UbuntuIRC / 2014 /04 /23 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[01:08] <mwhudson> i'm seeing the local dnsmasq occasionally go screwy and not answering requests in trusty
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[03:35] <mdeslaur> FYI, python-django security update introduced a regression. Have identified upsteam bug and fix and will release updates shortly. (LP: #1311433)
[03:35] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1311433 in python-django (Ubuntu Trusty) "REGRESSION: AttributeError: 'functools.partial' object has no attribute '__module__' " [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1311433
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[04:49] <pitti> slangasek: indeed; this just ships some additional binaries now like /lib/systemd/systemd, it doesn't change the default
[04:49] <pitti> slangasek: i. e. the PPA is meant to land as it is; I disabled systemd-sysv, as that's uninstallable as long as many things depend on upstart only
[04:50] <pitti> slangasek: so for the time being one has to manually boot systemd, as in my blog
[04:50] <pitti> slangasek: and ISTR that we discussed in the hangout (or in the TC bug) that the systemd-sysv approach wasn't what we wanted?
[04:53] <Unit193> (I used a modified 10_linux to add it as an option to grub http://paste.openstack.org/show/K8PXsu8nhUxTz89yJg4M/ but then again I did several things differently than you did.)
[06:45] <dholbach> good morning
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[07:54] <NikTh> pitti: Hello , are you here ?
[07:54] <pitti> hello NikTh
[07:55] <NikTh> pitti: I just commented on your blog about systemd. It seems that there is no turning back to official packages ? e.g with ppa-purge I get an error about "Could not find package list..."
[07:56] <pitti> NikTh: if you don't boot with init=, it's not supposed to change anything; it seems this changed the NM behaviour somehow
[07:56] <pitti> NikTh: no idea why ppa-purge doesn't work; how did you call it?
[07:56] <pitti> it worked well enough some time ago
[07:56] <NikTh> pitti: sudo ppa-purge ppa:pitti/systemd
[07:57] <NikTh> pitti: ppa-purge is working on other ppas (I have tested it on other ppas just for sure)
[07:57] <NikTh> pitti: Yes, the NM does not work on upstart if you have updated the packages with systemd repo.
[07:58] <pitti> NikTh: hm, NM works fine here
[07:58] <pitti> (with upstart)
[07:58] <pitti> NikTh: what's the output of "nmcli nm"?
[07:58] <pitti> and is NM running at all? (pidof NetworkManager)
[07:59] <NikTh> Now I have booted in systemd , If I boot in upstart (now that I have updated through your repo) I don't have an active Internet connection. I can ping properly, but no application is able to resolve any host.
[08:01] <pitti> NikTh: right, so please give me the nmcli nm output under upstart; also, can you pastebin the complete ppa-purge output? this ought to work (and it's not specific to my PPA)
[08:01] <zyga> pitti: hey, very cool the work you did on bringing systemd to Ubuntu! :-)
[08:01] <pitti> zyga: it wasn't all that much really -- so far this is just what the Debian maintainers di :)
[08:01] <pitti> did
[08:01] <NikTh> I suspect something with resolv.conf , because now (with init=/lib/systemd/systemd) I can see nameserver correctly in contents. When I boot without the parameter resolv.conf is empty.
[08:02] <pitti> zyga: I merely created a lightdm unit, and our NM doesn't have units, everything else pretty much just worked
[08:02] <pitti> NikTh: right, that means NM/dnsmasq isn't running properly
[08:02] <zyga> pitti: do you think it is realistic we'll see systemd in u series early on?
[08:02] <zyga> pitti: as a default?
