UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /26 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
=== randomcpp is now known as gcollura
[07:54] <lordievader> Good morning.
[07:55] <rww> hihi
[08:07] <onca> hello, after al
[08:07] <onca> nvm
[08:08] <lordievader> o/
[08:09] <onca> after the system updater crashed, I ran dpkg --configure -a and it failed with unrecoverable fatal error
[08:09] <onca> apparently while making an initrd
[08:09] <onca> I don't know what to try next
[08:10] <lordievader> Why would that fail, I wonder.
[08:10] <onca> My system wont reboot will it
[08:11] <rww> ubuntu 14.04 or 14.10/utopic?
[08:12] <lordievader> It may be that your previous initrd is still compatible with the new kernel (I'm assuming you've installed a new one).
[08:12] <lordievader> onca: Could you pastebin the full error?
[08:14] <onca> lordievader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7335767/ there you have it
[08:16] <rww> onca: #ubuntu+1 is for discussion and support of pre-release versions of Ubuntu. It looks like you're upgrading from a released version to another released version, so please seek support in #ubuntu instead.
[08:17] <onca> how do I upgrade to beta ?
[08:17] <rww> You don't, because there is no beta release of Ubuntu out right now.
[08:17] <lordievader> onca: Is the linux-image-extra for that kernel installed?
[08:17] <rww> the current pre-release of Ubuntu is 14.10, which got started literally a few days ago
[08:17] <onca> i see
[08:17] <lordievader> onca: Only the repos are available for Utopic.
[08:18] <onca> I can change repos
[08:18] <onca> wherez
[08:19] <rww> or you can go to #ubuntu and ask them about your upgrade problems
[08:19] <lordievader> onca: That is only recommended for people who know what they are doing.
[08:19] <onca> I prefer your help
[08:19] <onca> I aim to know what I am doing
[08:19] <lordievader> onca: People who know that things can break and know how to fix most things themselfs.
[08:19] <onca> exactly
[08:19] <rww> That's unfortunate, since your question is not on-topic here. If we ignore that, we're just encouraging people to use this as a side-channel for VIP support instead of #ubuntu, which would be a problem.
[08:20] <onca> well put
[08:20] <onca> don't you need more people like you?
[08:21] <rww> I think most of the IRC team would say that one of me is more than enough :)
[08:21] <onca> I want an apprenticeship
[09:16] <arsson> Hey all! What is and is there installable unicorn iso yet?
[09:35] <lordievader> Nope, just the repo's are available.
[09:35] <lordievader> arsson: ^
[09:41] <arsson> lordievader: Thanks. So if i go crazy how do i apply that repo with simpliest way?
[09:42] <lordievader> arsson: Simply replace 'trutsy' with 'utopic' in /etc/apt/sources and run "apt-get update&&apt-get dist-upgrade".
[09:42] <Crashbit> arsson: Are you an advanced user ?
[09:43] <Crashbit> Developer versions are only for developers or advanced users
[09:44] <arsson> lordievader: that doesn't sound too hard to start
[09:46] <lordievader> arsson: Crashbit is right though. If you run a development release you are expected to know your way around. You should be able to fix basic things.
[09:46] <arsson> Crashbit: not so advanced but its nicer to be on the edge
[09:52] <Crashbit> arsson: when you walk along the edge, you might fall
[09:52] <Crashbit> :)
[09:53] <arsson> thats the best part :)
[10:27] <BluesKaj> Howdy folks
=== soee_ is now known as soee
[11:20] * BluesKaj commits to 14.10 on the kubuntu-test pc, some packages and ruby 2.1 came down the pipe
[11:29] * penguin42 should get a uu vm going
[11:31] <BluesKaj> I have a desktop with 14.04 on one partition and 14.10 on the other...vms are ok , but I prefer the real thing
[11:32] <BluesKaj> and I update and upgrade via ssh from this laptop
[11:33] <penguin42> in 14.04 unity seems to run a heck of a lot better in VMs than it did previously - it used to be VERY laggy
[11:35] <BluesKaj> unity is getting better, well good for ubuntu ...it's about time :)
[11:36] <penguin42> indeed, I only run it in a VM
[11:37] <BluesKaj> which VM ?
[11:38] <BluesKaj> qemu-kvm , vb?
[11:41] <penguin42> qemu-kvm
[11:41] <BluesKaj> I had problems with qemu-kvm, wouldn't recognize the guest OS upon reboot after running ok previously
[11:41] <penguin42> hmm, not had that
[11:42] <BluesKaj> it kept looking at the cdrom drive and I couldn't change the path
[11:43] <penguin42> that's very odd, I guess you're driving it from virt-manager?
[11:43] <BluesKaj> the option was greyed out if I recall
[11:43] <BluesKaj> yup virt-manager
[11:44] <BluesKaj> so I went with vb instead and itworked just fine
[11:44] <penguin42> if you see that again, let me know and I can help debug
[11:45] <penguin42> although ubuntu's virt-manager is a bit on the old side
[11:45] <BluesKaj> decided to dual boot with W7 since I need it for other reasons
=== soee_ is now known as soee