UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /26 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:08] <ianorlin> it more merged with razor qt
[00:10] <ianorlin> then they are making a qt based lxde called lxqt
[00:12] <wxl> ianorlin: is that ever going to get integrated into lubuntu?
[00:12] <ianorlin> yes in 14.10 is the plan
[00:13] <wxl> cool
[00:13] <wxl> i've been waiting for that
[00:13] <wxl> i like qt
[00:22] <auc|work> can i access the flash drive that i booted lubuntu from (liveusb) to write files to?
[00:24] <surfn> so is razor-qt the new LXDE or is it lxqt?
[03:20] <interf4ced> whats the difference between the "software update" and "package manager". Do they have some redundant purposes?
[03:20] <holstein> interf4ced: you wouldnt choose a package with the updater to install
[03:21] <holstein> you just update what you have with it
[03:21] <holstein> you can use a package manager to update.. but, the updater usually checks on a shedule or whatever
[03:21] <interf4ced> that's what i figured i just wanted to know fo sho
[03:22] <interf4ced> the synaptic manager is basically just a GUI for pacman correct
[03:22] <holstein> its a gui application manager
[03:22] <holstein> we dont have pacman
[03:22] <holstein> you can use apt or aptitude
[03:23] <interf4ced> ok. that's what i meant. when i use synaptic i'm doing the GUI version of apt-get update/upgrade
[03:23] <holstein> interf4ced: not really.. you are using the GUI
[03:24] <holstein> interf4ced: if you want apt-get, you'll need to use apt-get
[03:25] <interf4ced> so synaptic is it's own thing, uses it's own "programming", and doesn't call on apt
[03:25] <holstein> !info synaptic
[03:25] <ubottu> synaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.81.1 (trusty), package size 1329 kB, installed size 7650 kB
[03:25] <holstein> interf4ced: id have to check for sure...
[03:29] <interf4ced> not too terribly important i'm just curious about it. another question I have is in the Lubuntu Software Center, the Ubuntu Software Center is an option for installation, does the Ubuntu software manager have a larger list of apps. in other words, I know there are more packages available than what shows in the Lubuntu software center(i can get them through apt). does the Ubuntu software center list more of
[03:29] <interf4ced> these?
[03:30] <holstein> no
[03:30] <holstein> the sources are the sources.. you can install what you want from your sources with whatever package manager you want
[03:30] <holstein> the ubuntu software center offers some commercial options
[03:35] <interf4ced> 1 more question then i'll depart. Do you know of on linux and equivalent to a restore point in windows(snapshot), where you can restore your whole system back to a previous date?
[03:35] <holstein> sure
[03:35] <holstein> literally whatever snapshoting you would like
[03:36] <holstein> you can dd the disk.. use clonezilla.. backup your home.. whatever level you want to be on with that
[03:37] <holstein> clonezilla is probably the easiest
[03:37] <holstein> and, its cloned to an external drive, so it wont break like windows snapshots do
[03:37] <interf4ced> well i like to play with system files and tinker. my previous attempts at switching to linux usually end after about 6 months when i totally jack up my system. this was like 5 years ago, and I could never find a snapshot like program. is this a newer thing?
[09:53] <b3nt0> any way to move the display with 2 monitors? so they work up and down?
[09:54] <b3nt0> i have 2 monitors plugged in, and the monitor became primary but, the pc thinks its on the right.. but its on the left was looking for the setting but could not find it
[09:54] <b3nt0> anyways any help would be great
[09:57] <raalex> if you find out, please let me know too
[09:57] <raalex> the settings for external monitors are very very basic
[09:58] <b3nt0> i know, just never went there
[09:58] <b3nt0> cant find it at all do you happen to know the binary?
[10:00] <raalex> it's just in preferences, monitor settings
[10:00] <raalex> but you will not be able to do what you want to do
[10:00] <b3nt0> oh ya but i cant swap anything
[10:00] <raalex> it offers almost no options
[10:00] <raalex> yes, that's what I was trying to say
[10:00] <raalex> it's a bit useless
[10:01] <b3nt0> i ran into that, cant swap 2 to 3
[10:01] <b3nt0> or whatever
[10:01] <b3nt0> maybe i can just unmount at the etc level
[10:01] <b3nt0> actually.. the monitor cant even be turned off via the display settings from my end
[10:04] <raalex> yes, it's really annoying
[10:04] <b3nt0> well silly me
[10:04] <b3nt0> you have nvidia?