[08:03] <pitti> zyga: not as default; we first need to provide systemd equivalents of all the /etc/init/* bits
[08:03] <pitti> zyga: but I do intend to upload the PPA contents to U as soon as it opens; so far this should be fairly harmless
[08:03] <zyga> pitti: ah, right, I recall the transition uds sessions, it's a difficult nut to crack
[08:03] <tjaalton> could someone who knows grub2 have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1311247
[08:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1311247 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "error: malformed file, press any key to continue" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[08:03] <pitti> zyga: not particularly difficult, just some work (and probably merging with Debian and maybe stealing some units from Fedora)
[08:04] <zyga> pitti: does systemd upstream support running as a user session?
[08:04] <tjaalton> a friend of mine hit that bug
[08:04] <tjaalton> after lts->lts upgrade
[08:04] <NikTh> pitti: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=fLqniTEy
[08:04] <pitti> zyga: yes, but we'll look at that after settling the systemd side; one step at a time
[08:04] <zyga> pitti: well the transition decisions were hard (do we keep upstart to run unconverted jobs or do we break compatibility)
[08:04] <pitti> zyga: first we need to make that rock solid, and also make this work on the server and phone
[08:04] <pitti> zyga: see the BP; upstart should run as a "deputy init" for some time
[08:05] <zyga> pitti: has there been a decision to switch on phablet now?
[08:05] * zyga wonders how that will affect our initial product launches
[08:05] <pitti> NikTh: what do you have in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ? is there a .list for my PPA at all?
[08:05] <pitti> NikTh: maybe that's already gone
[08:06] <pitti> zyga: we of course can't do anything which breaks the phone; hence I just want to make this opt-in for now, so that interested developers can play with it, but we don't break anything
[08:07] <zyga> pitti: nice, I indend to give it a try as soon as U opens
[08:07] * zyga wonders when U will get a name and when the archive will be open
[08:08] <NikTh> pitti: is there, something wrecked I suspect with servers ? with launchpad ? I will test it again later.
[08:08] <pitti> zyga: there's the PPA for now
[08:08] <ogra_> zyga, pitti will be very carefull, if he breaks the phone he knows i can whine in his ear all day for the rest of the cycle if needed ;)
[08:08] <pitti> oh yes; and ogra_ lives near enough that I can hear him whining from here!
[08:08] <ogra_> pitti, could we get armhf builds in your PPA ?
[08:08] <ogra_> :)
[08:08] <doko_> heulsuse
[08:08] <ogra_> lol
[08:09] <pitti> ogra_: my layman PPA doesn't have ARM, but I can do a manual build and put them on people or so
[08:09] <pitti> ogra_: but U will be open soon enough, then we'll just get them from the archive :)
[08:09] <ogra_> pitti, just ask the LP team to enable armhf
[08:09] <zyga> ogra_: heh :-)
[08:09] <ogra_> soon enough ... right
[08:09] <pitti> dear sabdfl, please give us an adjective
[08:09] <pitti> for the Undeniable Unicorn
[08:10] <pitti> or Untitled Ubuntu
[08:10] * ogra_ thinks this is a conspiracy between mark and randall ross to make planet more popular again
[08:10] <asac> the "unnamed ubuntu" :)
[08:10] <asac> hehe right
[08:10] <NikTh> pitti: What is your understanding on this ? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=6EbQSq8B
[08:10] <ogra_> suddenly everyone has it open again and hits F5 all day
[08:10] <pitti> NikTh: oh, suddenly it works?
[08:11] <mvo> uber Uguisu
[08:11] <zyga> uncanny underdog
[08:11] <pitti> yeah, http://www.list-of-animals.com/u.html is hopelessly small :/
[08:11] <mvo> yep
[08:11] * mvo like uncanny underdog
[08:12] <NikTh> pitti: I don't think it worked properly. Did not downgrade the packages properly.
[08:12] <pitti> actually, maybe ogra's head will look like http://www.list-of-animals.com/details-uakari after landing systemd :)
[08:12] <zyga> lol :)
[08:12] <ogra_> LOL !
[08:13] <pitti> NikTh: hm, right; so it seems ppa-purge is broken :(
[08:14] <pitti> NikTh: what happens if you try: sudo apt-get install network-manager/trusty ?
