UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /29 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:10] <Kamilion> Hello, I am having trouble installing lubuntu 14.04: http://puu.sh/8rA4R.jpg
[00:10] <Kamilion> does anyone know why btrfs filesystem creation fails?
[00:11] <Unit193> Kamilion: Can you check the logs in /var/log/installer/ ?
[00:11] <Unit193> adm: The card, or not pulling up networks, or something else?
[00:12] <Kamilion> will do next time around
[00:13] <Kamilion> restarted and checking if it was just a one-off
[00:13] <Unit193> Ah.
[00:13] <Unit193> !btrfs
[00:13] <ubottu> Btrfs is a new filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is currently marked as experimental, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs
[00:19] <Kamilion> Unit193: what am I looking for in /var/log/installer/ ?
[00:19] <Unit193> "Anything interesting"
[00:19] <Kamilion> http://puu.sh/8rAID.png
[00:19] <Unit193> Well that's fun, run ubiquity from a terminal (optionally with --debug)
[00:19] <Kamilion> http://puu.sh/8rAJW.png <--- that's the entire content of /var/log/installer/debug
[00:27] <Kamilion> http://puu.sh/8rBfv.png
[00:30] <Kamilion> SERIOUSLY?
[00:30] <Unit193> Kamilion: apt-get install btrfs-tools This is --debug output?
[00:30] <Unit193> Kamilion: What?
[00:30] <Kamilion> btrfs-tools is fucking missing!
[00:30] <Kamilion> why was it removed from the ISO?
[00:30] <Unit193> Please keep it family friendly.
[00:30] <Kamilion> Ergh.
[00:31] <Unit193> Yeah, none of them have it, just checked Ubuntu, Xubuntu and Lubuntu.
[00:32] <Kamilion> Why was it removed in 14.04?
[00:32] <Kamilion> never mind, you don't know
[00:32] <Kamilion> I'll go hassle the mailing list and bitch up a storm
[00:33] <Kamilion> crap. Gotta wait, what, 9 months for 14.04.01? Nnnngh.
[00:34] <Unit193> It's got the Task of most, if not all, -live.
[00:34] <Kamilion> I am almost certain it was available from the 13.04 and 13.10 media
[00:36] <Unit193> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/platform.trusty/view/head:/live-common
[00:39] <Kamilion> so... is that saying it should be there? or shouldn't?
[00:41] <Kamilion> okay, so btrfs-tools is there on 12.10, 13.04, and 13.10
[00:41] <Kamilion> it's not there on my original 10.04.0 ISO
[00:42] <Unit193> Looking at the seed deps.
[00:42] <Kamilion> but does exist on 10.04.1 and 10.10/11.xx
[00:43] <Kamilion> This is really a PITA because ubiquity is what sets up the initial subvolumes @ and home so apt-btrfs-snapshot can do it's job
[00:45] <Unit193> Ah, there we go, I see it. And I made a typo when checking the others, they have it.
[00:48] <Kamilion> ?
[00:48] <Kamilion> so it's just lubuntu?
[00:48] <Kamilion> that's not so bad, I can reroll the ISO myself with ubuntu-builder
[00:48] <Unit193> Kamilion: You're sure the older versions had it? And seemingly yes, but might be a problem elsewhere.
[00:48] <Kamilion> yes!
[00:49] <Kamilion> I've been installing with btrfs for at least three years now
[00:49] <Kamilion> and installing apt-btrfs-snapshot every time
[00:49] <Unit193> Weird. The 'live' seed is missing the dep on 'live-common'
[00:49] <Kamilion> normally I rely on my ubuntu-builder derived ISOs
[00:49] <Unit193> And it looks like it's been missing for a while, so something else must have pulled in btrfs-tools before.
