UbuntuIRC / 2014 /05 /01 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[01:05] <justCarakas> balloons: I just created a website for BE Mobile, who should I contact to update the link on the post with the winners of the ubuntu app showdown ?
[01:06] <balloons> justCarakas, anyone from my team. what's the proper link?
[01:06] <justCarakas> http://gigapps.be/
[01:19] <balloons> justCarakas, so the link should go as BE Mobile then under the description?
[01:25] <justCarakas> the link of my name (jelmer prins)
[01:25] <justCarakas> balloons: sorry for late reply
[01:25] <balloons> gotcha, I'll update
[01:26] <justCarakas> balloons: thank you :) I didn't expect to win :p
[01:26] <balloons> justCarakas, done ;-)
[01:26] <justCarakas> balloons: works perfectly :)
[01:41] <justCarakas> gnight
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[06:32] <mihir> Good Morning :)
[06:34] <DanChapman> Good Morning
[06:53] <Aki-Thinkpad> good morning
[06:54] <Aki-Thinkpad> Ui development is fun, but crazy, because there is always more you can do :p
[06:55] <mihir> Aki-Thinkpad: indeed
[06:55] <Aki-Thinkpad> mihir, what app you working on?
[06:55] <mihir> Aki-Thinkpad: calendar,calculator
[06:56] <Aki-Thinkpad> mihir, ah nice. Ive seen the calender, but its been a year since I saw the calculator. Any screenshots?
[06:56] <Aki-Thinkpad> mihir, actually considering I am doing something similar to the calculator I am very interested in seeing how it is working atm
[06:57] <mihir> Aki-Thinkpad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QJPfGHv-BQ
[06:57] <mihir> Aki-Thinkpad: this is calendar video
[06:57] <Aki-Thinkpad> wow; it is georgeous
[06:59] <mihir> Aki-Thinkpad: :)
[07:41] <Aki-Thinkpad> Am I the only one who's unity starts becoming unstable the more I run my app from qtcreator
[07:41] <Aki-Thinkpad> ?
[07:54] <purencool> Hi all I am using ubntu 14.04. I have designed a layout in qt creator I want read a text file. I can open a dialogue and can select the file path but how do I open the file to read it?
[08:02] <Aki-Thinkpad> purencool, hey there
[08:03] <Aki-Thinkpad> what kind of app is this? Is this for the ubuntu-touch?
[08:03] <Aki-Thinkpad> or is this a desktop application using just qt5 libs?
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[08:07] <purencool> Aki-Thinkpad, Hi. I am using "project ubuntu a simple C++ base QtQuick2 extenstion library with tabbed ui written in qml"
[08:07] <Aki-Thinkpad> purencool, oh okay, so this is a qml program?
[08:08] <Aki-Thinkpad> purencool, alright, well you already did the first step properly
[08:08] <Aki-Thinkpad> that was the correct project you wanted to use
[08:08] <Aki-Thinkpad> purencool, have you done any editting in mytype.cpp/.h?
[08:08] <purencool> Yes I am play around
[08:08] <purencool> no
[08:09] <Aki-Thinkpad> purencool, okay, so this is where you will need to program this.
[08:10] <Aki-Thinkpad> purencool, sorry, having a conversation.
[08:11] <purencool> cool play with the code I think I might be close
[08:11] <purencool> playing blah
[08:13] <purencool> got it
[08:13] <purencool> thanks for responding
[10:18] <popey> zbenjamin: trying that silo qtc package (having rebooted) and now it's mis-identifying devices.. bug 1314960
[10:18] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1314960 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "qtc mis-identifies my device" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1314960
[11:18] <nik90> popey: is thomas voss irc nick tvoss?
[11:36] <popey> nik90: yes
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[14:33] <justCarakas> good afternoon all
[14:33] <justCarakas> or wahtever it is at your place :p
[14:35] <nik90> t1mp: ping
[14:50] <nik90> t1mp: I provided feedback on your MP at https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/50-headerTools/+merge/217586/comments/518773
[15:02] <t1mp> nik90: cool, thanks. I'll check it out
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[15:13] <justCarakas> daker, do you know when I should get my email from canonical
[15:20] <t1mp> nik90: your code seems fine. Do you have a simpler test program that exposes the issue of the missing actions in the header?