[08:14] <pitti> NikTh: oh, you need to remove /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pitti-systemd-trusty.list first and run sudo apt-get update
[08:15] <NikTh> pitti: I will try something else first.. wait. I have added the ppa again and I will try to remove it again, because ppa-purge worked as it should on other ppas. Only this one seems to have some difficulties.
[08:16] <pitti> NikTh: otherwise, try
[08:16] <pitti> sudo dpkg --P --force-depends systemd
[08:16] <pitti> sudo apt-get install {udev,network-manager,libgudev-1.0-0,lightdm,systemd-services,libpam-systemd,gir1.2-gudev-1.0,libnm-glib-vpn1,libnm-util2,gir1.2-networkmanager-1.0,libnm-glib4,liblightdm-gobject-1-0,libsystemd-login0,libsystemd-daemon0,libsystemd-journal0,libudev1,libudev1:i386}/trusty
[08:17] <pitti> NikTh: but yes, re-adding and re-removing sounds worth a try, too
[08:18] <NikTh> pitti: what would you answer on this ? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=xAxT8vXH . I would answer yes, but as I said something weird is happening with the packages.
[08:19] <pitti> NikTh: yes, that looks right
[08:19] <pitti> NikTh: i. e. "y"
[08:20] <NikTh> pitti: :-)
[08:20] <pitti> NikTh: the PPA removes systemd-services and adds systemd, so ppa-purge should revert that
[08:21] <NikTh> pitti: Here is another funny part : http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Ln2CwpWk
[08:23] <pitti> NikTh: ah, yes; better do that when running under upstart; the trusty version has no idea about systemd, it assumes upstart is there
[08:26] <NikTh> pitti: the funny thing is that NM (as we said before) does not work under upstart, so it cannot read any packages list.
[08:26] <pitti> NikTh: it already downloaded everything, so it should
[08:27] <pitti> NikTh: but as I said, I have no idea why NM doesn't work for you, it does here; I need "nmcli nm" as a first step for debugging that
[08:28] <pitti> NikTh: but you should run apt-get install -f first; it seems with all the ppa-purge stuff you wrecked your packages quite a bit :(
[08:28] <NikTh> pitti: quite a bit ? quite a LOT I would say. :P
[08:32] <NikTh> I will reboot in upstart now.. what logs you may want to keep for the NM/dnsmasq problem ?
[08:32] <NikTh> pitti:
[08:32] <pitti> NikTh: not sure yet; could be that NM doesn't start up at all (nmcli will fail then), or doesn't see the connections, etc.
[08:33] <pitti> NikTh: I kind of hope it fails to start completey (although I can't reproduce that), as everything else would be rather unrelated to upstart vs. systemd
[08:33] <NikTh> Ok, I'll see. See you later.
[08:33] <pitti> NikTh: /var/log/syslog is interesting in most cases
[08:53] <pitti> mvo: with python-apt, I can only call mark_install() on an apt.package.Package object; but I have already picked a (non-default) version from its .versions array, can I somehow mark *that* for install instead of the most current version?
[08:54] <pitti> mvo: or do I have to call fetch_binary on the apt.package.Version object, and drop the usage of apt.apt_pkg.Acquire?
[08:56] <mvo> pitti: yes, just change the candidate version and then call mark install
[08:57] <mvo> pitti: i.e. pkg.candidate = some_different_ver should work
[08:57] <pitti> mvo: ooh! thanks!
[08:57] <mvo> pitti: if not let me know and point me to the code please so that I can poke around
[08:59] <pitti> mvo: it works wonderfully, thanks!
[08:59] <NikTh> pitti: I'm back :)
[09:00] <mvo> pitti: great to hear
[09:00] <NikTh> I have resolved(short of) the problem with resolv.conf in upstart mode. I "hacked" manually the /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head and added a custom nameserver like
[09:01] <pitti> NikTh: so is NM running at all?