[10:04] <raalex> No
[10:04] <b3nt0> go system tools and server settings
[10:05] <b3nt0> well.. my nvidia took over was able to fix it with it
[10:06] <b3nt0> off topic question anyone shoved thunderbird profile on the google drive?
[10:39] <raalex> is it normal that flash videos work awfully on Lubuntu?
[10:48] <JohnDoe_71Rus> b3nt0: try arandr
[11:37] <b3nt0> is that a full xwindows?
[11:38] <b3nt0> was looking a sec ago at that funny you mention JohnDoe_71Rus
[11:38] <b3nt0> was compiling some irrlicht stuff and came up a no file
[12:44] <Ahmuck> hi hi
[12:44] <Ahmuck> i dumped 14.04
[12:44] <Ahmuck> and moved back to 13.10
[13:48] <comics_idees> how can I make greek/english toggle with alt-shift in lubuntu?
[14:29] <B_Little> hi
[14:30] <B_Little> what repository do I need to add for irssi 0.8.16 ? in the main repo only 0.8.15 is included
[14:31] <vjacob> what is the alternative for
[14:31] <vjacob> what is the recommended 'network-manager-vpn' alternative under Lubuntu, typically?
[14:32] <vjacob> I am trying to avoid having to install
[14:33] <vjacob> gnome to have this (network-manager-vpn) work, but so far I have had to reinstall 'network-manager', and when I try to create a new VPN connection using that, all the fields are grayed out
[14:33] <vjacob> starting to think that going down the route of gnome again may be the only solution here.
[14:35] <vjacob> openvpn btw...
[14:37] <TaiSHi> After update (tried with fresh install as well) enabling Parcellite nor light-locker on autostart wont work
[14:37] <TaiSHi> Is there any way to debug it to see where it's failing? Or is it a known issue?
[14:40] <holstein> TaiSHi: you are trying to autostart an application? and its not working? how are you trying to implement that? how are you testing that in a live environment?
[14:40] <vjacob> tried to google this btw.
[14:41] <TaiSHi> I did so as well, there -was- an issue with nm
[14:41] <TaiSHi> Which I fixed by adding the applet to taskbar
[14:41] <comics_idees> how can I make greek/english toggle with alt-shift in lubuntu?
[14:42] <TaiSHi> holstein: 2 different systems (one upgraded and the other fresh install), tried to implement light-locker from it's own menu and Parcellite from Default apps for LXSession
[14:42] <TaiSHi> holstein: Also, if I go to light-locker options it -is- 'enabled' by default, yet app isn't running. If I turn it off and back on, it starts running but wont be persistent through a logout
[14:44] <holstein> vjacob: its find to use that tool in lubuntu, if you want
[14:44] <holstein> fine*
[14:44] <vjacob> ah.
[14:44] <vjacob> just not sure how to get it to work
[14:44] <vjacob> holstein: did you?
[14:44] <holstein> vjacob: so, you *have* added it? then?
[14:44] <holstein> !vpn
[14:44] <ubottu> For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN
[14:45] <holstein> is what i always refer to
[14:45] <vjacob> as written above, clicking add VPN, then I have only greyed out fields
[14:45] <holstein> vjacob: well, also written above is "trying to avoid", so you *do* have it installed? correct?
[14:45] <vjacob> yes
[14:45] <vjacob> yes
[14:46] <holstein> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient should be relevant then
[14:47] <holstein> you might be missing some of the backend that is making the options greyed. or your user permissions..
[14:47] <vjacob> hmm, thank you holstein, will go over this.
[14:47] <vjacob> btw if I am using wicd to connect at this point in time, will that be an issue going forward?
[14:48] <vjacob> not sure if my network-manager is being used at launch anymore
[14:48] <vjacob> still, when I just launched NetworkManager using sudo, then I see the fields are editable
[14:48] <vjacob> messy.