[00:50] <Kamilion> but the ubuntu-builder project closed up shop just before trusty's release
[00:50] <Kamilion> I have a fixed version locally and in my PPA
[00:50] <Unit193> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/lubuntu.trusty/view/head:/live - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/platform.trusty/view/head:/live-common - http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/xubuntu.trusty/live
[00:53] <Kamilion> rather suprised the ubiquity package doesn't have those as Requires instead of Suggests
[00:54] <Unit193> They are in recommends.
[00:59] <Kamilion> ohhh.
[01:00] <Kamilion> note to self: don't turn off recommends until post install then
[01:01] <Unit193> The seed has recommends off.
[01:24] <Unit193> Kamilion: https://code.launchpad.net/~unit193/ubuntu-seeds/lubuntu.utopic/+merge/217536 Figured why not.
[01:24] <Kamilion> SRU?
[01:25] <Unit193> Nah, so the same thing doesn't happen in utopic.
[01:25] <Kamilion> oh
[01:25] <Kamilion> cool.
[04:00] <_joey> the new release of the distro is buggy
[04:01] <_joey> the menu jumps from the left bottom corner to the right bottom corner. while network , sound and language appears on the lefgt
[04:01] <_joey> it's doing it by itself at random
[04:02] <_joey> nm-applet is not working properly too
[04:33] <_joey> the forum doesn't give a shit about the bugs?
[04:37] <wxl> !language | _joey
[04:37] <ubottu> _joey: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList
[04:50] <_joey> this is not ubuntu channel
[04:53] <wxl> _joey: yep, it is. just behave or you can leave.
[05:01] <_joey> if you don't like visitors asking questions, then leave the channel
[05:01] <wxl> _joey: it's against the policy of the channel to use the particular language you used. you are welcome to ask questions in an appropriate manner. consider the fact that sometimes, we have underage folks here.
[05:02] <wxl> _joey: if you can't be respectful, it's highly doubtful anyone's going to be motivated to respect you in turn, which is to say you are unlikely to get your question answered.
[05:19] <holstein> _joey: the menu relocates? in between boots?
[05:20] <holstein> are you using a different panel? can you get the menu to do that on a live CD? are you using any PPAs?
[05:21] <Kamilion> http://puu.sh/8rTJQ.png <--- wut
[05:23] <Kamilion> *grumbles*
[05:23] <Kamilion> I knew I should have tested this stuff better in march.
[05:23] <holstein> i dont think btrfs is default yet
[05:23] <holstein> anywhere, that i know of..
[05:23] <Kamilion> who said it was default?
[05:24] <Kamilion> kind of more miffed it removed btrfs-tools after I installed them
[05:24] <holstein> it?
[05:24] <Unit193> Kamilion: So install it back in?
[05:24] <Kamilion> l u b u n t u
[05:24] <Kamilion> I did.
[05:24] <holstein> Kamilion: cool.. grumble in the offtopic channel please.. thanks
[05:24] <Kamilion> ...
[05:25] <Kamilion> man, do you guys actively try to piss people off, or are you just naturally good at it from hanging around in #ubuntu for so long? *detaches, goes to off-topic*
[09:03] <_joey> holstein: relocates during the same session
[09:03] <_joey> I am not using a different panel either. Just for came by default
[09:56] <JensNDS> linux sucks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pOxlazS3zs#t=1466
[10:18] <bob_> Hi
[10:19] <bob_> How connect with wireless connection on lubuntu please?
[10:38] <MaxFrames> hello.
[10:39] <MaxFrames> I have installed the 14.04 clean, and chosen Italian language and keyboard layout, but the logon screen keyboard layout appears to be English with no way to change it. Need help.
[12:59] <falafele> Hi all :) Lubuntu 14.04 is so nice! I just installed it :)
[13:00] <falafele> I am happy, it seems to have no one bug (in differece against another distro...) nya! ^o^
[13:24] <bjorn_> hi, I have a wierd problem, my network manager icon (the lower right corner) dont start at logon anymore. wifi works anyway. someone have a clue what have happened?