[09:01] <NikTh> But when I ran resolvconf -u guess what the message was ?
[09:01] <NikTh> Yes, NM was running, nmcli nm returned enabled active running..
[09:02] <NikTh> As I told before that I can ping, but it cannot resolve any host.
[09:02] <pitti> so what was the error message?
[09:02] <NikTh> /etc/resolvconf/update.d/libc: Warning: /etc/resolv.conf is not a symbolic link to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf
[09:04] <pitti> ok, that sounds rather unrelated to what boots your system :)
[09:04] <NikTh> So I made the symbolic link properly and now I am in upstart mode with NM full working. nslookup return the appropriate messages
[09:04] <pitti> nice
[09:05] <pitti> NikTh: well, it could certainly be related to /etc/init/resolvconf.conf not having a systemd equivalent
[09:05] <pitti> (nor an init.d one)
[09:05] <NikTh> The thing here is that before I upgrade from your repo I didn't have any problem, but I will not insist, because I had one other testing repo except yours. :)
[09:06] <NikTh> Anyway, I will try to fix the other errors now, with ppa-purge
[09:06] <pitti> NikTh: it could certainly be; in my VM /etc/resolv.conf isn't a symlink either
[09:06] <pitti> NikTh: so thanks for pointing that out!
[09:08] <NikTh> pitti: I will still keep testing your repo/packages/systemd.. you can consider me as a tester on this migration :-) I use systemd in Arch Linux and Fedora.. so I think I can help a little bit :)
[09:10] <pitti> NikTh: nice! yes, I just confirmed that booting with systemd replaces the symlink with a file; I'll fix that
[09:11] <pitti> NikTh: so, thanks for reporting that!
[09:11] <NikTh> pitti: Ok. Glad I helped :-)
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[09:15] <ogra_> asac, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!
[09:15] <pitti> oh, alles Gute asac!
[09:15] <NikTh> pitti: ppa-pure now worked as it should. The user must purge the ppa in upstart mode (as you indicated earlier) or it will not work. Everything back to normal :)
[09:16] <pitti> yay
[09:16] <mvo> ohhh, asac HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)
[09:18] <asac> omg
[09:18] <asac> now the public reminder :P
[09:18] <ogra_> :)
[09:18] <asac> ogra_: pitti: mvo: thx
[09:18] <asac> i feel honoured to be with you guys on my birthday :P
[09:19] <asac> even if only remotely
[09:19] <asac> hehe
[09:19] <ogra_> heh
[09:20] <seb128> asac, happy birthday!
[09:21] <asac> seb128: thanks!
[09:25] <mvo> asac: haha
[09:26] <asac> mvo: at least you are ahead of me :) (i hope i remember correctly)
[09:29] <mvo> asac: I think so, yes - and ogra_ as well ;)
[09:29] <ogra_> yeah, i'm an old fart
[09:29] <Laney> you old guys...
[10:11] <NoNameYet_xnox> Laney: =))) happy two years!
[10:11] <mlankhorst> still no name?
[10:11] <Laney> NoNameYet_xnox: !!!
[10:17] <mvo> Laney: ohhh, congrats
[10:18] <Laney> mvo: thanks
[10:18] <Laney> xnox too (we're twins)
[10:18] <Laney> (ish)
[10:18] <NoNameYet_xnox> =)
[10:21] <seb128> NoNameYet_xnox, is there for as long as Laney is?
[10:21] <seb128> happy anniversary guys ;-)
[10:22] <NoNameYet_xnox> seb128: yeah =) on parole that is, Laney was in the community for longer than I have been.
[10:22] <NoNameYet_xnox> *payroll
[10:26] <seb128> NoNameYet_xnox, k, that's probably why it feels like Laney has been there for ever ;-)
[10:27] <Laney> doesn't to me :P
[10:29] <dholbach> asac, happy birthday! :)
[10:34] <asac> dholbach: o/
[10:34] <asac> thanks!