[14:48] <holstein> vjacob: messy?
[14:49] <vjacob> I am finding it a bit messy yes :)
[14:49] <holstein> seems to support the user permissions scenario
[14:49] <vjacob> ok
[14:49] <holstein> vjacob: the tool doesnt ship with lubuntu, so it may require some configuration
[14:49] <vjacob> not just thinking about the previously inaccessible fields/now accessible, also that I am myself choosing to run two different network managers
[14:50] <vjacob> however, perhaps it is as simple as stopping to use wicd
[14:50] <vjacob> aye
[14:50] <holstein> im not sure if wicd supports VPN connections.. i know it didnt used to
[14:50] <vjacob> holstein: hold on, what does Lubuntu ship with? :)
[14:51] <vjacob> I guess I always thought it was some form of
[14:51] <vjacob> network-manager shipped
[14:51] <holstein> right
[14:51] <holstein> i was reading you were adding one.. for vpn support
[14:51] <vjacob> ah in terms of that
[14:51] <vjacob> I see, yes
[14:51] <holstein> if you are finding something 'messy', it might be due to that, is all
[14:52] <vjacob> fair enough
[14:52] <vjacob> not saying that Lubuntu is messy, for good orders sake
[14:52] <vjacob> just that sometimes I (we?) end up making it (messy)
[14:52] <holstein> vjacob: it would be "nice" to have an easy vpn client solution option
[14:52] <holstein> could be that its just not something planned for out of the box
[14:52] <vjacob> I would say it is a must in the times we live in
[14:53] <holstein> eh.. id say, its likely not solving any problems either, but, if one wants to use a vpn, one should be able to, and i have no issues facilitating that method
[14:54] <vjacob> hm?
[14:54] <holstein> vjacob: im suggesting, a vpn is not in itself ultimately the perfect security solution, is all
[14:54] <vjacob> nothing is perfect in terms of security
[14:54] <vjacob> :)
[14:54] <holstein> its not always "vpn = privacy" and security
[14:54] <vjacob> nothing is
[14:55] <vjacob> but you are right that vpn by itself does not create either
[14:55] <vjacob> I just think it goes a long way for most of us on the planet.
[14:55] <holstein> but, that quality and jugment call beside the point, im saying i aggree that vpn connection focus would be something i would get behind, regardless that i think its arguably helpful
[14:55] <vjacob> agreed.
[14:56] <vjacob> who else uses vpn or would like to see it supported on channel? democratic show of hands in these times of privacy and anonymity?
[14:56] <holstein> vjacob: now that all that politics and policy is behind us ;) ..if you want to start a general bug report, i'll join it
[14:56] <holstein> vjacob: its not "unsupported"
[14:56] <holstein> vjacob: its just a matter of testing, and making it easier
[14:57] <holstein> vjacob: nothing in lubuntu is preventing one from running a vpn client.. im only suggesting that you and i can address the "messy" ness of it, if you 'd like
[14:57] <vjacob> holstein: let me think it over. first step is to get it to work myself :)
[14:58] <vjacob> if you want to move forward though, feel free :)
[14:58] <holstein> its not the goal of lubuntu to block or prevent vpn use in anyway
[14:58] <holstein> im just suggesting, its a small development team, and may just not be part of the focus for the out of the box experience
[14:58] <vjacob> hear hear :)
[14:59] <holstein> id like to check upstream with wicd.. see if that has been added yet there.. or is planned to be
[14:59] <vjacob> in terms of wicd I think it is also a must, at least for some WiFi nics I have never gotten them to work without
[15:00] <holstein> vjacob: you ever use wicd-curses ?
[15:00] <vjacob> wicd usually gets things configured far quicker for those cases, as far I have found at least.
[15:00] <vjacob> yes
[15:00] <vjacob> both that and wicd-gtk
[15:00] <holstein> i havent required either
[15:01] <holstein> something ive always wanted to test more, though
[15:01] <holstein> vjacob: certain chipsets require wicd ?
