UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /25 /#juju-gui.txt
Initial commit
[12:58] <jcsackett> morning all.
[13:00] <rick_h_> morning
[13:09] <jcsackett> rick_h_: want to chat about local inspectors?
[13:09] <rick_h_> jcsackett: sure thing
[13:11] <jcsackett> rick_h_: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpij86oaqmt8r5e9lg691r88?hl=en
[15:01] <jcsackett> jujugui: call now, i guess? all, what, three of us?
[15:01] <rick_h_> jcsackett: ah sorry
[15:01] <rick_h_> jcsackett: kadams can't make it
[15:01] <rick_h_> jcsackett: so going to pull the plug
[15:01] <jcsackett> rick_h_: works for me. :)
[16:27] <kadams54> Hey all, back in the saddle here.
[16:27] <rick_h_> woot
[16:28] <kadams54> jcsackett, rick_h_ Give me a moment to spin things up and I'll be ready for some pairing
[16:28] <rick_h_> kadams54: awesome, heading to the desktop
[16:35] <rick_h_> kadams54: setup a hangout when you get a sec and a pull request of WIP to pull down and poke at
[16:39] <kadams54> kk
[16:42] <kadams54> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpjv0pjdnrfmdg99cmtm9k5c
[16:44] <rick_h_> hmm, chrome is unhappy sec
[16:44] <rick_h_> this party is over
[16:45] <kadams54> :-(
[16:45] <rick_h_> kadams54: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/72cpicrq2pbtqk329ri2577nug
[19:36] <rick_h_> kadams54: yay, pull request passed ci. Is that ready for review or are you cleaning?
[20:01] <rick_h_> kadams jcsackett out for a bit. Will be around tonight. Safe travels and catch up in vegas
[20:07] <kadams54> rick_h_: Cleaning. Well, cleaned. Now I'm fixing the tests that cleaning broke.
[20:09] <jcsackett> rick_h_: cool beans. see you in vegas!
[20:48] <kadams54> rick_h_: Hmm, I was running through QA and I'm seeing problems with il flag
[20:48] <kadams54> Charm API error of type: parameter_not_supported
[20:53] <rick_h_> kadams54: k, what was the request made?
[20:53] <rick_h_> kadams54: the ajax url that was built?
[20:53] <kadams54> Checking…
[20:53] <rick_h_> kadams54: and can you reproduce it on comingsoon?
[20:54] <kadams54> https://manage.jujucharms.com/api/3/search?text%5Btext%5D=apache
[20:55] <kadams54> When requesting
[20:55] <rick_h_> hmm, yea that is messed up
[20:55] <rick_h_> the text=text stuff is all wrong
[20:55] <rick_h_> jcsackett: if you get a sec to peek at ^
[20:55] <kadams54> Not reproducible on comingsoon, but that's not that surprising
[20:56] <kadams54> All this work originally started (IIRC) with the card about search info in the URL not being populated into the search box
[20:56] <rick_h_> kadams54: ok, so it is something from your branch then. I'll see if I can replicate
[20:56] <kadams54> Which is what I was testing when I ran into this…
[20:57] <rick_h_> kadams54: off to pick up the boy from day care. Push up the latest and I can try to reproduce and debug tonight
[20:57] <kadams54> Yeah, latest is pushed
[20:57] <rick_h_> ok, cool thanks
[20:58] <rick_h_> will peek after his bed time. Wife is away tonight
[20:58] <kadams54> Alright
[20:58] <kadams54> I need to make up my morning hours, so I'll also be up late.
[20:58] <jcsackett> kadams54: url for this branch? i have some notion what might be going on, but need to see your code.
[20:58] <rick_h_> kadams54: k, there should be something in jcsackett's branch involving state and your work that's mixed up generating the poor api url
[20:59] <kadams54> https://github.com/kadams54/juju-gui/tree/search-widget
[20:59] <kadams54> jcsackett: ^
[21:01] <jcsackett> kadams54: so, https://github.com/kadams54/juju-gui/commit/2bab254d773a270de6ec43e6ac39b066c26696d1
[21:02] <jcsackett> line 651 in the diff
[21:02] <kadams54> Yeah
[21:02] <kadams54> Yup
[21:03] <jcsackett> where you have viewCfg.filters.text = metadata.search, that doesn't account for the updates from my branch--switch that to either metadata.search.text, or see if you can just use state.get('filter)
[21:03] <jcsackett> sorry, i was syncing with your branch, and never saw that break.
[21:03] <arosales> rick_h_, what's the trick to use the console to update the environment name / type?
[21:03] <jcsackett> but that should fix your issue.
[21:04] <jcsackett> kadams54: if you can use state.get('filter') you should be doing view.Cfg.filters = state.get('filter')
[21:04] <kadams54> (y)
[21:05] <jcsackett> kadams54: or rather viewCfg.filters = state.get('filter').getFilterData() -- double check the actual name of that method.
[21:05] <jcsackett> "(y)" ? that's an IRC shorthand i haven't seen before. :p
[21:05] <kadams54> Yeah, that looks right
[21:05] <kadams54> I think it's actually Facebook/iOS/Skype shorthand :-)
[21:05] <jcsackett> oh, like (ninja)
[21:06] <kadams54> (y) == thumbs up
[21:06] <kadams54> Yeah
[21:06] <jcsackett> cool. good to know. :)
[21:06] <kadams54> (y)
[21:06] <kadams54> ;-)
[21:19] <kadams54> guihelp: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/262 ready for review and QA
[21:56] <rick_h_> arosales: second, I'll have to look it up.
[21:56] <arosales> rick_h_, ok thanks
[22:04] <rick_h_> arosales: pm'd to you
[22:07] <arosales> rick_h_, thanks