[10:37] <zyga> asac: happy birthday :-)
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[10:40] <doko> asac, wußte ich doch daß asac für "Alter S***" steht ;-P Viel Spaß beim Zählen der Jahresringe =)
[10:41] <asac> doko: :P
[10:41] <asac> immer diese typisch deutschen witze
[10:41] <asac> hehe
[10:41] <asac> zyga: thanks!
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[11:06] <NoNameYet_xnox> doko: wouldn't it be helpful for gcc-multilib to ship e.g. i386-linux-gnu-gcc (et.al.) binaries/symlinks?
[11:07] <NoNameYet_xnox> (for symmetry with gcc:i386 on i386)
[11:11] <doko> can't be symlinks, and needs some thoughts what the defaults should be ...
[11:29] <work_alkisg> There's a translateable string in gedit that sets the preferred encoding for the current locale. It was translated wrong for the "el" locale until today, when I notified the gnome-gr team and we fixed it upstream.
[11:29] <work_alkisg> I want to backport that translation for previous versions of Ubuntu, e.g. 12.04, 14.04 etc. If I go to translations.launchpad.net and edit it (I have the required rights), it'll show up in the next "language-pack-el", right? Or do I need to file a bug report/SRU about it?
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[11:35] <NoNameYet_xnox> alkisg: yes, just edit it on translations.lauchpad.net for all affected releases. a lang-pack refresh will pick it up.
[11:36] <alkisg> Thank you NoNameYet_xnox, done: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/gedit/+pots/gedit/el/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=ISO-8859-15
[11:36] <NoNameYet_xnox> alkisg: i think we do langpack refresh at point releases so 14.04.1 and 12.04.5 will have it fixed.
[11:36] <alkisg> Cool
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[12:15] <caribou> Laney: I have a question regarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sosreport/+bug/1296755
[12:15] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1296755 in sosreport (Ubuntu Saucy) "sosreport archive /var/lib/maas by default" [Medium,In progress]
[12:16] <caribou> Laney: you added a task for Quantal-backport, any reason for that ? this release is EOL
[12:18] <Laney> caribou: It's not, not for a few weeks yet
[12:18] <caribou> Laney: is it worth going through the backport trouble for that ? I wouldn't think so
[12:18] <caribou> Laney: sosreport is mainly used by the support engineers
[12:19] <Laney> it's up to you
[12:19] <caribou> Laney: ok, I will mark the Quantal backport as "Wont fix" and concentrate on Precise
[12:19] <Laney> If you want to update it in P then that's what is needed
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[12:20] <Laney> So sez the rules of backports
[12:21] <caribou> Laney: you mean I just have to wait a week and I'll only have to worry about precise ?
[12:21] <Laney> Probably more like 4 weeks, but there's no announcement about that yet
[12:21] <caribou> Laney: well, both P & Q sosreport versions are the same; I'll build debdiffs for both
[12:22] <caribou> Laney: thanks for the details
[12:22] <Laney> Don't think it'll be hard to boot a Quantal VM and see if it runs
[12:22] <Laney> the standard required isn't very high
[12:22] <caribou> indeed
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[13:38] <arges> Trevinho: hi, I'm looking at bug 723167, and notice that this issue was partially fixed. Would you like me to open a new bug, or mark this bug back to 'New' status. Thanks
[13:38] <ubottu> bug 723167 in cairo (Ubuntu) "Fuzzy fonts caused by Cairo antialiasing artifacts with Radiance theme." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/723167
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[14:31] <slangasek> pitti: I certainly expect that systemd will be providing /sbin/init eventually, and we're not going to have to manually boot, if that's what you mean
[14:32] <pitti> slangasek: ah, so we don't want a separate systemd-sysv, just move /sbin/init, poweroff, etc. from upstart to systemd?
