UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /02 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
[00:05] <jose> tvansteenburgh1: nyancat is fully working now (including those tests!)
=== tvansteenburgh1 is now known as tvansteenburgh
[00:06] <tvansteenburgh> jose: thanks! just saw the email, reviewing now
[00:06] <jose> awesome, thanks!
[00:23] <tvansteenburgh> jose: i've got some random package update error when running the tests and i'm running out of time today, so i may not get this finished until tomorrow - just fyi
[00:24] <jose> tvansteenburgh: no worries, take your time :)
[00:24] <tvansteenburgh> cool
[00:24] <jose> (though that error should be on your side, because I'm not getting it)
[00:24] <tvansteenburgh> jose: yeah i'm sure it's on my side, just need a little time to figure it out
[00:24] <jose> np :)
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
[00:48] <stokachu> so when you deploy services at what point can we set config options via juju set ?
[00:48] <stokachu> do the services have to be in a started state?
[00:48] <sarnold> stokachu: iirc you can set them near immediately after asking them to deploy
[00:49] <stokachu> ok
[00:49] <stokachu> the only way ive been able to get horizon+keystone to update its admin password is after horizon+keystone+mysql are started
[00:49] <stokachu> everything is deployed but in various states
=== timrc is now known as timrc-afk
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
=== jcsackett_ is now known as jcsackett
=== ev_ is now known as ev
=== timrc-afk is now known as timrc
[13:08] <Tug_> I tried to set source and key options for mongodb charm (which use charm-helpers) to install 10gen's package but I get an error at install because add-apt-repository also adds a deb-src line
[13:08] <Tug_> (not sure I'm very clear here)
[13:10] <Tug_> here is the output http://pastebin.com/1PbhhA3a
[13:11] <bloodearnest> is there an easy way to log to the juju log from a cron job on a unit?
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
[15:06] <themonk> marcoceppi: hi man
[15:11] <themonk> hello everybody :) i have a question, in relation-changed of requirer charm I generate a file (schema file) now i want to send it to provider charm is it possible? (this 2 charms are independent charm)
[15:15] <avoine> themonk: you could make a base64 of it and ship it in a variable I guess
[15:17] <themonk> avoine: i know that technique but that is for config-chaged
[15:17] <themonk> avoine: can i set config variable inside relation-changed?
[15:18] <avoine> no you would use the relation-set command
[15:18] <avoine> themonk: ^
[15:19] <themonk> avoine: if that, then being inside of requirer charm how can i access provider config?
[15:20] <avoine> themonk: you must send it using relation-set also
[15:21] <themonk> avoine: hmm relation-set + base64
[15:21] <avoine> themonk: see https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-hook-environment.html
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
[16:31] <mattrae_> does some kind of flow chart for hook execution lifecycle exist? like something to visualize install -> config-changed -> start -> ... -> stop
[16:32] <dimitern> mattrae_, the hook execution workflow is documented in juju-core/doc/charms-in-action.txt
[16:33] <dimitern> mattrae_, but there's no chart/visualization afaik
[16:33] <mattrae_> dimitern: awesome! thankyou :)
[18:42] <brian515> can you use juju "manual" to bootstrap on your own laptop?
[18:43] <jose> brian515: you use juju local for that
[18:44] <brian515> @jose I know that. But I don't want lxc on the server I want to use
[18:44] <jose> oh, hmm
[18:44] <jose> maybe? can you try?
[18:44] <brian515> @jose I want to log into that machine, install juju-core, set for manual and point the configuration to that server's IP
[18:45] <jose> brian515: you would need to just set it as bootstrap node
[18:45] <jose> and then do juju bootstrap, juju deploy [charmname] --to 0
[18:45] <brian515> @jose but when I do this and then execute juju bootstrap it asks for a password and no matter what password I enter it doesn't accept it
[18:45] <jose> bootstrap will install everything necessary
[18:46] <jose> it should be the password for the machine you're ssh'ing into
[18:47] <brian515> @jose... I know it should be that machines password... but juju bootstrap does not accept that password and I know the password is good... I use it to login via ssh
[18:47] <jose> erm
[18:48] <brian515> @jose... I'm stumped too <g>
[18:49] <brian515> @jose - on that server there are only 2 accts. ubuntu/ubuntu and one other and neither password is accepted
[18:50] <jose> ubuntu/ubuntu?
[18:50] <jose> the account should be just ubuntu
[18:51] <brian515> @jose the original server acct is the default login ubuntu and password ubuntu
[18:51] <jose> oh, gotcha
[18:52] <brian515> @jose but juju bootstrap on that server when prompts for password - ubuntu isn't accepted
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
=== tris- is now known as tris
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away