[15:01] <vjacob> as far as I know wicd doesn?t actually require removing network manager come to think of
[15:02] <vjacob> it... and pretty sure it does not disallow network manager from running, probably will not work well though if you are using both panels to connect at once tho :/
[15:02] <vjacob> you can go ahead and trial it
[15:02] <vjacob> at little cost no?
[15:02] <vjacob> not sure
[15:02] <vjacob> almost seems that they do in practice
[15:02] <holstein> vjacob: i have a box i can break like that.. if needed.. without concern
[15:03] <vjacob> I wonder though how much is about special scenarios with long/difficult WPA passwords where wext acts differently?!
[15:03] <holstein> vjacob: could be as simple as security management, i suppose
[15:03] <holstein> i would like to get more scientific about it, though
[15:03] <holstein> see how much is driver support, or wicd, or encryption.. or whatever
[15:04] <vjacob> precisely
[15:13] <TaiSHi> Ah, wifi hates me as well :P 14.04 is not being nice to me
[15:14] <holstein> i have a problematice wifi device in linux as well. but its the device
[15:14] <holstein> broadcom
[15:18] <TaiSHi> Oh, mine is something more along the lines of "World hates me" :P
[15:19] <TaiSHi> Seems wpa-supplicant isn't detecting network state change properly, I click on nm-applet, select network, input PSK
[15:19] <TaiSHi> Nothing happens, when I click back, no networks listed... a minute or so after, it'll list networks back on
[15:20] <TaiSHi> So I had to configure the network manually, then it works like a dream
[15:20] <vjacob> TaiSHi, what I have done in the past is to choose another distro
[15:20] <vjacob> so for at least me it is a deal breaker
[15:20] <vjacob> sometimes it worked, sometimes I went through several distros
[15:20] <vjacob> until I found something that made it work (usually wicd)
[15:20] <TaiSHi> Well, I was charmed by lubuntu up until 13.10
[15:20] <TaiSHi> 14.04 is performing great when it comes to performance
[15:21] <TaiSHi> Still those minor issues that bug me, wifi one would be the most annoying one until I set up my networks again
[15:22] <TaiSHi> It's to be expected when switching to a release this early
[15:22] <vjacob> maybe
[15:22] <vjacob> for me wifi would never be minor
[15:23] <TaiSHi> Well I don't move my laptop everyday now
[15:23] <vjacob> these days we all want our network connections to be without wires :)
[15:23] <TaiSHi> Of course, but I think it would work just great on a psk-less network
[15:23] <vjacob> save for those who run servers or are very conservative about either speed or security
[15:23] <TaiSHi> We shall see on friday
[15:24] <vjacob> :)
[15:24] <TaiSHi> Home network works perfectly, so I'm happy with it
[15:24] <TaiSHi> I can't take the cable with me to the bathroom
[15:26] <TaiSHi> Yet I think autostart is somewhat screwed, or somewhere
[15:27] <TaiSHi> brb
[15:34] <TaiSHi> Ok, so now light-locker is working
[15:34] <TaiSHi> and wasn't on my desk at work lol
[15:37] <TaiSHi> Ok, got parcellite working, it was a pebcak issue, light-locker wasn't and will have to test at work on monday
[15:52] <reddio> Hi!
[15:53] <reddio> Does LUbuntu have its GUI utilities written in PyGObject like Ubuntu does?
[15:55] <reddio> Not that I really know anything about software Canonical develops for Ubuntu... I'm a new Python developer (VB developer since '98, C# developer since '06, PHP developer since '08) and I'd love to help out.
[15:58] <reddio> Oh well, I tried.
[16:42] <comics_idees> is there a google earth version for lubuntu?
[16:43] <TaiSHi> Is there one for ubuntu?
[16:46] <raalex> no
[16:46] <raalex> the linux version is non functional
[16:47] <raalex> and for some reason the browser plugin, is only available for OSX and Windows
[16:48] <raalex> which is funny since they advertise is with the slogan "go anywhere on any device for free"
[16:48] <TaiSHi> It's because they hate us
[16:50] <raalex> http://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/earth/download/ge/agree.html
[16:50] <raalex> you can download and try it here, but it is supposedly non functional
[16:50] <raalex> I am not really keen on trying it now because Google Earth sucks
[16:51] <interf4ced> i've got /home mounted to dev/sd2, and i have 120GB total, and 84GB used, but i literally have not added anything to my home drive yet. it's almost a fresh installation. why is there 84GB used?