[14:32] <pitti> slangasek: (as we only support one system, not multiple as Debian)
[14:32] <slangasek> pitti: I think that would be the eventual goal; I'm not sure we need to diverge in the other direction from the Debian packaging
[14:33] <pitti> slangasek: ok; well, let's figure that out when the time comes :)
[14:33] <pitti> debian delta wise, it might just be easiest to have systemd-sysv after all
[14:37] <Logan_> Riddell: yeah, everything seems to be in limbo due to not having a codename
[14:37] <Logan_> we can't even update distro-info-data properly yet
[14:39] <Adri2000> almost one week after the release :/
[14:41] <Riddell> seems most unprofessional
[14:44] <pitti> Riddell: yes, it's really blocked; you wouldn't know what to put into debian/changelog and the .changes file, for starters
[14:45] <dobey> pitti: "unstable" :)
[14:45] <pitti> dobey: I still call dibs on "Untitled Ubuntu"
[14:46] <Logan_> sabdfl is letting us down
[14:47] <pitti> PPAs FTW..
[14:47] <NoNameYet_xnox> pitti: well, you can upload to "devel" but that would still at the moment end up in trusty's queue.
[14:47] <pitti> yeah, wrong target
[14:47] <Logan_> nice nick, Dimitri :P
[14:48] <ogra_> Logan_, dont you have to call him John now ?
[14:48] <ogra_> :)
[14:48] <NoNameYet_xnox> pitti: at one point there was a plan to use devel alias all the time (like in debian) but apt complaints about something (can't remember i think if one uses devel in sources.list)
[14:49] <pitti> NoNameYet_xnox: I had used devel in apt sources for quite some time; but I reverted it as I ran into hash sum mismatches way more often than with "trusty"
[14:49] <NoNameYet_xnox> pitti: it would be nice if we could keep devel always open, similar to how fedora's raw-hide is always open, and stable release is simply branched at FF or some such.
[14:49] <pitti> NoNameYet_xnox: I mainly suspect that the symlinks interact badly with apt-cacher-ng
[14:49] <pitti> NoNameYet_xnox: rolling release! *cough*
[14:49] <Logan_> NoNameYet_xnox: so... Debian?
[14:50] <NoNameYet_xnox> Logan_: well that's how i've been doing my merges yesterday - > by forwarding patches to debian and tricking maintainers to upload them =)
[14:50] <Logan_> that's the best way to do them :)
[14:50] <NoNameYet_xnox> i guess i should start mass NMUs....
[14:51] <barry> i just want my tab completion to stop getting confused on "tru" when i have both trusty and trunk directories
[14:52] <Logan_> could we maybe make "u-series" an alias for whatever adjective he comes up with?
[14:53] <NoNameYet_xnox> barry: well i have "trusty" and "u-series"
[14:55] <barry> NoNameYet_xnox: yeah. i always branch into a dir named after the series. it was a bit painful last cycle ;)
[15:09] <MacSlow> jamesh_, ping
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[15:55] <ryanprior> Is there a PPA for the latest Qt and Qt Creator on 13.10?
[15:59] <Logan_> ryanprior: looks like https://launchpad.net/~alexey-ivanov/+archive/qtcreator has the latest Qt Creator
[16:03] <ryanprior> Logan_: thanks. Looks like that's still Qt4. I'm also interested in using the latest Qt but I haven't been able to find a repo with both the latest Qt and the latest Qt Creator.
[16:03] <Logan_> build from source?
[16:04] <ryanprior> Logan_: I can sure do that. I just figured that since Ubuntu has been doing so much Qt work already, somebody might already be tracking the latest stable releases so that I wouldn't have to.
[16:06] <ryanprior> Logan_: if I start building from source at every new stable release, I might as well maintain a PPA with the latest Qt and Qt Creator packages. But I figured somebody here might already be doing that.
[16:06] <NoNameYet_xnox> ryanprior: what do you define as "latest"?
