nd question of chrom-browser popping over another workspace on its own
[15:23] <oozbooz> I have all my Google apps in Chrom (gmail, drive, etc)... I am guessing they are refreshing
[15:23] <oozbooz> I have Opera and FF open as well, none of them doing it
[15:37] <comics_idees> i used icon sets from noobs lab and now I did lubuntu to look like windows
[16:25] <ianorlin> oozbooz to fix that right click on lxpanel in the taskbar on the chromium window after shifting workspace and move it back is one work around
[16:25] <ianorlin> also I think there is a setting if you drag it off edge of screen might be set to do that
[16:29] <oozbooz> ianorlin, I found cleaner solution ... just use Opera and FF... for some reason, Chrome windows differs from the rest... I don't think they use LXDE window theme config
=== jenny_ is now known as jo_jo
[17:55] <jo_jo> I tried to copy the ISO to usb drive with dd command and it doesn't seems to work. Right now I have only Ubuntu 14.04 64bit installed on my computer. and the USB stick with Lubuntu I tried to create was the 32bit image. Is that the reason why it's not working?
[17:56] <leszek> jo_jo: that should not be the reason
[17:56] <leszek> jo_jo: how did you dd command exactly look like ?
[17:57] <jo_jo> sudo dd if=lubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=512k
[18:03] <comics_idees> is it easy to create a vino server to lubuntu and then connect from a vnc viewer from a windows pc?
[18:07] <leszek> jo_jo: ok the command looks good. Btw. I would not recommend 512k blocks
[18:07] <hylian> hello all
[18:07] <jo_jo> what would you recommend?
[18:07] <leszek> jo_jo: and when trying to boot up it does not show any bootloader or can't boot from the stick ?
[18:08] <leszek> jo_jo: removing the bs=512k. But that would not cause this problem
[18:08] <jo_jo> It doesn't appear in the BIOS
[18:09] <hylian> a hard drive? cd-rom? new ram? maybe I can help, been a comp tech since 1988/
[18:12] <jo_jo> I will try to create it now with Startup Disk Creator and see if it will work
[18:12] <jo_jo> If not, I will come back :)
[18:15] <hylian> well ok, bye all.
[18:51] <Mr_Comet> Hello all
[18:51] <Mr_Comet> i use truecrypt program and i cant use it in normal/custom account cuz i dont like using admin account all the time.
[18:51] <Mr_Comet> is there a command i can run truecrypt without having to login to admin each time ?
[18:52] <Mr_Comet> sudo asked for the current user's password
[18:52] <Mr_Comet> but since the account isnt sudoer list. it wont have rights.
[18:52] <Mr_Comet> any suggestions?
[18:52] <Mr_Comet> is "su" command safe?
[19:36] <jozefk> How do I invert mouse scrolling in LUbuntu?
[19:51] <krytarik> jozefk: Like here: http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=175&t=86724
[19:53] <SonikkuAmerica> !mint | Hey guys
[19:53] <ubottu> Hey guys: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org
[19:53] <krytarik> SonikkuAmerica: Really? LOL
[19:55] <jozefk> SonikkuAmerica, I use Lubuntu. How about you?
[19:55] <SonikkuAmerica> I have it on one of my machines, but not this one
[19:58] <jozefk> thanks krytarik it works :)
[21:12] <comics_idees> anyone uses disper for dual monitor?
[23:28] <comics_idees> is there a way to search only images 2304x768 size?
[23:28] <Unit193> Search in?
[23:29] <comics_idees> I want to google search for images
[23:29] <comics_idees> but only 2304x768 resolution
[23:29] <Unit193> Yes, there's a size option on the side.
[23:29] <comics_idees> how can I find this option?
[23:30] <comics_idees> I dont see it
[23:32] <Unit193> Oh bleh, now they only have "icon", "large", and "medium"
[23:32] <comics_idees> ok I found it
[23:32] <comics_idees> they have a last option
[23:32] <comics_idees> down
[23:32] <comics_idees> that you put your resolution
[23:57] <p1ro> hi, why everytime i log out and log i lose a few settings "like synaptic, teamviewer"