[15:13] <holstein> _joey: ok.. if you'd like to discuss, we can probably find out why you are the only person with migrating panel items
[15:14] <holstein> _joey: do you get the same behavior on a live CD? can you get the same behavior from another user? or the guest user?
[15:27] <_joey> holstein: I don't have the live CD. I believe there's a bug with network applet which has been reported
[15:27] <holstein> _joey: sure.. i am discussing the menu issue
[15:27] <_joey> maybe this network applet bug messes up the icons in the panel
[15:27] <_joey> don't know
[15:27] <holstein> _joey: maybe is just that.. we would need to confirm and test
[15:28] <holstein> _joey: let me know when you are willing/able to do so
[15:28] <_joey> what do I need to do?
[15:28] <holstein> jono_: ?
[15:28] <holstein> jono_: sorry..
[15:28] <jono_> holstein, np :-)
[15:28] <holstein> _joey: you dont need to do anything.. but, testing as i suggested above will help isolate a few things to help determine and troubleshoot
[15:29] <holstein> _joey: is the issue related to your graphics hardware linux support? is it an issue in your user config?
[15:29] <holstein> these are questions that will help us, when answered
[15:29] <_joey> holstein: I didn't have the issue in previous release
[15:29] <_joey> on the same hardware
[15:30] <holstein> _joey: ok
[15:30] <holstein> _joey: since the kernel is different, and the driver support, etc.. this only tells us that, at some point, the linux kernel was able to work with the hardware
[15:31] <_joey> I don't beleive the module for the graphics has been update between the kernel versions
[15:31] <_joey> it's not the kernel. I think it's the panel
[15:32] <holstein> _joey: ok..
[15:32] <holstein> !bug | _joey
[15:32] <ubottu> _joey: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.
[15:32] <holstein> _joey: you can file that against the panel, and try and get someone to confirm
[15:32] * _joey takes a mental note never to upgrade to a new release till it's at least 3 months old
[15:32] <holstein> i can confirm i do not have that issue on any of my 14.04 lubuntu installations
[15:32] <holstein> _joey: nah
[15:33] <holstein> _joey: this is the best time to run the newer version.. waiting doesnt do anything like that
[15:33] <holstein> _joey: you might prefer a larger support system, such as xubuntu or main ubuntu.. or, try some of the suggestions i made to try and determine where the issue actually is
[15:33] <holstein> or, try a different panel.. or different desktop
[15:34] <holstein> its all ubuntu 14.04.. so, you can try adding/using xfce for example, and test a different DE and panel.. that will also tell you something.. though, you cant assume that the panel is the problem
[15:34] <_joey> try, try! ...
[15:35] <_joey> that's what the team that release it distro should be doing
[15:35] <_joey> also, ~/.xsessionrc is not getting read after boot
[15:36] <_joey> it was read in the last release
[15:42] <holstein> _joey: friend.. we do not have your hardware to test on
[15:42] <holstein> _joey: if you feel you have a bug, see the above link to create or link to a report.. i can only help you troubleshoot and isololate
[15:42] <holstein> !contribute
[15:42] <ubottu> To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu
[15:43] <holstein> if you feel the distro is not getting the attention it needs, you can contribute, or try using one of the larger ones
[18:40] <bjorn_> Hi, I have a small problem. after a restart recently my network manager in the lower right corner doesn't show up. Anyhow my wifi works so it's just the indicator. Someone know how to fix this?
[18:40] <wxl> bjorn_: known bug. workaround is to run nm-applet
[18:41] <bjorn_> wxl, nm-applet? in the taskbar?
[18:42] <wxl> bjorn_: in terminal. or add to ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart and it will load when it starts up.
[18:43] <bjorn_> aah. ok, its the origian nm applet, so it will just autostart then? seems sweet
[18:43] <wxl> bjorn_: better yet add it as "@nm-applet" and it will also restart if it crashes for some reason
[18:44] <bjorn_> wxl, what does the @ stand for?