[16:07] <NoNameYet_xnox> ryanprior: qt5 in ubuntu is at 5.2.1
[16:08] <NoNameYet_xnox> ryanprior: which is latest stable release at this point.
[16:08] <ryanprior> NoNameYet_xnox: in Saucy it's 5.0.2
[16:09] <Logan_> ryanprior: why not upgrade?
[16:09] <NoNameYet_xnox> ryanprior: upgrade to 14.04 LTS, it's out now.
[16:10] <ryanprior> NoNameYet_xnox: because I'm in the middle of development and don't have a second machine I can get all set up and migrate to. If I screw up my only machine during upgrade then I'll have to sink a day restoring my data and configuration from backups.
[16:10] <NoNameYet_xnox> ryanprior: or start 14.04 in lxc container / chroot to launch/use newer qt.
[16:10] <NoNameYet_xnox> or use a VM.
[16:11] <NoNameYet_xnox> ryanprior: trying to retro-fit 5.2 onto 13.10 is the surest way to break your machine, since it's a large transition which is only correctly compatible with 14.04.
[16:11] <ryanprior> NoNameYet_xnox: okay, I'll look into the chroot option. That sounds pretty sensible.
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[17:28] <Logan_> guess who just got a text about a post by Mark :D
[17:28] <Logan_> (I love it)
=== Logan_ is now known as UtopicUnicorn
[17:35] <UtopicUnicorn> NoNameYet_xnox: time to change your nick :P
[17:35] <ogra_> ++
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
[17:40] <zyga> ohhh yes
[17:40] <zyga> unicorns it is
[17:40] * zyga looks forward to natty narwhal videos for unicorns
[17:42] <UtopicUnicorn> I'm going to need the t-shirt for this release
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[17:55] <dobey> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9auOCbH5Ns4
[17:55] <zyga> dobey: but is that a *utopic* unocirn ;) ?
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[18:01] <dobey> zyga: well it's not a breezy badger, waving its arms around
[18:01] * zyga loves this job
[18:03] <Quintasan> Well
[18:03] <Quintasan> I guess it's time for some rainbows in default wallpapers
[18:03] <dobey> heh
[18:05] <sarnold> hehe
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[18:30] <apw> pitti, i seem to remember us talking (maybe at a real uds so this could be old) that mountall should but did not fix premounted filesystem's options to match mtab, for things like /proc and /sys; can you recall the discussion?
[18:30] <apw> pitti, and, ugg, does this flow over into systemd at all
[18:31] <ogra_> apw, doesnt systemd require that mounting happens in the initrd ?
[18:31] * ogra_ heard that somewhere ... might be a myth
[18:32] * apw looks clueless about systemd (pretty impressive over irc i recon)
[18:34] <ogra_> heh
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=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
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[20:59] <bdmurray> mpt: Do you a suggestion for a color for the retracers graph for failed retraces for 14.10? https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~daisy-pluckers/errors/trunk/view/head:/errors/static/js/retracers.js
[21:01] <infinity> bdmurray: Pink. With unicorns surfing the peaks.
[21:25] <Logan_> well, that's just special
[21:26] <Logan_> I proposed a merge for a branch that I can push to
[21:27] <dobey> and?
[21:27] <dobey> i do that daily :)
[21:28] <Logan_> it was a minor change that didn't really need approval, and I didn't realize I had access to the branch :P
[21:39] <Logan_> tumbleweed: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/ubuntu-dev-tools/trunk/revision/1420
[21:39] <Logan_> fixed that from your change in 2011: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/ubuntu-dev-tools/trunk/revision/1201.1.33 :P
[21:39] <Logan_> it was quitting if people said "yes" and continuing if "no"
[21:39] <Logan_> and it was asking if people wanted to continue :P
[21:43] <tumbleweed> Logan_: thanks
[21:44] <Logan_> no problem
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