[16:52] <interf4ced> or dev/sda2 mounted on /home, whichever way you would say it
[16:52] <ianorlin> what are you using to get this information on used?
[16:53] <interf4ced> a program called timeshift, and then a command "dh -f"
[16:53] <TaiSHi> df -h
[16:53] <TaiSHi> I'd say
[16:53] <TaiSHi> And it's referred to /dev/sda2 (the device)
[16:53] <TaiSHi> Do du -sh /home/*
[16:54] <ianorlin> one thing not installed by default I like for disk usage is ncdu
[16:54] <TaiSHi> Oh, ncurses based du
[16:55] <interf4ced> ok, my computer is like 10 years old so it's just making noise, lets see what it says, i'm assuming du stands for disk usage, what does the -sh switch do?
[16:56] <ianorlin> h is for human readable
[16:56] <ianorlin> s is for summary
[16:56] <TaiSHi> -s is i'vealwaysusedandnevercheckedwtfitdoes
[16:56] <TaiSHi> From the docs
[16:56] <TaiSHi> -s, --summarize display only a total for each argument
[16:57] <interf4ced> still just making noises. i'm assuming since ya'll are in here that you use lubuntu, have you been using it for a while?
[16:59] <TaiSHi> I've been using linux for a while, lubuntu specifically a couple weeks
[16:59] <interf4ced> k. it gave me this. i didn't run as sudo so not sure if that is why i got the error but...
[16:59] <interf4ced> 84G /home/interfaced
[16:59] <interf4ced> du: cannot read directory ‘/home/lost+found’: Permission denied
[16:59] <interf4ced> 16K /home/lost+found
[17:01] <interf4ced> i really have put almost nothing on here yet, so i'm really baffled why it's 84GB. i've used "filemanager pacmanFM" to look around on my home drive but i'm not finding anything really
[17:01] <ianorlin> have you seen if it is a massive hidden file?
[17:02] <interf4ced> what should i run for that. is there an ls switch for searching an entire directory tree. pacmanfm doesn't seem to have a display for sizes.
[17:03] <ianorlin> press control h in pcmanfm will toggle showing hidden files
[17:04] <interf4ced> i just right-clicked show hidden, but thanks for the shortcut. how can i get it to display the size? just sort by size and properties on the top one.
[17:06] <interf4ced> ok properties on the Documents folder and it is currently calculating. it just went over 20GB. so i'm assuming it's something in Documents
[17:08] <interf4ced> theres 35 GB's worth of "recup_dir.1, recup_dir.2, recup_dir.354" and so on.
[17:08] <interf4ced> what are those folders for?
[17:09] <interf4ced> there full of .txt and .java and .png files
[17:10] <ianorlin> I have no clue what those are
[17:11] <interf4ced> ok. my fault everybody. I ran PhotoRec to try and recover overwritten files. those are the recovery directories
[17:12] <interf4ced> i didn't think it added that much info though. i must have done something wrong, and it was looping over and over just recovering the same information
[17:13] <interf4ced> thanks.
[17:15] <westmi> hello
[17:15] <westmi> tacer aspire one
[17:16] <westmi> acer*
[17:16] <westmi> tinstalled lubuntu, and no wifi
[17:16] <westmi> installed*
[17:16] <holstein> westmi: needed proprietary wifi driver was installed by default for me, somehow.. confirm that your unit uses the same broadcom chip
[17:17] <holstein> !wifi | westmi
[17:17] <ubottu> westmi: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[17:40] <westmi> Qualcom Atheros AR242x / AR542 Wireless Network adapter (PCI-Express)
[17:40] <westmi> foxcomm
[18:04] <bluezcruizer> Hi all!
[18:06] <ianorlin> hi bluezcruizer can I help?