[15:21] <nik90> t1mp: no not yet. But I will create one in an hour. Would you like me to create a bug report or just attach it to the MP?
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[15:24] <t1mp> nik90: where do you define appSettingsAction?
[15:24] <nik90> t1mp: in the main qml file Flashback.qml
[15:25] <nik90> t1mp: I show that action in all the tabs
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[15:25] <nik90> t1mp: https://github.com/krnekhelesh/flashback/blob/master/Flashback.qml
[15:39] <t1mp> nik90: I am not managing to reproduce it with my own test programs
[15:39] <nik90> t1mp: Did you use a loader for the tabs?
[15:40] <t1mp> no
[15:42] <t1mp> nik90: I'm getting your sources from git to test with that
[15:44] <nik90> ok
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[15:46] <t1mp> nik90: cool app :)
[15:46] <t1mp> nik90: on the Home tab it works fine, in Movies indeed the buttons are not there
[15:46] <nik90> t1mp: thnx :)
[15:46] <nik90> t1mp: yup..and the difference between the home tab and the rest of the tabs is the use of the QML Loader
[15:51] <t1mp> nik90: I tried with page: MovieTab { }
[15:51] <t1mp> nik90: and still no buttons
[15:52] <t1mp> nik90: I'm still searching for the issue,
[15:52] <t1mp> nik90: but you have nice, clean code. My compliments :)
[15:56] <nik90> t1mp: wow thnx..I am always a bit paranoid about code clarity :)
[16:03] <t1mp> nik90: good. stay paranoid :)
[16:08] <balloons> nik90, for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1314533 do you plan to increase the wait timeout?
[16:08] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1314533 in Ubuntu Clock App "Test fails on mako #3 utopic" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[16:08] <balloons> I wonder what changed that makes it take so long
[16:09] <nik90> balloons: me too..I plan to talk to renato about this..it shouldn't take this long.
[16:09] <nik90> balloons: may be he can reduce it in EDS
[16:09] <balloons> nik90, ok, sounds like a good plan. He should be able to catch why the delay is happening, maybe add a test for it
[16:10] <nik90> balloons: yes..I cannot find him on IRC yet. will catch him when he comes online
[16:10] <nik90> balloons: I don't want to change the timeout in the clock app before confirming with renato
[16:11] <balloons> nik90, right.. We need to understand what the expected behavior is. As of now, 15 seconds isn't the expected behavior :-)
[16:11] <nik90> balloons: indeed :)
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[17:46] <t1mp> nik90: hello, are you still around?
[17:51] <t1mp> nik90: I checked your comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/50-headerTools/+merge/217586
[17:51] <t1mp> nik90: the requested change in the visuals is something we need to discuss with design
[17:52] <t1mp> nik90: I think I fixed the other two issues. Could you please see if it works for you too and comment on the MR?
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[18:15] <rickspencer3> hey
[18:15] <rickspencer3> does anyone know how I should set the size of a Text{} using grid units?
[18:17] <kenvandine> rickspencer3, you mean the height/width of a Text component?
[18:17] <kenvandine> or the font size?
[18:17] <rickspencer3> kenvandine, the font size
[18:17] <rickspencer3> I'm trying font.pointsize
[18:18] <rickspencer3> font.pixelSize: units.gu(2)
[18:18] <rickspencer3> it just seems odd
[18:18] <rickspencer3> it seems to be working
[18:18] <rickspencer3> so
[18:18] * rickspencer3 shrugs
[18:18] <kenvandine> well, why not use a Label?
[18:18] <rickspencer3> kenvandine, because:1
[18:19] <rickspencer3> oh
[18:19] <rickspencer3> like
[18:19] <rickspencer3> Label()
[18:19] <rickspencer3> Label{}
[18:19] <kenvandine> Label {}
[18:19] <rickspencer3> kenvandine, I didn't know there was such a thing
[18:19] * rickspencer3 tries
[18:19] <kenvandine> ha
[18:19] <kenvandine> from the sdk
[18:19] <kenvandine> then set fontSize
[18:19] <kenvandine> it isn't points
[18:19] <kenvandine> x-small
[18:19] <kenvandine> small
[18:19] <kenvandine> etc
[18:19] <rickspencer3> kenvandine, can I change the font color of that
[18:19] <rickspencer3> ?