[18:45] <bjorn_> wxl, what is the standard terminal based text editor in lubutu?
[18:46] <wxl> bjorn_: @ means restart if crashes
[18:46] <wxl> bjorn_: nano, but i prefer vim
[18:47] <bjorn_> wxl, thanks, i tried with emacs but it didn't work
[18:48] <wxl> bjorn_: well you can use update-alternatives to make emacs your default
[18:48] * wxl shudders at the thought of using emacs for doing anything but programming lisp
[18:48] <wxl> bjorn_: you should find that /etc/alternatives/editor points to your editor
[18:48] <wxl> bjorn_: also /usr/bin/editor points to /etc/alternatives/editor
[18:49] <wxl> bjorn_: that being said, just running `editor` is probably sufficient to use whatever the default is, at least assuming /usr/bin is in your $PATH
[18:50] <bjorn_> wxl, well. emacs is about the only one I have ever used, and that was in a Java course several years ago :) im not exactly a Linux nerd (yet) ;p
[18:50] <wxl> bjorn_: btw sudo update-alternatives --config editor
[18:58] <wxl> bjorn_: yeah well if you're using emacs, you're pretty nerdy ;)
[18:58] <bjorn_> ;P
[18:58] <wxl> bjorn_: needless to say emacs should work to edit whatever but setting up emacs is kind of weird (the editor's kind of weird, so it makes sense) so maybe that's the issue
[18:59] <wxl> bjorn_: admittedly most people have no idea what to do with vim when they run it. certainly not how to exit it
[18:59] <wxl> bjorn_: might try nano and be safe ;)
[18:59] <bjorn_> can I restart my session without restart my computer?
[18:59] <wxl> yep. you can logout or kill lightdm
[19:00] <bjorn_> kill lightdm? seems nerdy. will try
[19:01] <bjorn_> naah, didnt work. logout it will be. CU l8er
[19:03] <bjorn_> wxl, it worked! Thanks
[19:09] <bjorn_> I was about to give up on linux again... but maybe I will hang on this time around. I found my obosolete netbook some days ago and considered to throw it away, but now its up and running and it feels sweet. It's just so much more easy to write with than the Ipad so for surfing and simple spreadsheetings etc. its a blast!
[19:10] <wxl> bjorn_: plus it's free!
[19:10] <wxl> bjorn_: linux at times requires a certain amount of nerdyness but it's grown up for sure
[19:18] <bjorn_> I used ubuntu a while around 2006 but found out that there are a certain amount of situations that linux dont work if you are not really "in to it", printer drivers, web pages, compability with wierd .doc .xls formats etc. Its sad because linux is not that hard to get a grip on even for us "non nerds" and if most coumputers was not boundled with windows I guess linux would evolve even faster
[19:18] <wxl> yeah all that is a non problem now
[19:19] <wxl> esp. now that a lot of manufacturers are getting more linux friendly, plus there are standard browsers, and libreoffice (kept updated) will handle any ms garbage
[19:22] <bjorn_> wxl, yes. right now im pissed of that I can't find a good .odt and .ods editor and for my android phone, so I still have to use xls and doc. :/
[19:23] <wxl> bjorn_: ohhh i found one before but i can't remember what is. opendocument something or other
[20:36] <bjorn_> hi all, now I have another slight problem. I cant lock my screen and my computer wakes up without password promt after "rest" mode. Is this normal?
[23:25] <comics_idees> Hi guys, I have dual screen in lubuntu. But I want wallpaper to cover both screens as a large extented picture, is it possible?
[23:25] <comics_idees> I tried to put a wallpaper but it covers only one screen
[23:26] <comics_idees> the other screen has default lubuntu wallpaper
[23:26] <comics_idees> the wallpaper I use is large enough in width to cover both screens
[23:27] <comics_idees> but it covers only one screen
[23:27] <comics_idees> what should I do?