[18:06] <bluezcruizer> I'm a newbie and have a question for installation of Lubuntu on an old machine (P3 1.17Ghz 1GB Ram 2 HDDs, NVIDIA Geforce 5500 FX card). The Video card is a PCI card. I'm currently in test mode (running the o's on a flash drive) and it did not recognize the video on the PCI. I had to go to the BIOS and tell it to run the video on the integrated graphics and switch the cable. How do I get the o/s to run on the PCI video car
[18:08] <bluezcruizer> Or do I have to install the o/s on the HDD first, switch the BIOS to video bus PCI and restart the machine to get lubuntu to see it and install appropriately?
[18:11] <bluezcruizer> I checked my hardware settings and "install drivers"...it saw the PCI card then and allowed me to install the NVIDIA driver, but when I switched the cable from the integrated graphics card to the PCI card, it did not pull the video up.
[18:11] <bluezcruizer> I might've just answered my own question...maybe the driver's installed but I need to restart (still using the USB stick) to see if the driver works and I can use my PCI video card...
[18:12] <bluezcruizer> ...change the BIOS back to PCI first...
[18:12] <leszek> hi
[18:13] <ianorlin> I am not sure it will work as nvidia have stopped drivers for that card since 12.04
[18:13] <bluezcruizer> well that's a bummer.
[18:15] <bluezcruizer> is 12.04 still supported (long life support)?
[18:15] <ianorlin> not for lubuntu and it starting becoming unsupported in 12.04
[18:15] <bluezcruizer> oh; you mean Dec 2004...?
[18:16] <ianorlin> no I mean ubuntu 12.04 did not have that card working iwth that version of x window system
[18:16] <bluezcruizer> oh. might be stuck on the integrated graphics card then as that seems to work.
[18:17] <bluezcruizer> ok, thank you for your dialog and help Ianorlin.
[18:17] <bluezcruizer> really appreciate it.
[18:17] <ianorlin> lubuntu doesn't require much in the way of graphics thankfully but some gaems still do
[18:19] <bluezcruizer> thankfully this system's primary purpose is productivity software...the kid likes to play some flash-based games online (educational games)...he's very young so he won't be into high resource usage video games on PC for a few more years anyway.
[18:20] <bluezcruizer> so I can do without using the PCI card. Just a bummer as it means the mobo will and it's RAM will have to handle video operations...offloading the task to the PCI card won't be accessible.
[18:21] <bluezcruizer> I'll jump off now. thank you!
[18:45] <michalby> My computer won't resume after suspend, after reboot apport reports kerneloops. I
[18:46] <michalby> How can I report this bug, if it's a bug, and how can I try other kernels to see if it is a new issue?
[18:47] <michalby> Lubuntu 14.04, nokia booklet 3g
[19:20] <comics_idees> is there any web site with basic tweaks and how tos for lubuntu?
[19:35] <ianorlin> comics_ideas menu prefrences customize look and feel and panel prefrences can provide basic tweaks but not sure where on the web others have used them
[19:35] <ianorlin> if you create a new user for exprimentation you won't mess up your main account
[19:45] <Megaman_> Can spmeone help me connect my wifi on lubuntu 14.04?
[19:47] <Mikaela> Megaman_: ALT + F2 and type "nm-applet" without the quotes and press enter (or return if you call it as that).
[19:47] <Mikaela> Unless your issue is different from what I think in which case you should give a little more information :)
[19:49] <Megaman_> Ok I did that but I dont know where to go to see a list of wifi networks
[19:53] <Megaman_> I figured it out ty
[20:15] * Mikaela wonders if there is anything new on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxpanel/+bug/1308348 .
[20:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1308348 in lxpanel (Ubuntu Trusty) "network settings indicator missing from panel" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[20:17] <Mikaela> Undecided? I think it should be decided as so many people are seeing and wondering it. Good night
[21:30] <westmi> got it fixxed had to install wicd and totally remove networkmanager
[21:33] <westmi> holstein got it fixxed had to install wicd and totally remove networkmanager
[22:04] <B_Little> is there a shell based webbrowser ?
[22:05] <Unit193> w3m, lynx, etc.
[22:06] <B_Little> k tnx ill give it a try