[18:19] <kenvandine> yes
[18:20] <kenvandine> it inherits from Text
[18:20] <kenvandine> i think
[18:20] <kenvandine> but it exists for resolution independence :)
[18:20] <kenvandine> so a fontSize: large is equal to some value based on the GU
[18:20] <kenvandine> but the sdk figures that out for you
[18:25] <rickspencer3> kenvandine, doesn't really work
[18:25] <rickspencer3> what the desktop considers large and what the phone considers large are very different
[18:25] <rickspencer3> large is unreadably small on the phone :(
[18:25] <kenvandine> humm
[18:26] * rickspencer3 goes back to Text{}
[18:26] <kenvandine> large says 20px on destkop and 45px on a 4" HD screen phone
[18:26] <kenvandine> maybe there's a bug :)
[18:27] <kenvandine> developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.04/UbuntuUserInterfaceToolkit.resolution-independence/
[18:27] <kenvandine> rickspencer3, ^^ for reference
[18:27] <kenvandine> it has a table listing the sizes
[18:28] <rickspencer3> kenvandine, don't know what to say
[18:28] <rickspencer3> I got consistent results when I used text and gu
[18:28] <kenvandine> me either...
[18:28] <kenvandine> are you comparing on mako or flo?
[18:28] <rickspencer3> desktop vs mako
[18:29] <kenvandine> rickspencer3, imo if fontSize with Label isn't doing what you want, our sdk is broken
[18:30] <kenvandine> because afaik Label exists to solve the exact use case you have
[18:31] * rickspencer3 shrugs
[18:31] <rickspencer3> I suppose it's a bug somewhere
[18:32] <kenvandine> Kaleo, ^^ am I right?
[18:32] <kenvandine> rickspencer3, how does x-large look on mako?
[18:32] <rickspencer3> kenvandine, tbh, I'm working on the next thing already, and have a call I have to get to :)
[18:32] <rickspencer3> bbiab
[18:32] <kenvandine> understand... just want to get a bug filed if needed
[18:33] <rickspencer3> kenvandine, do you have a mako?
[18:33] <kenvandine> yup
[18:34] <rickspencer3> kenvandine, should be trivial to make a little test
[18:34] <rickspencer3> it's entirely possible/likely I was doing something wrong ;)
[18:34] <kenvandine> yeah, we use that in system-settings too
[18:36] <kenvandine> i think in the list of updates available, it's using large... and i seem to recall thinking that text was small
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[18:42] <t1mp> nik90: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h23z0g29e4nxm8e/Screenshot%202014-05-01%2020.42.11.png :)
[19:05] <nik90> t1mp: ooh awesome
[19:09] <t1mp> nik90: can you comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/50-headerTools/+merge/217586 if it works?
[19:09] <nik90> t1mp: already on it :)
[19:10] <t1mp> nik90: thanks
[19:10] <t1mp> nik90: The individual movie pages need a title I guess.. otherwise there is no header and no back button
[19:10] <nik90> t1mp: np. The new header is coming along nicely.
[19:10] <t1mp> nik90: but otherwise the app looks awesome :)
[19:10] <nik90> t1mp: yeah I was about to inform you about that
[19:11] <t1mp> nik90: in Flashback.qml, you can set the source of the loader of the moviesTab page to something like this:
[19:11] <t1mp> source: moviesTab.active ? Qt.resolvedUrl("ui/MovieTab.qml") : ""
[19:11] <t1mp> then you don't need the onSelectedTabChanged
[19:11] <nik90> t1mp: the reason I didnt set the title is because the movie names are sometimes long and don't fit in the title. So there it will truncate the movie title which is important
[19:12] <nik90> t1mp: oh yeah..that's nice..I will do that
[19:12] <t1mp> nik90: right. I think we will run into more issues like that when more people start using the new header
[19:13] <t1mp> nik90: I didn't have time yet to consider how to break up long titles
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[19:13] <nik90> t1mp: I also had that issue with the old header as well on the phone
[19:13] <t1mp> nik90: the plan is to release what is done, so that people can start using it, and if there are issues we fix them :)
[19:14] <nik90> t1mp: it is good to get the new headers soon since it will give us (core app devs) time to respond and transition to it.
[19:14] <nik90> I agree
[19:29] <rpadovani> mzanetti, hey, I'm here, when you want ping me :-)
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